--- /dev/null
+@string{WKing = "King, W.~Trevor"}
+@string{GYang = "Yang, Guoliang"}
+% Talks
+@unpublished{ 2013-01-columbia,
+ title= {Collaborative version control with {G}it},
+ author = WKing,
+ year = 2013,
+ month = jan,
+ note= {Software Carpentry boot camp, Columbia University},
+ address = {Columbia University},
+@unpublished{ 2009-10-life-cycles,
+ title= {Software life-cycles and alphabet soup},
+ author = WKing,
+ year = 2009,
+ month = oct,
+ note= {Drexel Physics Graduate Student Association},
+ address = {Drexel University}
+@unpublished{ 2008-06-locks,
+ title= {Manipulating combination locks \& Ray tracing with polarization},
+ author = WKing,
+ year = 2008,
+ month = jun,
+ note= {Drexel Physics Graduate Student Association},
+ address = {Drexel University}
+@unpublished{ 2006-05-quantum-computing,
+ title= {Quantum Computing},
+ author = WKing,
+ year = 2006,
+ note= {Rochester Solid State final},
+ address = {University of Rochester}
+% month = may,
+% Posters
+@unpublished{ 2013-04-swc,
+ title= {Teaching Software Carpentry: Better Science through Science},
+ author = WKing,
+ year = 2013,
+ month = apr,
+ note= {Drexel CoAS Research Day},
+ address = {Philadelphia, Pennsylvania},
+@unpublished{ 2012-04-calibcant,
+ title= {Thermally calibrating {AFM} cantilever spring constants},
+ author = WKing,
+ year = 2012,
+ month = apr,
+ note= {Drexel CoAS Research Day},
+ address = {Philadelphia, Pennsylvania},
+@unpublished{ 2011-04-saswsim,
+ title= {Flexible parallel simulations and packaging},
+ author = WKing,
+ year = 2011,
+ month = apr,
+ note= {Drexel CoAS Research Day},
+ address = {Philadelphia, Pennsylvania},
+@unpublished{ 2010-04-open-source,
+ title= {Open source software in experimental protein unfolding},
+ author = WKing,
+ year = 2010,
+ month = apr,
+ note= {Drexel CoAS Research Day},
+ address = {Philadelphia, Pennsylvania},
+@unpublished{ 2009-03-roughness,
+ title= {Experimental Estimation of the Free Energy Landscape
+ Roughness of Protein Molecules},
+ author = WKing,
+ year = 2009,
+ month = mar,
+ note= {Biophysical Society Annual Meeting},
+ address = {Philadelphia, Pennsylvania},
+@unpublished{ 2008-04-sawsim,
+ title= {Simulated mechanical unfolding of single proteins},
+ author = WKing,
+ year = 2008,
+ month = apr,
+ note= {Drexel CoAS Research Day},
+ address = {Philadelphia, Pennsylvania},
+@unpublished{ 2008-02-stiffness,
+ title= {Effects of Cantilever Stiffness on Unfolding Force in AFM
+ Protein Unfolding},
+ author = WKing,
+ year = 2008,
+ month = feb,
+ note= {Biophysical Society Annual Meeting},
+ address = {Long Beach, California},
+ \begin{cvlist}{Contact}
+ \item W. Trevor King\\
+ 120 Miller St.\\
+ Highlands, NJ, 07732
+ \item Tel.:~(215)~284~6634\\
+ Email:~wking@tremily.us
+ \end{cvlist}
+ \begin{cvlist}{Education}
+ \item[09/2000--05/2004] Colgate University, Hamilton, NY
+ (B.A.~in Physics and Math)
+ \item[09/2004--05/2006] University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
+ (M.A.~in Physics)
+ \item[09/2006--05/2013] Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
+ (Ph.D.~track in Physics)
+ \end{cvlist}
+ \begin{cvlist}{Publications}
+% \begin{bibunit}[alpha]
+% \nocite{wking10}
+% \item[Books] \putbib
+% \end{bibunit}
+ \item [Papers]
+ \begin{bibunit}
+ \nocite{
+ king10}
+ \putbib
+ \end{bibunit}
+ \item [Talks]
+ \begin{bibunit}
+ \nocite{
+ 2013-01-columbia,
+ 2009-10-life-cycles,
+ 2008-06-locks}
+ \putbib
+ \end{bibunit}
+ \item [Posters]
+ \begin{bibunit}
+ \nocite{
