echo 'not implemented'
+" if entire message is not visible scroll down 1/2 page or less to get to the bottom of message
+" otherwise go to next message
+" any message that is viewed entirely has inbox and unread tags removed
function! s:NM_show_advance_marking_read_and_archiving()
- echo 'not implemented'
+ let advance_tags = ['unread', 'inbox']
+ let vis_top = line('w0')
+ let vis_bot = line('w$')
+ let msg_top = <SID>NM_show_get_message_for_line(vis_top)
+ if !has_key(msg_top,'id')
+ echo "No top visible message."
+ endif
+ " if the top message is the last message, just expunge the entire thread and move on
+ if msg_top['end'] == line('$')
+ let ids = []
+ for msg in b:nm_raw_info['msgs']
+ if has_key(msg,'match') && msg['match'] != '0'
+ if len(ids)
+ call add(ids, 'OR')
+ endif
+ call add(ids, msg['id'])
+ endif
+ endfor
+ let filter = ['('] + advance_tags + [')', 'AND', '('] + ids + [')']
+echo 'NM_add_remove_tags ALL filter=' . string(filter)
+ call <SID>NM_add_remove_tags(filter, '-', advance_tags)
+ call <SID>NM_show_next(1, 1)
+ return
+ endif
+ let msg_bot = <SID>NM_show_get_message_for_line(vis_bot)
+ if !has_key(msg_bot,'id')
+ echo "No bottom visible message."
+ endif
+ echo 'top=' . msg_top['id'] . ' bot=' . msg_top['id']
+ " if entire message fits on the screen, read/archive it, move to the next one
+ if msg_top['id'] != msg_bot['id'] || msg_top['end'] <= vis_bot
+ call <SID>NM_add_remove_tags_on_screen(msg_top['start'], '-', advance_tags)
+ exec printf('norm %dG', vis_top)
+ call <SID>NM_show_next(0, 1)
+ if has_key(msg_top,'match') && msg_top['match'] != '0'
+ redraw
+ " do this last to hide the latency
+ let filter = ['('] + advance_tags + [')', 'AND', msg_top['id']]
+echo 'NM_add_remove_tags 1 filter=' . string(filter)
+ call <SID>NM_add_remove_tags(filter, '-', advance_tags)
+ endif
+ return
+ endif
+ " entire message does not fit on the screen, scroll down to bottom, max 1/2 screen
+ let jmp = winheight(winnr()) / 2
+ let max = msg_bot['end'] - vis_bot
+ if jmp > max
+ let jmp = max
+ endif
+ exec printf('norm %dGzt', vis_top + jmp)
+ return
function! s:NM_show_pipe_message()