+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Alberto Gomez-Casado
-# Fabrizio Benedetti
-# Massimo Sandal <devicerandom@gmail.com>
-# W. Trevor King <wking@drexel.edu>
-# This file is part of Hooke.
-# Hooke is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
-# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
-# License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# Hooke is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
-# Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with Hooke. If not, see
-# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-"""Force spectroscopy curves basic fitting plugin.
-Non-standard Dependencies:
-procplots.py (plot processing plugin)
-from ..libhooke import WX_GOOD, ClickedPoint
-import wxversion
-#from wx import PostEvent
-#from wx.lib.newevent import NewEvent
-import scipy
-import scipy.odr
-import scipy.stats
-import numpy as np
-import copy
-import Queue
-global measure_wlc
-#measure_wlc, EVT_MEASURE_WLC = NewEvent()
-global events_from_fit
-events_from_fit=Queue.Queue() #GUI ---> CLI COMMUNICATION
-class fitCommands(object):
- def _plug_init(self):
- self.wlccurrent=None
- self.wlccontact_point=None
- self.wlccontact_index=None
- def dist2fit(self):
- '''Calculates the average distance from data to fit, scaled by the standard deviation
- of the free cantilever area (thermal noise)
- '''
- def wlc_fit(self,clicked_points,xvector,yvector, pl_value, T=293, return_errors=False):
- '''
- Worm-like chain model fitting.
- The function is the simple polynomial worm-like chain as proposed by C.Bustamante, J.F.Marko, E.D.Siggia
- and S.Smith (Science. 1994 Sep 9;265(5178):1599-600.)
- '''
- '''
- clicked_points[0] = contact point (calculated or hand-clicked)
- clicked_points[1] and [2] are edges of chunk
- '''
- #STEP 1: Prepare the vectors to apply the fit.
- if pl_value is not None:
- pl_value=pl_value/(10**9)
- #indexes of the selected chunk
- first_index=min(clicked_points[1].index, clicked_points[2].index)
- last_index=max(clicked_points[1].index, clicked_points[2].index)
- #getting the chunk and reverting it
- xchunk,ychunk=xvector[first_index:last_index],yvector[first_index:last_index]
- xchunk.reverse()
- ychunk.reverse()
- #put contact point at zero and flip around the contact point (the fit wants a positive growth for extension and force)
- xchunk_corr_up=[-(x-clicked_points[0].graph_coords[0]) for x in xchunk]
- ychunk_corr_up=[-(y-clicked_points[0].graph_coords[1]) for y in ychunk]
- #make them arrays
- xchunk_corr_up=scipy.array(xchunk_corr_up)
- ychunk_corr_up=scipy.array(ychunk_corr_up)
- #STEP 2: actually do the fit
- #Find furthest point of chunk and add it a bit; the fit must converge
- #from an excess!
- xchunk_high=max(xchunk_corr_up)
- xchunk_high+=(xchunk_high/10)
- #Here are the linearized start parameters for the WLC.
- #[lambd=1/Lo , pii=1/P]
- p0=[(1/xchunk_high),(1/(3.5e-10))]
- p0_plfix=[(1/xchunk_high)]
- '''
- fixme: remove these comments after testing
- '''
- def dist(px,py,linex,liney):
- distancesx=scipy.array([(px-x)**2 for x in linex])
- minindex=np.argmin(distancesx)
- print px, linex[0], linex[-1]
- return (py-liney[minindex])**2
- def f_wlc(params,x,T=T):
- '''
- wlc function for ODR fitting
- '''
- lambd,pii=params
- Kb=(1.38065e-23)
- therm=Kb*T
- y=(therm*pii/4.0) * (((1-(x*lambd))**-2) - 1 + (4*x*lambd))
- return y
- def f_wlc_plfix(params,x,pl_value=pl_value,T=T):
- '''
- wlc function for ODR fitting
- '''
- lambd=params
- pii=1/pl_value
- Kb=(1.38065e-23)
- therm=Kb*T
- y=(therm*pii/4.0) * (((1-(x*lambd))**-2) - 1 + (4*x*lambd))
- return y
- #make the ODR fit
- realdata=scipy.odr.RealData(xchunk_corr_up,ychunk_corr_up)
- if pl_value:
- model=scipy.odr.Model(f_wlc_plfix)
- o = scipy.odr.ODR(realdata, model, p0_plfix)
- else:
- model=scipy.odr.Model(f_wlc)
- o = scipy.odr.ODR(realdata, model, p0)
- o.set_job(fit_type=2)
- out=o.run()
- fit_out=[(1/i) for i in out.beta]
- #Calculate fit errors from output standard deviations.
- #We must propagate the error because we fit the *inverse* parameters!
- #The error = (error of the inverse)*(value**2)
- fit_errors=[]
- for sd,value in zip(out.sd_beta, fit_out):
- err_real=sd*(value**2)
- fit_errors.append(err_real)
- def wlc_eval(x,params,pl_value,T):
- '''
- Evaluates the WLC function
- '''
- if not pl_value:
- lambd, pii = params
- else:
- lambd = params
- if pl_value:
- pii=1/pl_value
- Kb=(1.38065e-23) #boltzmann constant
- therm=Kb*T #so we have thermal energy
- return ( (therm*pii/4.0) * (((1-(x*lambd))**-2.0) - 1 + (4.0*x*lambd)) )
- #STEP 3: plotting the fit
- #obtain domain to plot the fit - from contact point to last_index plus 20 points
- thule_index=last_index+10
- if thule_index > len(xvector): #for rare cases in which we fit something at the END of whole curve.
- thule_index = len(xvector)
- #reverse etc. the domain
- xfit_chunk=xvector[clicked_points[0].index:thule_index]
- xfit_chunk.reverse()
- xfit_chunk_corr_up=[-(x-clicked_points[0].graph_coords[0]) for x in xfit_chunk]
- xfit_chunk_corr_up=scipy.array(xfit_chunk_corr_up)
- #the fitted curve: reflip, re-uncorrect
- yfit=wlc_eval(xfit_chunk_corr_up, out.beta, pl_value,T)
- yfit_down=[-y for y in yfit]
- yfit_corr_down=[y+clicked_points[0].graph_coords[1] for y in yfit_down]
- #calculate fit quality
- qsum=0
- yqeval=wlc_eval(xchunk_corr_up,out.beta,pl_value,T)
- #we need to cut the extra from thuleindex
- for qindex in np.arange(0,len(yqeval)):
- qsum+=(yqeval[qindex]-ychunk_corr_up[qindex])**2
- qstd=np.sqrt(qsum/len(ychunk_corr_up))
- if return_errors:
- return fit_out, yfit_corr_down, xfit_chunk, fit_errors, qstd
- else:
- return fit_out, yfit_corr_down, xfit_chunk, None, qstd
- def fjc_fit(self,clicked_points,xvector,yvector, pl_value, T=293, return_errors=False):
- '''
- Freely-jointed chain function
- ref: C.Ray and B.B. Akhremitchev; http://www.chem.duke.edu/~boris/research/force_spectroscopy/fit_efjc.pdf
- '''
- '''
- clicked_points[0] is the contact point (calculated or hand-clicked)
- clicked_points[1] and [2] are edges of chunk
- '''
- #STEP 1: Prepare the vectors to apply the fit.
- if pl_value is not None:
- pl_value=pl_value/(10**9)
- #indexes of the selected chunk
- first_index=min(clicked_points[1].index, clicked_points[2].index)
- last_index=max(clicked_points[1].index, clicked_points[2].index)
- #getting the chunk and reverting it
- xchunk,ychunk=xvector[first_index:last_index],yvector[first_index:last_index]
- xchunk.reverse()
- ychunk.reverse()
- #put contact point at zero and flip around the contact point (the fit wants a positive growth for extension and force)
- xchunk_corr_up=[-(x-clicked_points[0].graph_coords[0]) for x in xchunk]
- ychunk_corr_up=[-(y-clicked_points[0].graph_coords[1]) for y in ychunk]
- #make them arrays
- xchunk_corr_up=scipy.array(xchunk_corr_up)
- ychunk_corr_up=scipy.array(ychunk_corr_up)
- #STEP 2: actually do the fit
- #Find furthest point of chunk and add it a bit; the fit must converge
- #from an excess!
