# License along with calibcant. If not, see
# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-Aquire and analyze cantilever calibration data.
-W. Trevor King Dec. 2007-Jan. 2008
+"""Acquire and analyze cantilever calibration data.
+The relevent physical quantities are:
+* Vzp_out Output z-piezo voltage (what we generate)
+* Vzp Applied z-piezo voltage (after external ZPGAIN)
+* Zp The z-piezo position
+* Zcant The cantilever vertical deflection
+* Vphoto The photodiode vertical deflection voltage (what we measure)
+* Fcant The force on the cantilever
+* T The temperature of the cantilever and surrounding solution
+* (another thing we measure or guess)
+* k_b Boltzmann's constant
-The relevent physical quantities are :
- Vzp_out Output z-piezo voltage (what we generate)
- Vzp Applied z-piezo voltage (after external ZPGAIN)
- Zp The z-piezo position
- Zcant The cantilever vertical deflection
- Vphoto The photodiode vertical deflection voltage (what we measure)
- Fcant The force on the cantilever
- T The temperature of the cantilever and surrounding solution
- (another thing we measure or guess)
- k_b Boltzmann's constant
+Which are related by the parameters:
-Which are related by the parameters :
- zpGain Vzp_out / Vzp
- zpSensitivity Zp / Vzp
- photoSensitivity Vphoto / Zcant
- k_cant Fcant / Zcant
+* zpGain Vzp_out / Vzp
+* zpSensitivity Zp / Vzp
+* photoSensitivity Vphoto / Zcant
+* k_cant Fcant / Zcant
Cantilever calibration assumes a pre-calibrated z-piezo
(zpSensitivity) and a amplifier (zpGain). In our lab, the z-piezo is
well defined sizes, and the gain is set with a knob on the Nanoscope.
photoSensitivity is measured by bumping the cantilever against the
-surface, where Zp = Zcant (see bump_aquire() and the bump_analyze
+surface, where Zp = Zcant (see bump_acquire() and the bump_analyze
k_cant is measured by watching the cantilever vibrate in free solution
-(see the vib_aquire() and the vib_analyze submodule). The average
+(see the vib_acquire() and the vib_analyze submodule). The average
energy of the cantilever in the vertical direction is given by the
equipartition theorem.
- 1/2 k_b T = 1/2 k_cant <Zcant**2>
- so k_cant = k_b T / Zcant**2
- but Zcant = Vphoto / photoSensitivity
- so k_cant = k_b T * photoSensitivty**2 / <Vphoto**2>
+.. math:: \frac{1}{2} k_b T = \frac{1}{2} k_cant <Zcant**2>
+.. math:: k_cant = \frac{k_b T}{Zcant**2}
+.. math:: Zcant = \frac{Vphoto}{photoSensitivity}
+.. math:: k_cant = \frac{k_b T * photoSensitivty^2}{<Vphoto**2>}
We measured photoSensitivity with the surface bumps. We can either
measure T using an external function (see temperature.py), or just
-estimate it (see T_aquire() and the T_analyze submodule). Guessing
+estimate it (see T_acquire() and the T_analyze submodule). Guessing
room temp ~22 deg C is actually fairly reasonable. Assuming the
actual fluid temperature is within +/- 5 deg, the error in the spring
constant k_cant is within 5/273.15 ~= 2%. A time series of Vphoto
We do all these measurements a few times to estimate statistical
-The functions are layed out in the families:
- bump_*(), vib_*(), T_*(), and calib_*()
-where calib_{save|load|analyze}() deal with derived data, not
-real-world data.
-For each family, * can be any of :
- aquire get real-world data
- save store real-world data to disk
- load get real-world data from disk
- analyze interperate the real-world data.
- plot show a nice graphic to convince people we're working :p
- load_analyze_tweaked
- read a file with a list of paths to previously saved
- real world data load each file using *_load(), analyze
- using *_analyze(), and optionally plot using *_plot().
- Intended for re-processing old data.
-A family name without any _* extension (e.g. bump()), runs *_aquire(),
- *_save(), *_analyze(), *_plot().
-We also define the two positioning functions:
- move_just_onto_surface() and move_far_from_surface()
-which make automating the calibration procedure more straightforward.
