--- /dev/null
+The following exercises do not contain solutions. Yet. Instead, we will be
+asking you to submit your solutions to these exercises and then we will post up
+solutions at the start of next week. We encourage you to discuss your approaches
+or solutions on the course forum!
+To submit your exercises, please create a `testing` folder in your personal
+folder in the course repository. Place all of the code and files for theses
+exercises in that folder and be sure to check it in.
+## Exercise 1: Mileage
+The function 'convert_mileage' converts miles per gallon (US style) to liters
+per 100 km (metric style):
+ gal_to_litre = 3.78541178
+ mile_to_km = 1.609344
+ def convert_mileage(mpg):
+ '''Converts miles per gallon to liters per 100 km'''
+ litres_per_100_km = 100 / mpg / mile_to_km * gal_to_litre
+ return litres_per_100_km
+Create a subdirectory in your version control directory called `testing`, then
+copy this function into a file in that directory called `mileage.py`. Add more
+code to that file to repeatedly ask the user for a mileage in miles per gallon,
+and output the mileage in liters per 100 km, until the user enters the string
+"`q`". You will need to use the `float()` function to convert from string to a
+floating point number. Use the '`if __name__ == "__main__":`' trick to ensure
+that the module can be imported without executing your testing code.
+1. Copy `mileage.py` to create `tryexcept.py` Add a try/except block to the new
+program to display a helpful message instead of crashing when users enter
+invalid input (such as the number "0" or the name of their favorite hockey
+2. Reading the function again, you realize that accepting 0 or negative values
+make no sense and should be reported as an error. Look at the exceptions defined
+in the `exceptions` module (use the built-in `help(...)` or `dir(...)`
+functions) and decide which of Python's built-in exceptions is most appropriate
+to use for invalid input. Create a copy of 'tryexcept.py' called 'raiser.py'
+that raises this exception; modify the main body of your program to catch it;
+and add a comment inside the file explaining why you chose the exception you
+did. (Note: you have to call this file `raiser.py`, not `raise.py` because
+'import raise' is an error. Â Can you see why?)
+3. [According to
+20 miles per gallon are equivalent to 11.7607292 liters per 100 km. Use these
+values to write a unit test. Keep in mind that these floating values are subject
+to truncation and rounding errors. Save the test case in a file called
+`test_mileage.py` and run it using the `nosetests` command. Â Note:
+`test_mileage.py` should use '`from raiser import convert_mileage`' to get the
+final version of your mileage conversion function.
+4. Now add a second test case, for 40 miles per gallon equivalent to 5.88036458
+liters per 100 km and run the tests again. Â Unless you have already fixed the
+error that was present in the initial function, your test should fail. Â Find
+and fix the error; submit your new function in a file called 'final_mileage.py'.
+## Exercise 2: Testing Averages
+The results of a set of experiments are stored in a file, where the _i-th_ line
+stores the results of the _i-th_ experiment as a comma-separated list of
+integers. A student is assigned the task of finding the experiment with the
+smallest average value. She writes the following code:
+ def avg_line(line):
+ values = line.split(',')
+ count = 0
+ total = 0
+ for value in values:
+ total += int(value)
+ count += 1
+ return total / count
+ def min_avg(file_name):
+ contents = open(file_name)
+ averages = []
+ for (i, line) in enumerate(contents):
+ averages.append((avg_line(line), i))
+ contents.close()
+ averages.sort()
+ min_avg, experiment_number = averages[0]
+ return experiment_number
+1. Refactor `min_avg` so that it can be tested without depending on external
+files. Submit your code in a file called `first_averages.py`.
+2. Write Nose test cases for both functions. Consider what should happen if the
+file is empty. Submit your tests in a file called `test_first_averages.py`.
+Note: you may assume for now that all input is well formatted, i.e., you do
+_not_ have to worry about empty lines, lines containing the names of hockey
+teams, etc.
+3. The given specification is ambiguous: what should the result be if two or
+more experiments are tied for the minimum average? Copy 'first_averages.py' to
+create a new file 'second_averages.py'; modify it to handle this case; add a
+comment to the top explaining what rule you decided to use; and create a file
+'test_second_averages.py' that tests your changes.
+4. Another student proposed an alternative implementation of the min_avg
+ def min_avg(file_name):
+ contents = open(file_name).readlines()
+ min_avg = avg_line(contents[0])
+ min_index = 0
+ for (i,line) in enumerate(contents):
+ current_avg = avg_line(line)
+ if current_avg <= min_avg:
+ min_avg = current_avg
+ min_index = i
+ return min_index
+This implementation also finds an experiment with the smallest average, but
+possibly a different one than the your function. Modify your test cases so that
+both your implementation and this one will pass. (Hint: use the 'in' operator.)
+5. One way to avoid the ambiguity of this specification is to define a
+'min_avg_all' function instead, which returns a list with all the experiments
+with the smallest average, and let the caller select one. Write tests for the
+'min_avg_all' function, considering the following situations: an empty file,
+exactly one experiment with minimum average, and more than one experiment with
+minimum average. Keep in mind that in the last case, implementations could
+return the list in different order. Write the tests the file "test_averages.py".
+Use the same data as for the previous tests, if possible. You should use
+variables to avoid code duplication. You don't need to implement the
+'min_avg_all' function, but your test cases should be comprehensive enough to
+serve as a specification for it.