- xchunk_high=max(xchunk_corr_up)
- xchunk_high+=(xchunk_high/10)
- #Here are the linearized start parameters for the WLC.
- #[lambd=1/Lo , pii=1/P]
- p0=[(1/xchunk_high),(1/(3.5e-10))]
- p0_plfix=[(1/xchunk_high)]
- '''
- fixme: remove these comments after testing
- '''
- def dist(px,py,linex,liney):
- distancesx=scipy.array([(px-x)**2 for x in linex])
- minindex=np.argmin(distancesx)
- print minindex, px, linex[0], linex[-1]
- return (py-liney[minindex])**2
- def coth(z):
- '''
- hyperbolic cotangent
- '''
- return (np.exp(2*z)+1)/(np.exp(2*z)-1)
- def x_fjc(params,f,T=T):
- '''
- fjc function for ODR fitting
- '''
- lambd,pii=params
- Kb=(1.38065e-23)
- therm=Kb*T
- #x=(therm*pii/4.0) * (((1-(x*lambd))**-2) - 1 + (4*x*lambd))
- x=(1/lambd)*(coth(f*(1/pii)/therm) - (therm*pii)/f)
- return x
- def x_fjc_plfix(params,f,pl_value=pl_value,T=T):
- '''
- fjc function for ODR fitting
- '''
- lambd=params
- pii=1/pl_value
- Kb=(1.38065e-23)
- therm=Kb*T
- #y=(therm*pii/4.0) * (((1-(x*lambd))**-2) - 1 + (4*x*lambd))
- x=(1/lambd)*(coth(f*(1/pii)/therm) - (therm*pii)/f)
- return x
- #make the ODR fit
- realdata=scipy.odr.RealData(ychunk_corr_up,xchunk_corr_up)
- if pl_value:
- model=scipy.odr.Model(x_fjc_plfix)
- o = scipy.odr.ODR(realdata, model, p0_plfix)
- else:
- model=scipy.odr.Model(x_fjc)
- o = scipy.odr.ODR(realdata, model, p0)
- o.set_job(fit_type=2)
- out=o.run()
- fit_out=[(1/i) for i in out.beta]
- #Calculate fit errors from output standard deviations.
- #We must propagate the error because we fit the *inverse* parameters!
- #The error = (error of the inverse)*(value**2)
- fit_errors=[]
- for sd,value in zip(out.sd_beta, fit_out):
- err_real=sd*(value**2)
- fit_errors.append(err_real)
- def fjc_eval(y,params,pl_value,T):
- '''
- Evaluates the WLC function
- '''
- if not pl_value:
- lambd, pii = params
- else:
- lambd = params
- if pl_value:
- pii=1/pl_value
- Kb=(1.38065e-23) #boltzmann constant
- therm=Kb*T #so we have thermal energy
- #return ( (therm*pii/4.0) * (((1-(x*lambd))**-2.0) - 1 + (4.0*x*lambd)) )
- return (1/lambd)*(coth(y*(1/pii)/therm) - (therm*pii)/y)
- #STEP 3: plotting the fit
- #obtain domain to plot the fit - from contact point to last_index plus 20 points
- thule_index=last_index+10
- if thule_index > len(xvector): #for rare cases in which we fit something at the END of whole curve.
- thule_index = len(xvector)
- #reverse etc. the domain
- ychunk=yvector[clicked_points[0].index:thule_index]
- if len(ychunk)>0:
- y_evalchunk=np.linspace(min(ychunk),max(ychunk),100)
- else:
- #Empty y-chunk. It happens whenever we set the contact point after a recognized peak,
- #or other buggy situations. Kludge to live with it now...
- ychunk=yvector[:thule_index]
- y_evalchunk=np.linspace(min(ychunk),max(ychunk),100)
- yfit_down=[-y for y in y_evalchunk]
- yfit_corr_down=[y+clicked_points[0].graph_coords[1] for y in yfit_down]
- yfit_corr_down=scipy.array(yfit_corr_down)
- #the fitted curve: reflip, re-uncorrect
- xfit=fjc_eval(yfit_corr_down, out.beta, pl_value,T)
- xfit=list(xfit)
- xfit.reverse()
- xfit_chunk_corr_up=[-(x-clicked_points[0].graph_coords[0]) for x in xfit]
- #xfit_chunk_corr_up=scipy.array(xfit_chunk_corr_up)
- #deltay=yfit_down[0]-yvector[clicked_points[0].index]
- #This is a terrible, terrible kludge to find the point where it should normalize (and from where it should plot)
- xxxdists=[]
- for index in scipy.arange(1,len(xfit_chunk_corr_up),1):
- xxxdists.append((clicked_points[0].graph_coords[0]-xfit_chunk_corr_up[index])**2)
- normalize_index=xxxdists.index(min(xxxdists))
- #End of kludge
- deltay=yfit_down[normalize_index]-clicked_points[0].graph_coords[1]
- yfit_corr_down=[y-deltay for y in yfit_down]
- #calculate fit quality
- #creates dense y vector
- yqeval=np.linspace(np.min(ychunk_corr_up)/2,np.max(ychunk_corr_up)*2,10*len(ychunk_corr_up))
- #corresponding fitted x
- xqeval=fjc_eval(yqeval,out.beta,pl_value,T)
- qsum=0
- for qindex in np.arange(0,len(ychunk_corr_up)):
- qsum+=dist(xchunk_corr_up[qindex],ychunk_corr_up[qindex],xqeval,yqeval)
- qstd=np.sqrt(qsum/len(ychunk_corr_up))
- if return_errors:
- return fit_out, yfit_corr_down[normalize_index+1:], xfit_chunk_corr_up[normalize_index+1:], fit_errors, qstd
- else:
- return fit_out, yfit_corr_down[normalize_index+1:], xfit_chunk_corr_up[normalize_index+1:], None, qstd
- def efjc_fit(self,clicked_points,xvector,yvector, pl_value, T=293.0, return_errors=False):
- '''
- Extended Freely-jointed chain function
- ref: F Oesterhelt, M Rief and H E Gaub, New Journal of Physics 1 (1999) 6.1–6.11
- Please note that 2-parameter fitting (length and kl) usually does not converge, use fixed kl
- '''
- '''
- clicked_points[0] is the contact point (calculated or hand-clicked)
- clicked_points[1] and [2] are edges of chunk
- '''
- #Fixed parameters from reference
- Kb=(1.38065e-2) #in pN.nm
- Lp=0.358 #planar, nm
- Lh=0.280 #helical, nm
- Ks=150e3 #pN/nm
- #STEP 1: Prepare the vectors to apply the fit.
- #indexes of the selected chunk
- first_index=min(clicked_points[1].index, clicked_points[2].index)
- last_index=max(clicked_points[1].index, clicked_points[2].index)
- #getting the chunk and reverting it
- xchunk,ychunk=xvector[first_index:last_index],yvector[first_index:last_index]
- xchunk.reverse()
- ychunk.reverse()
- #put contact point at zero and flip around the contact point (the fit wants a positive growth for extension and force)
- xchunk_corr_up=[-(x-clicked_points[0].graph_coords[0]) for x in xchunk]
- ychunk_corr_up=[-(y-clicked_points[0].graph_coords[1]) for y in ychunk]
- #make them arrays
- xchunk_corr_up=scipy.array(xchunk_corr_up)
- ychunk_corr_up=scipy.array(ychunk_corr_up)
- xchunk_corr_up_nm=xchunk_corr_up*1e9
- ychunk_corr_up_pn=ychunk_corr_up*1e12
- #STEP 2: actually do the fit
- #Find furthest point of chunk and add it a bit; the fit must converge
- #from an excess!
