- #!/usr/bin/python
+ # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
"""rss2email: get RSS feeds emailed to you
- http://rss2email.infogami.com
- Usage:
- new [emailaddress] (create new feedfile)
- email newemailaddress (update default email)
- run [--no-send] [num]
- add feedurl [emailaddress]
- list
- reset
- delete n
- pause n
- unpause n
- opmlexport
- opmlimport filename
- __version__ = "2.72"
- __author__ = "Lindsey Smith (lindsey@allthingsrss.com)"
- __copyright__ = "(C) 2004 Aaron Swartz. GNU GPL 2 or 3."
- ___contributors__ = ["Dean Jackson", "Brian Lalor", "Joey Hess",
- "Matej Cepl", "Martin 'Joey' Schulze",
- "Marcel Ackermann (http://www.DreamFlasher.de)",
- "Lindsey Smith (maintainer)", "Erik Hetzner", "Aaron Swartz (original author)" ]
- import urllib2
- import BeautifulSoup
- urllib2.install_opener(urllib2.build_opener())
- ### Vaguely Customizable Options ###
- # The email address messages are from by default:
- DEFAULT_FROM = "bozo@dev.null.invalid"
- # 1: Send text/html messages when possible.
- # 0: Convert HTML to plain text.
- # 1: Only use the DEFAULT_FROM address.
- # 0: Use the email address specified by the feed, when possible.
- # 1: Receive one email per post.
- # 0: Receive an email every time a post changes.
- # 1: Generate Date header based on item's date, when possible.
- # 0: Generate Date header based on time sent.
- # A tuple consisting of some combination of
- # ('issued', 'created', 'modified', 'expired')
- # expressing ordered list of preference in dates
- # to use for the Date header of the email.
- DATE_HEADER_ORDER = ('modified', 'issued', 'created')
- # 1: Apply Q-P conversion (required for some MUAs).
- # 0: Send message in 8-bits.
- # http://cr.yp.to/smtp/8bitmime.html
- # 1: Name feeds as they're being processed.
- # 0: Keep quiet.
- # 1: Use the publisher's email if you can't find the author's.
- # 0: Just use the DEFAULT_FROM email instead.
- # 1: Use SMTP_SERVER to send mail.
- # 0: Call /usr/sbin/sendmail to send mail.
- SMTP_SERVER = "smtp.yourisp.net:25"
- AUTHREQUIRED = 0 # if you need to use SMTP AUTH set to 1
- SMTP_USER = 'username' # for SMTP AUTH, set SMTP username here
- SMTP_PASS = 'password' # for SMTP AUTH, set SMTP password here
- # Connect to the SMTP server using SSL
- SMTP_SSL = 0
- # Set this to add a bonus header to all emails (start with '\n').
- # Example: BONUS_HEADER = '\nApproved: joe@bob.org'
- # Set this to override From addresses. Keys are feed URLs, values are new titles.
- # Set this to override From email addresses. Keys are feed URLs, values are new emails.
- # Set this to default From email addresses. Keys are feed URLs, values are new email addresses.
- # Only use the email from address rather than friendly name plus email address
- # Set this to override the timeout (in seconds) for feed server response
- # Optional CSS styling
- STYLE_SHEET='h1 {font: 18pt Georgia, "Times New Roman";} body {font: 12pt Arial;} a:link {font: 12pt Arial; font-weight: bold; color: #0000cc} blockquote {font-family: monospace; } .header { background: #e0ecff; border-bottom: solid 4px #c3d9ff; padding: 5px; margin-top: 0px; color: red;} .header a { font-size: 20px; text-decoration: none; } .footer { background: #c3d9ff; border-top: solid 4px #c3d9ff; padding: 5px; margin-bottom: 0px; } #entry {border: solid 4px #c3d9ff; } #body { margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; }'
- # If you have an HTTP Proxy set this in the format 'http://your.proxy.here:8080/'
- PROXY=""
- # To most correctly encode emails with international characters, we iterate through the list below and use the first character set that works
- # Eventually (and theoretically) ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8 are our catch-all failsafes
- CHARSET_LIST='US-ASCII', 'BIG5', 'ISO-2022-JP', 'ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8'
- from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
- from email.Header import Header
- from email.Utils import parseaddr, formataddr
- # Note: You can also override the send function.
- def send(sender, recipient, subject, body, contenttype, extraheaders=None, smtpserver=None):
- """Send an email.
- All arguments should be Unicode strings (plain ASCII works as well).
- Only the real name part of sender and recipient addresses may contain
- non-ASCII characters.
- The email will be properly MIME encoded and delivered though SMTP to
- localhost port 25. This is easy to change if you want something different.
- The charset of the email will be the first one out of the list
- that can represent all the characters occurring in the email.
- """
- # Header class is smart enough to try US-ASCII, then the charset we
- # provide, then fall back to UTF-8.
- header_charset = 'ISO-8859-1'
- # We must choose the body charset manually
- for body_charset in CHARSET_LIST:
- try:
- body.encode(body_charset)
- except (UnicodeError, LookupError):
- pass
- else:
- break
- # Split real name (which is optional) and email address parts
- sender_name, sender_addr = parseaddr(sender)
- recipient_name, recipient_addr = parseaddr(recipient)
- # We must always pass Unicode strings to Header, otherwise it will
- # use RFC 2047 encoding even on plain ASCII strings.
- sender_name = str(Header(unicode(sender_name), header_charset))
- recipient_name = str(Header(unicode(recipient_name), header_charset))
- # Make sure email addresses do not contain non-ASCII characters
- sender_addr = sender_addr.encode('ascii')
- recipient_addr = recipient_addr.encode('ascii')
- # Create the message ('plain' stands for Content-Type: text/plain)
- msg = MIMEText(body.encode(body_charset), contenttype, body_charset)
- msg['To'] = formataddr((recipient_name, recipient_addr))
- msg['Subject'] = Header(unicode(subject), header_charset)
- for hdr in extraheaders.keys():
- try:
- msg[hdr] = Header(unicode(extraheaders[hdr], header_charset))
- except:
- msg[hdr] = Header(extraheaders[hdr])
- fromhdr = formataddr((sender_name, sender_addr))
- msg['From'] = fromhdr
- msg_as_string = msg.as_string()
- #DEPRECATED ins, outs = SIO(msg_as_string), SIO()
- #DEPRECATED mimify.mimify(ins, outs)
- #DEPRECATED msg_as_string = outs.getvalue()
- if not smtpserver:
- import smtplib
- try:
- if SMTP_SSL:
- smtpserver = smtplib.SMTP_SSL()
- else:
- smtpserver = smtplib.SMTP()
- smtpserver.connect(SMTP_SERVER)
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- raise
- except Exception, e:
- print >>warn, ""
- print >>warn, ('Fatal error: could not connect to mail server "%s"' % SMTP_SERVER)
- print >>warn, ('Check your config.py file to confirm that SMTP_SERVER and other mail server settings are configured properly')
- if hasattr(e, 'reason'):
- print >>warn, "Reason:", e.reason
- sys.exit(1)
- try:
- smtpserver.ehlo()
- if not SMTP_SSL: smtpserver.starttls()
- smtpserver.ehlo()
- smtpserver.login(SMTP_USER, SMTP_PASS)
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- raise
- except Exception, e:
- print >>warn, ""
- print >>warn, ('Fatal error: could not authenticate with mail server "%s" as user "%s"' % (SMTP_SERVER, SMTP_USER))
- print >>warn, ('Check your config.py file to confirm that SMTP_SERVER and other mail server settings are configured properly')
- if hasattr(e, 'reason'):
- print >>warn, "Reason:", e.reason
- sys.exit(1)
- smtpserver.sendmail(sender, recipient, msg_as_string)
- return smtpserver
- else:
- try:
- p = subprocess.Popen(["/usr/sbin/sendmail", recipient], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- p.communicate(msg_as_string)
- status = p.returncode
- assert status != None, "just a sanity check"
- if status != 0:
- print >>warn, ""
- print >>warn, ('Fatal error: sendmail exited with code %s' % status)
- sys.exit(1)
- except:
- print '''Error attempting to send email via sendmail. Possibly you need to configure your config.py to use a SMTP server? Please refer to the rss2email documentation or website (http://rss2email.infogami.com) for complete documentation of config.py. The options below may suffice for configuring email:
- # 1: Use SMTP_SERVER to send mail.
- # 0: Call /usr/sbin/sendmail to send mail.
- SMTP_SERVER = "smtp.yourisp.net:25"
- AUTHREQUIRED = 0 # if you need to use SMTP AUTH set to 1
- SMTP_USER = 'username' # for SMTP AUTH, set SMTP username here
- SMTP_PASS = 'password' # for SMTP AUTH, set SMTP password here
- '''
- sys.exit(1)
- return None
- ## html2text options ##
- # Use Unicode characters instead of their ascii psuedo-replacements
- # Put the links after each paragraph instead of at the end.
- # Wrap long lines at position. 0 for no wrapping. (Requires Python 2.3.)
- ### Load the Options ###
- # Read options from config file if present.
- import sys
- sys.path.insert(0,".")
+ __version__ = '2.71'
+ __url__ = 'http://rss2email.infogami.com'
+ __author__ = 'W. Trevor King'
+ __copyright__ = '(C) 2004 Aaron Swartz. GNU GPL 2 or 3.'
+ __contributors__ = [
+ 'Dean Jackson',
+ 'Brian Lalor',
+ 'Joey Hess',
+ 'Matej Cepl',
+ "Martin 'Joey' Schulze",
+ 'Marcel Ackermann (http://www.DreamFlasher.de)',
+ 'Lindsey Smith (lindsey@allthingsrss.com)',
+ 'Erik Hetzner',
+ 'W. Trevor King',
+ 'Aaron Swartz (original author)',
+ ]
+ import argparse as _argparse
+ import collections as _collections
+ import configparser as _configparser
+ from email.mime.text import MIMEText as _MIMEText
+ from email.header import Header as _Header
+ from email.utils import parseaddr as _parseaddr
+ from email.utils import formataddr as _formataddr
+ import hashlib as _hashlib
+ import logging as _logging
+ import os as _os
+ import pickle as _pickle
+ import pprint as _pprint
+ import re as _re
+ import smtplib as _smtplib
+ import socket as _socket
+ import subprocess as _subprocess
+ import sys as _sys
+ import threading as _threading
+ import time as _time
+ import traceback as _traceback
+ import types as _types
+ import uuid as _uuid
+ import urllib.request as _urllib_request
+ import urllib.error as _urllib_error
+ import xml.dom.minidom as _minidom
+ import xml.sax as _sax
+ import xml.sax.saxutils as _saxutils
+ UNIX = False
- from config import *
+ import fcntl as _fcntl
+ # A pox on SunOS file locking methods
+ if 'sunos' not in sys.platform:
+ UNIX = True
- pass
+ pass
- warn = sys.stderr
- print >>warn, "QP_REQUIRED has been deprecated in rss2email."