+The functions are layed out in the families::
-import numpy
-import time
+ bump_*(), vib_*(), T_*(), and calib_*()
-import FFT_tools
-import piezo.z_piezo_utils as z_piezo_utils
-from splittable_kwargs import splittableKwargsFunction, \
- make_splittable_kwargs_function
+For each family, * can be any of:
-from . import common
-from . import config
-from . import bump_analyze
-from . import T_analyze
-from . import vib_analyze
-from . import analyze
+* acquire get real-world data
+* save store real-world data to disk
+* load get real-world data from disk
+* analyze interperate the real-world data.
+* plot show a nice graphic to convince people we're working :p
+A family name without any `_*` extension (e.g. `bump()`), runs
+`*_acquire()`, `*_analyze()`, and `*_save()`. `*_analyze()` will run
+`*_plot()` if `matplotlib` is set in `calibcant.base_config`.
-# bump family
+from numpy import zeros as _zeros
+from numpy import float as _float
+from time import sleep as _sleep
-def bump_aquire(zpiezo, push_depth=200, npoints=1024, push_speed=1000) :
- """
- Ramps closer push_depth and returns to the original position.
- Inputs:
- zpiezo an opened zpiezo.zpiezo instance
- push_depth distance to approach, in nm
- npoints number points during the approach and during the retreat
- push_speed piezo speed during approach and retreat, in nm/s
- Returns the aquired ramp data dictionary, with data in DAC/ADC bits.
- """
- # generate the bump output
- nm_per_step = float(push_depth) / npoints
- freq = push_speed / nm_per_step # freq is sample frequency in Hz
- start_pos = zpiezo.curPos()
- pos_dist = zpiezo.pos_nm2out(push_depth) - zpiezo.pos_nm2out(0)
- close_pos = start_pos + pos_dist
- appr = numpy.linspace(start_pos, close_pos, npoints)
- retr = numpy.linspace(close_pos, start_pos, npoints)
- out = numpy.concatenate((appr, retr))
- # run the bump, and measure deflection
- if config.TEXT_VERBOSE :
- print "Bump %g nm at %g nm/s" % (push_depth, push_speed)
- data = zpiezo.ramp(out, freq)
- return data
- (bump_analyze.bump_save, 'data'),
- (bump_analyze.bump_analyze, 'data'))
-def bump(**kwargs):
- """
- Wrapper around bump_aquire(), bump_save(), bump_analyze()
- """
- bump_aquire_kwargs,bump_save_kwargs,bump_analyze_kwargs = \
- bump._splitargs(bump, kwargs)
- data = bump_aquire(**bump_aquire_kwargs)
- bump_analyze.bump_save(data, **bump_save_kwargs)
- photoSensitivity = bump_analyze.bump_analyze(data, **bump_analyze_kwargs)
- return photoSensitivity
-# T family.
-# Fairly stubby, since a one shot Temp measurement is a common thing.
-# We just wrap that to provide a consistent interface.
-def T_aquire(get_T=None) :
- """
- Measure the current temperature of the sample,
- or, if get_T == None, fake it by returning config.DEFAULT_TEMP
- """
- if get_T == None :
- if config.TEXT_VERBOSE :
- print "Fake temperature %g" % config.DEFAULT_TEMP
- return config.DEFAULT_TEMP
- else :
- if config.TEXT_VERBOSE :
- print "Measure temperature"
- return get_T()
- (T_analyze.T_save, 'T'),
- (T_analyze.T_analyze, 'T'))
-def T(**kwargs):
- """
- Wrapper around T_aquire(), T_save(), T_analyze(), T_plot()
- """
- T_aquire_kwargs,T_save_kwargs,T_analyze_kwargs = \
- T._splitargs(T, kwargs)
- T_raw = T_aquire(**T_aquire_kwargs)
- T_analyze.T_save(T_raw, **T_save_kwargs)
- T_ret = T_analyze.T_analyze(T_raw, **T_analyze_kwargs) # returns array
- return T_ret[0]
+from . import LOG as _LOG
-# vib family
+from .bump import bump as _bump
+from .T import T as _T
+from .vib import vib as _vib
+from .analyze import calib_analyze as _calib_analyze
+from .analyze import calib_save as _calib_save
-def vib_aquire(zpiezo, time=1, freq=50e3) :
- """
- Record data for TIME seconds at FREQ Hz from ZPIEZO at it's current position.