- xchunk_high=max(xchunk_corr_up_nm)
- xchunk_high+=(xchunk_high/10.0)
- #Here are the linearized start parameters for the WLC.
- #[Ns , pii=1/P]
- #max number of monomers (all helical)for a contour length xchunk_high
- excessNs=xchunk_high/(Lp)
- p0=[excessNs,(1.0/(0.7))]
- p0_plfix=[(excessNs)]
- def dist(px,py,linex,liney):
- distancesx=scipy.array([(px-x)**2 for x in linex])
- minindex=np.argmin(distancesx)
- return (py-liney[minindex])**2
- def deltaG(f):
- dG0=12.4242 #3kt in pN.nm
- dL=0.078 #planar-helical
- return dG0-f*dL
- def Lfactor(f,T=T):
- Lp=0.358 #planar, nm
- Lh=0.280 #helical, nm
- Kb=(1.38065e-2)
- therm=Kb*T
- dG=deltaG(f)
- return Lp/(np.exp(dG/therm)+1)+Lh/(np.exp(-dG/therm)+1)
- def coth(z):
- '''
- hyperbolic cotangent
- '''
- return 1.0/np.tanh(z)
- def x_efjc(params,f,T=T,Ks=Ks):
- '''
- efjc function for ODR fitting
- '''
- Ns=params[0]
- invkl=params[1]
- Kb=(1.38065e-2)
- therm=Kb*T
- beta=(f/therm)/invkl
- x=Ns*Lfactor(f)*(coth(beta)-1.0/beta)+Ns*f/Ks
- return x
- def x_efjc_plfix(params,f,kl_value=pl_value,T=T,Ks=Ks):
- '''
- efjc function for ODR fitting
- '''
- Ns=params
- invkl=1.0/kl_value
- Kb=(1.38065e-2)
- therm=Kb*T
- beta=(f/therm)/invkl
- x=Ns*Lfactor(f)*(coth(beta)-1.0/beta)+Ns*f/Ks
- return x
- #make the ODR fit
- realdata=scipy.odr.RealData(ychunk_corr_up_pn,xchunk_corr_up_nm)
- if pl_value:
- model=scipy.odr.Model(x_efjc_plfix)
- o = scipy.odr.ODR(realdata, model, p0_plfix)
- else:
- print 'WARNING eFJC fit with free pl sometimes does not converge'
- model=scipy.odr.Model(x_efjc)
- o = scipy.odr.ODR(realdata, model, p0)
- o.set_job(fit_type=2)
- out=o.run()
- Ns=out.beta[0]
- Lc=Ns*Lp*1e-9
- if len(out.beta)>1:
- kfit=1e-9/out.beta[1]
- kfitnm=1/out.beta[1]
- else:
- kfit=1e-9*pl_value
- kfitnm=pl_value
- fit_out=[Lc, kfit]
- #Calculate fit errors from output standard deviations.
- fit_errors=[]
- fit_errors.append(out.sd_beta[0]*Lp*1e-9)
- if len(out.beta)>1:
- fit_errors.append(1e9*out.sd_beta[1]*kfit**2)
- def efjc_eval(y,params,pl_value,T=T,Lfactor=Lfactor,Ks=Ks):
- '''
- Evaluates the eFJC function
- '''
- if not pl_value:
- Ns, invkl = params
- else:
- Ns = params
- if pl_value:
- invkl=1.0/pl_value
- Kb=(1.38065e-2) #boltzmann constant
- therm=Kb*T #so we have thermal energy
- beta=(y/therm)/invkl
- x= Ns*Lfactor(y)*(coth(beta)-1.0/beta)+Ns*y/Ks
- return x
- #STEP 3: plotting the fit
- #obtain domain to plot the fit - from contact point to last_index plus 20 points
- thule_index=last_index+10
- if thule_index > len(xvector): #for rare cases in which we fit something at the END of whole curve.
- thule_index = len(xvector)
- #reverse etc. the domain
- ychunk=yvector[clicked_points[0].index:thule_index]
- if len(ychunk)>0:
- y_evalchunk=np.linspace(min(ychunk),max(ychunk),100)
- else:
- #Empty y-chunk. It happens whenever we set the contact point after a recognized peak,
- #or other buggy situations. Kludge to live with it now...
- ychunk=yvector[:thule_index]
- y_evalchunk=np.linspace(min(ychunk),max(ychunk),100)
- yfit_down=[-y for y in y_evalchunk]
- yfit_corr_down=[y+clicked_points[0].graph_coords[1] for y in yfit_down]
- yfit_corr_down=scipy.array(yfit_corr_down)
- #the fitted curve: reflip, re-uncorrect
- xfit=efjc_eval(1e12*yfit_corr_down, out.beta, pl_value,T)*1e-9
- xfit=list(xfit)
- xfit.reverse()
- xfit_chunk_corr_up=[-(x-clicked_points[0].graph_coords[0]) for x in xfit]
- #xfit_chunk_corr_up=scipy.array(xfit_chunk_corr_up)
- #deltay=yfit_down[0]-yvector[clicked_points[0].index]
- #This is a terrible, terrible kludge to find the point where it should normalize (and from where it should plot)
- xxxdists=[]
- for index in scipy.arange(1,len(xfit_chunk_corr_up),1):
- xxxdists.append((clicked_points[0].graph_coords[0]-xfit_chunk_corr_up[index])**2)
- normalize_index=xxxdists.index(min(xxxdists))
- #End of kludge
- deltay=yfit_down[normalize_index]-clicked_points[0].graph_coords[1]
- yfit_corr_down=[y-deltay for y in yfit_down]
- #calculate fit quality
- #creates dense y vector
- yqeval=np.linspace(np.min(ychunk_corr_up_pn)/2,np.max(ychunk_corr_up_pn)*2,10*len(ychunk_corr_up_pn))
- #corresponding fitted x
- xqeval=efjc_eval(yqeval,out.beta,pl_value)
- qsum=0
- for qindex in np.arange(0,len(ychunk_corr_up_pn)):
- qsum+=dist(xchunk_corr_up_nm[qindex],ychunk_corr_up_pn[qindex],xqeval,yqeval)
- qstd=1e-12*np.sqrt(qsum/len(ychunk_corr_up_pn))
- if return_errors:
- return fit_out, yfit_corr_down[normalize_index+1:], xfit_chunk_corr_up[normalize_index+1:], fit_errors, qstd
- else:
- return fit_out, yfit_corr_down[normalize_index+1:], xfit_chunk_corr_up[normalize_index+1:], None, qstd
- def do_wlc(self,args):
- '''
- (fit.py plugin)
- See the fit command
- '''
- self.do_fit(args)
- def do_fjc(self,args):
- '''
- (fit.py plugin)
- See the fit command
- '''
- self.do_fit(args)
- def do_fit(self,args):
- '''
- (fit.py plugin)
- Fits an entropic elasticity function to a given chunk of the curve.
- First you have to click a contact point.
- Then you have to click the two edges of the data you want to fit.
- Fit quality compares the distance to the fit with the thermal noise (a good fit should be close to 1)
- The fit function depends on the fit_function variable. You can set it with the command
- "set fit_function wlc" or "set fit_function fjc" depending on the function you prefer.
- For WLC, the function is the simple polynomial worm-like chain as proposed by
- C.Bustamante, J.F.Marko, E.D.Siggia and S.Smith (Science. 1994
- Sep 9;265(5178):1599-600.)
- For FJC, ref:
- C.Ray and B.B. Akhremitchev; http://www.chem.duke.edu/~boris/research/force_spectroscopy/fit_efjc.pdf
- For eFJC, ref:
- F Oesterhelt, M Rief and H E Gaub, New Journal of Physics 1 (1999) 6.1–6.11 (section 4.2)
- NOTE: use fixed pl for better results.
- Arguments:
- pl=[value] : Use a fixed persistent length (WLC) or Kuhn length (FJC) for the fit. If pl is not given,
- the fit will be a 2-variable
- fit. DO NOT put spaces between 'pl', '=' and the value.
