Inputs :
stepper a stepper.stepper_obj for coarse Z positioning
zpiezo a z_piezo.z_piezo for fine positioning and deflection readin
- setpoint maximum allowed deflection (in Volts) during approaches
- num_bumps number of 'a's (see Outputs)
- push_depth_nm depth of each push when generating a
- num_temps number of 'T's (see Outputs)
+ num_bumps number of 'bumps' (see Outputs)
+ num_temps number of 'Ts' (see Outputs)
num_vibs number of 'vib's (see Outputs)
log_dir directory to log data to. Default 'None' disables logging.
+ Vphoto_in2V function to convert photodiode input bits to Volts
+ + other kwargs. Run calib_aquire._kwargs(calib_aquire) to see
+ all options. Run calib_aquire._childSplittables to see a list
+ of kwarg functions that this function calls.
Outputs (all are arrays of recorded data) :
bumps measured (V_photodiode / nm_tip) proportionality constant
Ts measured temperature (K)