- """
- # round up to the nearest power of two, for efficient FFT-ing
- nsamps = FFT_tools.ceil_pow_of_two(time*freq)
- time = nsamps / freq
- # take some data, keeping the position voltage at it's current value
- out = numpy.ones((nsamps,), dtype=numpy.uint16) * zpiezo.curPos()
- if config.TEXT_VERBOSE :
- print "get %g seconds of data" % time
- data = zpiezo.ramp(out, freq)
- data['sample frequency Hz'] = numpy.array([freq])
- return data
- (vib_analyze.vib_save, 'data'),
- (vib_analyze.vib_analyze, 'deflection_bits', 'freq'))
-def vib(**kwargs) :
- """
- Wrapper around vib_aquire(), vib_save(), vib_analyze()
- """
- vib_aquire_kwargs,vib_save_kwargs,vib_analyze_kwargs = \
- vib._splitargs(vib, kwargs)
- data = vib_aquire(**vib_aquire_kwargs)
- vib_analyze.vib_save(data, **vib_save_kwargs)
- freq = data['sample frequency Hz']
- deflection_bits = data['Deflection input']
- Vphoto_var = vib_analyze.vib_analyze(deflection_bits=deflection_bits,
- freq=freq, **vib_analyze_kwargs)
- return Vphoto_var
-# A few positioning functions, so we can run bump_aquire() and vib_aquire()
-# with proper spacing relative to the surface.
-def move_just_onto_surface(stepper, zpiezo, Depth_nm=-50, setpoint=2) :
- """
- Uses z_piezo_utils.getSurfPos() to pinpoint the position of the
- surface. Adjusts the stepper position as required to get within
- stepper_tol nm of the surface. Then set Vzp to place the
- cantilever Depth_nm onto the surface. Negative Depth_nm values
- will place the cantilever that many nm _off_ the surface.
- If getSurfPos() fails to find the surface, backs off (for safety)
- and steps in (without moving the zpiezo) until Vphoto > setpoint.
- """
- stepper_tol = 250 # nm, generous estimate of the fullstep stepsize
- if config.TEXT_VERBOSE :
- print "moving just onto surface"
- # Zero the piezo
- if config.TEXT_VERBOSE :
- print "zero the z piezo output"
- zpiezo.jumpToPos(zpiezo.pos_nm2out(0))
- # See if we're near the surface already
- if config.TEXT_VERBOSE :
- print "See if we're starting near the surface"
- try :
- dist = zpiezo.pos_out2nm( \
- z_piezo_utils.getSurfPos(zpiezo, zpiezo.def_V2in(setpoint))
- )
- except (z_piezo_utils.tooClose, z_piezo_utils.poorFit), string :
- if config.TEXT_VERBOSE :
- print "distance failed with: ", string
- print "Back off 200 half steps"
- # Back away 200 steps
- stepper.step_rel(-400)
- stepper.step_rel(200)
- sp = zpiezo.def_V2in(setpoint) # sp = setpoint in bits
- zpiezo.updateInputs()
- cd = zpiezo.curDef() # cd = current deflection in bits
- if config.TEXT_VERBOSE :
- print "Single stepping approach"
- while cd < sp :
- if config.TEXT_VERBOSE :
- print "deflection %g < setpoint %g. step closer" % (cd, sp)
- stepper.step_rel(2) # Full step in
- zpiezo.updateInputs()
- cd = zpiezo.curDef()
- # Back off two steps (protecting against backlash)
- if config.TEXT_VERBOSE :
- print "Step back 4 half steps to get off the setpoint"
- stepper.step_rel(-200)
- stepper.step_rel(196)
- # get the distance to the surface
- zpiezo.updateInputs()
- if config.TEXT_VERBOSE :
- print "get surf pos, with setpoint %g (%d)" % (setpoint, zpiezo.def_V2in(setpoint))
- for i in range(20) : # HACK, keep stepping back until we get a distance
- try :
- dist = zpiezo.pos_out2nm( \
- z_piezo_utils.getSurfPos(zpiezo,zpiezo.def_V2in(setpoint)))
- except (z_piezo_utils.tooClose, z_piezo_utils.poorFit), string :
- stepper.step_rel(-200)
- stepper.step_rel(198)
- continue
- break
- if i >= 19 :
- print "tried %d times, still too close! bailing" % i
- print "probably an invalid setpoint."