- The value must be in nanometers.
- t=[value] : Use a user-defined temperature. The value must be in
- kelvins; by default it is 293 K.
- DO NOT put spaces between 't', '=' and the value.
- noauto : allows for clicking the contact point by
- hand (otherwise it is automatically estimated) the first time.
- If subsequent measurements are made, the same contact point
- clicked is used
- reclick : redefines by hand the contact point, if noauto has been used before
- but the user is unsatisfied of the previously choosen contact point.
- ---------
- Syntax: fit [pl=(value)] [t=value] [noauto]
- '''
- pl_value=None
- T=self.config['temperature']
- for arg in args.split():
- #look for a persistent length argument.
- if 'pl=' in arg:
- pl_expression=arg.split('=')
- pl_value=float(pl_expression[1]) #actual value
- #look for a T argument. FIXME: spaces are not allowed between 'pl' and value
- if ('t=' in arg[0:2]) or ('T=' in arg[0:2]):
- t_expression=arg.split('=')
- T=float(t_expression[1])
- #use the currently displayed plot for the fit
- displayed_plot=self._get_displayed_plot()
- #handle contact point arguments correctly
- if 'reclick' in args.split():
- print 'Click contact point'
- contact_point=self._measure_N_points(N=1, whatset=1)[0]
- contact_point_index=contact_point.index
- self.wlccontact_point=contact_point
- self.wlccontact_index=contact_point.index
- self.wlccurrent=self.current.path
- elif 'noauto' in args.split():
- if self.wlccontact_index==None or self.wlccurrent != self.current.path:
- print 'Click contact point'
- contact_point=self._measure_N_points(N=1, whatset=1)[0]
- contact_point_index=contact_point.index
- self.wlccontact_point=contact_point
- self.wlccontact_index=contact_point.index
- self.wlccurrent=self.current.path
- else:
- contact_point=self.wlccontact_point
- contact_point_index=self.wlccontact_index
- else:
- cindex=self.find_contact_point()
- contact_point=ClickedPoint()
- contact_point.absolute_coords=displayed_plot.vectors[1][0][cindex], displayed_plot.vectors[1][1][cindex]
- contact_point.find_graph_coords(displayed_plot.vectors[1][0], displayed_plot.vectors[1][1])
- contact_point.is_marker=True
- print 'Click edges of chunk'
- points=self._measure_N_points(N=2, whatset=1)
- points=[contact_point]+points
- try:
- if self.config['fit_function']=='wlc':
- params, yfit, xfit, fit_errors,qstd = self.wlc_fit(points, displayed_plot.vectors[1][0], displayed_plot.vectors[1][1],pl_value,T, return_errors=True )
- name_of_charlength='Persistent length'
- elif self.config['fit_function']=='fjc':
- params, yfit, xfit, fit_errors,qstd = self.fjc_fit(points, displayed_plot.vectors[1][0], displayed_plot.vectors[1][1],pl_value,T, return_errors=True )
- name_of_charlength='Kuhn length'
- elif self.config['fit_function']=='efjc':
- params, yfit, xfit, fit_errors,qstd = self.efjc_fit(points, displayed_plot.vectors[1][0], displayed_plot.vectors[1][1],pl_value,T, return_errors=True )
- name_of_charlength='Kuhn length (e)'
- else:
- print 'No recognized fit function defined!'
- print 'Set your fit function to wlc, fjc or efjc.'
- return
- except:
- print 'Fit not possible. Probably wrong interval -did you click two *different* points?'
- return
- #FIXME: print "Kuhn length" for FJC
- print 'Fit function:',self.config['fit_function']
- print 'Contour length: ',params[0]*(1.0e+9),' nm'
- to_dump='contour '+self.current.path+' '+str(params[0]*(1.0e+9))+' nm'
- self.outlet.push(to_dump)
- if len(params)==2: #if we did choose 2-value fit
- print name_of_charlength+': ',params[1]*(1.0e+9),' nm'
- to_dump='persistent '+self.current.path+' '+str(params[1]*(1.0e+9))+' nm'
- self.outlet.push(to_dump)
- if fit_errors:
- fit_nm=[i*(10**9) for i in fit_errors]
- print 'Standard deviation (contour length)', fit_nm[0]
- if len(fit_nm)>1:
- print 'Standard deviation ('+name_of_charlength+')', fit_nm[1]
- print 'Fit quality: '+str(qstd/np.std(displayed_plot.vectors[1][1][-20:-1]))
- #add the clicked points in the final PlotObject
- clickvector_x, clickvector_y=[], []
- for item in points:
- clickvector_x.append(item.graph_coords[0])
- clickvector_y.append(item.graph_coords[1])
- #create a custom PlotObject to gracefully plot the fit along the curves
- fitplot=copy.deepcopy(displayed_plot)
- fitplot.add_set(xfit,yfit)
- fitplot.add_set(clickvector_x,clickvector_y)
- #FIXME: this colour/styles stuff must be solved at the root!
- if fitplot.styles==[]:
- fitplot.styles=[None,None,None,'scatter']
- else:
- fitplot.styles+=[None,'scatter']
- if fitplot.colors==[]:
- fitplot.colors=[None,None,None,None]
- else:
- fitplot.colors+=[None,None]
- self._send_plot([fitplot])
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Alberto Gomez-Casado
+# Fabrizio Benedetti
+# Massimo Sandal <devicerandom@gmail.com>
+# W. Trevor King <wking@drexel.edu>
+# This file is part of Hooke.
+# Hooke is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+# License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# Hooke is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+# Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with Hooke. If not, see
+# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+"""The ``polymer_fit`` module proviews :class:`PolymerFitPlugin` and
+serveral associated :class:`hooke.command.Command`\s for Fitting
+velocity-clamp data to various polymer models (WLC, FJC, etc.).
+import copy
+import Queue
+import StringIO
+import sys
+import numpy
+from scipy.optimize import newton, bisect
+from ..command import Command, Argument, Failure
+from ..config import Setting
+from ..curve import Data
+from ..plugin import Plugin
+from ..util.fit import PoorFit, ModelFitter
+from ..util.callback import is_iterable
+from .curve import CurveArgument
+from .vclamp import scale
+kB = 1.3806503e-23 # Joules/Kelvin
+def coth(z):
+ """Hyperbolic cotangent.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> coth(1.19967874) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ 1.199678...
+ Notes
+ -----
+ From `MathWorld`_
+ .. math::
+ \coth(z) \equiv \frac{\exp(z) + \exp(-z)}{\exp(z) - \exp(-z)}
+ = \frac{1}{\tanh(z)}
+ .. _MathWorld:
+ http://mathworld.wolfram.com/HyperbolicCotangent.html
+ """
+ return 1.0/numpy.tanh(z)
+def arccoth(z):
+ """Inverse hyperbolic cotangent.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> arccoth(1.19967874) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ 1.199678...
+ >>> arccoth(coth(numpy.pi)) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ 3.1415...
+ Notes
+ -----
+ Inverting from the :func:`definition <coth>`.
+ .. math::
+ z \equiv \atanh\left( \frac{1}{\coth(z)} \right)
+ """
+ return numpy.arctanh(1.0/z)
+def Langevin(z):
+ """Langevin function.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> Langevin(numpy.pi) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ 0.685...
+ Notes
+ -----
+ From `Wikipedia`_ or Hatfield [#]_
+ .. math::
+ L(z) \equiv \coth(z) - \frac{1}{z}
+ .. _Wikipedia:
+ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brillouin_and_Langevin_functions#Langevin_Function
+ .. [#]: J.W. Hatfield and S.R. Quake
+ "Dynamic Properties of an Extended Polymer in Solution."
+ Phys. Rev. Lett. 1999.