+ import feedparser as _feedparser
+ import html2text as _html2text
- ### Import Modules ###
- import cPickle as pickle, time, os, traceback, sys, types, subprocess
- hash = ()
- try:
- import hashlib
- hash = hashlib.md5
- except ImportError:
- import md5
- hash = md5.new
+ LOG = _logging.getLogger('rss2email')
+ LOG.addHandler(_logging.StreamHandler())
+ LOG.setLevel(_logging.ERROR)
- unix = 0
- try:
- import fcntl
- # A pox on SunOS file locking methods
- if (sys.platform.find('sunos') == -1):
- unix = 1
- except:
- pass
- import socket; socket_errors = []
+ _feedparser.USER_AGENT = 'rss2email/{} +{}'.format(__version__, __url__)
+ _urllib_request.install_opener(_urllib_request.build_opener())
for e in ['error', 'gaierror']:
- if hasattr(socket, e): socket_errors.append(getattr(socket, e))
- #DEPRECATED import mimify
- #DEPRECATED from StringIO import StringIO as SIO
- #DEPRECATED mimify.CHARSET = 'utf-8'
- import feedparser
- feedparser.USER_AGENT = "rss2email/"+__version__+ " +http://www.allthingsrss.com/rss2email/"
- feedparser.SANITIZE_HTML = 0
- import html2text as h2t
- html2text = h2t.html2text
- from types import *
- ### Utility Functions ###
- import threading
- class TimeoutError(Exception): pass
- class InputError(Exception): pass
- def timelimit(timeout, function):
- # def internal(function):
- def internal2(*args, **kw):
- """
- from http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/473878
- """
- class Calculator(threading.Thread):
- def __init__(self):
- threading.Thread.__init__(self)
- self.result = None
- self.error = None
- def run(self):
- try:
- self.result = function(*args, **kw)
- except:
- self.error = sys.exc_info()
- c = Calculator()
- c.setDaemon(True) # don't hold up exiting
- c.start()
- c.join(timeout)
- if c.isAlive():
- raise TimeoutError
- if c.error:
- raise c.error[0], c.error[1]
- return c.result
- return internal2
- # return internal
- def isstr(f): return isinstance(f, type('')) or isinstance(f, type(u''))
- def ishtml(t): return type(t) is type(())
- def contains(a,b): return a.find(b) != -1
- def unu(s): # I / freakin' hate / that unicode
- if type(s) is types.UnicodeType: return s.encode('utf-8')
- else: return s
- ### Parsing Utilities ###
- def getContent(entry, HTMLOK=0):
- """Select the best content from an entry, deHTMLizing if necessary.
- If raw HTML is best, an ('HTML', best) tuple is returned. """
- # How this works:
- # * We have a bunch of potential contents.
- # * We go thru looking for our first choice.
- # (HTML or text, depending on HTMLOK)
- # * If that doesn't work, we go thru looking for our second choice.
- # * If that still doesn't work, we just take the first one.
- #
- # Possible future improvement:
- # * Instead of just taking the first one
- # pick the one in the "best" language.
- # * HACK: hardcoded HTMLOK, should take a tuple of media types
- conts = entry.get('content', [])
- if entry.get('summary_detail', {}):
- conts += [entry.summary_detail]
- if conts:
- if HTMLOK:
- for c in conts:
- if contains(c.type, 'html'): return ('HTML', c.value)
- if not HTMLOK: # Only need to convert to text if HTML isn't OK
- for c in conts:
- if contains(c.type, 'html'):
- cleanerhtml = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(c.value)
- return html2text(unicode(cleanerhtml))
- for c in conts:
- if c.type == 'text/plain': return c.value
- return conts[0].value
- return ""
- def getID(entry):
- """Get best ID from an entry.
- if 'id' in entry and entry.id:
- # Newer versions of feedparser could return a dictionary
- if type(entry.id) is DictType:
- return entry.id.values()[0]
- return entry.id
- content = getContent(entry)
- if content and content != "\n": return hash(unu(content)).hexdigest()
- if 'link' in entry: return entry.link
- if 'title' in entry: return hash(unu(entry.title)).hexdigest()
- def getName(fullfeed, entry):
- """Get the best name.
- if NO_FRIENDLY_NAME: return ''
- feedinfo = fullfeed.feed
- if hasattr(fullfeed, "url") and fullfeed.url in OVERRIDE_FROM.keys():
- return OVERRIDE_FROM[fullfeed.url]
- name = feedinfo.get('title', '')
- if 'name' in entry.get('author_detail', []): # normally {} but py2.1
- if entry.author_detail.name:
- if name: name += ": "
- det=entry.author_detail.name
- try:
- name += entry.author_detail.name
- except UnicodeDecodeError:
- name += unicode(entry.author_detail.name, 'utf-8')
- elif 'name' in feedinfo.get('author_detail', []):
- if feedinfo.author_detail.name:
- if name: name += ", "
- name += feedinfo.author_detail.name
- return name
- def validateEmail(email, planb):
- """Do a basic quality check on email address, but return planb if email doesn't appear to be well-formed"""
- email_parts = email.split('@')
- if (len(email_parts) != 2) or not email_parts[0] or not email_parts[1]:
- return planb
- return email
- def getEmail(r, entry):
- """Get the best email_address. If the best guess isn't well-formed (something@somthing.com), use DEFAULT_FROM instead.
- feed = r.feed
- if hasattr(r, "url") and r.url in OVERRIDE_EMAIL.keys():
- return validateEmail(OVERRIDE_EMAIL[r.url], DEFAULT_FROM)
- if 'email' in entry.get('author_detail', []):
- return validateEmail(entry.author_detail.email, DEFAULT_FROM)
- if 'email' in feed.get('author_detail', []):
- return validateEmail(feed.author_detail.email, DEFAULT_FROM)
- if 'email' in feed.get('publisher_detail', []):
- return validateEmail(feed.publisher_detail.email, DEFAULT_FROM)
- if feed.get("errorreportsto", ''):
- return validateEmail(feed.errorreportsto, DEFAULT_FROM)
- if hasattr(r, "url") and r.url in DEFAULT_EMAIL.keys():
- return DEFAULT_EMAIL[r.url]
- def getTags(entry):
- """If the entry has any tags, build a tagline and return as a string. Otherwise returns empty string"""
- tagline = ""
- if 'tags' in entry:
- tags = entry.get('tags')
- taglist = []
- if tags:
- for tag in tags:
- if tag.has_key('term'): taglist.append(tag['term'])
- if taglist:
- tagline = ",".join(taglist)
- return tagline
- ### Simple Database of Feeds ###
- class Feed:
- def __init__(self, url, to):
- self.url, self.etag, self.modified, self.seen = url, None, None, {}
- self.active = True
- self.to = to
- def load(lock=1):
- if not os.path.exists(feedfile):
- print 'Feedfile "%s" does not exist. If you\'re using r2e for the first time, you' % feedfile
- print "have to run 'r2e new' first."
- sys.exit(1)
- try:
- feedfileObject = open(feedfile, 'r')
- except IOError, e:
- print "Feedfile could not be opened: %s" % e
- sys.exit(1)
- feeds = pickle.load(feedfileObject)
- if lock:
- locktype = 0
- if unix:
- locktype = fcntl.LOCK_EX
- fcntl.flock(feedfileObject.fileno(), locktype)
- #HACK: to deal with lock caching
- feedfileObject = open(feedfile, 'r')
- feeds = pickle.load(feedfileObject)
- if unix:
- fcntl.flock(feedfileObject.fileno(), locktype)
- if feeds:
- for feed in feeds[1:]:
- if not hasattr(feed, 'active'):
- feed.active = True
- return feeds, feedfileObject
- def unlock(feeds, feedfileObject):
- if not unix:
- pickle.dump(feeds, open(feedfile, 'w'))
- else:
- fd = open(feedfile+'.tmp', 'w')
- pickle.dump(feeds, fd)
- fd.flush()
- os.fsync(fd.fileno())
- fd.close()
- os.rename(feedfile+'.tmp', feedfile)
- fcntl.flock(feedfileObject.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_UN)
- #@timelimit(FEED_TIMEOUT)
- def parse(url, etag, modified):
- if PROXY == '':
- return feedparser.parse(url, etag, modified)
- else:
- proxy = urllib2.ProxyHandler( {"http":PROXY} )
- return feedparser.parse(url, etag, modified, handlers = [proxy])
+ if hasattr(_socket, e):
+ _SOCKET_ERRORS.append(getattr(_socket, e))
+ class RSS2EmailError (Exception):
+ def __init__(self, message):
+ super(RSS2EmailError, self).__init__(message)
+ def log(self):
+ LOG.error(str(self))
+ if self.__cause__ is not None:
+ LOG.error('cause: {}'.format(self.__cause__))
+ class TimeoutError (RSS2EmailError):
+ def __init__(self, time_limited_function, message=None):
+ if message is None:
+ if time_limited_function.error is not None:
+ message = (
+ 'error while running time limited function: {}'.format(
+ time_limited_function.error[1]))
+ else:
+ message = '{} second timeout exceeded'.format(
+ time_limited_function.timeout)
+ super(TimeoutError, self).__init__(message=message)
+ self.time_limited_function = time_limited_function
+ class NoValidEncodingError (ValueError, RSS2EmailError):
+ def __init__(self, string, encodings):
+ message = 'no valid encoding for {} in {}'.format(string, encodings)
+ super(NoValidEncodingError, self).__init__(message=message)
+ self.string = string
+ self.encodings = encodings
+ class SMTPConnectionError (ValueError, RSS2EmailError):
+ def __init__(self, server, message=None):
+ if message is None:
+ message = 'could not connect to mail server {}'.format(server)
+ super(SMTPConnectionError, self).__init__(message=message)
+ self.server = server
+ def log(self):
+ super(SMTPConnectionError, self).log()
+ LOG.warning(
+ 'check your config file to confirm that smtp-server and other '
+ 'mail server settings are configured properly')
+ if hasattr(self.__cause__, 'reason'):
+ LOG.error('reason: {}'.format(self.__cause__.reason))
+ class SMTPAuthenticationError (SMTPConnectionError):
+ def __init__(self, server, username):
+ message = (
+ 'could not authenticate with mail server {} as user {}'.format(
+ server, username))
+ super(SMTPConnectionError, self).__init__(
+ server=server, message=message)
+ self.server = server
+ self.username = username
+ class SendmailError (RSS2EmailError):
+ def __init__(self, status=None, stdout=None, stderr=None):
+ if status:
+ message = 'sendmail exited with code {}'.format(status)
+ else:
+ message = ''
+ super(SendmailError, self).__init__(message=message)
+ self.status = status
+ self.stdout = stdout
+ self.stderr = stderr
+ def log(self):
+ super(SendmailError, self).log()
+ LOG.warning((
+ 'Error attempting to send email via sendmail. You may need '
+ 'to configure rss2email to use an SMTP server. Please refer '
+ 'to the rss2email documentation or website ({}) for complete '
+ 'documentation.').format(__url__))
+ class FeedError (RSS2EmailError):
+ def __init__(self, feed, message=None):
+ if message is None:
+ message = 'error with feed {}'.format(feed.name)
+ super(FeedError, self).__init__(message=message)
+ self.feed = feed
+ class InvalidFeedName (FeedError):
+ def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):
+ message = "invalid feed name '{}'".format(name)
+ super(InvalidFeedName, self).__init__(message=message, **kwargs)
+ class ProcessingError (FeedError):
+ def __init__(self, parsed, feed, **kwargs):
+ if message is None:
+ message = 'error processing feed {}'.format(feed)
+ super(FeedError, self).__init__(feed=feed, message=message)
+ self.parsed = parsed
+ def log(self):
+ super(ProcessingError, self).log()
+ if type(self) == ProcessingError: # not a more specific subclass
+ LOG.warning(
+ '=== rss2email encountered a problem with this feed ===')
+ LOG.warning(
+ '=== See the rss2email FAQ at {} for assistance ==='.format(
+ __url__))
+ LOG.warning(
+ '=== If this occurs repeatedly, send this to {} ==='.format(
+ __email__))
+ LOG.warning(
+ 'error: {} {}'.format(
+ self.parsed.get('bozo_exception', "can't process"),
+ self.feed.url))
+ LOG.warning(_pprint.pformat(self.parsed))
+ LOG.warning('rss2email', __version__)
+ LOG.warning('feedparser', _feedparser.__version__)
+ LOG.warning('html2text', _html2text.__version__)
+ LOG.warning('Python', _sys.version)
+ LOG.warning('=== END HERE ===')
+ class HTTPError (ProcessingError):
+ def __init__(self, status, feed, **kwargs):
+ message = 'HTTP status {} fetching feed {}'.format(status, feed)
+ super(FeedError, self).__init__(feed=feed, message=message)
+ self.status = status
+ class FeedsError (RSS2EmailError):
+ def __init__(self, feeds=None, message=None, **kwargs):
+ if message is None:
+ message = 'error with feeds'
+ super(FeedsError, self).__init__(message=message, **kwargs)
+ self.feeds = feeds
+ class DataFileError (FeedsError):
+ def __init__(self, feeds, message=None):
+ if message is None:
+ message = 'problem with the feed data file {}'.format(
+ feeds.datafile)
+ super(DataFileError, self).__init__(feeds=feeds, message=message)
+ class NoDataFile (DataFileError):
+ def __init__(self, feeds):
+ message = 'feed data file {} does not exist'.format(feeds.datafile)
+ super(NoDataFile, self).__init__(feeds=feeds, message=message)
+ def log(self):
+ super(NoDataFile, self).log()
+ LOG.warning(
+ "if you're using r2e for the first time, you have to run "
+ "'r2e new' first.")
