the same \fBemerge\fR run as those using EAPIs which \fIdo\fR support
\fBHDEPEND\fR, this option affects only the former.
-.BR "\-\-select [ y | n ]"
+.BR "\-\-select [ y | n ] (\-w short option)"
Add specified packages to the world set (inverse of
\fB\-\-oneshot\fR). This is useful if you want to
-# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
+# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
from __future__ import print_function
print(" "+turquoise("emerge")+" < "+turquoise("--sync")+" | "+turquoise("--metadata")+" | "+turquoise("--info")+" >")
print(" "+turquoise("emerge")+" "+turquoise("--resume")+" [ "+green("--pretend")+" | "+green("--ask")+" | "+green("--skipfirst")+" ]")
print(" "+turquoise("emerge")+" "+turquoise("--help")+" [ "+green("--verbose")+" ] ")
- print(bold("Options:")+" "+green("-")+"["+green("abBcCdDefgGhjkKlnNoOpPqrsStuvV")+"]")
+ print(bold("Options:")+" "+green("-")+"["+green("abBcCdDefgGhjkKlnNoOpPqrsStuvVw")+"]")
print(" [ " + green("--color")+" < " + turquoise("y") + " | "+ turquoise("n")+" > ] [ "+green("--columns")+" ]")
print(" [ "+green("--complete-graph")+" ] [ "+green("--deep")+" ]")
print(" [ "+green("--jobs") + " " + turquoise("JOBS")+" ] [ "+green("--keep-going")+" ] [ " + green("--load-average")+" " + turquoise("LOAD") + " ]")