+ 2013-04-swc,
+ 2011-04-saswsim,
+ 2010-04-open-source,
+ 2012-04-calibcant,
+ 2009-03-roughness,
+ 2008-04-sawsim,
+ 2008-02-stiffness}
+ \putbib
+ \end{bibunit}
+ \end{cvlist}
+ \begin{cvlist}{Teaching assistant-ships}
+ \item[09/2004--05/2005] General Physics I
+ (Mechanics)
+ \item[Fall 2006] PHYS 152: Introductory Physics I
+ (Mechanics)
+ \item[Winter 2007] PHYS 101: Fundamentals of Physics I
+ (Mechanics)
+ \item[Spring 2007] PHYS 102: Fundamentals of Physics II
+ (Electricity and magnetism)
+ \item[Spring 2008] PHYS 102: Fundamentals of Physics II
+ (Electricity and magnetism)
+ \item[Fall 2008] PHYS 154: Introductory Physics III
+ (Electricity, magnetism, and quantum mechanics)
+ \item[Winter 2009] PHYS 201: Fundamentals of Physics III
+ (Modern physics)
+ \item[Summer 2009] PHYS 102: Fundamentals of Physics II
+ (Electricity and magnetism)
+ \item[Fall 2010] PHYS 405: Advanced Computational
+ Physics---Parallel Computing
+ (MPI and CUDA)
+ \item[Winter 2011] PHYS 101: Fundamentals of Physics I
+ (Mechanics)
+ \item[Spring 2011] PHYS 102: Fundamentals of Physics II
+ (Electricity and magnetism)
+ \item[Fall 2011] PHYS 106: Introduction to Scientific Computing
+ (Algorithms in Maple)
+ \item[Winter 2012] PHYS 305: Computational Physics II
+ (Algorithms in C and C++)
+ \item[Spring 2012] PHYS 102: Fundamentals of Physics II
+ (Electricity and magnetism)
+ \item[Fall 2012] PHYS 405: Advanced Computational
+ Physics---Parallel Computing
+ (MPI and CUDA)
+ \item[Winter 2013] PHYS 305: Computational Physics II
+ (Algorithms in C and C++)
+ \item[Spring 2013] PHYS 102: Fundamentals of Physics II
+ (Electricity and magnetism)
+ \end{cvlist}
+ \begin{cvlist}{Research}
+ \item[05/2002--09/2002] Vortex pinning in superconducting thin films.
+ Wrote experimental control software in LabVIEW and fabricated
+ samples using Nb sputtering, photolithography, and wet etching.
+ \item[05/2003--09/2003] Navier--Stokes simulator.
+ Ported a program simulating two dimensional incompressible
+ fluid flow from MatLab to C.
+ \item[09/2003--05/2004] Surface tension and lipid phase separation.
+ Designed and began construction of an automated system for making
+ rod pull equilibrium surface pressure measurements on phospholipid
+ vesicle suspensions. Completed drive chain hardware and LabVIEW
+ software for sequentially moving samples to the rod pull mechanism
+ for measurement.
+ \item[05/2005--05/2006] Superconducting phase qubit quantum computing.
+ Wrote experiment control software in LabVIEW and data analysis
+ software in MatLab. Managed the $^3$He dilution refrigerator and
+ assembled custom circuit boards.
+ \item[09/2006--07/2013] Single molecule force spectroscopy via AFM.
+ Designed calibration, experiment control, data processing, and
+ Monte Carlo simulation software in Python and C. Performed
+ necessary hardware troubleshooting and maintenance.
+ \end{cvlist}
+ \begin{cvlist}{System administration}
+ \item[09/2009--09/2011] Drexel physics department webmaster.
+ Maintained and streamlined department website and assisted with
+ Apache-to-SiteCore migration.
+ \item[09/2005--Present] Home newtork system adminstrator.
+ I run Linux systems (primarily Gentoo) at home. I use my home
+ network to test installation, deployment, and maintenance of the
+ software infrastructure I'd like to see at work, which has lead to
+ experience with many packages (highlights below). Since 2008 I've
+ been publishing my notes on these systems in my blog at
+ \url{http://blog.tremily.us/}.