+ class NoToEmailAddress (FeedsError, FeedError):
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ message = 'no target email address has been defined'
+ super(NoToEmailAddress, self).__init__(message=message, **kwargs)
+ def log(self):
+ super(NoToEmailAddress, self).log()
+ LOG.warning(
+ "please run 'r2e email emailaddress' or "
+ "'r2e add name url emailaddress'.")
+ class OPMLReadError (RSS2EmailError):
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ message = 'error reading OPML'
+ super(RSS2EmailError, self).__init__(message=message, **kwargs)
+ class Config (_configparser.ConfigParser):
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ super(Config, self).__init__(dict_type=_collections.OrderedDict)
+ def _setup(self, section='DEFAULT'):
+ _html2text.UNICODE_SNOB = self.getboolean(
+ section, 'unicode-snob', fallback=False)
+ _html2text.LINKS_EACH_PARAGRAPH = self.getboolean(
+ section, 'links-after-each-paragaph', fallback=False)
+ _html2text.BODY_WIDTH = self.getint(section, 'body-width', fallback=0)
+ CONFIG = Config()
+ # setup defaults for feeds that don't customize
+ CONFIG['DEFAULT'] = _collections.OrderedDict((
+ ### Addressing
+ # The email address messages are from by default
+ ('from', 'bozo@dev.null.invalid'),
+ # True: Only use the 'from' address.
+ # False: Use the email address specified by the feed, when possible.
+ ('force-from', str(False)),
+ # True: Use the publisher's email if you can't find the author's.
+ # False: Just use the 'from' email instead.
+ ('use-publisher-email', str(False)),
+ # Only use the feed email address rather than friendly name
+ # plus email address
+ ('friendly-name', str(True)),
+ # Set this to default To email addresses.
+ ('to', ''),
+ ### Fetching
+ # Set an HTTP proxy (e.g. 'http://your.proxy.here:8080/')
+ ('proxy', ''),
+ # Set the timeout (in seconds) for feed server response
+ ('feed-timeout', str(60)),
+ ### Processing
+ # True: Fetch, process, and email feeds.
+ # False: Don't fetch, process, or email feeds
+ ('active', str(True)),
+ # True: Generate Date header based on item's date, when possible.
+ # False: Generate Date header based on time sent.
+ ('date-header', str(False)),
+ # A comma-delimited list of some combination of
+ # ('issued', 'created', 'modified', 'expired')
+ # expressing ordered list of preference in dates
+ # to use for the Date header of the email.
+ ('date-header-order', 'modified, issued, created, expired'),
+ # Set this to add bonus headers to all emails
+ # Example: bonus-header = 'Approved: joe@bob.org'
+ ('bonus-header', ''),
+ # True: Receive one email per post.
+ # False: Receive an email every time a post changes.
+ ('trust-guid', str(True)),
+ # To most correctly encode emails with international
+ # characters, we iterate through the list below and use the
+ # first character set that works Eventually (and
+ # theoretically) UTF-8 is our catch-all failsafe.
+ ('encodings', 'US-ASCII, BIG5, ISO-2022-JP, ISO-8859-1, UTF-8'),
+ ## HTML conversion
+ # True: Send text/html messages when possible.
+ # False: Convert HTML to plain text.
+ ('html-mail', str(False)),
+ # Optional CSS styling
+ ('use-css', str(False)),
+ ('css', (
+ 'h1 {\n'
+ ' font: 18pt Georgia, "Times New Roman";\n'
+ '}\n'
+ 'body {\n'
+ ' font: 12pt Arial;\n'
+ '}\n'
+ 'a:link {\n'
+ ' font: 12pt Arial;\n'
+ ' font-weight: bold;\n'
+ ' color: #0000cc;\n'
+ '}\n'
+ 'blockquote {\n'
+ ' font-family: monospace;\n'
+ '}\n'
+ '.header {\n'
+ ' background: #e0ecff;\n'
+ ' border-bottom: solid 4px #c3d9ff;\n'
+ ' padding: 5px;\n'
+ ' margin-top: 0px;\n'
+ ' color: red;\n'
+ '}\n'
+ '.header a {\n'
+ ' font-size: 20px;\n'
+ ' text-decoration: none;\n'
+ '}\n'
+ '.footer {\n'
+ ' background: #c3d9ff;\n'
+ ' border-top: solid 4px #c3d9ff;\n'
+ ' padding: 5px;\n'
+ ' margin-bottom: 0px;\n'
+ '}\n'
+ '#entry {\n'
+ ' border: solid 4px #c3d9ff;\n'
+ '}\n'
+ '#body {\n'
+ ' margin-left: 5px;\n'
+ ' margin-right: 5px;\n'
+ '}\n')),
+ ## html2text options
+ # Use Unicode characters instead of their ascii psuedo-replacements
+ ('unicode-snob', str(False)),
+ # Put the links after each paragraph instead of at the end.
+ ('links-after-each-paragraph', str(False)),
+ # Wrap long lines at position. 0 for no wrapping.
+ ('body-width', str(0)),
+ ### Mailing
+ # True: Use SMTP_SERVER to send mail.
+ # False: Call /usr/sbin/sendmail to send mail.
+ ('use-smtp', str(False)),
+ ('smtp-server', 'smtp.yourisp.net:25'), ('smtp-auth', str(False)), # set to True to use SMTP AUTH
+ ('smtp-username', 'username'), # username for SMTP AUTH
+ ('smtp-password', 'password'), # password for SMTP AUTH
+ ('smtp-ssl', str(False)), # Connect to the SMTP server using SSL
+ ### Miscellaneous
+ # Verbosity (one of 'error', 'warning', 'info', or 'debug').
+ ('verbose', 'warning'),
+ ))
+ def guess_encoding(string, encodings=('US-ASCII', 'UTF-8')):
+ """Find an encodign capable of encoding `string`.
+ >>> guess_encoding('alpha', encodings=('US-ASCII', 'UTF-8'))
+ >>> guess_encoding('α', encodings=('US-ASCII', 'UTF-8'))
+ 'UTF-8'
+ >>> guess_encoding('α', encodings=('US-ASCII', 'ISO-8859-1'))
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ rss2email.NoValidEncodingError: no valid encoding for α in ('US-ASCII', 'ISO-8859-1')
+ """
+ for encoding in encodings:
+ try:
+ string.encode(encoding)
+ except (UnicodeError, LookupError):
+ pass
+ else:
+ return encoding
+ raise NoValidEncodingError(string=string, encodings=encodings)
+ def get_message(sender, recipient, subject, body, content_type,
+ extra_headers=None, config=None, section='DEFAULT'):
+ """Generate a `Message` instance.
+ All arguments should be Unicode strings (plain ASCII works as well).
+ Only the real name part of sender and recipient addresses may contain
+ non-ASCII characters.
+ The email will be properly MIME encoded.
+ The charset of the email will be the first one out of the list
+ that can represent all the characters occurring in the email.
+ >>> message = get_message(
+ ... sender='John <jdoe@a.com>', recipient='Ζεύς <z@olympus.org>',
+ ... subject='Testing',
+ ... body='Hello, world!\\n',
+ ... content_type='plain',
+ ... extra_headers={'Approved': 'joe@bob.org'})
+ >>> print(message.as_string()) # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
+ Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
+ From: John <jdoe@a.com>
+ To: =?utf-8?b?zpbOtc+Nz4I=?= <z@olympus.org>
+ Subject: Testing
+ Approved: joe@bob.org
+ Hello, world!
+ """
+ if config is None:
+ config = CONFIG
+ encodings = [
+ x.strip() for x in config.get(section, 'encodings').split(',')]
+ # Split real name (which is optional) and email address parts
+ sender_name,sender_addr = _parseaddr(sender)
+ recipient_name,recipient_addr = _parseaddr(recipient)
+ sender_encoding = guess_encoding(sender_name, encodings)
+ recipient_encoding = guess_encoding(recipient_name, encodings)
+ subject_encoding = guess_encoding(subject, encodings)
+ body_encoding = guess_encoding(body, encodings)
+ # We must always pass Unicode strings to Header, otherwise it will
+ # use RFC 2047 encoding even on plain ASCII strings.
+ sender_name = str(_Header(sender_name, sender_encoding).encode())
+ recipient_name = str(_Header(recipient_name, recipient_encoding).encode())
+ # Make sure email addresses do not contain non-ASCII characters
+ sender_addr.encode('ascii')
+ recipient_addr.encode('ascii')
+ # Create the message ('plain' stands for Content-Type: text/plain)
+ message = _MIMEText(body, content_type, body_encoding)
+ message['From'] = _formataddr((sender_name, sender_addr))
+ message['To'] = _formataddr((recipient_name, recipient_addr))
+ message['Subject'] = _Header(subject, subject_encoding)
+ for key,value in extra_headers.items():
+ encoding = guess_encoding(value, encodings)
+ message[key] = _Header(value, encoding)
+ return message
+ def smtp_send(sender, recipient, message, config=None, section='DEFAULT'):
+ if config is None:
+ config = CONFIG
+ server = CONFIG.get(section, 'smtp-server')
+ LOG.debug('sending message to {} via {}'.format(recipient, server))
+ ssl = CONFIG.getboolean(section, 'smtp-ssl')
+ if ssl:
+ smtp = _smtplib.SMTP_SSL()
+ else:
+ smtp = _smtplib.SMTP()
+ smtp.ehlo()
+ try:
+ smtp.connect(SMTP_SERVER)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ raise
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise SMTPConnectionError(server=server) from e
+ if CONFIG.getboolean(section, 'smtp-auth'):
+ username = CONFIG.get(section, 'smtp-username')
+ password = CONFIG.get(section, 'smtp-password')
+ try:
+ if not ssl:
+ smtp.starttls()
+ smtp.login(username, password)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ raise
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise SMTPAuthenticationError(server=server, username=username)
+ smtp.send_message(message, sender, [recipient])
+ smtp.quit()
+ def sendmail_send(sender, recipient, message, config=None, section='DEFAULT'):
+ if config is None:
+ config = CONFIG
+ LOG.debug(
+ 'sending message to {} via /usr/sbin/sendmail'.format(recipient))
+ try:
+ p = _subprocess.Popen(
+ ['/usr/sbin/sendmail', recipient],
+ stdin=_subprocess.PIPE, stdout=_subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=_subprocess.PIPE)
+ stdout,stderr = p.communicate(message.as_string().encode('ascii'))
+ status = p.wait()
+ if status:
+ raise SendmailError(status=status, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise SendmailError() from e
+ def send(sender, recipient, message, config=None, section='DEFAULT'):
+ if config.getboolean(section, 'use-smtp'):
+ smtp_send(sender, recipient, message)
+ else:
+ sendmail_send(sender, recipient, message)
+ class TimeLimitedFunction (_threading.Thread):
+ """Run `function` with a time limit of `timeout` seconds.
