self.assertEqual(test_case.test_success, True, test_case.fail_msg)
+ def testSlotConflictMassRebuild(self):
+ """
+ Bug 486580
+ Before this bug was fixed, emerge would backtrack for each package that needs
+ a rebuild. This could cause it to hit the backtrack limit and not rebuild all
+ needed packages.
+ """
+ ebuilds = {
+ "app-misc/A-1" : {
+ "EAPI": "5",
+ "DEPEND": "app-misc/B:=",
+ "RDEPEND": "app-misc/B:="
+ },
+ "app-misc/B-1" : {
+ "EAPI": "5",
+ "SLOT": "1"
+ },
+ "app-misc/B-2" : {
+ "EAPI": "5",
+ "SLOT": "2/2"
+ },
+ }
+ installed = {
+ "app-misc/B-1" : {
+ "EAPI": "5",
+ "SLOT": "1"
+ },
+ }
+ expected_mergelist = ['app-misc/A-1', 'app-misc/B-2']
+ for i in xrange(5):
+ ebuilds["app-misc/C%sC-1" % i] = {
+ "EAPI": "5",
+ "DEPEND": "app-misc/B:=",
+ "RDEPEND": "app-misc/B:="
+ }
+ installed["app-misc/C%sC-1" % i] = {
+ "EAPI": "5",
+ "DEPEND": "app-misc/B:1/1=",
+ "RDEPEND": "app-misc/B:1/1="
+ }
+ for x in ("DEPEND", "RDEPEND"):
+ ebuilds["app-misc/A-1"][x] += " app-misc/C%sC" % i
+ expected_mergelist.append("app-misc/C%sC-1" % i)
+ test_cases = (
+ ResolverPlaygroundTestCase(
+ ["app-misc/A"],
+ ignore_mergelist_order=True,
+ all_permutations=True,
+ options = {"--backtrack": 3, '--deep': True},
+ success = True,
+ mergelist = expected_mergelist),
+ )
+ world = []
+ playground = ResolverPlayground(ebuilds=ebuilds,
+ installed=installed, world=world, debug=True)
+ try:
+ for test_case in test_cases:
+ playground.run_TestCase(test_case)
+ self.assertEqual(test_case.test_success, True, test_case.fail_msg)
+ finally:
+ playground.cleanup()