--- /dev/null
+--- a/Makefile 2020-01-21 12:26:46.000000000 +0100
++++ b/Makefile 2020-03-18 16:21:37.589262099 +0100
+@@ -26,29 +26,29 @@
+ all: tbb tbbmalloc tbbproxy test examples
+ tbb: mkdir
+- $(MAKE) -C "$(work_dir)_release" -r -f $(tbb_root)/build/Makefile.tbb cfg=release
++ $(MAKE) -C "$(work_dir)_$(cfg)" -r -f $(tbb_root)/build/Makefile.tbb cfg=$(cfg)
+ tbbmalloc: mkdir
+- $(MAKE) -C "$(work_dir)_release" -r -f $(tbb_root)/build/Makefile.tbbmalloc cfg=release malloc
++ $(MAKE) -C "$(work_dir)_$(cfg)" -r -f $(tbb_root)/build/Makefile.tbbmalloc cfg=$(cfg) malloc
+ tbbproxy: mkdir
+- $(MAKE) -C "$(work_dir)_release" -r -f $(tbb_root)/build/Makefile.tbbproxy cfg=release tbbproxy
++ $(MAKE) -C "$(work_dir)_$(cfg)" -r -f $(tbb_root)/build/Makefile.tbbproxy cfg=$(cfg) tbbproxy
+ tbbbind: mkdir
+- $(MAKE) -C "$(work_dir)_release" -r -f $(tbb_root)/build/Makefile.tbbbind cfg=release tbbbind
++ $(MAKE) -C "$(work_dir)_$(cfg)" -r -f $(tbb_root)/build/Makefile.tbbbind cfg=$(cfg) tbbbind
+ test: tbb tbbmalloc $(if $(use_proxy),tbbproxy)
+- -$(MAKE) -C "$(work_dir)_release" -r -f $(tbb_root)/build/Makefile.tbbmalloc cfg=release malloc_test
+- -$(MAKE) -C "$(work_dir)_release" -r -f $(tbb_root)/build/Makefile.test cfg=release
++ -$(MAKE) -C "$(work_dir)_$(cfg)" -r -f $(tbb_root)/build/Makefile.tbbmalloc cfg=$(cfg) malloc_test
++ -$(MAKE) -C "$(work_dir)_$(cfg)" -r -f $(tbb_root)/build/Makefile.test cfg=$(cfg)
+ rml: mkdir
+- $(MAKE) -C "$(work_dir)_release" -r -f $(tbb_root)/build/Makefile.rml cfg=release
++ $(MAKE) -C "$(work_dir)_$(cfg)" -r -f $(tbb_root)/build/Makefile.rml cfg=$(cfg)
+ examples: tbb tbbmalloc
+- $(MAKE) -C examples -r -f Makefile tbb_root=.. release test
++ $(MAKE) -C examples -r -f Makefile tbb_root=.. $(cfg) test
+ python: tbb
+- $(MAKE) -C "$(work_dir)_release" -rf $(tbb_root)/python/Makefile install
++ $(MAKE) -C "$(work_dir)_$(cfg)" -rf $(tbb_root)/python/Makefile install
+ doxygen:
+ doxygen Doxyfile
+@@ -56,16 +56,16 @@
+ .PHONY: clean clean_examples mkdir info
+ clean: clean_examples
+- $(shell $(RM) $(work_dir)_release$(SLASH)*.* >$(NUL) 2>$(NUL))
+- $(shell $(RD) $(work_dir)_release >$(NUL) 2>$(NUL))
++ $(shell $(RM) $(work_dir)_$(cfg)$(SLASH)*.* >$(NUL) 2>$(NUL))
++ $(shell $(RD) $(work_dir)_$(cfg) >$(NUL) 2>$(NUL))
+ @echo clean done
+ clean_examples:
+ $(shell $(MAKE) -s -i -r -C examples -f Makefile tbb_root=.. clean >$(NUL) 2>$(NUL))
+ mkdir:
+- $(shell $(MD) "$(work_dir)_release" >$(NUL) 2>$(NUL))
+- @echo Created the $(work_dir)_release directory
++ $(shell $(MD) "$(work_dir)_$(cfg)" >$(NUL) 2>$(NUL))
++ @echo Created the $(work_dir)_$(cfg) directory
+ info:
+ @echo OS: $(tbb_os)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit eutils flag-o-matic multilib-minimal multilib toolchain-funcs
+PV1="$(ver_cut 1)"
+PV2="$(ver_cut 2)"
+DESCRIPTION="High level abstract threading library"