+ >>> import time
+ >>> def sleeping_return(sleep, x):
+ ... time.sleep(sleep)
+ ... return x
+ >>> TimeLimitedFunction(0.5, sleeping_return)(0.1, 'x')
+ 'x'
+ >>> TimeLimitedFunction(0.5, sleeping_return)(10, 'y')
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ rss2email.TimeoutError: 0.5 second timeout exceeded
+ >>> TimeLimitedFunction(0.5, time.sleep)('x')
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ rss2email.TimeoutError: error while running time limited function: a float is required
+ """
+ def __init__(self, timeout, target, **kwargs):
+ super(TimeLimitedFunction, self).__init__(target=target, **kwargs)
+ self.setDaemon(True) # daemon kwarg only added in Python 3.3.
+ self.timeout = timeout
+ self.result = None
+ self.error = None
+ def run(self):
+ """Based on Thread.run().
+ We add handling for self.result and self.error.
+ """
+ try:
+ if self._target:
+ self.result = self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
+ except:
+ self.error = _sys.exc_info()
+ finally:
+ # Avoid a refcycle if the thread is running a function with
+ # an argument that has a member that points to the thread.
+ del self._target, self._args, self._kwargs
+ def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self._args = args
+ self._kwargs = kwargs
+ self.start()
+ self.join(self.timeout)
+ if self.error:
+ raise TimeoutError(time_limited_function=self) from self.error[1]
+ elif self.isAlive():
+ raise TimeoutError(time_limited_function=self)
+ return self.result
+ class Feed (object):
+ """Utility class for feed manipulation and storage.
+ >>> import pickle
+ >>> import sys
+ >>> feed = Feed(
+ ... name='test-feed', url='http://example.com/feed.atom', to='a@b.com')
+ >>> print(feed)
+ test-feed (http://example.com/feed.atom -> a@b.com)
+ >>> feed.section
+ 'feed.test-feed'
+ >>> feed.from_email
+ 'bozo@dev.null.invalid'
+ >>> feed.from_email = 'a@b.com'
+ >>> feed.save_to_config()
+ >>> feed.config.write(sys.stdout) # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF, +ELLIPSIS
+ from = bozo@dev.null.invalid
+ ...
+ verbose = warning
+ [feed.test-feed]
+ url = http://example.com/feed.atom
+ from = a@b.com
+ to = a@b.com
+ >>> feed.etag = 'dummy etag'
+ >>> string = pickle.dumps(feed)
+ >>> feed = pickle.loads(string)
+ >>> feed.load_from_config(config=CONFIG)
+ >>> feed.etag
+ 'dummy etag'
+ >>> feed.url
+ 'http://example.com/feed.atom'
+ Names can only contain ASCII letters, digits, and '._-'. Here the
+ invalid space causes an exception:
+ >>> Feed(name='invalid name')
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ rss2email.InvalidFeedName: invalid feed name 'invalid name'
+ Cleanup `CONFIG`.
+ >>> CONFIG['DEFAULT']['to'] = ''
+ >>> test_section = CONFIG.pop('feed.test-feed')
+ """
+ _name_regexp = _re.compile('^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+$')
+ # saved/loaded from feed.dat using __getstate__/__setstate__.
+ _dynamic_attributes = [
+ 'name',
+ 'etag',
+ 'modified',
+ 'seen',
+ ]
+ ## saved/loaded from ConfigParser instance
+ # attributes that aren't in DEFAULT
+ _non_default_configured_attributes = [
+ 'url',
+ ]
+ # attributes that are in DEFAULT
+ _default_configured_attributes = [
+ key.replace('-', '_') for key in CONFIG['DEFAULT'].keys()]
+ _default_configured_attributes[
+ _default_configured_attributes.index('from')
+ ] = 'from_email' # `from` is a Python keyword
+ # all attributes that are saved/loaded from .config
+ _configured_attributes = (
+ _non_default_configured_attributes + _default_configured_attributes)
+ # attribute name -> .config option
+ _configured_attribute_translations = dict(
+ (attr,attr) for attr in _non_default_configured_attributes)
+ _configured_attribute_translations.update(dict(
+ zip(_default_configured_attributes, CONFIG['DEFAULT'].keys())))
+ # .config option -> attribute name
+ _configured_attribute_inverse_translations = dict(
+ (v,k) for k,v in _configured_attribute_translations.items())
+ # hints for value conversion
+ _boolean_attributes = [
+ 'force_from',
+ 'use_publisher_email',
+ 'friendly_name',
+ 'active',
+ 'date_header',
+ 'trust_guid',
+ 'html_mail',
+ 'use_css',
+ 'unicode_snob',
+ 'links_after_each_paragraph',
+ 'use_smtp',
+ 'smtp_ssl',
+ ]
+ _integer_attributes = [
+ 'feed_timeout',
+ 'body_width',
+ ]
+ _list_attributes = [
+ 'date_header_order',
+ 'encodings',
+ ]
+ def __init__(self, name=None, url=None, to=None, config=None):
+ self._set_name(name=name)
+ self.reset()
+ self.__setstate__(dict(
+ (attr, getattr(self, attr))
+ for attr in self._dynamic_attributes))
+ self.load_from_config(config=config)
+ if url:
+ self.url = url
+ if to:
+ self.to = to
+ def __str__(self):
+ return '{} ({} -> {})'.format(self.name, self.url, self.to)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '<Feed {}>'.format(str(self))
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ "Save dyamic attributes"
+ return dict(
+ (key,getattr(self,key)) for key in self._dynamic_attributes)
+ def __setstate__(self, state):
+ "Restore dynamic attributes"
+ keys = sorted(state.keys())
+ if keys != sorted(self._dynamic_attributes):
+ raise ValueError(state)
+ self._set_name(name=state['name'])
+ self.__dict__.update(state)
+ def save_to_config(self):
+ "Save configured attributes"
+ data = _collections.OrderedDict()
+ default = self.config['DEFAULT']
+ for attr in self._configured_attributes:
+ key = self._configured_attribute_translations[attr]
+ value = getattr(self, attr)
+ if value is not None:
+ value = self._get_configured_option_value(
+ attribute=attr, value=value)
+ if (attr in self._non_default_configured_attributes or
+ value != default[key]):
+ data[key] = value
+ self.config[self.section] = data
+ def load_from_config(self, config=None):
+ "Restore configured attributes"
+ if config is None:
+ config = CONFIG
+ self.config = config
+ if self.section in self.config:
+ data = self.config[self.section]
+ else:
+ data = self.config['DEFAULT']
+ keys = sorted(data.keys())
+ expected = sorted(self._configured_attribute_translations.values())
+ if keys != expected:
+ for key in expected:
+ if (key not in keys and
+ key not in self._non_default_configured_attributes):
+ raise ValueError('missing key: {}'.format(key))
+ for key in keys:
+ if key not in expected:
+ raise ValueError('extra key: {}'.format(key))
+ data = dict(
+ (self._configured_attribute_inverse_translations[k],
+ self._get_configured_attribute_value(
+ attribute=self._configured_attribute_inverse_translations[k],
+ key=k, data=data))
+ for k in data.keys())
+ for attr in self._non_default_configured_attributes:
+ if attr not in data:
+ data[attr] = None
+ self.__dict__.update(data)
+ def _get_configured_option_value(self, attribute, value):
+ if value and attribute in self._list_attributes:
+ return ', '.join(value)
+ return str(value)
+ def _get_configured_attribute_value(self, attribute, key, data):
+ if attribute in self._boolean_attributes:
+ return data.getboolean(key)
+ elif attribute in self._integer_attributes:
+ return data.getint(key)
+ elif attribute in self._list_attributes:
+ return [x.strip() for x in data[key].split(',')]
+ return data[key]
+ def reset(self):
+ """Reset dynamic data
+ """
+ self.etag = None
+ self.modified = None
+ self.seen = {}
+ def _set_name(self, name):
+ if not self._name_regexp.match(name):
+ raise InvalidFeedName(name=name, feed=self)
+ self.name = name
+ self.section = 'feed.{}'.format(self.name)
+ def _fetch(self):
+ """Fetch and parse a feed using feedparser.
+ >>> feed = Feed(
+ ... name='test-feed',
+ ... url='http://feeds.feedburner.com/allthingsrss/hJBr')
+ >>> parsed = feed._fetch()
+ >>> parsed.status
+ 200
+ """
+ LOG.info('fetch {}'.format(self))
+ if self.section in self.config:
+ config = self.config[self.section]
+ else:
+ config = self.config['DEFAULT']
+ proxy = config['proxy']
+ timeout = config.getint('feed-timeout')
+ kwargs = {}
+ if proxy:
+ kwargs['handlers'] = [_urllib_request.ProxyHandler({'http':proxy})]
+ f = TimeLimitedFunction(timeout, _feedparser.parse)
+ return f(self.url, self.etag, modified=self.modified, **kwargs)
+ def _process(self, parsed):
+ LOG.info('process {}'.format(self))
+ self._check_for_errors(parsed)
+ for entry in reversed(parsed.entries):
+ LOG.debug('processing {}'.format(entry.get('id', 'no-id')))
+ processed = self._process_entry(parsed=parsed, entry=entry)
+ if processed:
+ yield processed
+ def _check_for_errors(self, parsed):
+ warned = False
+ status = getattr(parsed, 'status', 200)
+ LOG.debug('HTTP status {}'.format(status))
+ if status == 301:
+ LOG.info('redirect {} from {} to {}'.format(
+ self.name, self.url, parsed['url']))
+ self.url = parsed['url']
+ elif status not in [200, 302, 304]:
+ raise HTTPError(status=status, feed=self)
+ http_headers = parsed.get('headers', {})
+ if http_headers:
+ LOG.debug('HTTP headers: {}'.format(http_headers))
+ if not http_headers:
+ LOG.warning('could not get HTTP headers: {}'.format(self))
+ warned = True
+ else:
+ if 'html' in http_headers.get('content-type', 'rss'):
+ LOG.warning('looks like HTML: {}'.format(self))
+ warned = True
+ if http_headers.get('content-length', '1') == '0':
+ LOG.warning('empty page: {}'.format(self))
+ warned = True
+ version = parsed.get('version', None)
+ if version:
+ LOG.debug('feed version {}'.format(version))
+ else:
+ LOG.warning('unrecognized version: {}'.format(self))
+ warned = True
+ exc = parsed.get('bozo_exception', None)
+ if isinstance(exc, _socket.timeout):
+ LOG.error('timed out: {}'.format(self))
+ warned = True
+ elif isinstance(exc, _SOCKET_ERRORS):
+ reason = exc.args[1]
+ LOG.error('{}: {}'.format(exc, self))
+ warned = True
+ elif (hasattr(exc, 'reason') and
+ isinstance(exc.reason, _urllib_error.URLError)):
+ if isinstance(exc.reason, _SOCKET_ERRORS):
+ reason = exc.reason.args[1]
+ else:
+ reason = exc.reason
+ LOG.error('{}: {}'.format(exc, self))
+ warned = True
+ elif isinstance(exc, _feedparser.zlib.error):
+ LOG.error('broken compression: {}'.format(self))
+ warned = True
+ elif isinstance(exc, (IOError, AttributeError)):
+ LOG.error('{}: {}'.format(exc, self))
+ warned = True
+ elif isinstance(exc, KeyboardInterrupt):
+ raise exc
+ elif isinstance(exc, _sax.SAXParseException):
+ LOG.error('sax parsing error: {}: {}'.format(exc, self))
+ warned = True
+ elif parsed.bozo or exc:
+ if exc is None:
+ exc = "can't process"
+ LOG.error('processing error: {}: {}'.format(exc, self))
+ warned = True
+ if (not warned and
+ status in [200, 302] and
+ not parsed.entries and
+ not version):
+ raise ProcessingError(parsed=parsed, feed=feed)
+ def _process_entry(self, parsed, entry):
+ id_ = self._get_entry_id(entry)
+ # If .trust_guid isn't set, we get back hashes of the content.