+ \end{cvlist}
+ \begin{cvlist}{Software}
+ \item[Operating systems]
+ \href{http://www.gentoo.org/}{Linux (Gentoo)}
+ \item[Languages]
+ \href{http://python.org/}{Python},
+ \href{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_\%28programming_language\%29}{C},
+ \href{http://tiswww.case.edu/php/chet/bash/bashtop.html}{Bash},
+ \href{http://www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/}{HTML},
+ \href{http://www.w3.org/XML/}{XML},
+ \href{http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Overview.en.html}{CSS},
+ \href{http://www.sqlite.org/}{SQLite},
+ \href{https://www.djangoproject.com/}{Django},
+ \href{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JavaScript}{JavaScript},
+ \href{http://www.ni.com/labview/}{LabVIEW},
+ \href{http://us.php.net/}{PHP}
+ \item[Creator]
+ \href{https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pygrader}{pygrader},
+ \href{https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyassuan}{pyassuan},
+ \href{https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pgp-mime}{pgp-mime},
+ \href{https://pypi.python.org/pypi/quizzer}{quizzer},
+ \href{http://blog.tremily.us/posts/sawsim/}{sawsim},
+ \href{https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pycomedi}{pycomedi},
+ \href{https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pypiezo}{pypiezo},
+ \href{https://pypi.python.org/pypi/stepper}{stepper},
+ \href{https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pypid}{pypid},
+ \href{https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyafm}{pyafm},
+ \href{https://pypi.python.org/pypi/calibcant}{calibcant},
+ \href{https://pypi.python.org/pypi/stepper}{unfold-protein},
+ \href{https://pypi.python.org/pypi/chemdb}{chemdb},
+ \href{https://pypi.python.org/pypi/igor}{igor},
+ \href{https://pypi.python.org/pypi/h5config}{h5config},
+ \href{https://pypi.python.org/pypi/FFT-tools}{FFT-tools},
+ \href{https://pypi.python.org/pypi/update-copyright}{update-copyright},
+ \href{https://pypi.python.org/pypi/mutt-ldap}{mutt-ldap},
+ \href{http://blog.tremily.us/posts/Course_website/}{course-website},
+ \href{http://blog.tremily.us/posts/problempack/}{problempack},
+ \href{http://git.tremily.us/?p=assignment-template.git}{assignment-template},
+ \href{http://blog.tremily.us/posts/Gentoo_overlay/}{wtk-overlay},
+ \href{https://github.com/wking/dotfiles-framework}{dotfiles-framework}
+ \item[Maintainer]
+ \href{http://github.com/wking/rss2email/}{rss2email},
+ \href{http://bugseverywhere.org/}{Bugs Everywhere},
+ \href{http://blog.tremily.us/posts/drexel-thesis/}{drexel-thesis},
+ \href{https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Hooke/}{Hooke}
+ \item[Contributor]
+ \href{http://software-carpentry.org/}{Software Carpentry},
+ \href{http://git-scm.com/}{Git},
+ \href{http://docs.getpelican.com/}{Pelican},
+ \href{http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/releng/catalyst/}{Gentoo catalyst},
+ \href{https://github.com/agrover/python-kmod}{python-kmod},
+ \href{http://www.comedi.org/}{Comedilib},
+ \href{http://web.mit.edu/kerberos/}{Kerberos},
+ \href{http://www.kernel.org/}{Linux kernel},
+ \href{http://www.cython.org/}{Cython},
+ \href{http://ikiwiki.info/}{ikiwiki},
+ \href{http://www.gnuplot.info/}{gnuplot},
+ \href{https://github.com/wking}{and}
+ \href{http://www.ohloh.net/accounts/wking}{more}
+ \href{http://blog.tremily.us/posts/Bugs/}{\ldots}
+ \item[User]
+ \href{http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/}{Emacs},
+ \href{http://www.latex-project.org/}{\LaTeX},
+ \href{http://nginx.org/}{Nginx},
+ \href{http://www.openldap.org/}{OpenLDAP},
+ \href{http://www.postfix.org/}{Postfix},
+ \href{https://www.isc.org/software/bind}{BIND},
+ \href{http://www.cups.org/}{CUPS},
+ \href{http://www.openssh.org/}{OpenSSH}
+ \href{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_File_System#NFSv4}{kerberized
+ NFSv4},
+ \href{http://mlmmj.org/}{mlmmj}
+ \end{cvlist}
+% \cvplace{Highlands, NJ}
+% \date{\today}
+ \date{}