- raise Exception, "weirdness"
- if config.TEXT_VERBOSE :
- print 'distance to surface ', dist, ' nm'
- # fine tune the stepper position
- while dist < -stepper_tol : # step back if we need to
- stepper.step_rel(-200)
- stepper.step_rel(198)
- dist = zpiezo.pos_out2nm( \
- z_piezo_utils.getSurfPos(zpiezo, zpiezo.def_V2in(setpoint)))
- if config.TEXT_VERBOSE :
- print 'distance to surface ', dist, ' nm, step back'
- while dist > stepper_tol : # and step forward if we need to
- stepper.step_rel(2)
- dist = zpiezo.pos_out2nm( \
- z_piezo_utils.getSurfPos(zpiezo, zpiezo.def_V2in(setpoint)))
- if config.TEXT_VERBOSE :
- print 'distance to surface ', dist, ' nm, step closer'
- # now adjust the zpiezo to place us just onto the surface
- target = dist + Depth_nm
- zpiezo.jumpToPos(zpiezo.pos_nm2out(target))
- # and we're there :)
- if config.TEXT_VERBOSE :
- print "We're %g nm into the surface" % Depth_nm
-def move_far_from_surface(stepper, um_back=50) :
- """
- Step back a specified number of microns.
- (uses very rough estimate of step distance at the moment)
- """
- step_nm = 100
- steps = int(um_back*1000/step_nm)
- print "step back %d steps" % steps
- stepper.step_rel(-steps)
-# and finally, the calib family
-@splittableKwargsFunction((move_just_onto_surface, 'stepper', 'zpiezo'),
- (bump, 'zpiezo', 'log_dir', 'Vphoto_in2V'),
- (move_far_from_surface, 'stepper'),
- (T, 'log_dir'),
- (vib, 'zpiezo', 'log_dir', 'Vphoto_in2V'),
- (analyze.calib_save, 'bumps','Ts','vibs','log_dir'))
-def calib_aquire(stepper, zpiezo, num_bumps=10, num_Ts=10, num_vibs=20,
- log_dir=config.LOG_DIR, Vphoto_in2V=config.Vphoto_in2V,
- **kwargs):
+def move_far_from_surface(stepper, distance):
+ """Step back approximately `distance` meters.
- Aquire data for calibrating a cantilever in one function.
- return (bump, T, vib), each of which is an array.
- Inputs :
- stepper a stepper.stepper_obj for coarse Z positioning
- zpiezo a z_piezo.z_piezo for fine positioning and deflection readin
- num_bumps number of 'bumps' (see Outputs)
- num_temps number of 'Ts' (see Outputs)
- num_vibs number of 'vib's (see Outputs)
- log_dir directory to log data to. Default 'None' disables logging.
- Vphoto_in2V function to convert photodiode input bits to Volts
- + other kwargs. Run calib_aquire._kwargs(calib_aquire) to see
- all options. Run calib_aquire._childSplittables to see a list
- of kwarg functions that this function calls.
- Outputs (all are arrays of recorded data) :
- bumps measured (V_photodiode / nm_tip) proportionality constant
- Ts measured temperature (K)
- vibs measured V_photodiode variance in free solution
+ steps = int(distance/stepper.step_size)
+ _LOG.info('step back %d steps (~%g m)' % (steps, distance))
+ stepper.step_relative(-steps)
+def calib_acquire(afm, calibration_config, bump_config, temperature_config,
+ vibration_config, filename=None, group='/'):
+ """Acquire data for calibrating a cantilever in one function.
+ Inputs:
+ afm a pyafm.AFM instance
+ calibration_config a .config._CalibrationConfig instance
+ bump_config a .config._BumpConfig instance
+ temperature_config a .config._TConfig instance
+ vibration_config a .config._VibrationConfig instance
+ Outputs (all are arrays of recorded data):
+ bumps measured (V_photodiode / nm_tip) proportionality constant
+ Ts measured temperature (K)
+ vibs measured V_photodiode variance (Volts**2) in free solution
+ The temperatures are collected after moving far from the surface
+ but before and vibrations are measured to give everything time to
+ settle after the big move.