+ # Instead of letting these run wild, we put them in context
+ # by associating them with the actual ID (if it exists).
+ guid = entry['id'] or id_
+ if isinstance(guid, dict):
+ guid = guid.values()[0]
+ if guid in self.seen:
+ if self.seen[guid] == id_:
+ LOG.debug('already seen {}'.format(id_))
+ return # already seen
+ sender = self._get_entry_email(parsed=parsed, entry=entry)
+ link = entry.get('link', None)
+ subject = self._get_entry_title(entry)
+ extra_headers = _collections.OrderedDict((
+ ('Date', self._get_entry_date(entry)),
+ ('Message-ID', '<{}@dev.null.invalid>'.format(_uuid.uuid4())),
+ ('User-Agent', 'rss2email'),
+ ('X-RSS-Feed', self.url),
+ ('X-RSS-ID', id_),
+ ('X-RSS-URL', link),
+ ('X-RSS-TAGS', self._get_entry_tags(entry)),
+ ))
+ for k,v in extra_headers.items(): # remove empty tags, etc.
+ if v is None:
+ extra_headers.pop(k)
+ if self.bonus_header:
+ for header in self.bonus_header.splitlines():
+ if ':' in header:
+ key,value = header.split(':', 1)
+ extra_headers[key.strip()] = value.strip()
+ else:
+ LOG.warning(
+ 'malformed bonus-header: {}'.format(
+ self.bonus_header))
+ content = self._get_entry_content(entry)
+ content = self._process_entry_content(
+ entry=entry, content=content, link=link, subject=subject)
+ message = get_message(
+ sender=sender,
+ recipient=self.to,
+ subject=subject,
+ body=content['value'],
+ content_type=content['type'].split('/', 1)[1],
+ extra_headers=extra_headers)
+ return (guid, id_, sender, message)
+ def _get_entry_id(self, entry):
+ """Get best ID from an entry."""
+ if self.trust_guid:
+ if getattr(entry, 'id', None):
+ # Newer versions of feedparser could return a dictionary
+ if isinstance(entry.id, dict):
+ return entry.id.values()[0]
+ return entry.id
+ content_type,content_value = self._get_entry_content(entry)
+ content_value = content_value.strip()
+ if content_value:
+ return hash(content_value.encode('unicode-escape')).hexdigest()
+ elif getattr(entry, 'link', None):
+ return hash(entry.link.encode('unicode-escape')).hexdigest()
+ elif getattr(entry, 'title', None):
+ return hash(entry.title.encode('unicode-escape')).hexdigest()
+ def _get_entry_title(self, entry):
+ if hasattr(entry, 'title_detail') and entry.title_detail:
+ title = entry.title_detail.value
+ if 'html' in entry.title_detail.type:
+ title = _html2text.html2text(title)
+ else:
+ title = self._get_entry_content(entry).content[:70]
+ title = title.replace('\n', ' ').strip()
+ return title
+ def _get_entry_date(self, entry):
+ datetime = _time.gmtime()
+ if self.date_header:
+ for datetype in self.date_header_order:
+ kind = datetype + '_parsed'
+ if entry.get(kind, None):
+ datetime = entry[kind]
+ break
+ return _time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S -0000", datetime)
+ def _get_entry_name(self, parsed, entry):
- "Get the best name"
++ """Get the best name
++ >>> import feedparser
++ >>> f = Feed(name='test-feed')
++ >>> parsed = feedparser.parse(
++ ... '<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">\\n'
++ ... ' <entry>\\n'
++ ... ' <author>\\n'
++ ... ' <name>Example author</name>\\n'
++ ... ' <email>me@example.com</email>\\n'
++ ... ' <url>http://example.com/</url>\\n'
++ ... ' </author>\\n'
++ ... ' </entry>\\n'
++ ... '</feed>\\n'
++ ... )
++ >>> entry = parsed.entries[0]
++ >>> f.friendly_name = False
++ >>> f._get_entry_name(parsed, entry)
++ ''
++ >>> f.friendly_name = True
++ >>> f._get_entry_name(parsed, entry)
++ 'Example author'
++ """
+ if not self.friendly_name:
+ return ''
+ parts = ['']
+ feed = parsed.feed
+ parts.append(feed.get('title', ''))
+ for x in [entry, feed]:
+ if 'name' in x.get('author_detail', []):
+ if x.author_detail.name:
+ if ''.join(parts):
+ parts.append(': ')
+ parts.append(x.author_detail.name)
+ break
+ if not ''.join(parts) and self.use_publisher_email:
+ if 'name' in feed.get('publisher_detail', []):
+ if ''.join(parts):
+ parts.append(': ')
+ parts.append(feed.publisher_detail.name)
+ return _html2text.unescape(''.join(parts))
+ def _validate_email(self, email, default=None):
+ """Do a basic quality check on email address
+ Return `default` if the address doesn't appear to be
+ well-formed. If `default` is `None`, return
+ `self.from_email`.
++ >>> f = Feed(name='test-feed')
++ >>> f._validate_email('valid@example.com', 'default@example.com')
++ 'valid@example.com'
++ >>> f._validate_email('invalid@', 'default@example.com')
++ 'default@example.com'
++ >>> f._validate_email('@invalid', 'default@example.com')
++ 'default@example.com'
++ >>> f._validate_email('invalid', 'default@example.com')
++ 'default@example.com'
+ """
+ parts = email.split('@')
- if len(parts) != 2:
++ if len(parts) != 2 or '' in parts:
+ if default is None:
+ return self.from_email
+ return default
+ return email
+ def _get_entry_address(self, parsed, entry):
+ """Get the best From email address ('<jdoe@a.com>')
+ If the best guess isn't well-formed (something@somthing.com),
+ use `self.from_email` instead.
+ """
+ if self.force_from:
+ return self.from_email
+ feed = parsed.feed
+ if 'email' in entry.get('author_detail', []):
+ return self._validate_email(entry.author_detail.email)
+ elif 'email' in feed.get('author_detail', []):
+ return self._validate_email(feed.author_detail.email)
+ if self.use_publisher_email:
+ if 'email' in feed.get('publisher_detail', []):
+ return self._validate_email(feed.publisher_detail.email)
+ if feed.get('errorreportsto', None):
+ return self._validate_email(feed.errorreportsto)
+ LOG.debug('no sender address found, fallback to default')
+ return self.from_email
+ def _get_entry_email(self, parsed, entry):
+ """Get the best From email address ('John <jdoe@a.com>')
+ """
+ name = self._get_entry_name(parsed=parsed, entry=entry)
+ address = self._get_entry_address(parsed=parsed, entry=entry)
+ return _formataddr((name, address))
+ def _get_entry_tags(self, entry):
- "Add post tags, if available"
- taglist = [tag['term'] for tag in entry.get('tags', [])]
++ """Add post tags, if available
++ >>> f = Feed(name='test-feed')
++ >>> f._get_entry_tags({
++ ... 'tags': [{'term': 'tag1',
++ ... 'scheme': None,
++ ... 'label': None}]})
++ 'tag1'
++ >>> f._get_entry_tags({
++ ... 'tags': [{'term': 'tag1',
++ ... 'scheme': None,
++ ... 'label': None},
++ ... {'term': 'tag2',
++ ... 'scheme': None,
++ ... 'label': None}]})
++ 'tag1,tag2'
++ Test some troublesome cases. No tags:
++ >>> f._get_entry_tags({})
++ Empty tags:
++ >>> f._get_entry_tags({'tags': []})
++ Tags without a ``term`` entry:
++ >>> f._get_entry_tags({
++ ... 'tags': [{'scheme': None,
++ ... 'label': None}]})
++ Tags with an empty term:
++ >>> f._get_entry_tags({
++ ... 'tags': [{'term': '',
++ ... 'scheme': None,
++ ... 'label': None}]})
++ """
++ taglist = [tag['term'] for tag in entry.get('tags', [])
++ if tag.get('term', '')]
+ if taglist:
+ return ','.join(taglist)
+ def _get_entry_content(self, entry):
+ """Select the best content from an entry.
+ Returns a feedparser content dict.
+ """
+ # How this works:
+ # * We have a bunch of potential contents.
+ # * We go thru looking for our first choice.
+ # (HTML or text, depending on self.html_mail)
+ # * If that doesn't work, we go thru looking for our second choice.
+ # * If that still doesn't work, we just take the first one.
+ #
+ # Possible future improvement:
+ # * Instead of just taking the first one
+ # pick the one in the "best" language.
+ # * HACK: hardcoded .html_mail, should take a tuple of media types
+ contents = list(entry.get('content', []))
+ if entry.get('summary_detail', None):
+ contents.append(entry.summary_detail)
+ if self.html_mail:
+ types = ['text/html', 'text/plain']
+ else:
+ types = ['text/plain', 'text/html']
+ for content_type in types:
+ for content in contents:
+ if content['type'] == content_type:
+ return content
+ if contents:
+ return contents[0]
+ return {type: 'text/plain', 'value': ''}
+ def _process_entry_content(self, entry, content, link, subject):
+ "Convert entry content to the requested format."
