--- /dev/null
+# portage: news management code
+# Copyright 2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+from portage import config, vartree, vardbapi, portdbapi
+from portage_util import ensure_dirs
+from portage_data import portage_gid
+from portage_locks import lockfile, unlockfile
+import os, re
+class NewsManager(object):
+ """
+ This object manages GLEP 42 style news items. It will cache news items
+ that have previously shown up and notify users when there are relevant news
+ items that apply to their packages that the user has not previously read.
+ Creating a news manager requires:
+ root - typically ${ROOT} see man make.conf and man emerge for details
+ NEWS_PATH - path to news items; usually $REPODIR/metadata/news
+ UNREAD_PATH - path to the news.repoid.unread file; this helps us track news items
+ """
+ TIMESTAMP_FILE = "news-timestamp"
+ def __init__( self, root, NEWS_PATH, UNREAD_PATH, LANGUAGE_ID='en' ):
+ self.TIMESTAMP_PATH = os.path.join( root, PRIVATE_PATH, NewsManager.TIMESTAMP_FILE )
+ self.target_root = root
+ self.config = config( config_root = os.environ.get("PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT", "/"),
+ target_root = root, config_incrementals = INCREMENTALS)
+ self.vdb = vardbapi( settings = self.config, root = root,
+ vartree = vartree( root = root, settings = self.config ) )
+ self.portdb = portdbapi( porttree_root = self.config["PORTDIR"], mysettings = self.config )
+ # Ensure that the unread path exists and is writable.
+ dirmode = 02070
+ modemask = 02
+ ensure_dirs(self.UNREAD_PATH, mode=dirmode, mask=modemask, gid=portage_gid)
+ def updateItems( self, repoid ):
+ """
+ Figure out which news items from NEWS_PATH are both unread and relevant to
+ the user (according to the GLEP 42 standards of relevancy). Then add these
+ items into the news.repoid.unread file.
+ """
+ repos = self.portdb.getRepositories()
+ if repoid not in repos:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid repoID: %s" % repoid)
+ if os.path.exists(self.TIMESTAMP_PATH):
+ timestamp = os.stat(self.TIMESTAMP_PATH).st_mtime
+ else:
+ timestamp = 0
+ path = os.path.join( self.portdb.getRepositoryPath( repoid ), self.NEWS_PATH )
+ news = os.listdir( path )
+ updates = []
+ for item in news:
+ try:
+ file = os.path.join( path, item, item + "." + self.LANGUAGE_ID + ".txt")
+ tmp = NewsItem( file , timestamp )
+ except TypeError:
+ continue
+ if tmp.isRelevant( profile=os.readlink(PROFILE_PATH), config=config, vardb=self.vdb):
+ updates.append( tmp )
+ del path
+ path = os.path.join( self.UNREAD_PATH, "news-" + repoid + ".unread" )
+ lockfile( path )
+ unread_file = open( path, "a" )
+ for item in updates:
+ unread_file.write( item.path + "\n" )
+ unread_file.close()
+ unlockfile(path)
+ # Touch the timestamp file
+ f = open(self.TIMESTAMP_PATH, "w")
+ f.close()
+ def getUnreadItems( self, repoid, update=False ):
+ """
+ Determine if there are unread relevant items in news.repoid.unread.
+ If there are unread items return their number.
+ If update is specified, updateNewsItems( repoid ) will be called to
+ check for new items.
+ """
+ if update:
+ self.updateItems( repoid )
+ unreadfile = os.path.join( self.UNREAD_PATH, "news-"+ repoid +".unread" )
+ lockfile(unreadfile)
+ if os.path.exists( unreadfile ):
+ unread = open( unreadfile ).readlines()
+ if len(unread):
+ return len(unread)
+ unlockfile(unread)
+_installedRE = re.compile("Display-If-Installed:(.*)\n")
+_profileRE = re.compile("Display-If-Profile:(.*)\n")
+_keywordRE = re.compile("Display-If-Keyword:(.*)\n")
+class NewsItem(object):
+ """
+ This class encapsulates a GLEP 42 style news item.