+SRC_URI="https://github.com/intel/${PN}/archive/${MY_PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux"
+IUSE="debug examples"
+DOCS=( CHANGES README README.md doc/Release_Notes.txt )
+PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-makefile-debug.patch )
+src_prepare() {
+ default
+ find include -name \*.html -delete || die
+ # Give it a soname on FreeBSD
+ echo 'LIB_LINK_FLAGS += -Wl,-soname=$(BUILDING_LIBRARY)' >> build/FreeBSD.gcc.inc
+ # Set proper versionning on FreeBSD
+ sed -i -e '/.DLL =/s/$/.1/' build/FreeBSD.inc || die
+ use debug || sed -i -e '/_debug/d' Makefile
+multilib_src_configure() {
+ # pc files are for debian and fedora compatibility
+ # some deps use them
+ cat <<-EOF > ${PN}.pc.template
+ prefix=${EPREFIX}/usr
+ libdir=\${prefix}/$(get_libdir)
+ includedir=\${prefix}/include
+ Name: ${PN}
+ Description: ${DESCRIPTION}
+ Version: ${PV}
+ Cflags: -I\${includedir}
+ cp ${PN}.pc.template ${PN}.pc || die
+ cat <<-EOF >> ${PN}.pc
+ Libs: -L\${libdir} -ltbb
+ Libs.private: -lm -lrt
+ cp ${PN}.pc.template ${PN}malloc.pc || die
+ cat <<-EOF >> ${PN}malloc.pc
+ Libs: -L\${libdir} -ltbbmalloc
+ Libs.private: -lm -lrt
+ cp ${PN}.pc.template ${PN}malloc_proxy.pc || die
+ cat <<-EOF >> ${PN}malloc_proxy.pc
+ Libs: -L\${libdir} -ltbbmalloc_proxy
+ Libs.private: -lrt
+ Requires: tbbmalloc
+local_src_compile() {
+ cd "${S}"
+ local comp arch
+ local bt buildtypes
+ case ${MULTILIB_ABI_FLAG} in
+ abi_x86_64) arch=x86_64 ;;
+ abi_x86_32) arch=ia32 ;;
+# abi_ppc_64) arch=ppc64 ;;
+# abi_ppc_32) arch=ppc32 ;;
+ esac
+ case "$(tc-getCXX)" in
+ *clang*) comp="clang" ;;
+ *g++*) comp="gcc" ;;
+ *ic*c) comp="icc" ;;
+ *) die "compiler $(tc-getCXX) not supported by build system" ;;
+ esac
+ if use debug ; then
+ buildtypes="release debug"
+ else
+ buildtypes="release"
+ fi
+ for bt in ${buildtypes}; do
+ CXX="$(tc-getCXX)" \
+ CC="$(tc-getCC)" \
+ AS="$(tc-getAS)" \
+ arch=${arch} \
+ emake compiler=${comp} work_dir="${BUILD_DIR}" tbb_root="${S}" cfg=${bt} $@
+ done
+multilib_src_compile() {
+ local_src_compile tbb tbbmalloc
+multilib_src_test() {
+ local_src_compile test
+multilib_src_install() {
+ local bt
+ local buildtypes
+ if use debug ; then
+ buildtypes="release debug"
+ else
+ buildtypes="release"
+ fi
+ for bt in ${buildtypes}; do
+ cd "${BUILD_DIR}_${bt}" || die
+ local l
+ for l in $(find . -name lib\*$(get_libname \*)); do
+ dolib.so ${l}
+ local bl=$(basename ${l})
+ dosym ${bl} /usr/$(get_libdir)/${bl%%.*}$(get_libname)
+ done
+ done
+ cd "${BUILD_DIR}" || die
+ insinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig
+ doins *.pc
+multilib_src_install_all() {
+ doheader -r include/*
+ einstalldocs
+ if use examples ; then
+ insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/examples/build
+ doins build/*.inc
+ insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/examples
+ doins -r examples
+ docompress -x "/usr/share/doc/${PF}/examples"
+ fi