+ doi: `10.1103/PhysRevLett.82.3548 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.82.3548>`
+ """
+ return coth(z) - 1.0/z
+def inverse_Langevin(z, extreme=1.0 - 1e-8):
+ """Inverse Langevin function.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ z : float or array_like
+ object whose inverse Langevin will be returned
+ extreme : float
+ value (close to one) for which we assume the inverse is +/-
+ infinity. This avoids problems with Newton-Raphson
+ convergence in regions with low slope.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> inverse_Langevin(Langevin(numpy.pi)) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ 3.14159...
+ >>> inverse_Langevin(Langevin(numpy.array([1,2,3]))) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ array([ 1., 2., 3.])
+ Notes
+ -----
+ We approximate the inverse Langevin via Newton's method
+ (:func:`scipy.optimize.newton`). For the starting point, we take
+ the first three terms from the Taylor series (from `Wikipedia`_).
+ .. math::
+ L^{-1}(z) = 3z + \frac{9}{5}z^3 + \frac{297}{175}z^5 + \dots
+ .. _Wikipedia:
+ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brillouin_and_Langevin_functions#Langevin_Function
+ """
+ if is_iterable(z):
+ ret = numpy.ndarray(shape=z.shape, dtype=z.dtype)
+ for i,z_i in enumerate(z):
+ ret[i] = inverse_Langevin(z_i)
+ return ret
+ if z > extreme:
+ return numpy.inf
+ elif z < -extreme:
+ return -numpy.inf
+ # Catch stdout since sometimes the newton function prints exit
+ # messages to stdout, e.g. "Tolerance of %s reached".
+ stdout = sys.stdout
+ tmp_stdout = StringIO.StringIO()
+ sys.stdout = tmp_stdout
+ ret = newton(func=lambda x: Langevin(x)-z,
+ x0=3*z + 9./5.*z**3 + 297./175.*z**5,)
+ sys.stdout = stdout
+ output = tmp_stdout.getvalue()
+ return ret
+def FJC_fn(x_data, T, L, a):
+ """The freely jointed chain model.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ x_data : array_like
+ x values for which the WLC tension should be calculated.
+ T : float
+ temperature in Kelvin.
+ L : float
+ contour length in meters.
+ a : float
+ Kuhn length in meters.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ f_data : array
+ `F(x_data)`.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> FJC_fn(numpy.array([1e-9, 5e-9, 10e-9], dtype=numpy.float),
+ ... T=300, L=15e-9, a=2.5e-10) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ array([ 3.322...-12, 1.78...e-11, 4.889...e-11])
+ Notes
+ -----
+ The freely jointed chain model is
+ .. math::
+ F(x) = \frac{k_B T}{a} L^{-1}\left( \frac{x}{L} \right)
+ where :math:`L^{-1}` is the :func:`inverse_Langevin`, :math:`a` is
+ the Kuhn length, and :math:`L` is the contour length [#]_. For
+ the inverse formulation (:math:`x(F)`), see Ray and Akhremitchev [#]_.
+ .. [#]: J.W. Hatfield and S.R. Quake
+ "Dynamic Properties of an Extended Polymer in Solution."
+ Phys. Rev. Lett. 1999.
+ doi: `10.1103/PhysRevLett.82.3548 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.82.3548>`
+ .. [#] C. Ray and B.B. Akhremitchev.
+ `"Fitting Force Curves by the Extended Freely Jointed Chain Model" <http://www.chem.duke.edu/~boris/research/force_spectroscopy/fit_efjc.pdf>`
+ """
+ return kB*T / a * inverse_Langevin(x_data/L)
+class FJC (ModelFitter):
+ """Fit the data to a freely jointed chain.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ Generate some example data
+ >>> T = 300 # Kelvin
+ >>> L = 35e-9 # meters
+ >>> a = 2.5e-10 # meters
+ >>> x_data = numpy.linspace(10e-9, 30e-9, num=20)
+ >>> d_data = FJC_fn(x_data, T=T, L=L, a=a)
+ Fit the example data with a two-parameter fit (`L` and `a`).
+ >>> info = {
+ ... 'temperature (K)': T,
+ ... 'x data (m)': x_data,
+ ... }
+ >>> model = FJC(d_data, info=info, rescale=True)
+ >>> outqueue = Queue.Queue()
+ >>> Lp,a = model.fit(outqueue=outqueue)
+ >>> fit_info = outqueue.get(block=False)
+ >>> model.L(Lp) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ 3.500...e-08
+ >>> a # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ 2.499...e-10
+ Fit the example data with a one-parameter fit (`L`). We introduce
+ some error in our fixed Kuhn length for fun.
+ >>> info['Kuhn length (m)'] = 2*a
+ >>> model = FJC(d_data, info=info, rescale=True)
+ >>> Lp = model.fit(outqueue=outqueue)
+ >>> fit_info = outqueue.get(block=False)
+ >>> model.L(Lp) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ 3.199...e-08
+ """
+ def Lp(self, L):
+ """To avoid invalid values of `L`, we reparametrize with `Lp`.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ L : float
+ contour length in meters
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Lp : float
+ rescaled version of `L`.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> x_data = numpy.linspace(1e-9, 20e-9, num=10)
+ >>> model = FJC(data=x_data, info={'x data (m)':x_data})
+ >>> model.Lp(20e-9) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ -inf
+ >>> model.Lp(19e-9) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ nan
+ >>> model.Lp(21e-9) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ -2.99...
+ >>> model.Lp(100e-9) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ 1.386...
+ Notes
+ -----
+ The rescaling is designed to limit `L` to values strictly
+ greater than the maximum `x` data value, so we use
+ .. math::
+ L = [\exp(L_p))+1] * x_\text{max}
+ which has the inverse
+ .. math::
+ L_p = \ln(L/x_\text{max}-1)
+ This will obviously effect the interpretation of the fit's covariance matrix.
+ """
+ x_max = self.info['x data (m)'].max()
+ return numpy.log(L/x_max - 1)
+ def L(self, Lp):
+ """Inverse of :meth:`Lp`.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ Lp : float
+ rescaled version of `L`
+ Returns
+ -------
+ L : float
+ contour length in meters
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> x_data = numpy.linspace(1e-9, 20e-9, num=10)
+ >>> model = FJC(data=x_data, info={'x data (m)':x_data})
+ >>> model.L(model.Lp(21e-9)) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ 2.100...e-08
+ >>> model.L(model.Lp(100e-9)) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ 9.999...e-08
+ """
+ x_max = self.info['x data (m)'].max()
+ return (numpy.exp(Lp)+1)*x_max
+ def model(self, params):
+ """Extract the relavant arguments and use :func:`FJC_fn`.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ params : list of floats
+ `[Lp, a]`, where the presence of `a` is optional.
+ """
+ # setup convenient aliases
+ T = self.info['temperature (K)']
+ x_data = self.info['x data (m)']
+ L = self.L(params[0])
+ if len(params) > 1:
+ a = abs(params[1])
+ else:
+ a = self.info['Kuhn length (m)']
+ # compute model data
+ self._model_data[:] = FJC_fn(x_data, T, L, a)
+ return self._model_data
+ def guess_initial_params(self, outqueue=None):
+ """Guess initial fitting parameters.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Lp : float
+ A guess at the reparameterized contour length in meters.
+ a : float (optional)
+ A guess at the Kuhn length in meters. If `.info` has a
+ setting for `'Kuhn length (m)'`, `a` is not returned.
+ """
+ x_max = self.info['x data (m)'].max()
+ a_given = 'Kuhn length (m)' in self.info
+ if a_given:
+ a = self.info['Kuhn length (m)']
+ else:
+ a = x_max / 10.0
+ L = 1.5 * x_max
+ Lp = self.Lp(L)
+ if a_given:
+ return [Lp]
+ return [Lp, a]
+ def guess_scale(self, params, outqueue=None):
+ """Guess parameter scales.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Lp_scale : float
+ A guess at the reparameterized contour length scale in meters.
+ a_scale : float (optional)
+ A guess at the Kuhn length in meters. If the length of
+ `params` is less than 2, `a_scale` is not returned.