+ if self.html_mail:
+ lines = [
+ '<!DOCTYPE html>',
+ '<html>',
+ ' <head>',
+ ]
+ if self.use_css and self.css:
+ lines.extend([
+ ' <style type="text/css">',
+ self.css,
+ ' </style>',
+ ])
+ lines.extend([
+ '</head>',
+ '<body>',
+ '<div id="entry>',
+ '<h1 class="header"><a href="{}">{}</a></h1>'.format(
+ link, subject),
+ '<div id="body"><table><tr><td>',
+ ])
+ if content['type'] in ('text/html', 'application/xhtml+xml'):
+ lines.append(content['value'].strip())
+ else:
+ lines.append(_saxutils.escape(content['value'].strip()))
+ lines.append('</td></tr></table></div>')
+ lines.extend([
+ '<div class="footer">'
+ '<p>URL: <a href="{0}">{0}</a></p>'.format(link),
+ ])
+ for enclosure in getattr(entry, 'enclosures', []):
+ if getattr(enclosure, 'url', None):
+ lines.append(
+ '<p>Enclosure: <a href="{0}">{0}</a></p>'.format(
+ enclosure.url))
+ if getattr(enclosure, 'src', None):
+ lines.append(
+ '<p>Enclosure: <a href="{0}">{0}</a></p>'.format(
+ enclosure.src))
+ lines.append(
+ '<p><img src="{}" /></p>'.format(enclosure.src))
+ for elink in getattr(entry, 'links', []):
+ if elink.get('rel', None) == 'via':
+ url = elink['href']
+ url = url.replace(
+ 'http://www.google.com/reader/public/atom/',
+ 'http://www.google.com/reader/view/')
+ title = url
+ if elink.get('title', None):
+ title = elink['title']
+ lines.append('<p>Via <a href="{}">{}</a></p>'.format(
+ url, title))
+ lines.extend([
+ '</div>', # /footer
+ '</div>', # /entry
+ '</body>',
+ '</html>',
+ ''])
+ content['type'] = 'text/html'
+ content['value'] = '\n'.join(lines)
+ return content
+ else: # not self.html_mail
+ if content['type'] in ('text/html', 'application/xhtml+xml'):
+ lines = [_html2text.html2text(content['value'])]
+ else:
+ lines = [content['value']]
+ lines.append('')
+ lines.append('URL: {}'.format(link))
+ for enclosure in getattr(entry, 'enclosures', []):
+ if getattr(enclosure, 'url', None):
+ lines.append('Enclosure: {}'.format(enclosure.url))
+ if getattr(enclosure, 'src', None):
+ lines.append('Enclosure: {}'.format(enclosure.src))
+ for elink in getattr(entry, 'links', []):
+ if elink.get('rel', None) == 'via':
+ url = elink['href']
+ url = url.replace(
+ 'http://www.google.com/reader/public/atom/',
+ 'http://www.google.com/reader/view/')
+ title = url
+ if elink.get('title', None):
+ title = elink['title']
+ lines.append('Via: {} {}'.format(title, url))
+ content['type'] = 'text/plain'
+ content['value'] = '\n'.join(lines)
+ return content
+ def _send(self, sender, message):
+ LOG.info('send message for {}'.format(self))
+ section = self.section
+ if section not in self.config:
+ section = 'DEFAULT'
+ send(sender=sender, recipient=self.to, message=message,
+ config=self.config, section=section)
+ def run(self, send=True):
+ """Fetch and process the feed, mailing entry emails.
+ >>> feed = Feed(
+ ... name='test-feed',
+ ... url='http://feeds.feedburner.com/allthingsrss/hJBr')
+ >>> def send(sender, message):
+ ... print('send from {}:'.format(sender))
+ ... print(message.as_string())
+ >>> feed._send = send
+ >>> feed.to = 'jdoe@dummy.invalid'
+ >>> #parsed = feed.run() # enable for debugging
+ """
+ if not self.to:
+ raise NoToEmailAddress(feed=self)
+ parsed = self._fetch()
+ for (guid, id_, sender, message) in self._process(parsed):
+ LOG.debug('new message: {}'.format(message['Subject']))
+ if send:
+ self._send(sender=sender, message=message)
+ self.seen[guid] = id_
+ self.etag = parsed.get('etag', None)
+ self.modified = parsed.get('modified', None)
+ class Feeds (list):
+ """Utility class for rss2email activity.
+ >>> import pickle
+ >>> import tempfile
+ Setup a temporary directory to load.
+ >>> tmpdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='rss2email-test-')
+ >>> configfile = _os.path.join(tmpdir.name, 'config')
+ >>> with open(configfile, 'w') as f:
+ ... count = f.write('[DEFAULT]\\n')
+ ... count = f.write('to = a@b.com\\n')
+ ... count = f.write('[feed.f1]\\n')
+ ... count = f.write('url = http://a.net/feed.atom\\n')
+ ... count = f.write('to = x@y.net\\n')
+ ... count = f.write('[feed.f2]\\n')
+ ... count = f.write('url = http://b.com/rss.atom\\n')
+ >>> datafile = _os.path.join(tmpdir.name, 'feeds.dat')
+ >>> with open(datafile, 'wb') as f:
+ ... pickle.dump([
+ ... Feed(name='f1'),
+ ... Feed(name='f2'),
+ ... ], f)
+ >>> feeds = Feeds(configdir=tmpdir.name)
+ >>> feeds.load()
+ >>> for feed in feeds:
+ ... print(feed)
+ f1 (http://a.net/feed.atom -> x@y.net)
+ f2 (http://b.com/rss.atom -> a@b.com)
+ You can index feeds by array index or by feed name.
+ >>> feeds[0]
+ <Feed f1 (http://a.net/feed.atom -> x@y.net)>
+ >>> feeds[-1]
+ <Feed f2 (http://b.com/rss.atom -> a@b.com)>
+ >>> feeds['f1']
+ <Feed f1 (http://a.net/feed.atom -> x@y.net)>
+ >>> feeds['missing']
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ IndexError: missing
+ Tweak the feed configuration and save.
+ >>> feeds[0].to = None
+ >>> feeds.save()
+ >>> print(open(configfile, 'r').read().rstrip('\\n'))
+ ... # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF, +ELLIPSIS
+ from = bozo@dev.null.invalid
+ ...
+ verbose = warning
+ [feed.f1]
+ url = http://a.net/feed.atom
+ [feed.f2]
+ url = http://b.com/rss.atom
+ Cleanup the temporary directory.
+ >>> tmpdir.cleanup()
+ """
+ def __init__(self, configdir=None, datafile=None, configfiles=None,
+ config=None):
+ super(Feeds, self).__init__()
+ if configdir is None:
+ configdir = _os.path.expanduser(_os.path.join(
+ '~', '.config', 'rss2email'))
+ if datafile is None:
+ datafile = _os.path.join(configdir, 'feeds.dat')
+ self.datafile = datafile
+ if configfiles is None:
+ configfiles = [_os.path.join(configdir, 'config')]
+ self.configfiles = configfiles
+ if config is None:
+ config = CONFIG
+ self.config = config
+ self._datafile_lock = None
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ for feed in self:
+ if feed.name == key:
+ return feed
+ try:
+ index = int(key)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ raise IndexError(key) from e
+ return super(Feeds, self).__getitem__(index)
+ def __append__(self, feed):
+ feed.load_from_config(self.config)
+ feed = super(Feeds, self).append(feed)
+ def __pop__(self, index=-1):
+ feed = super(Feeds, self).pop(index=index)
+ if feed.section in self.config:
+ self.config.pop(feed.section)
+ return feed
+ def index(self, index):
+ if isinstance(index, int):
+ return self[index]
+ elif isinstance(index, str):
+ try:
+ index = int(index)
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ return self.index(index)
+ for feed in self:
+ if feed.name == index:
+ return feed
+ super(Feeds, self).index(index)
+ def remove(self, feed):
+ super(Feeds, self).remove(feed)
+ if feed.section in self.config:
+ self.config.pop(feed.section)
+ def clear(self):
+ while self:
+ self.pop(0)
+ def load(self, lock=True, require=False):
+ LOG.debug('load feed configuration from {}'.format(self.configfiles))
+ if self.configfiles:
+ self.read_configfiles = self.config.read(self.configfiles)
+ else:
+ self.read_configfiles = []
+ LOG.debug('loaded confguration from {}'.format(self.read_configfiles))
+ self._load_feeds(lock=lock, require=require)
+ def _load_feeds(self, lock, require):
+ LOG.debug('load feed data from {}'.format(self.datafile))
+ if not _os.path.exists(self.datafile):
+ if require:
+ raise NoDataFile(feeds=self)
+ LOG.info('feed data file not found at {}'.format(self.datafile))
+ LOG.debug('creating an empty data file')
+ with open(self.datafile, 'wb') as f:
+ _pickle.dump([], f)
+ try:
+ self._datafile_lock = open(self.datafile, 'rb')
+ except IOError as e:
+ raise DataFileError(feeds=self) from e
+ locktype = 0
+ if lock and UNIX:
+ locktype = _fcntl.LOCK_EX
+ _fcntl.flock(self._datafile_lock.fileno(), locktype)
+ self.clear()
+ level = LOG.level
+ handlers = list(LOG.handlers)
+ feeds = list(_pickle.load(self._datafile_lock))
+ LOG.setLevel(level)
+ LOG.handlers = handlers
+ self.extend(feeds)
+ if locktype == 0:
+ self._datafile_lock.close()
+ self._datafile_lock = None
+ for feed in self:
+ feed.load_from_config(self.config)
+ feed_names = set(feed.name for feed in self)
+ order = _collections.defaultdict(lambda: (1e3, ''))
+ for i,section in enumerate(self.config.sections()):
+ if section.startswith('feed.'):
+ name = section[len('feed.'):]
+ order[name] = (i, name)
+ if name not in feed_names:
+ LOG.debug(
+ ('feed {} not found in feed file, '
+ 'initializing from config').format(name))
+ self.append(Feed(name=name, config=self.config))
+ feed_names.add(name)
+ def key(feed):
+ return order[feed.name]
+ self.sort(key=key)
+ def save(self):
+ LOG.debug('save feed configuration to {}'.format(self.configfiles[-1]))
+ for feed in self:
+ feed.save_to_config()
+ dirname = _os.path.dirname(self.configfiles[-1])
+ if dirname and not _os.path.isdir(dirname):
+ _os.makedirs(dirname)
+ with open(self.configfiles[-1], 'w') as f:
+ self.config.write(f)
+ self._save_feeds()
+ def _save_feeds(self):
+ LOG.debug('save feed data to {}'.format(self.datafile))
+ dirname = _os.path.dirname(self.datafile)
+ if dirname and not _os.path.isdir(dirname):
+ _os.makedirs(dirname)
+ if UNIX:
+ tmpfile = self.datafile + '.tmp'
+ with open(tmpfile, 'wb') as f:
+ _pickle.dump(list(self), f)
+ _os.rename(tmpfile, self.datafile)
+ if self._datafile_lock is not None:
+ self._datafile_lock.close() # release the lock
+ self._datafile_lock = None
+ else:
+ _pickle.dump(list(self), open(self.datafile, 'wb'))
+ def new_feed(self, name=None, prefix='feed-', **kwargs):
+ """Return a new feed, possibly auto-generating a name.
+ >>> feeds = Feeds()
+ >>> print(feeds.new_feed(name='my-feed'))
+ my-feed (None -> a@b.com)
+ >>> print(feeds.new_feed())
+ feed-0 (None -> a@b.com)
+ >>> print(feeds.new_feed())
+ feed-1 (None -> a@b.com)
+ """
+ if name is None:
+ i = 0
+ while True:
+ name = '{}{}'.format(prefix, i)
+ feed_names = [feed.name for feed in self]
+ if name not in feed_names:
+ break
+ i += 1
+ feed = Feed(name=name, **kwargs)
+ self.append(feed)
+ return feed
### Program Functions ###
- def add(*args):
- if len(args) == 2 and contains(args[1], '@') and not contains(args[1], '://'):
- urls, to = [args[0]], args[1]
- else:
- urls, to = args, None
- feeds, feedfileObject = load()
- if (feeds and not isstr(feeds[0]) and to is None) or (not len(feeds) and to is None):
- print "No email address has been defined. Please run 'r2e email emailaddress' or"
- print "'r2e add url emailaddress'."
- sys.exit(1)
- for url in urls: feeds.append(Feed(url, to))
- unlock(feeds, feedfileObject)
- def run(num=None):
- feeds, feedfileObject = load()
- smtpserver = None
- try:
- # We store the default to address as the first item in the feeds list.
- # Here we take it out and save it for later.
