+++ /dev/null
-# $Id$
-TOP = ../../..
-include $(TOP)/config.mk/template
-export RPC_TEST_SRVTAB := /tmp/rpc_test_v5srvtab
-unit-test:: unit-test-setup unit-test-body unit-test-cleanup
- ./rpc_test_setup.sh
- $(RUNTEST) SERVER=../server CLIENT=../client --tool rpc_test
- -rm -f /tmp/rpc_test_v5srvtab /tmp/krb5cc_rpc_test_fullrun
- $(CLEAN) rpc_test.log rpc_test.plog rpc_test.sum rpc_test.psum
+++ /dev/null
-# $Id$
-set kill /bin/kill
-set sleep /bin/sleep
-set kinit $env(TOP)/install/bin/kinit
-set kdestroy $env(TOP)/install/bin/kdestroy
-set hostname [exec hostname]
-proc rpc_test_version {} {
- global CLIENT
- global SERVER
- clone_output "$CLIENT version <unknown>"
- clone_output "$SERVER version <unknown>"
-proc rpc_test_load {} {
- #
-# rpc_test_exit -- clean up and exit
-proc rpc_test_exit {} {
- global server_id
- global server_pid
- global server_started
- global kill
- if {[catch {
- expect {
- -i $server_id
- eof {
- fail "server exited!"
- verbose $expect_out(buffer) 1
- }
- timeout { pass "server survived" }
- }
- } tmp]} {
- fail "server exited! (expect failed)"
- }
-# rpc_test_start -- start the rpc_test server running
-proc rpc_test_start { } {
- global SERVER
- global server_id
- global server_pid
- global server_started
- global env
- verbose "% $SERVER" 1
- set server_pid [spawn $SERVER]
- set server_id $spawn_id
- unset env(KRB5KTNAME)
- set timeout 30
- expect {
- "running" { }
- eof {
- fail "server exited!"
- verbose $expect_out(buffer) 1
- }
- timeout {
- fail "server didn't start in $timeout seconds"
- verbose $expect_out(buffer) 1
- }
- }
+++ /dev/null
-if {[info commands exp_version] != {}} {
- set exp_version_4 [regexp {^4} [exp_version]]
-} else {
- set exp_version_4 [regexp {^4} [expect_version]]
-# Backward compatibility until we're using expect 5 everywhere
-if {$exp_version_4} {
- global wait_error_index wait_errno_index wait_status_index
- set wait_error_index 0
- set wait_errno_index 1
- set wait_status_index 1
-} else {
- set wait_error_index 2
- set wait_errno_index 3
- set wait_status_index 3
-proc kinit {princ pass lifetime} {
- global kinit
- global wait_error_index wait_errno_index wait_status_index
- spawn -noecho $kinit -l $lifetime $princ
- expect {
- -re "Password for $princ.*: " { send "$pass\n" }
- timeout { error "Timeout waiting for kinit"; close }
- }
- expect { eof {} }
- set ret [wait]
- if {[lindex $ret $wait_error_index] == -1} {
- error \
- "wait(kinit $princ) returned error [lindex $ret $wait_errno_index]"
- } else {
- if {[lindex $ret $wait_status_index] != 0} {
- error \
- "kinit $princ failed with [lindex $ret $wait_status_index]"
- }
- }
-proc flush_server {} {
- global server_id
- global expect_out
- verbose "flushing server output" 1
- while {1} {
- set timeout 5
- expect {
- -i $server_id
- -re "^.+$" {
- verbose "server output: $expect_out(buffer)"
- }
- timeout { break }
- }
- }
-proc start_client {testname ccname user password lifetime count
- {target ""}} {
- global env
- global CLIENT
- global hostname
- global spawn_id
- global verbose
- if {$target == ""} {
- set target "server@$hostname"
- }
- set env(KRB5CCNAME) FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_rpc_test_$ccname
- kinit $user $password $lifetime
- if {$verbose > 0} {
- spawn $CLIENT -a 1 -s 1 -m 1 $hostname $target $count
- } else {
- spawn $CLIENT $hostname $target $count
- }
- verbose "$testname: client $ccname started"
- unset env(KRB5CCNAME)
-proc eof_client {testname ccname id status} {
- verbose "$testname: eof'ing for client $ccname" 1
- expect {
- -i $id
- eof { verbose $expect_out(buffer) 1 }
- timeout {
- fail "$testname: timeout waiting for client $ccname to exit"
- }
- }
- wait_client $testname $ccname $id $status
-proc wait_client {testname ccname id status} {
- global env
- global kill
- global kdestroy
- global wait_error_index wait_errno_index wait_status_index
- verbose "$testname: waiting for client $ccname" 1
- set ret [wait -i $id]
- if {[lindex $ret $wait_error_index] == -1} {
- fail \
- "$testname: wait $ccname returned error [lindex $ret $wait_errno_index]"
- } else {
- if {[lindex $ret $wait_status_index] == $status} {
- pass "$testname: client $ccname"
- } else {
- fail "$testname: client $ccname: unexpected return status [lindex $ret $wait_status_index], should be $status."