+ """
+ Lp_scale = 1.0
+ if len(params) == 1:
+ return [Lp_scale]
+ return [Lp_scale] + [x/10.0 for x in params[1:]]
+def inverse_FJC_PEG_fn(F_data, T=300, N=1, k=150., Lp=3.58e-10, Lh=2.8e-10, dG=3., a=7e-10):
+ """Inverse poly(ethylene-glycol) adjusted extended FJC model.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> kwargs = {'T':300.0, 'N':1, 'k':150.0, 'Lp':3.58e-10, 'Lh':2.8e-10,
+ ... 'dG':3.0, 'a':7e-10}
+ >>> inverse_FJC_PEG_fn(F_data=200e-12, **kwargs) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ 3.487...e-10
+ Notes
+ -----
+ The function is that proposed by F. Oesterhelt, et al. [#]_.
+ .. math::
+ x(F) = N_\text{S} \cdot \left[
+ \left(
+ \frac{L_\text{planar}}{
+ \exp\left(-\Delta G/k_B T\right) + 1}
+ + \frac{L_\text{helical}}{
+ \exp\left(+\Delta G/k_B T\right) + 1}
+ \right) \cdot \left(
+ \coth\left(\frac{Fa}{k_B T}\right)
+ - \frac{k_B T}{Fa}
+ \right)
+ + \frac{F}{K_\text{S}}
+ where :math:`N_\text{S}` is the number of segments,
+ :math:`K_\text{S}` is the segment elasticicty,
+ :math:`L_\text{planar}` is the ttt contour length,
+ :math:`L_\text{helical}` is the ttg contour length,
+ :math:`\Delta G` is the Gibbs free energy difference
+ :math:`G_\text{planar}-G_\text{helical}`,
+ :math:`a` is the Kuhn length,
+ and :math:`F` is the chain tension.
+ .. [#]: F. Oesterhelt, M. Rief, and H.E. Gaub.
+ "Single molecule force spectroscopy by AFM indicates helical
+ structure of poly(ethylene-glycol) in water."
+ New Journal of Physics. 1999.
+ doi: `10.1088/1367-2630/1/1/006 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1367-2630/1/1/006>`
+ (section 4.2)
+ """
+ kBT = kB * T
+ g = (dG - F_data*(Lp-Lh)) / kBT
+ z = F_data*a/kBT
+ return N * ((Lp/(numpy.exp(-g)+1) + Lh/(numpy.exp(+g)+1)) * (coth(z)-1./z)
+ + F_data/k)
+def FJC_PEG_fn(x_data, T, N, k, Lp, Lh, dG, a):
+ """Poly(ethylene-glycol) adjusted extended FJC model.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ z : float or array_like
+ object whose inverse Langevin will be returned
+ extreme : float
+ value (close to one) for which we assume the inverse is +/-
+ infinity. This avoids problems with Newton-Raphson
+ convergence in regions with low slope.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> kwargs = {'T':300.0, 'N':1, 'k':150.0, 'Lp':3.58e-10, 'Lh':2.8e-10,
+ ... 'dG':3.0, 'a':7e-10}
+ >>> FJC_PEG_fn(inverse_FJC_PEG_fn(1e-11, **kwargs), **kwargs) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ 9.999...e-12
+ >>> FJC_PEG_fn(inverse_FJC_PEG_fn(3.4e-10, **kwargs), **kwargs) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ 3.400...e-10
+ >>> FJC_PEG_fn(numpy.array([1e-10,2e-10,3e-10]), **kwargs) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ array([ 5.207...e-12, 1.257...e-11, 3.636...e-11])
+ >>> kwargs['N'] = 123
+ >>> FJC_PEG_fn(numpy.array([1e-8,2e-8,3e-8]), **kwargs) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ array([ 4.160...e-12, 9.302...e-12, 1.830...e-11])
+ Notes
+ -----
+ We approximate the PEG adjusted eJPG via bisection
+ (:func:`scipy.optimize.bisect`) Because it is more stable than
+ Newton's algorithm. For the starting point, we use the standard
+ JPG function with an averaged contour length.
+ """
+ kwargs = {'T':T, 'N':N, 'k':k, 'Lp':Lp, 'Lh':Lh, 'dG':dG, 'a':a}
+ if is_iterable(x_data):
+ ret = numpy.ndarray(shape=x_data.shape, dtype=x_data.dtype)
+ for i,x in enumerate(x_data):
+ ret[i] = FJC_PEG_fn(x, **kwargs)
+ return ret
+ if x_data == 0:
+ return 0
+ # Approximate with the simple FJC_fn()
+ guess = numpy.inf
+ L = N*max(Lp, Lh)
+ while guess == numpy.inf:
+ guess = FJC_fn(x_data, T=T, L=L, a=a)
+ L *= 2.0
+ if False: # Bisection
+ while inverse_FJC_PEG_fn(guess, **kwargs) < x_data:
+ guess *= 2.0
+ lower = guess
+ while inverse_FJC_PEG_fn(lower, **kwargs) > x_data:
+ lower /= 2.0
+ fn = lambda f: inverse_FJC_PEG_fn(guess*abs(f), **kwargs) - x_data
+ return guess*abs(bisect(f=fn, a=lower/guess, b=1.0))
+ else: # Newton
+ fn = lambda f: inverse_FJC_PEG_fn(guess*abs(f), **kwargs) - x_data
+ ret = guess*abs(newton(func=fn, x0=1.0))
+ return ret
+class FJC_PEG (ModelFitter):
+ """Fit the data to an poly(ethylene-glycol) adjusted extended FJC.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ Generate some example data
+ >>> kwargs = {'T':300.0, 'N':123, 'k':150.0, 'Lp':3.58e-10, 'Lh':2.8e-10,
+ ... 'dG':3.0, 'a':7e-10}
+ >>> x_data = numpy.linspace(10e-9, 30e-9, num=20)
+ >>> d_data = FJC_PEG_fn(x_data, **kwargs)
+ Fit the example data with a two-parameter fit (`N` and `a`).
+ >>> info = {
+ ... 'temperature (K)': kwargs['T'],
+ ... 'x data (m)': x_data,
+ ... 'section elasticity (N/m)': kwargs['k'],
+ ... 'planar section length (m)': kwargs['Lp'],
+ ... 'helical section length (m)': kwargs['Lh'],
+ ... 'Gibbs free energy difference (Gp - Gh) (kBT)': kwargs['dG'],
+ ... }
+ >>> model = FJC_PEG(d_data, info=info, rescale=True)
+ >>> outqueue = Queue.Queue()
+ >>> Nr,a = model.fit(outqueue=outqueue)
+ >>> fit_info = outqueue.get(block=False)
+ >>> model.L(Nr) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ 122.999...
+ >>> a # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ 6.999...e-10
+ Fit the example data with a one-parameter fit (`N`). We introduce
+ some error in our fixed Kuhn length for fun.
+ >>> info['Kuhn length (m)'] = 2*kwargs['a']
+ >>> model = FJC_PEG(d_data, info=info, rescale=True)
+ >>> Nr = model.fit(outqueue=outqueue)
+ >>> fit_info = outqueue.get(block=False)
+ >>> model.L(Nr) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ 96.931...
+ """
+ def Lr(self, L):
+ """To avoid invalid values of `L`, we reparametrize with `Lr`.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ L : float
+ contour length in meters
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Lr : float
+ rescaled version of `L`.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> x_data = numpy.linspace(1e-9, 20e-9, num=10)
+ >>> model = FJC_PEG(data=x_data, info={'x data (m)':x_data})
+ >>> model.Lr(20e-9) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ 0.0
+ >>> model.Lr(19e-9) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ -0.0512...
+ >>> model.Lr(21e-9) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ 0.0487...
+ >>> model.Lr(100e-9) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ 1.609...
+ Notes
+ -----
+ The rescaling is designed to limit `L` to values strictly
+ greater than zero, so we use
+ .. math::
+ L = \exp(L_p) * x_\text{max}
+ which has the inverse
+ .. math::
+ L_p = \ln(L/x_\text{max})
+ This will obviously effect the interpretation of the fit's covariance matrix.
