if hasq multilib-strict ${FEATURES} && [ -x /usr/bin/file -a -x /usr/bin/find -a \
for dir in ${MULTILIB_STRICT_DIRS}; do
[ -d "${D}/${dir}" ] || continue
for file in $(find ${D}/${dir} -type f | egrep -v "^${D}/${dir}/${MULTILIB_STRICT_EXEMPT}"); do
declare -r D=${IMAGE}
- # hopefully this will someday allow us to get rid of the no* feature flags
+ # remove man pages, info pages, docs if requested
+ for f in man info doc; do
+ if hasq no${f} $FEATURES; then
+ INSTALL_MASK="${INSTALL_MASK} /usr/share/${f}"
+ fi
+ done
# we don't want globbing for initial expansion, but afterwards, we do
local shopts=$-
set -o noglob
set +o noglob
set -${shopts}
- # remove man pages
- if hasq noman $FEATURES; then
- rm -fR "${IMAGE}/usr/share/man"
- fi
- # remove info pages
- if hasq noinfo $FEATURES; then
- rm -fR "${IMAGE}/usr/share/info"
- fi
- # remove docs
- if hasq nodoc $FEATURES; then
- rm -fR "${IMAGE}/usr/share/doc"
- fi
# remove share dir if unnessesary
if hasq nodoc $FEATURES -o hasq noman $FEATURES -o hasq noinfo $FEATURES; then
rmdir "${IMAGE}/usr/share" &> /dev/null