$ui_diff tag configure clr1 -font font_diffbold
+$ui_diff tag conf d_info -foreground blue -font font_diffbold
$ui_diff tag conf d_cr -elide true
$ui_diff tag conf d_@ -font font_diffbold
$ui_diff tag conf d_+ -foreground {#00a000}
$ui_diff insert end [append \
"* " \
[mc "Git Repository (subproject)"] \
- "\n"] d_@
+ "\n"] d_info
} elseif {![catch {set type [exec file $path]}]} {
set n [string length $path]
if {[string equal -length $n $path $type]} {
set type [string range $type $n end]
regsub {^:?\s*} $type {} type
- $ui_diff insert end "* $type\n" d_@
+ $ui_diff insert end "* $type\n" d_info
if {[string first "\0" $content] != -1} {
$ui_diff insert end \
[mc "* Binary file (not showing content)."] \
- d_@
+ d_info
} else {
if {$sz > $max_sz} {
$ui_diff insert end [mc \
"* Untracked file is %d bytes.
* Showing only first %d bytes.
-" $sz $max_sz] d_@
+" $sz $max_sz] d_info
$ui_diff insert end $content
if {$sz > $max_sz} {
$ui_diff insert end [mc "
* Untracked file clipped here by %s.
* To see the entire file, use an external editor.
-" [appname]] d_@
+" [appname]] d_info
$ui_diff conf -state disabled
} elseif {$is_submodule_diff} {
if {$line == ""} continue
if {[regexp {^Submodule } $line]} {
- set tags d_@
+ set tags d_info
} elseif {[regexp {^\* } $line]} {
set line [string replace $line 0 1 {Submodule }]
- set tags d_@
+ set tags d_info
} else {
set op [string range $line 0 2]
switch -- $op {