RMD160 0261d991ec2e1db04f4408e3ce30b7e2088057f7 files/ivtv 152
SHA256 828831443387297fbad1e21cbd979c378a0f16063cde8e0abcf86f4cf01e31d9 files/ivtv 152
DIST ivtv-0.10.0.tar.gz 387161 RMD160 d982aed4682024a338e0bc90e485285d0a3a70f4 SHA1 c721e9c77bfdd45d4f2ddfdaff478744ec5856e4 SHA256 0623c773c3114a997dd4af81fd7872e141f87c3d64225723e2b680a27a06b2c6
+DIST ivtv-0.10.1.tar.gz 381684 RMD160 27877093b5298f29fe872bc16495ed72f714eb0d SHA1 db77be5c22589e36e4225b242da7f8cd77c782b9 SHA256 a8de3fb498c1824497246d13cd3f45238f8c63a6031c44d19ade0964b6534bd5
DIST ivtv-0.4.5.tar.gz 502679 RMD160 8b6c1bf532797ec19ec148a26515fd38a0d983e7 SHA1 882277f2ef602156ba6c8bbfddde43ae51f7ea3f SHA256 a600339247f16f0b3028581f3f84154e6b352f166b238b0c5c282a11fc1a603d
DIST ivtv-0.4.7.tar.gz 503454 RMD160 667a8b548293b0d44e7bc2310824c8e431eb8ff9 SHA1 7488eccf0b1eff6f4c9009e5f6cb6de2e01aaf82 SHA256 263e788c52818685800920320a1d162f57ab5a5044a03de5e78005bdbf88bada
DIST ivtv-0.4.8.tar.gz 503874 RMD160 57ab83093715260442ba242051c1d37f2bb334d5 SHA1 24d1041fb2313f0cda69eb70b8f65bbd32166bab SHA256 cbc13359c26b3436503b16f3463197e86712a998cf947961bce7d7c6a54903d0
MD5 52e7dc3c60f0d88722b5dfe84bbcc1a7 ivtv-0.10.0.ebuild 5039
RMD160 4d70fb9bdf6add5307af9706b42b104933161c34 ivtv-0.10.0.ebuild 5039
SHA256 f72a3d65f386d0c1345f35f75f7aa3d4594bb81366fa9f677ed56fc35ea97a6f ivtv-0.10.0.ebuild 5039
+EBUILD ivtv-0.10.1.ebuild 5099 RMD160 7dcef4e7d1c7ec5432fc2ac298438fefdb3962b4 SHA1 9a7b53ad076b8e93962720f965690dc22b7bd409 SHA256 70da9129d86d8df645cc5bc2daf1257aaf84da31ebcc87e3ec6c4290f003749a
+MD5 120464cf4e70bd92dba3146e5a977863 ivtv-0.10.1.ebuild 5099
+RMD160 7dcef4e7d1c7ec5432fc2ac298438fefdb3962b4 ivtv-0.10.1.ebuild 5099
+SHA256 70da9129d86d8df645cc5bc2daf1257aaf84da31ebcc87e3ec6c4290f003749a ivtv-0.10.1.ebuild 5099
EBUILD ivtv-0.4.5.ebuild 4650 RMD160 221bd1ecff0c10af8a3b20b7b081709458cd7c8d SHA1 3330d64d9907bddc8c6b5464b2cd22d5fbe7e7c3 SHA256 9959b1ea1eb51b6462311247bde3f91fa7a0467ea386a5eeb624af5b923844b3
MD5 4ddd07dd6aa088ffd1fbda87fb2ab9ba ivtv-0.4.5.ebuild 4650
RMD160 221bd1ecff0c10af8a3b20b7b081709458cd7c8d ivtv-0.4.5.ebuild 4650
MD5 80f7e8f0902332cb5c7b8cb83842281c ivtv-0.9.1.ebuild 2171
RMD160 efedf5166f67d5fef93690a07464f552b48f0c4a ivtv-0.9.1.ebuild 2171
SHA256 eebeb46cbc85686d3c9c6e14308f1c3f38a7771d6530cce583744c5ed66a47dd ivtv-0.9.1.ebuild 2171
-MISC ChangeLog 12942 RMD160 5c57ecc418e8bde2762fd1328514528c016fe893 SHA1 a23fcdb2c97e8090e06c63ec36ed1acf540ce91d SHA256 107dc8c08249db17f93be27537d7525ef28a6ef07e45b60512859f332c2f62c6
-MD5 f90a8c0cdd4f82c4a079f89d8246ac6b ChangeLog 12942
-RMD160 5c57ecc418e8bde2762fd1328514528c016fe893 ChangeLog 12942
-SHA256 107dc8c08249db17f93be27537d7525ef28a6ef07e45b60512859f332c2f62c6 ChangeLog 12942