- default_to = ""
- if feeds and isstr(feeds[0]): default_to = feeds[0]; ifeeds = feeds[1:]
- else: ifeeds = feeds
- if num: ifeeds = [feeds[num]]
- feednum = 0
- for f in ifeeds:
- try:
- feednum += 1
- if not f.active: continue
- if VERBOSE: print >>warn, 'I: Processing [%d] "%s"' % (feednum, f.url)
- r = {}
- try:
- r = timelimit(FEED_TIMEOUT, parse)(f.url, f.etag, f.modified)
- except TimeoutError:
- print >>warn, 'W: feed [%d] "%s" timed out' % (feednum, f.url)
- continue
- # Handle various status conditions, as required
- if 'status' in r:
- if r.status == 301: f.url = r['url']
- elif r.status == 410:
- print >>warn, "W: feed gone; deleting", f.url
- feeds.remove(f)
- continue
- http_status = r.get('status', 200)
- if VERBOSE > 1: print >>warn, "I: http status", http_status
- http_headers = r.get('headers', {
- 'content-type': 'application/rss+xml',
- 'content-length':'1'})
- exc_type = r.get("bozo_exception", Exception()).__class__
- if http_status != 304 and not r.entries and not r.get('version', ''):
- if http_status not in [200, 302]:
- print >>warn, "W: error %d [%d] %s" % (http_status, feednum, f.url)
- elif contains(http_headers.get('content-type', 'rss'), 'html'):
- print >>warn, "W: looks like HTML [%d] %s" % (feednum, f.url)
- elif http_headers.get('content-length', '1') == '0':
- print >>warn, "W: empty page [%d] %s" % (feednum, f.url)
- elif hasattr(socket, 'timeout') and exc_type == socket.timeout:
- print >>warn, "W: timed out on [%d] %s" % (feednum, f.url)
- elif exc_type == IOError:
- print >>warn, 'W: "%s" [%d] %s' % (r.bozo_exception, feednum, f.url)
- elif hasattr(feedparser, 'zlib') and exc_type == feedparser.zlib.error:
- print >>warn, "W: broken compression [%d] %s" % (feednum, f.url)
- elif exc_type in socket_errors:
- exc_reason = r.bozo_exception.args[1]
- print >>warn, "W: %s [%d] %s" % (exc_reason, feednum, f.url)
- elif exc_type == urllib2.URLError:
- if r.bozo_exception.reason.__class__ in socket_errors:
- exc_reason = r.bozo_exception.reason.args[1]
- else:
- exc_reason = r.bozo_exception.reason
- print >>warn, "W: %s [%d] %s" % (exc_reason, feednum, f.url)
- elif exc_type == AttributeError:
- print >>warn, "W: %s [%d] %s" % (r.bozo_exception, feednum, f.url)
- elif exc_type == KeyboardInterrupt:
- raise r.bozo_exception
- elif r.bozo:
- print >>warn, 'E: error in [%d] "%s" feed (%s)' % (feednum, f.url, r.get("bozo_exception", "can't process"))
- else:
- print >>warn, "=== rss2email encountered a problem with this feed ==="
- print >>warn, "=== See the rss2email FAQ at http://www.allthingsrss.com/rss2email/ for assistance ==="
- print >>warn, "=== If this occurs repeatedly, send this to lindsey@allthingsrss.com ==="
- print >>warn, "E:", r.get("bozo_exception", "can't process"), f.url
- print >>warn, r
- print >>warn, "rss2email", __version__
- print >>warn, "feedparser", feedparser.__version__
- print >>warn, "html2text", h2t.__version__
- print >>warn, "Python", sys.version
- print >>warn, "=== END HERE ==="
- continue
- r.entries.reverse()
- for entry in r.entries:
- id = getID(entry)
- # If TRUST_GUID isn't set, we get back hashes of the content.
- # Instead of letting these run wild, we put them in context
- # by associating them with the actual ID (if it exists).
- frameid = entry.get('id')
- if not(frameid): frameid = id
- if type(frameid) is DictType:
- frameid = frameid.values()[0]
- # If this item's ID is in our database
- # then it's already been sent
- # and we don't need to do anything more.
- if frameid in f.seen:
- if f.seen[frameid] == id: continue
- if not (f.to or default_to):
- print "No default email address defined. Please run 'r2e email emailaddress'"
- print "Ignoring feed %s" % f.url
- break
- if 'title_detail' in entry and entry.title_detail:
- title = entry.title_detail.value
- if contains(entry.title_detail.type, 'html'):
- title = html2text(title)
- else:
- title = getContent(entry)[:70]
- title = title.replace("\n", " ").strip()
- datetime = time.gmtime()
- for datetype in DATE_HEADER_ORDER:
- kind = datetype+"_parsed"
- if kind in entry and entry[kind]: datetime = entry[kind]
- link = entry.get('link', "")
- from_addr = getEmail(r, entry)
- name = h2t.unescape(getName(r, entry))
- fromhdr = formataddr((name, from_addr,))
- tohdr = (f.to or default_to)
- subjecthdr = title
- datehdr = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S -0000", datetime)
- useragenthdr = "rss2email"
- # Add post tags, if available
- tagline = getTags(entry)
- extraheaders = {'Date': datehdr, 'User-Agent': useragenthdr, 'X-RSS-Feed': f.url, 'X-RSS-ID': id, 'X-RSS-URL': link, 'X-RSS-TAGS' : tagline}
- if BONUS_HEADER != '':
- for hdr in BONUS_HEADER.strip().splitlines():
- pos = hdr.strip().find(':')
- if pos > 0:
- extraheaders[hdr[:pos]] = hdr[pos+1:].strip()
- else:
- print >>warn, "W: malformed BONUS HEADER", BONUS_HEADER
- entrycontent = getContent(entry, HTMLOK=HTML_MAIL)
- contenttype = 'plain'
- content = ''
- contenttype = 'html'
- content = "<html>\n"
- content += '<head><style><!--' + STYLE_SHEET + '//--></style></head>\n'
- content += '<body>\n'
- content += '<div id="entry">\n'
- content += '<h1'
- content += ' class="header"'
- content += '><a href="'+link+'">'+subjecthdr+'</a></h1>\n'
- if ishtml(entrycontent):
- body = entrycontent[1].strip()
- else:
- body = entrycontent.strip()
- if body != '':
- content += '<div id="body"><table><tr><td>\n' + body + '</td></tr></table></div>\n'
- content += '\n<p class="footer">URL: <a href="'+link+'">'+link+'</a>'
- if hasattr(entry,'enclosures'):
- for enclosure in entry.enclosures:
- if (hasattr(enclosure, 'url') and enclosure.url != ""):
- content += ('<br/>Enclosure: <a href="'+enclosure.url+'">'+enclosure.url+"</a>\n")
- if (hasattr(enclosure, 'src') and enclosure.src != ""):
- content += ('<br/>Enclosure: <a href="'+enclosure.src+'">'+enclosure.src+'</a><br/><img src="'+enclosure.src+'"\n')
- if 'links' in entry:
- for extralink in entry.links:
- if ('rel' in extralink) and extralink['rel'] == u'via':
- extraurl = extralink['href']
- extraurl = extraurl.replace('http://www.google.com/reader/public/atom/', 'http://www.google.com/reader/view/')
- viatitle = extraurl
- if ('title' in extralink):
- viatitle = extralink['title']
- content += '<br/>Via: <a href="'+extraurl+'">'+viatitle+'</a>\n'
- content += '</p></div>\n'
- content += "\n\n</body></html>"
- else:
- if ishtml(entrycontent):
- contenttype = 'html'
- content = "<html>\n"
- content = ("<html><body>\n\n" +
- '<h1><a href="'+link+'">'+subjecthdr+'</a></h1>\n\n' +
- entrycontent[1].strip() + # drop type tag (HACK: bad abstraction)
- '<p>URL: <a href="'+link+'">'+link+'</a></p>' )
- if hasattr(entry,'enclosures'):
- for enclosure in entry.enclosures:
- if enclosure.url != "":
- content += ('Enclosure: <a href="'+enclosure.url+'">'+enclosure.url+"</a><br/>\n")
- if 'links' in entry:
- for extralink in entry.links:
- if ('rel' in extralink) and extralink['rel'] == u'via':
- content += 'Via: <a href="'+extralink['href']+'">'+extralink['title']+'</a><br/>\n'
- content += ("\n</body></html>")
- else:
- content = entrycontent.strip() + "\n\nURL: "+link
- if hasattr(entry,'enclosures'):
- for enclosure in entry.enclosures:
- if enclosure.url != "":
- content += ('\nEnclosure: ' + enclosure.url + "\n")
- if 'links' in entry:
- for extralink in entry.links:
- if ('rel' in extralink) and extralink['rel'] == u'via':
- content += '<a href="'+extralink['href']+'">Via: '+extralink['title']+'</a>\n'
- smtpserver = send(fromhdr, tohdr, subjecthdr, content, contenttype, extraheaders, smtpserver)
- f.seen[frameid] = id
- f.etag, f.modified = r.get('etag', None), r.get('modified', None)
- except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
- raise
- except:
- print >>warn, "=== rss2email encountered a problem with this feed ==="
- print >>warn, "=== See the rss2email FAQ at http://www.allthingsrss.com/rss2email/ for assistance ==="
- print >>warn, "=== If this occurs repeatedly, send this to lindsey@allthingsrss.com ==="
- print >>warn, "E: could not parse", f.url
- traceback.print_exc(file=warn)
- print >>warn, "rss2email", __version__
- print >>warn, "feedparser", feedparser.__version__
- print >>warn, "html2text", h2t.__version__
- print >>warn, "Python", sys.version
- print >>warn, "=== END HERE ==="
- continue
- finally:
- unlock(feeds, feedfileObject)
- if smtpserver:
- smtpserver.quit()
- def list():
- feeds, feedfileObject = load(lock=0)
- default_to = ""
- if feeds and isstr(feeds[0]):
- default_to = feeds[0]; ifeeds = feeds[1:]; i=1
- print "default email:", default_to
- else: ifeeds = feeds; i = 0
- for f in ifeeds:
- active = ('[ ]', '[*]')[f.active]
- print `i`+':',active, f.url, '('+(f.to or ('default: '+default_to))+')'
- if not (f.to or default_to):
- print " W: Please define a default address with 'r2e email emailaddress'"
- i+= 1
- def opmlexport():
- import xml.sax.saxutils
- feeds, feedfileObject = load(lock=0)
- if feeds:
- print '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<opml version="1.0">\n<head>\n<title>rss2email OPML export</title>\n</head>\n<body>'
- for f in feeds[1:]:
- url = xml.sax.saxutils.escape(f.url)
- print '<outline type="rss" text="%s" xmlUrl="%s"/>' % (url, url)
- print '</body>\n</opml>'
- def opmlimport(importfile):
- importfileObject = None
- print 'Importing feeds from', importfile
- if not os.path.exists(importfile):
- print 'OPML import file "%s" does not exist.' % importfile
- try:
- importfileObject = open(importfile, 'r')
- except IOError, e:
- print "OPML import file could not be opened: %s" % e
- sys.exit(1)
- try:
- import xml.dom.minidom
- dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(importfileObject)
- newfeeds = dom.getElementsByTagName('outline')
- except:
- print 'E: Unable to parse OPML file'
- sys.exit(1)
- feeds, feedfileObject = load(lock=1)
- import xml.sax.saxutils
- for f in newfeeds:
- if f.hasAttribute('xmlUrl'):
- feedurl = f.getAttribute('xmlUrl')
- print 'Adding %s' % xml.sax.saxutils.unescape(feedurl)
- feeds.append(Feed(feedurl, None))
- unlock(feeds, feedfileObject)
- def delete(n):
- feeds, feedfileObject = load()
- if (n == 0) and (feeds and isstr(feeds[0])):
- print >>warn, "W: ID has to be equal to or higher than 1"
- elif n >= len(feeds):
- print >>warn, "W: no such feed"
- else:
- print >>warn, "W: deleting feed %s" % feeds[n].url
- feeds = feeds[:n] + feeds[n+1:]
- if n != len(feeds):
- print >>warn, "W: feed IDs have changed, list before deleting again"
- unlock(feeds, feedfileObject)
- def toggleactive(n, active):
- feeds, feedfileObject = load()
- if (n == 0) and (feeds and isstr(feeds[0])):
- print >>warn, "W: ID has to be equal to or higher than 1"
- elif n >= len(feeds):
- print >>warn, "W: no such feed"
- else:
- action = ('Pausing', 'Unpausing')[active]
- print >>warn, "%s feed %s" % (action, feeds[n].url)
- feeds[n].active = active
- unlock(feeds, feedfileObject)
- def reset():
- feeds, feedfileObject = load()
- if feeds and isstr(feeds[0]):
- ifeeds = feeds[1:]
- else: ifeeds = feeds
- for f in ifeeds:
- if VERBOSE: print "Resetting %d already seen items" % len(f.seen)
- f.seen = {}
- f.etag = None
- f.modified = None
- unlock(feeds, feedfileObject)
- def email(addr):
- feeds, feedfileObject = load()
- if feeds and isstr(feeds[0]): feeds[0] = addr
- else: feeds = [addr] + feeds
- unlock(feeds, feedfileObject)
+ def cmd_new(feeds, args):
+ "Create a new feed database."
