--- /dev/null
+There is a good deal of drive-train [backlash][] in the stepper
+Detection procedure
+1. Step towards surface until there is plenty of surface contact.
+2. Step away until you leave the surface.
+3. Repeat until you have too much data :p.
+[[!img step_backlash.png
+ alt="Data from 17 counterclockwise approach-retreat cycles"
+ title="Data from 17 counterclockwise approach-retreat cycles"]]
+About 47 steps of backlash. Since we never touch the stepper while any
+critcal surface interactions are going on, simply replace *step back 1
+step* with *step back 60 steps, then forward 59*.
+Supporting evidence
+Noise on reversal
+When we reversing the stepper (by any means), the movement is “clearly
+audible” for “a bit” and then becomes “almost silent”.
+To give a rough idea, I usually have keep my finger on the drive-shaft
+to tell if the motor is moving in “almost silent” mode, but can hear
+the motor from around 5 ft away in “clearly audible” mode. “A bit” is
+about 0.5 s when controlling the motor using the manual Up/Down
+[backlash]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backlash_%28engineering%29