- move_just_onto_surface_kwargs,bump_kwargs,move_far_from_surface_kwargs, \
- T_kwargs,vib_kwargs,calib_save_kwargs = \
- calib_aquire._splitargs(calib_aquire, kwargs)
- # get bumps
- bumps = numpy.zeros((num_bumps,), dtype=numpy.float)
- for i in range(num_bumps) :
- move_just_onto_surface(stepper, zpiezo, **move_just_onto_surface_kwargs)
- bumps[i] = bump(zpiezo=zpiezo, log_dir=log_dir,
- Vphoto_in2V=Vphoto_in2V, **bump_kwargs)
- if config.TEXT_VERBOSE :
- print bumps
- move_far_from_surface(stepper, **move_far_from_surface_kwargs)
- # get Ts
- Ts = numpy.zeros((num_Ts,), dtype=numpy.float)
- for i in range(num_Ts) :
- Ts[i] = T(**T_kwargs)
- time.sleep(1) # wait a bit to get an independent temperature measure
- print Ts
+ assert group.endswith('/'), group
+ bumps = _zeros((calibration_config['num-bumps'],), dtype=_float)
+ for i in range(calibration_config['num-bumps']):
+ _LOG.info('acquire bump %d of %d' % (i, calibration_config['num-bumps']))
+ bumps[i] = _bump(afm=afm, bump_config=bump_config,
+ filename=filename, group='%sbump/%d/' % (group, i))
+ _LOG.debug('bumps: %s' % bumps)
+ move_far_from_surface(
+ afm.stepper, distance=calibration_config['vibration-spacing'])
+ Ts = _zeros((calibration_config['num-temperatures'],), dtype=_float)
+ for i in range(calibration_config['num-temperatures']):
+ _LOG.info('acquire T %d of %d'
+ % (i, calibration_config['num-temperatures']))
+ Ts[i] = _T(
+ get_T=afm.get_temperature, temperature_config=temperature_config,
+ filename=filename, group='%stemperature/%d/' % (group, i))
+ _sleep(calibration_config['temperature-sleep'])
+ _LOG.debug('temperatures: %s' % Ts)
# get vibs
- vibs = numpy.zeros((num_vibs,), dtype=numpy.float)
- for i in range(num_vibs) :
- vibs[i] = vib(zpiezo=zpiezo, log_dir=log_dir, Vphoto_in2V=Vphoto_in2V,
- **vib_kwargs)
- print vibs
- analyze.calib_save(bumps, Ts, vibs, log_dir, **calib_save_kwargs)
+ vibs = _zeros((calibration_config['num-vibrations'],), dtype=_float)
+ for i in range(calibration_config['num-vibrations']):
+ vibs[i] = _vib(
+ piezo=afm.piezo, vibration_config=vibration_config,
+ filename=filename, group='%svibration/%d/' % (group, i))
+ _LOG.debug('vibrations: %s' % vibs)
return (bumps, Ts, vibs)
+def calib(afm, calibration_config, bump_config, temperature_config,
+ vibration_config, filename=None, group='/'):
+ """Calibrate a cantilever in one function.
-@splittableKwargsFunction( \
- (calib_aquire, 'log_dir'),
- (analyze.calib_analyze, 'bumps','Ts','vibs'))
-def calib(log_dir=config.LOG_DIR, **kwargs) :
- """
- Calibrate a cantilever in one function.
- The I-don't-care-about-the-details black box version :p.
- return (k, k_s)
- (see calib_aquire())
- Outputs :
- k cantilever spring constant (in N/m, or equivalently nN/nm)
- k_s standard deviation in our estimate of k
- Notes :
- See get_calibration_data() for the data aquisition code
- See analyze_calibration_data() for the analysis code
+ (see `calib_acquire()`)
+ Outputs:
+ k cantilever spring constant (in N/m, or equivalently nN/nm)
+ k_s standard deviation in our estimate of k
+ >>> import os
+ >>> from pprint import pprint
+ >>> import tempfile
+ >>> from pycomedi.device import Device
+ >>> from pycomedi.subdevice import StreamingSubdevice
+ >>> from pycomedi.channel import AnalogChannel, DigitalChannel
+ >>> from pycomedi.constant import AREF, IO_DIRECTION, SUBDEVICE_TYPE, UNIT
+ >>> from pypiezo.afm import AFMPiezo
+ >>> from pypiezo.base import PiezoAxis, InputChannel
+ >>> from pypiezo.config import (HDF5_ChannelConfig, HDF5_AxisConfig,
+ ... pprint_HDF5)
+ >>> from stepper import Stepper
+ >>> from pyafm import AFM
+ >>> from .config import (HDF5_CalibrationConfig, HDF5_BumpConfig,
+ ... HDF5_TemperatureConfig, HDF5_VibrationConfig)
+ >>> from .analyze import calib_load_all
+ >>> fd,filename = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.h5', prefix='calibcant-')
+ >>> os.close(fd)
+ >>> d = Device('/dev/comedi0')
+ >>> d.open()
+ Setup an `AFMPiezo` instance.