+MISC ChangeLog 13054 RMD160 39786741c1a6c9a0b538e3861d948048ee9dacb0 SHA1 4f6108222801b666a08b116ab29cb76a24d2b85a SHA256 177d8cab52d66e95ddf520db10fa8f8034490caa0635cd7badc9364b5b6eab62
+MD5 8582e7e299de0706b9c60b444aefd796 ChangeLog 13054
+RMD160 39786741c1a6c9a0b538e3861d948048ee9dacb0 ChangeLog 13054
+SHA256 177d8cab52d66e95ddf520db10fa8f8034490caa0635cd7badc9364b5b6eab62 ChangeLog 13054
MISC metadata.xml 495 RMD160 116e49f0163d6bbb9d3b9fc0d7d5f1a01e56acf0 SHA1 535c22a7619f0d1d30592fb9088fc7a71a22be73 SHA256 82028b3c63df443281abee995015baa07c1790793d1e0cc835a991c2bf960380
MD5 f9faa634554b4f5bd44ae0d392c89340 metadata.xml 495
RMD160 116e49f0163d6bbb9d3b9fc0d7d5f1a01e56acf0 metadata.xml 495
MD5 34200909cda60126d3d59a30368c2f61 files/digest-ivtv-0.10.0 235
RMD160 6863f9e08551a1db3c56dcf17465cc8bac2c2234 files/digest-ivtv-0.10.0 235
SHA256 57c8d7e2e7bb5d528e380117d2c2022998f903ea6583d04fd2593e0680cbbd27 files/digest-ivtv-0.10.0 235
+MD5 74806996b8011fca9fb94ac42f633481 files/digest-ivtv-0.10.1 235
+RMD160 cfb8f53175c7ccf0e86b447b3d79fa4acc4c7877 files/digest-ivtv-0.10.1 235
+SHA256 07663489c005f3fa433a5814b48826e62ff82bef239729fb9a5ce99e9d5b7e52 files/digest-ivtv-0.10.1 235
MD5 cdf0129db1f0a6850b86dc30cf1ca61c files/digest-ivtv-0.4.5 729
RMD160 a2d83774abe96f159b83f1f5b109f87776d80f36 files/digest-ivtv-0.4.5 729
SHA256 22e7eacf8b6b3f9e35d4417db91c399138946f9f86135825fba55c8a62b57248 files/digest-ivtv-0.4.5 729
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-tv/ivtv/ivtv-0.10.1.ebuild,v 1.1 2007/03/02 14:00:49 beandog Exp $
+inherit eutils linux-mod
+DESCRIPTION="ivtv driver for Hauppauge PVR PCI cards"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
+RDEPEND="|| ( >=sys-fs/udev-103 sys-apps/hotplug )"
+pkg_setup() {
+ MODULE_NAMES="ivtv(extra:${S}/driver)
+ saa717x(extra:${S}/i2c-drivers)"
+ if use fbcon; then
+ MODULE_NAMES="${MODULE_NAMES} ivtv-fb(extra:${S}/driver)"
+ fi
+ if ! ( kernel_is 2 6 18 || kernel_is 2 6 19 || kernel_is 2 6 20 ); then
+ eerror "Each IVTV driver branch will only work with a specific"
+ eerror "linux kernel branch."
+ eerror ""
+ eerror "You will need to either:"
+ eerror "a) emerge a different kernel"
+ eerror "b) emerge a different ivtv driver"
+ eerror ""
+ eerror "2.6.18 through 2.6.20, ivtv-0.10.0"
+ eerror "2.6.19, ivtv 0.9"
+ eerror "2.6.18, ivtv 0.8"
+ eerror "2.6.17, ivtv 0.7"
+ eerror "2.6.17, ivtv 0.7"
+ eerror "2.6.16, ivtv 0.6"
+ eerror "2.6.15, ivtv 0.4"
+ eerror ""
+ eerror "See http://ivtvdriver.org/ for more information"
+ die "This only works on kernels 2.6.18 through 2.6.20"
+ fi
+ linux-mod_pkg_setup
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd "${S}"
+ if kernel_is 2 6 20; then
+ #epatch "misc/cx25840.diff"
+ ewarn "If your card has the cx2584x chip, then this driver will not work."
