secondhand is a list of symlinks that have been skipped due to their target
not existing; we will merge these symlinks at a later time.
+ srcroot = normalize_path(srcroot).rstrip(os.path.sep) + os.path.sep
if not os.path.isdir(srcroot):
writemsg("!!! Directory Not Found: D='%s'\n" % srcroot,
max_dblnk = dblnk
self._installed_instance = max_dblnk
+ myfilelist = []
+ mylinklist = []
+ def onerror(e):
+ raise
+ for parent, dirs, files in os.walk(srcroot, onerror=onerror):
+ for f in files:
+ file_path = os.path.join(parent, f)
+ file_mode = os.lstat(file_path).st_mode
+ if stat.S_ISREG(file_mode):
+ myfilelist.append(file_path[len(srcroot):])
+ elif stat.S_ISLNK(file_mode):
+ mylinklist.append(file_path[len(srcroot):])
+ myfilelist.extend(mylinklist)
+ mysymlinks = mylinklist
+ del mylinklist
# check for package collisions
if True:
collision_ignore = set([normalize_path(myignore) for myignore in \
self.settings.get("COLLISION_IGNORE", "").split()])
- myfilelist = listdir(srcroot, recursive=1, filesonly=1, followSymlinks=False)
- # the linkcheck only works if we are in srcroot
- mycwd = getcwd()
- os.chdir(srcroot)
- mysymlinks = filter(os.path.islink, listdir(srcroot, recursive=1, filesonly=0, followSymlinks=False))
- myfilelist.extend(mysymlinks)
mysymlinked_directories = [s + os.path.sep for s in mysymlinks]
del mysymlinks
print "None of the installed packages claim the above file(s)."
- try:
- os.chdir(mycwd)
- except OSError:
- pass
if os.stat(srcroot).st_dev == os.stat(destroot).st_dev:
""" The merge process may move files out of the image directory,
# this is supposed to merge a list of files. There will be 2 forms of argument passing.
if type(stufftomerge)==types.StringType:
#A directory is specified. Figure out protection paths, listdir() it and process it.
- mergelist = listdir(join(srcroot, stufftomerge))
+ mergelist = os.listdir(join(srcroot, stufftomerge))