out GNU info errors, if any, and to show the USE flags that will be used for
each package when pretending. The following symbols are affixed to USE flags
in order to indicate their status:
-\fI- prefix\fR = not enabled (either disabled or removed)
-\fI* suffix\fR = transition to or from the enabled state
-\fI% suffix\fR = newly added or removed
-\fI() circumfix\fR = forced, masked, or removed
+l l l
+l l l.
+Symbol Location Meaning
+- prefix not enabled (either disabled or removed)
+* suffix transition to or from the enabled state
+% suffix newly added or removed
+() circumfix forced, masked, or removed
.BR "\-\-with\-bdeps < y | n >"
In dependency calculations, pull in build time dependencies