except ImportError:
import pickle
+ import cStringIO as StringIO
+except ImportError:
+ import StringIO
if not hasattr(__builtins__, "set"):
from sets import Set as set
import portage
except ImportError:
from os import path as osp
- sys.path.insert(0, osp.join(osp.dirname(osp.dirname(osp.realpath(__file__))), "pym"))
+ sys.path.insert(0, osp.join(osp.dirname(osp.dirname(osp.realpath(__file__))), 'pym'))
import portage
del os.environ["PORTAGE_LEGACY_GLOBALS"]
+ from repoman.checks import EbuildWhitespaceCheck, EbuildHeaderCheck, EbuildQuoteCheck, \
+ EbuildAssignmentCheck
+except ImportError:
+ from os import path as osp
+ sys.path.insert(0, osp.join(osp.dirname(osp.dirname(osp.realpath(__file__))), 'pym'))
+ from repoman.checks import EbuildWhitespaceCheck, EbuildHeaderCheck, EbuildQuoteCheck, \
+ EbuildAssignmentCheck
import portage.checksum
import portage.const
import portage.dep
stats["RESTRICT.invalid"] += len(mybadrestrict)
for mybad in mybadrestrict:
fails["RESTRICT.invalid"].append(x+"/"+y+".ebuild: %s" % mybad)
+ # Syntax Checks
+ path = checkdir + '/' + y + '.ebuild'
+ myear = time.gmtime(os.stat(path)[ST_MTIME])[0]
+ file_contents = open(path, 'rb').readlines()
+ contents = StringIO.StringIO(''.join(file_contents))
+ for check in (EbuildWhitespaceCheck, EbuildQuoteCheck, EbuildAssignmentCheck):
+ c = check(contents)
+ errors = c.Run()
+ for e in errors:
+ stats[c.repoman_check_name] += 1
+ fails[c.repoman_check_name].append(x + '/' + y + '.ebuild: %s' % e[1] % e[0])
+ contents.seek(0) # move fp to the beginning of the StringIO Object
+ del check
+ check = EbuildHeaderCheck(contents, str(myear))
+ errors = check.Run()
+ for e in errors:
+ stats[check.repoman_check_name] += 1
+ fails[check.repoman_check_name].append(x + '/' + y + '.ebuild: %s' % e[1] % e[0])
+ del check, errors
- #syntax checks
- myear = time.gmtime(os.stat(checkdir+"/"+y+".ebuild")[ST_MTIME])[0]
- gentoo_copyright = re.compile(r'^# Copyright ((1999|200\d)-)?' + str(myear) + r' Gentoo Foundation')
- gentoo_license = re.compile(r'^# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2$')
- cvs_header = re.compile(r'^#\s*\$Header.*\$$')
- ignore_line = re.compile(r'(^$)|(^(\t)*#)')
- leading_spaces = re.compile(r'^[\S\t]')
- trailing_whitespace = re.compile(r'.*([\S]$)')
- readonly_assignment = re.compile(r'^\s*(export\s+)?(A|CATEGORY|P|PV|PN|PR|PVR|PF|D|WORKDIR|FILESDIR|FEATURES|USE)=')
- line_continuation = re.compile(r'([^#]*\S)(\s+|\t)\\$')
- linenum=0
- previous_line = None
- for line in input(checkdir+"/"+y+".ebuild"):
- linenum += 1
- # Gentoo copyright check
- if linenum == 1:
- match = gentoo_copyright.match(line)
- if not match:
- myerrormsg = "Copyright header Error. Possibly date related."
- stats["ebuild.badheader"] +=1
- fails["ebuild.badheader"].append(x+"/"+y+".ebuild: %s" % myerrormsg)
- # Gentoo license check
- elif linenum == 2:
- match = gentoo_license.match(line)
- if not match:
- myerrormsg = "Gentoo License Error."
- stats["ebuild.badheader"] +=1
- fails["ebuild.badheader"].append(x+"/"+y+".ebuild: %s" % myerrormsg)
- # CVS Header check
- elif linenum == 3:
- match = cvs_header.match(line)
- if not match:
- myerrormsg = "CVS Header Error."
- stats["ebuild.badheader"] +=1
- fails["ebuild.badheader"].append(x+"/"+y+".ebuild: %s" % myerrormsg)
- else:
- match = ignore_line.match(line)
- if not match:
- # Excluded Blank lines and full line comments. Good!
- # Leading Spaces Check
- match = leading_spaces.match(line)
- if not match:
- #Line has got leading spaces. Bad!
- myerrormsg = "Leading Space Syntax Error. Line %d" % linenum
- stats["ebuild.minorsyn"] +=1
- fails["ebuild.minorsyn"].append(x+"/"+y+".ebuild: %s" % myerrormsg)
- # Trailing whitespace check
- match = trailing_whitespace.match(line)
- if not match:
- #Line has got trailing whitespace. Bad!
- myerrormsg = "Trailing whitespace Syntax Error. Line %d" % linenum
- stats["ebuild.minorsyn"] +=1
- fails["ebuild.minorsyn"].append(x+"/"+y+".ebuild: %s" % myerrormsg)
- # Readonly variable assignment check
- match = readonly_assignment.match(line)
- # The regex can give a false positive for continued lines,
- # so we check the previous line to see if it was continued.
- if match and (not previous_line or not line_continuation.match(previous_line)):
- # invalid assignment, very bad!
- myerrormsg = "Readonly variable assignment to %s on line %d" % (match.group(2), linenum)
- stats["variable.readonly"] += 1
- fails["variable.readonly"].append(x+"/"+y+".ebuild: %s" % myerrormsg)
- previous_line = line
- del previous_line
if "--force" in myoptions:
# The dep_check() calls are the most expensive QA test. If --force