-DIST seahorse-sharing-3.8.0.tar.xz 287408 SHA256 e216e7d5709e688e142b4e96710759f5be54c39ac6c2d58f2eec330e4dfef92b SHA512 9fb41d86afb264c895e6599b397bf18c1400edf0af472451fc46c84005172bd8d318971c4b34ea1f6d00300b1e08fdea8a019d6e7fb11f9ce00c57c5b0b7f5e9 WHIRLPOOL d55660e37649190e037dfc3ee886737b30b7d289c379ce9beec927008208742ef3b558fa5f3b0fd30a24deb0bdafce4c1ff910108a9dcfb2b70052adfdfe3567
DIST seahorse-sharing-3.8.0_p20151117.tar.gz 496497 SHA256 6a1594e2b5aa509c97a35e22a7a68dae50a94b011e266d60f17352eca3f919ff SHA512 aa43240040f637e3c79c08f07620a92e5e76e81b758c939a8eee5bf43cdd32657f85d4b9d7440401e092ef4d556849ba0a64dc9d5a83e708bc84d9a2d7baf01c WHIRLPOOL 82b782baa19cb6befd7650a0a08772d47dc2acfffa7bd15df360af05c02f080291d2fedb832b1b3bb7b7aa47fbb1db4911fb83a94de2ea75360b188c86bcca61
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-GCONF_DEBUG="yes" # disable asserts
-inherit gnome2
-DESCRIPTION="Daemon for PGP public key sharing using DNS-SD and HKP"
-KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
- >=net-dns/avahi-0.6:=
- net-libs/libsoup:2.4
- >=x11-libs/gtk+-3:3
- app-crypt/seahorse
- >=app-crypt/gpgme-1
- || (
- =app-crypt/gnupg-2.0*
- =app-crypt/gnupg-1.4* )"
- !<app-crypt/seahorse-3.2"
-# ${PN} was part of seahorse before 3.2
- >=dev-util/intltool-0.35
- sys-devel/gettext
- virtual/pkgconfig"
-src_prepare() {
- DOCS="AUTHORS MAINTAINERS NEWS" # ChangeLog has nothing useful
- # Do not pass --enable-tests to configure - package has no tests
- gnome2_src_prepare
- # Drop stupid CFLAGS
- # FIXME: doing configure.ac triggers maintainer mode rebuild
- sed -e 's:$CFLAGS -g -O0:$CFLAGS:' \
- -i configure || die "sed failed"
-pkg_postinst() {
- gnome2_pkg_postinst
- if ! has_version net-dns/avahi && \
- ! rc-config list default | grep -q "avahi-daemon" ; then
- elog "To use ${PN}, the Avahi daemon must be running. On an OpenRC"
- elog "system, you can start the Avahi daemon by"
- elog "# /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon start"
- elog "To start Avahi automatically, add it to the default runlevel:"
- elog "# rc-update add avahi-daemon default"
- fi