- }
- }
- set env(KRB5CCNAME) FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_rpc_test_$ccname
- if {[catch "exec $kdestroy"] != 0} {
- error "$testname: cannot destroy client $ccname ccache"
- }
- unset env(KRB5CCNAME)
+++ /dev/null
-set timeout 40
-load_lib "helpers.exp"
-global spawn_id
-start_client expire 1 testuser notathena 20m 100
-set client1_id $spawn_id
-start_client expire 2 testuser notathena 40m 300
-set client2_id $spawn_id
-start_client expire 3 testuser notathena 60m 500
-set client3_id $spawn_id
-eof_client expire 1 $client1_id 0
-eof_client expire 2 $client2_id 0
-eof_client expire 3 $client3_id 0
+++ /dev/null
-set timeout 120
-load_lib "helpers.exp"
-global spawn_id
-global server_id
-# Start the client and do a full run
-start_client "full run" fullrun testuser notathena 8 1026
-set client_id $spawn_id
-# test: did we get 11 dots?
-verbose "Starting RPC echo test. This will take about 50 seconds.\n"
-set ver_line "rpc_test server: bad verifier\[^\r\n\]*\n"
-set dots 0
-set server_lines 0
-while {1} {
- set oldtimeout $timeout
- set timeout 5
- while {1} {
- expect {
- -i $server_id
- -re $ver_line {
- verbose "Got line from server."
- incr server_lines
- }
- default {
- break
- }
- }
- }
- set timeout $oldtimeout
- expect {
- -i $client_id
- . {
- incr dots
- verbose "$expect_out(buffer)" 1
- if ($dots==11) { break }
- }
- eof {
- #
- # test: was the exit status right?
- #
- wait_client "full run" fullrun $client_id 0
- break
- }
- timeout {
- verbose "Timeout waiting for dot\n" 1
- fail "full run: timeout waiting for dot"
- break
- }
- }
-if {$dots==11} {
- pass "fullrun: echo test"
-} else {
- fail "fullrun: echo test: expected 11 dots, got $dots"
-# test: server logged four bad verifiers?
-verbose "full run: checking server output"
-# Small timeout, since the server should have already printed everything
-set timeout 5
-while {$server_lines < 4} {
- expect {
- -i $server_id
- -re $ver_line {
- incr server_lines
- }
- -re ".+\r\n" {
- verbose "Unexpected server output: $expect_out(buffer)"
- }
- default {
- break
- }
- }
-if {$server_lines == 4} {
- pass "fullrun: bad verifiers"
-} else {
- fail "fullrun: expected four bad verifiers, got $server_lines"
+++ /dev/null
-set timeout 30
-load_lib "helpers.exp"
-global spawn_id
-global server_id
-global hostname
-start_client "gss err" gsserr testuser notathena 8 1026 notserver@$hostname
-eof_client "gss err" gsserr $spawn_id 2
-# test: server logged an authentication attempted failed?
-verbose "gss err: checking server output"
-expect {
- -i $server_id
- -re "rpc_test server: Authent.*failed: .* Wrong princ" {
- pass "gss err: server logged auth error"
- }
- eof { fail "gss err: server exited" }
- timeout { fail "gss err: timeout waiting for server output" }
+++ /dev/null
-# This script performs additional setup for the RPC unit test. It
-# assumes that gmake has put TOP and RPC_TEST_SRVTAB into the
-# environment.
-# $Id$
-# $Source$
-DUMMY=${TCLUTIL=$TESTDIR/tcl/util.t}; export TCLUTIL
-# If it's set, set it to true
-# Otherwise, set it to false
-if $VERBOSE; then
- REDIRECT='>/dev/null'
-PATH=$TOP/install/admin:$PATH; export PATH
-CANON_HOST=`perl -e 'chop($_=\`hostname\`);($n,$a,$t,$l,@a)=gethostbyname($_);($_)=gethostbyaddr($a[0],$t); print;'`
-export CANON_HOST
-source $env(TCLUTIL)
-set h $env(CANON_HOST)
-puts stdout [ovsec_kadm_init admin admin $OVSEC_KADM_ADMIN_SERVICE null $OVSEC_KADM_STRUCT_VERSION $OVSEC_KADM_API_VERSION_1 server_handle]
-puts stdout [ovsec_kadm_create_principal $server_handle [simple_principal server/$h] {OVSEC_KADM_PRINCIPAL} admin]
-puts stdout [ovsec_kadm_randkey_principal $server_handle server/$h key]
-puts stdout [ovsec_kadm_create_principal $server_handle [simple_principal notserver/$h] {OVSEC_KADM_PRINCIPAL} admin]
-puts stdout [ovsec_kadm_randkey_principal $server_handle notserver/$h key]
-puts stdout [ovsec_kadm_destroy $server_handle]
-grep -s "$CANON_HOST SECURE-TEST.OV.COM" /etc/krb.realms
-if [ $? != 0 ]; then
- eval echo \"Adding \$CANON_HOST SECURE-TEST.OV.COM to /etc/krb.realms\" $REDIRECT
- ed /etc/krb.realms <<EOF >/dev/null