+ >>> s_in = d.find_subdevice_by_type(SUBDEVICE_TYPE.ai,
+ ... factory=StreamingSubdevice)
+ >>> s_out = d.find_subdevice_by_type(SUBDEVICE_TYPE.ao,
+ ... factory=StreamingSubdevice)
+ >>> axis_channel = s_out.channel(
+ ... 0, factory=AnalogChannel, aref=AREF.ground)
+ >>> input_channel = s_in.channel(0, factory=AnalogChannel, aref=AREF.diff)
+ >>> for chan in [axis_channel, input_channel]:
+ ... chan.range = chan.find_range(unit=UNIT.volt, min=-10, max=10)
+ We set the minimum voltage for the `z` axis to -9 (a volt above
+ the minimum possible voltage) to help with testing
+ `.get_surface_position`. Without this minimum voltage, small
+ calibration errors could lead to a railed -10 V input for the
+ first few surface approaching steps, which could lead to an
+ `EdgeKink` error instead of a `FlatFit` error.
+ >>> axis_config = HDF5_AxisConfig(filename, '/bump/config/z/axis')
+ >>> axis_config.update(
+ ... {'gain':20, 'sensitivity':8e-9, 'minimum':-9})
+ >>> axis_channel_config = HDF5_ChannelConfig(
+ ... filename, '/bump/config/z/channel')
+ >>> input_channel_config = HDF5_ChannelConfig(
+ ... filename, '/bump/config/deflection/channel')
+ >>> a = PiezoAxis(axis_config=axis_config,
+ ... axis_channel_config=axis_channel_config,
+ ... axis_channel=axis_channel, name='z')
+ >>> a.setup_config()
+ >>> c = InputChannel(
+ ... channel_config=input_channel_config, channel=input_channel,
+ ... name='deflection')
+ >>> c.setup_config()
+ >>> piezo = AFMPiezo(axes=[a], input_channels=[c])
+ Setup a `stepper` instance.
+ >>> s_d = d.find_subdevice_by_type(SUBDEVICE_TYPE.dio)
+ >>> d_channels = [s_d.channel(i, factory=DigitalChannel)
+ ... for i in (0, 1, 2, 3)]
+ >>> for chan in d_channels:
+ ... chan.dio_config(IO_DIRECTION.output)
+ >>> def write(value):
+ ... s_d.dio_bitfield(bits=value, write_mask=2**4-1)
+ >>> stepper = Stepper(write=write)
+ Setup an `AFM` instance.
+ >>> afm = AFM(piezo, stepper)
+ Test calibration:
+ >>> calibration_config = HDF5_CalibrationConfig(
+ ... filename=filename, group='/bump/config/calibration/')
+ >>> bump_config = HDF5_BumpConfig(
+ ... filename=filename, group='/bump/config/bump/')
+ >>> temperature_config = HDF5_TemperatureConfig(
+ ... filename=filename, group='/bump/config/temperature/')
+ >>> vibration_config = HDF5_VibrationConfig(
+ ... filename=filename, group='/bump/config/vibration')
+ >>> calib(afm, calibration_config, bump_config, temperature_config,
+ ... vibration_config, filename=filename, group='/')
+ TODO: replace skipped example data with real-world values
+ >>> pprint_HDF5(filename) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +REPORT_UDIFF
+ >>> everything = calib_load_all(filename, '/')
+ >>> pprint(everything)
+ Close the Comedi device.
+ >>> d.close()
+ Cleanup our temporary config file.
+ os.remove(filename)
- calib_aquire_kwargs,calib_analyze_kwargs = \
- calib._splitargs(calib, kwargs)
- a, T, vib = calib_aquire(**calib_aquire_kwargs)
- k,k_s,ps2_m, ps2_s,T_m,T_s,one_o_Vp2_m,one_o_Vp2_s = \
- analyze.calib_analyze(a, T, vib, **calib_analyze_kwargs)
- analyze.calib_save_analysis(k, k_s, ps2_m, ps2_s, T_m, T_s,
- one_o_Vp2_m, one_o_Vp2_s, log_dir)
+ bumps, Ts, vibs = calib_acquire(
+ afm, calibration_config, bump_config, temperature_config,
+ vibration_config, filename=filename, group=group)
+ # TODO: convert vib units?
+ k,k_s = _calib_analyze(bumps, Ts, vibs)
+ _calib_save(filename, group=group+'calibration/', bumps=bumps, Ts=Ts,
+ vibs=vibs, calibration_config=calibration_config, k=k, k_s=k_s)
return (k, k_s)