+ """
+ x_max = self.info['x data (m)'].max()
+ return numpy.log(L/x_max)
+ def L(self, Lr):
+ """Inverse of :meth:`Lr`.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ Lr : float
+ rescaled version of `L`
+ Returns
+ -------
+ L : float
+ contour length in meters
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> x_data = numpy.linspace(1e-9, 20e-9, num=10)
+ >>> model = FJC_PEG(data=x_data, info={'x data (m)':x_data})
+ >>> model.L(model.Lr(21e-9)) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ 2.100...e-08
+ >>> model.L(model.Lr(100e-9)) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ 9.999...e-08
+ """
+ x_max = self.info['x data (m)'].max()
+ return numpy.exp(Lr)*x_max
+ def _kwargs(self):
+ return {
+ 'T': self.info['temperature (K)'],
+ 'k': self.info['section elasticity (N/m)'],
+ 'Lp': self.info['planar section length (m)'],
+ 'Lh': self.info['helical section length (m)'],
+ 'dG': self.info['Gibbs free energy difference (Gp - Gh) (kBT)'],
+ }
+ def model(self, params):
+ """Extract the relavant arguments and use :func:`FJC_PEG_fn`.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ params : list of floats
+ `[N, a]`, where the presence of `a` is optional.
+ """
+ # setup convenient aliases
+ T = self.info['temperature (K)']
+ x_data = self.info['x data (m)']
+ N = self.L(params[0])
+ if len(params) > 1:
+ a = abs(params[1])
+ else:
+ a = self.info['Kuhn length (m)']
+ kwargs = self._kwargs()
+ # compute model data
+ self._model_data[:] = FJC_PEG_fn(x_data, N=N, a=a, **kwargs)
+ return self._model_data
+ def guess_initial_params(self, outqueue=None):
+ """Guess initial fitting parameters.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ N : float
+ A guess at the section count.
+ a : float (optional)
+ A guess at the Kuhn length in meters. If `.info` has a
+ setting for `'Kuhn length (m)'`, `a` is not returned.
+ """
+ x_max = self.info['x data (m)'].max()
+ a_given = 'Kuhn length (m)' in self.info
+ if a_given:
+ a = self.info['Kuhn length (m)']
+ else:
+ a = x_max / 10.0
+ f_max = self._data.max()
+ kwargs = self._kwargs()
+ kwargs['a'] = a
+ x_section = inverse_FJC_PEG_fn(F_data=f_max, **kwargs)
+ N = x_max / x_section;
+ Nr = self.Lr(N)
+ if a_given:
+ return [Nr]
+ return [Nr, a]
+ def guess_scale(self, params, outqueue=None):
+ """Guess parameter scales.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ N_scale : float
+ A guess at the section count scale in meters.
+ a_scale : float (optional)
+ A guess at the Kuhn length in meters. If the length of
+ `params` is less than 2, `a_scale` is not returned.
+ """
+ return [x/10.0 for x in params]
+def WLC_fn(x_data, T, L, p):
+ """The worm like chain interpolation model.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ x_data : array_like
+ x values for which the WLC tension should be calculated.
+ T : float
+ temperature in Kelvin.
+ L : float
+ contour length in meters.
+ p : float
+ persistence length in meters.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ f_data : array
+ `F(x_data)`.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> WLC_fn(numpy.array([1e-9, 5e-9, 10e-9], dtype=numpy.float),
+ ... T=300, L=15e-9, p=2.5e-10) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ array([ 1.717...e-12, 1.070...e-11, 4.418...e-11])
+ Notes
+ -----
+ The function is the simple polynomial worm like chain
+ interpolation forumula proposed by C. Bustamante, et al. [#]_.
+ .. math::
+ F(x) = \frac{k_B T}{p} \left[
+ \frac{1}{4}\left( \frac{1}{(1-x/L)^2} - 1 \right)
+ + \frac{x}{L}
+ \right]
+ .. [#] C. Bustamante, J.F. Marko, E.D. Siggia, and S.Smith.
+ "Entropic elasticity of lambda-phage DNA."
+ Science. 1994.
+ doi: `10.1126/science.8079175 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.8079175>`
+ """
+ a = kB * T / p
+ scaled_data = x_data / L
+ return a * (0.25*((1-scaled_data)**-2 - 1) + scaled_data)
+class WLC (ModelFitter):
+ """Fit the data to a worm like chain.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ Generate some example data
+ >>> T = 300 # Kelvin
+ >>> L = 35e-9 # meters
+ >>> p = 2.5e-10 # meters
+ >>> x_data = numpy.linspace(10e-9, 30e-9, num=20)
+ >>> d_data = WLC_fn(x_data, T=T, L=L, p=p)
+ Fit the example data with a two-parameter fit (`L` and `p`).
+ >>> info = {
+ ... 'temperature (K)': T,
+ ... 'x data (m)': x_data,
+ ... }
+ >>> model = WLC(d_data, info=info, rescale=True)
+ >>> outqueue = Queue.Queue()
+ >>> Lp,p = model.fit(outqueue=outqueue)
+ >>> fit_info = outqueue.get(block=False)
+ >>> model.L(Lp) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ 3.500...e-08
+ >>> p # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ 2.500...e-10
+ Fit the example data with a one-parameter fit (`L`). We introduce
+ some error in our fixed persistence length for fun.
+ >>> info['persistence length (m)'] = 2*p
+ >>> model = WLC(d_data, info=info, rescale=True)
+ >>> Lp = model.fit(outqueue=outqueue)
+ >>> fit_info = outqueue.get(block=False)
+ >>> model.L(Lp) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ 3.318...e-08
+ """
+ def Lp(self, L):
+ """To avoid invalid values of `L`, we reparametrize with `Lp`.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ L : float
+ contour length in meters
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Lp : float
+ rescaled version of `L`.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> x_data = numpy.linspace(1e-9, 20e-9, num=10)
+ >>> model = WLC(data=x_data, info={'x data (m)':x_data})
+ >>> model.Lp(20e-9) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ -inf
+ >>> model.Lp(19e-9) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ nan
+ >>> model.Lp(21e-9) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ -2.99...
+ >>> model.Lp(100e-9) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ 1.386...
+ Notes
+ -----
+ The rescaling is designed to limit `L` to values strictly
+ greater than the maximum `x` data value, so we use
+ .. math::
+ L = [\exp(L_p))+1] * x_\text{max}
+ which has the inverse
+ .. math::
+ L_p = \ln(L/x_\text{max}-1)
+ This will obviously effect the interpretation of the fit's covariance matrix.
+ """
+ x_max = self.info['x data (m)'].max()
+ return numpy.log(L/x_max - 1)
+ def L(self, Lp):
+ """Inverse of :meth:`Lp`.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ Lp : float
+ rescaled version of `L`
+ Returns
+ -------
+ L : float
+ contour length in meters
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> x_data = numpy.linspace(1e-9, 20e-9, num=10)
+ >>> model = WLC(data=x_data, info={'x data (m)':x_data})
+ >>> model.L(model.Lp(21e-9)) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ 2.100...e-08
+ >>> model.L(model.Lp(100e-9)) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ 9.999...e-08
+ """
+ x_max = self.info['x data (m)'].max()
+ return (numpy.exp(Lp)+1)*x_max
+ def model(self, params):
+ """Extract the relavant arguments and use :func:`WLC_fn`.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ params : list of floats
+ `[Lp, p]`, where the presence of `p` is optional.
+ """
+ # setup convenient aliases
+ T = self.info['temperature (K)']
+ x_data = self.info['x data (m)']
+ L = self.L(params[0])
+ if len(params) > 1:
+ p = abs(params[1])
+ else:
+ p = self.info['persistence length (m)']
+ # compute model data
+ self._model_data[:] = WLC_fn(x_data, T, L, p)
+ return self._model_data
+ def guess_initial_params(self, outqueue=None):
+ """Guess initial fitting parameters.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Lp : float
+ A guess at the reparameterized contour length in meters.