+ if args.email:
+ LOG.info('set the default target email to {}'.format(args.email))
+ feeds.config['DEFAULT']['to'] = args.email
+ feeds.save()
+ def cmd_email(feeds, args):
+ "Update the default target email address"
+ if not args.email:
+ LOG.info('unset the default target email')
+ else:
+ LOG.info('set the default target email to {}'.format(args.email))
+ feeds.config['DEFAULT']['to'] = args.email
+ feeds.save()
+ def cmd_add(feeds, args):
+ "Add a new feed to the database"
+ feed = feeds.new_feed(name=args.name, url=args.url, to=args.email)
+ LOG.info('add new feed {}'.format(feed))
+ if not feed.to:
+ raise NoToEmailAddress(feeds=feeds)
+ feeds.save()
+ def cmd_run(feeds, args):
+ "Fetch feeds and send entry emails."
+ if not args.index:
+ args.index = range(len(feeds))
+ for index in args.index:
+ feed = feeds.index(index)
+ if feed.active:
+ try:
+ feed.run(send=args.send)
+ except NoToEmailAddress as e:
+ e.log()
+ except ProcessingError as e:
+ e.log()
+ feeds.save()
+ def cmd_list(feeds, args):
+ "List all the feeds in the database"
+ for i,feed in enumerate(feeds):
+ if feed.active:
+ active_char = '*'
+ else:
+ active_char = ' '
+ print('{}: [{}] {}'.format(i, active_char, feed))
+ def _cmd_set_active(feeds, args, active=True):
+ "Shared by `cmd_pause` and `cmd_unpause`."
+ if active:
+ action = 'unpause'
+ else:
+ action = 'pause'
+ if not args.index:
+ args.index = range(len(feeds))
+ for index in args.index:
+ feed = feeds.index(index)
+ LOG.info('{} feed {}'.format(action, feed))
+ feed.active = active
+ feeds.save()
+ def cmd_pause(feeds, args):
+ "Pause a feed (disable fetching)"
+ _cmd_set_active(feeds=feeds, args=args, active=False)
+ def cmd_unpause(feeds, args):
+ "Unpause a feed (enable fetching)"
+ _cmd_set_active(feeds=feeds, args=args, active=True)
+ def cmd_delete(feeds, args):
+ "Remove a feed from the database"
+ to_remove = []
+ for index in args.index:
+ feed = feeds.index(index)
+ to_remove.append(feed)
+ for feed in to_remove:
+ LOG.info('deleting feed {}'.format(feed))
+ feeds.remove(feed)
+ feeds.save()
+ def cmd_reset(feeds, args):
+ "Forget dynamic feed data (e.g. to re-send old entries)"
+ if not args.index:
+ args.index = range(len(feeds))
+ for index in args.index:
+ feed = feeds.index(index)
+ LOG.info('resetting feed {}'.format(feed))
+ feed.reset()
+ feeds.save()
+ def cmd_opmlimport(feeds, args):
+ "Import configuration from OPML."
+ if args.file:
+ LOG.info('importing feeds from {}'.format(args.file))
+ f = open(args.file, 'rb')
+ else:
+ LOG.info('importing feeds from stdin')
+ f = _sys.stdin
+ try:
+ dom = _minidom.parse(f)
+ new_feeds = dom.getElementsByTagName('outline')
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise OPMLReadError() from e
+ if args.file:
+ f.close()
+ for feed in new_feeds:
+ if feed.hasAttribute('xmlUrl'):
+ url = _saxutils.unescape(feed.getAttribute('xmlUrl'))
+ feed = feeds.new_feed(url=url)
+ LOG.info('add new feed {}'.format(feed))
+ feeds.save()
+ def cmd_opmlexport(feeds, args):
+ "Export configuration to OPML."
+ if args.file:
+ LOG.info('exporting feeds to {}'.format(args.file))
+ f = open(args.file, 'rb')
+ else:
+ LOG.info('exporting feeds to stdout')
+ f = _sys.stdout
+ f.write(
+ '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n'
+ '<opml version="1.0">\n'
+ '<head>\n'
+ '<title>rss2email OPML export</title>\n'
+ '</head>\n'
+ '<body>\n')
+ for feed in feeds:
+ url = _saxutils.escape(feed.url)
+ f.write('<outline type="rss" text="{0}" xmlUrl="{0}"/>'.format(url))
+ f.write(
+ '</body>\n'
+ '</opml>\n')
+ if args.file:
+ f.close()
+ ### Main Program ###
+ def run(*args, **kwargs):
+ """The rss2email command line interface
+ Arguments passed to this function are forwarded to the parser's
+ `.parse_args()` call without modification.
+ """
+ parser = _argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description=_MODULE_DOCSTRING, version=__version__)
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-c', '--config', metavar='PATH', default=[], action='append',
+ help='path to the configuration file')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-d', '--data', metavar='PATH',
+ help='path to the feed data file')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-V', '--verbose', default=0, action='count',
+ help='increment verbosity')
+ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='commands')
+ new_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'new', help=cmd_new.__doc__.splitlines()[0])
+ new_parser.set_defaults(func=cmd_new)
+ new_parser.add_argument(
+ 'email', nargs='?',
+ help='default target email for the new feed database')
+ email_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'email', help=cmd_email.__doc__.splitlines()[0])
+ email_parser.set_defaults(func=cmd_email)
+ email_parser.add_argument(
+ 'email', default='',
+ help='default target email for the email feed database')
+ add_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'add', help=cmd_add.__doc__.splitlines()[0])
+ add_parser.set_defaults(func=cmd_add)
+ add_parser.add_argument(
+ 'name', help='name of the new feed')
+ add_parser.add_argument(
+ 'url', help='location of the new feed')
+ add_parser.add_argument(
+ 'email', nargs='?',
+ help='target email for the new feed')
+ run_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'run', help=cmd_run.__doc__.splitlines()[0])
+ run_parser.set_defaults(func=cmd_run)
+ run_parser.add_argument(
+ '-n', '--no-send', dest='send',
+ default=True, action='store_const', const=False,
+ help="fetch feeds, but don't send email")
+ run_parser.add_argument(
+ 'index', nargs='*',
+ help='feeds to fetch (defaults to fetching all feeds)')
+ list_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'list', help=cmd_list.__doc__.splitlines()[0])
+ list_parser.set_defaults(func=cmd_list)
+ pause_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'pause', help=cmd_pause.__doc__.splitlines()[0])
+ pause_parser.set_defaults(func=cmd_pause)
+ pause_parser.add_argument(
+ 'index', nargs='*',
+ help='feeds to pause (defaults to pausing all feeds)')
+ unpause_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'unpause', help=cmd_unpause.__doc__.splitlines()[0])
+ unpause_parser.set_defaults(func=cmd_unpause)
+ unpause_parser.add_argument(
+ 'index', nargs='*',
+ help='feeds to ununpause (defaults to unpausing all feeds)')
+ delete_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'delete', help=cmd_delete.__doc__.splitlines()[0])
+ delete_parser.set_defaults(func=cmd_delete)
+ delete_parser.add_argument(
+ 'index', nargs='+',
+ help='feeds to delete')
+ reset_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'reset', help=cmd_reset.__doc__.splitlines()[0])
+ reset_parser.set_defaults(func=cmd_reset)
+ reset_parser.add_argument(
+ 'index', nargs='*',
+ help='feeds to reset (defaults to resetting all feeds)')
+ opmlimport_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'opmlimport', help=cmd_opmlimport.__doc__.splitlines()[0])
+ opmlimport_parser.set_defaults(func=cmd_opmlimport)
+ opmlimport_parser.add_argument(
+ 'file', metavar='PATH', nargs='?',
+ help='path for imported OPML (defaults to stdin)')
+ opmlexport_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'opmlexport', help=cmd_opmlexport.__doc__.splitlines()[0])
+ opmlexport_parser.set_defaults(func=cmd_opmlexport)
+ opmlexport_parser.add_argument(
+ 'file', metavar='PATH', nargs='?',
+ help='path for exported OPML (defaults to stdout)')
+ args = parser.parse_args(*args, **kwargs)
+ if args.verbose:
+ LOG.setLevel(max(_logging.DEBUG, _logging.ERROR - 10 * args.verbose))
+ try:
+ if not args.config:
+ args.config = None
+ feeds = Feeds(datafile=args.data, configfiles=args.config)
+ if args.func != cmd_new:
+ lock = args.func not in [cmd_list, cmd_opmlexport]
+ feeds.load(lock=lock)
+ args.func(feeds=feeds, args=args)
+ except RSS2EmailError as e:
+ e.log()
+ _sys.exit(1)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- args = sys.argv
- try:
- if len(args) < 3: raise InputError, "insufficient args"
- feedfile, action, args = args[1], args[2], args[3:]
- if action == "run":
- if args and args[0] == "--no-send":
- def send(sender, recipient, subject, body, contenttype, extraheaders=None, smtpserver=None):
- if VERBOSE: print 'Not sending:', unu(subject)
- if args and args[-1].isdigit(): run(int(args[-1]))
- else: run()
- elif action == "email":
- if not args:
- raise InputError, "Action '%s' requires an argument" % action
- else:
- email(args[0])
- elif action == "add": add(*args)
- elif action == "new":
- if len(args) == 1: d = [args[0]]
- else: d = []
- pickle.dump(d, open(feedfile, 'w'))
- elif action == "list": list()
- elif action in ("help", "--help", "-h"): print __doc__
- elif action == "delete":
- if not args:
- raise InputError, "Action '%s' requires an argument" % action
- elif args[0].isdigit():
- delete(int(args[0]))
- else:
- raise InputError, "Action '%s' requires a number as its argument" % action
- elif action in ("pause", "unpause"):
- if not args:
- raise InputError, "Action '%s' requires an argument" % action
- elif args[0].isdigit():
- active = (action == "unpause")
- toggleactive(int(args[0]), active)
- else:
- raise InputError, "Action '%s' requires a number as its argument" % action
- elif action == "reset": reset()
- elif action == "opmlexport": opmlexport()
- elif action == "opmlimport":
- if not args:
- raise InputError, "OPML import '%s' requires a filename argument" % action
- opmlimport(args[0])
- else:
- raise InputError, "Invalid action"
- except InputError, e:
- print "E:", e
- print
- print __doc__
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ run()