+ ewarn "A patch is available for the kernel module, but doesn't work yet"
+ ewarn "in this ebuild."
+ ewarn "See http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=168007"
+ fi
+src_compile() {
+ cd "${S}/driver"
+ linux-mod_src_compile || die "failed to build driver"
+ cd "${S}/utils"
+ emake INCDIR="${KV_DIR}/include" || die "failed to build utils "
+src_install() {
+ cd "${S}/utils"
+ make DESTDIR="${D}" PREFIX="/usr" install || die "failed to install utils"
+ dobin perl/*.pl
+ cd "${S}"
+ dodoc README* doc/* utils/README.X11 ChangeLog* utils/perl/README.ptune
+ cd "${S}/driver"
+ linux-mod_src_install || die "failed to install modules"
+ # Add the aliases
+ insinto /etc/modules.d
+ newins "${FILESDIR}"/ivtv ivtv
+pkg_postinst() {
+ elog ""
+ elog "This version of the IVTV driver supports the following hardware:"
+ elog "Hauppauge WinTV PVR-250"
+ elog "Hauppauge WinTV PVR-350"
+ elog "Hauppauge WinTV PVR-150"
+ elog "Hauppauge WinTV PVR-500"
+ elog "AVerMedia M179"
+ elog "Yuan MPG600/Kuroutoshikou iTVC16-STVLP"
+ elog "Yuan MPG160/Kuroutoshikou iTVC15-STVLP"
+ elog "Yuan PG600/DiamondMM PVR-550 (CX Falcon 2)"
+ elog "Adaptec AVC-2410"
+ elog "Adaptec AVC-2010"
+ elog "Nagase Transgear 5000TV"
+ elog "AOpen VA2000MAX-STN6"
+ elog "Yuan MPG600GR/Kuroutoshikou CX23416GYC-STVLP"
+ elog "I/O Data GV-MVP/RX"
+ elog "I/O Data GV-MVP/RX2E"
+ elog "Gotview PCI DVD (preliminary support only)"
+ elog "Gotview PCI DVD2 Deluxe"
+ elog "Yuan MPC622"
+ elog ""
+ if use fbcon; then
+ ewarn ""
+ ewarn "From the README regarding framebuffer support:"
+ ewarn ""
+ ewarn "ivtv-fb now requires that you enable the following kernel config"
+ ewarn "options: Go to 'Device drivers -> Graphics support'. Enable"
+ ewarn "'Support for frame buffer devices'. Enable 'Trident support'"
+ ewarn "(the Trident module itself is not required)."
+ ewarn ""
+ ewarn "To get working console output, keep going to 'Console display"
+ ewarn "driver support', and enable 'Framebuffer Console support'."
+ ewarn "Enable 'Select compiled-in fonts' & once that's done, you should"
+ ewarn "have a list of fonts. Choose one. With the default OSD size,"
+ ewarn "'VGA 8x16' gives 80x30(PAL) 80x25(NTSC)."
+ ewarn ""
+ ewarn "This ebuild checks for all the correct kernel config options for"
+ ewarn "framebuffer use with the exception of choosing a font. Be sure"
+ ewarn "to pick one yourself!"
+ ewarn ""
+ fi
+ ewarn ""
+ ewarn "IMPORTANT: In case of problems first read this page:"
+ ewarn "http://www.ivtvdriver.org/index.php/Troubleshooting"
+ ewarn ""
+ ewarn "If any of these conditions match your setup, you may want to look at the"
+ ewarn "README in /usr/share/doc/${PF}/"
+ ewarn ""
+ ewarn " - Using MythTV, a PVR-350 and the ivtv-fb module"
+ ewarn " - Using the ivtv X driver and the ivtv-fb module"
+ ewarn " - You want to manually build ivtv against v4l-dvb"
+ ewarn ""
+ ewarn "Also, the ivtv package comes with lots of documentation regarding setup,"
+ ewarn "proper use and debugging utilities."
+ ewarn "They are also located in /usr/share/doc/${PF}/"
+ ewarn ""
+ ewarn "For more information, see the IVTV driver homepage at:"
+ ewarn "http://www.ivtvdriver.org/"