+ p : float (optional)
+ A guess at the persistence length in meters. If `.info`
+ has a setting for `'persistence length (m)'`, `p` is not
+ returned.
+ """
+ x_max = self.info['x data (m)'].max()
+ p_given = 'persistence length (m)' in self.info
+ if p_given:
+ p = self.info['persistence length (m)']
+ else:
+ p = x_max / 10.0
+ L = 1.5 * x_max
+ Lp = self.Lp(L)
+ if p_given:
+ return [Lp]
+ return [Lp, p]
+ def guess_scale(self, params, outqueue=None):
+ """Guess parameter scales.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Lp_scale : float
+ A guess at the reparameterized contour length scale in meters.
+ p_scale : float (optional)
+ A guess at the persistence length in meters. If the
+ length of `params` is less than 2, `p_scale` is not
+ returned.
+ """
+ Lp_scale = 1.0
+ if len(params) == 1:
+ return [Lp_scale]
+ return [Lp_scale] + [x/10.0 for x in params[1:]]
+class PolymerFitPlugin (Plugin):
+ """Polymer model (WLC, FJC, etc.) fitting.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(PolymerFitPlugin, self).__init__(name='polymer_fit')
+ self._commands = [PolymerFitCommand(self),]
+ def dependencies(self):
+ return ['vclamp']
+ def default_settings(self):
+ return [
+ Setting(section=self.setting_section, help=self.__doc__),
+ Setting(section=self.setting_section,
+ option='polymer model',
+ value='WLC',
+ help="Select the default polymer model for 'polymer fit'. See the documentation for descriptions of available algorithms."),
+ Setting(section=self.setting_section,
+ option='FJC Kuhn length',
+ value=4e-10, type='float',
+ help='Kuhn length in meters'),
+ Setting(section=self.setting_section,
+ option='FJC-PEG Kuhn length',
+ value=4e-10, type='float',
+ help='Kuhn length in meters'),
+ Setting(section=self.setting_section,
+ option='FJC-PEG elasticity',
+ value=150.0, type='float',
+ help='Elasticity of a PEG segment in Newtons per meter.'),
+ Setting(section=self.setting_section,
+ option='FJC-PEG delta G',
+ value=3.0, type='float',
+ help='Gibbs free energy difference between trans-trans-trans (ttt) and trans-trans-gauche (ttg) PEG states in units of kBT.'),
+ Setting(section=self.setting_section,
+ option='FJC-PEG L_helical',
+ value=2.8e-10, type='float',
+ help='Contour length of PEG in the ttg state.'),
+ Setting(section=self.setting_section,
+ option='FJC-PEG L_planar',
+ value=3.58e-10, type='float',
+ help='Contour length of PEG in the ttt state.'),
+ Setting(section=self.setting_section,
+ option='WLC persistence length',
+ value=4e-10, type='float',
+ help='Persistence length in meters'),
+ ]
+class PolymerFitCommand (Command):
+ """Polymer model (WLC, FJC, etc.) fitting.
+ Fits an entropic elasticity function to a given chunk of the
+ curve. Fit quality compares the residual with the thermal noise
+ (a good fit should be 1 or less).
+ Because the models are complicated and varied, you should
+ configure the command by setting configuration options instead of
+ using command arguments. TODO: argument_to_setting()
+ """
+ def __init__(self, plugin):
+ super(PolymerFitCommand, self).__init__(
+ name='polymer fit',
+ arguments=[
+ CurveArgument,
+ Argument(name='block', aliases=['set'], type='int', default=0,
+ help="""
+Data block for which the fit should be calculated. For an
+approach/retract force curve, `0` selects the approaching curve and
+`1` selects the retracting curve.
+ Argument(name='bounds', type='point', optional=False, count=2,
+ help="""
+Indicies of points bounding the selected data.
+ ],
+ help=self.__doc__, plugin=plugin)
+ def _run(self, hooke, inqueue, outqueue, params):
+ scale(hooke, params['curve'], params['block']) # TODO: is autoscaling a good idea? (explicit is better than implicit)
+ data = params['curve'].data[params['block']]
+ # HACK? rely on params['curve'] being bound to the local hooke
+ # playlist (i.e. not a copy, as you would get by passing a
+ # curve through the queue). Ugh. Stupid queues. As an
+ # alternative, we could pass lookup information through the
+ # queue...
+ model = self.plugin.config['polymer model']
+ new = Data((data.shape[0], data.shape[1]+1), dtype=data.dtype)
+ new.info = copy.deepcopy(data.info)
+ new[:,:-1] = data
+ new.info['columns'].append('%s tension (N)' % model) # TODO: WLC fit for each peak, etc.
+ z_data = data[:,data.info['columns'].index('surface distance (m)')]
+ d_data = data[:,data.info['columns'].index('deflection (N)')]
+ start,stop = params['bounds']
+ tension_data,ps = self.fit_polymer_model(
+ params['curve'], z_data, d_data, start, stop, outqueue)
+ new.info['%s polymer fit parameters' % model] = ps
+ new[:,-1] = tension_data
+ params['curve'].data[params['block']] = new
+ def fit_polymer_model(self, curve, z_data, d_data, start, stop,
+ outqueue=None):
+ """Railyard for the `fit_*_model` family.
+ Uses the `polymer model` configuration setting to call the
+ appropriate backend algorithm.
+ """
+ fn = getattr(self, 'fit_%s_model'
+ % self.plugin.config['polymer model'].replace('-','_'))
+ return fn(curve, z_data, d_data, start, stop, outqueue)
+ def fit_FJC_model(self, curve, z_data, d_data, start, stop,
+ outqueue=None):
+ """Fit the data with :class:`FJC`.
+ """
+ """Fit the data with :class:`WLC`.
+ """
+ info = {
+ 'temperature (K)': self.plugin.config['temperature'],
+ 'x data (m)': z_data,
+ }
+ if True: # TODO: optionally free persistence length
+ info['Kuhn length (m)'] = (
+ self.plugin.config['FJC Kuhn length'])
+ model = FJC(d_data, info=info)
+ queue = Queue.Queue()
+ params = model.fit(outqueue=queue)
+ if True: # TODO: if Kuhn length fixed
+ params = [params]
+ a = info['Kuhn length (m)']
+ else:
+ a = params[1]
+ Lp = params[0]
+ L = model.L(Lp)
+ T = info['temperature (K)']
+ fit_info = queue.get(block=False)
+ mask = numpy.zeros(z_data.shape, dtype=numpy.bool)
+ mask[start:stop] = True
+ return [FJC_fn(z_data, T=T, L=L, a=a) * mask,
+ fit_info]
+ def fit_FJC_PEG_model(self, curve, z_data, d_data, start, stop,
+ outqueue=None):
+ """Fit the data with :class:`FJC_PEG`.
+ """
+ pass
+ def fit_WLC_model(self, curve, z_data, d_data, start, stop,
+ outqueue=None):
+ """Fit the data with :class:`WLC`.
+ """
+ info = {
+ 'temperature (K)': self.plugin.config['temperature'],
+ 'x data (m)': z_data,
+ }
+ if True: # TODO: optionally free persistence length
+ info['persistence length (m)'] = (
+ self.plugin.config['WLC persistence length'])
+ model = WLC(d_data, info=info)
+ queue = Queue.Queue()
+ params = model.fit(outqueue=queue)
+ if True: # TODO: if persistence length fixed
+ params = [params]
+ p = info['persistence length (m)']
+ else:
+ p = params[1]
+ Lp = params[0]
+ L = model.L(Lp)
+ T = info['temperature (K)']
+ fit_info = queue.get(block=False)
+ mask = numpy.zeros(z_data.shape, dtype=numpy.bool)
+ mask[start:stop] = True
+ return [WLC_fn(z_data, T=T, L=L, p=p) * mask,
+ fit_info]
+# TODO:
+# def dist2fit(self):
+# '''Calculates the average distance from data to fit, scaled by
+# the standard deviation of the free cantilever area (thermal
+# noise).
+# '''