+ It's purpose is to wrap parsing of these news items such that portage can determine
+ whether a particular item is 'relevant' or not. This requires parsing the item
+ and determining 'relevancy restrictions'; these include "Display if Installed" or
+ "display if arch: x86" and so forth.
+ Creation of a news item involves passing in the path to the particular news item.
+ """
+ def __init__( self, path, cache_mtime = 0 ):
+ """
+ For a given news item we only want if it path is a file and it's
+ mtime is newer than the cache'd timestamp.
+ """
+ if not os.path.isfile( path ):
+ raise TypeError
+ if not os.stat( path ).st_mtime > cache_mtime:
+ raise TypeError
+ self.path = path
+ self._parsed = False
+ def isRelevant( self, vardb, config, profile ):
+ """
+ This function takes a dict of keyword arguments; one should pass in any
+ objects need to do to lookups (like what keywords we are on, what profile,
+ and a vardb so we can look at installed packages).
+ Each restriction will pluck out the items that are required for it to match
+ or raise a ValueError exception if the required object is not present.
+ """
+ if not len(self.restrictions):
+ return True # no restrictions to match means everyone should see it
+ kwargs = { 'vardb' : vardb,
+ 'config' : config,
+ 'profile' : profile }
+ for restriction in self.restrictions:
+ if restriction.checkRestriction( **kwargs ):
+ return True
+ return False # No restrictions were met; thus we aren't relevant :(
+ def parse( self ):
+ lines = open(self.path).readlines()
+ self.restrictions = []
+ for line in lines:
+ #Optimization to ignore regex matchines on lines that
+ #will never match
+ if not line.startswith("D"):
+ continue
+ match = _installedRE.match( line )
+ if match:
+ self.restrictions.append(
+ DisplayInstalledRestriction( match.groups()[0].strip().rstrip() ) )
+ continue
+ match = _profileRE.match( line )
+ if match:
+ self.restrictions.append(
+ DisplayProfileRestriction( match.groups()[0].strip().rstrip() ) )
+ continue
+ match = _keywordRE.match( line )
+ if match:
+ self.restrictions.append(
+ DisplayKeywordRestriction( match.groups()[0].strip().rstrip() ) )
+ continue
+ self._parsed = True
+ def __getattr__( self, attr ):
+ if not self._parsed:
+ self.parse()
+ return self.__dict__[attr]
+class DisplayRestriction(object):
+ """
+ A base restriction object representing a restriction of display.
+ news items may have 'relevancy restrictions' preventing them from
+ being important. In this case we need a manner of figuring out if
+ a particular item is relevant or not. If any of it's restrictions
+ are met, then it is displayed
+ """
+ def checkRestriction( self, **kwargs ):
+ raise NotImplementedError("Derived class should over-ride this method")
+class DisplayProfileRestriction(DisplayRestriction):
+ """
+ A profile restriction where a particular item shall only be displayed
+ if the user is running a specific profile.
+ """
+ def __init__( self, profile ):
+ self.profile = profile
+ def checkRestriction( self, **kwargs ):
+ if self.profile == kwargs['profile']:
+ return True
+ return False
+class DisplayKeywordRestriction(DisplayRestriction):
+ """
+ A keyword restriction where a particular item shall only be displayed
+ if the user is running a specific keyword.
+ """
+ def __init__( self, keyword ):
+ self.keyword = keyword
+ def checkRestriction( self, **kwargs ):
+ if kwargs['config']["ARCH"] == self.keyword:
+ return True
+ return False
+class DisplayInstalledRestriction(DisplayRestriction):
+ """
+ An Installation restriction where a particular item shall only be displayed
+ if the user has that item installed.
+ """
+ def __init__( self, cpv ):
+ self.cpv = cpv
+ def checkRestriction( self, **kwargs ):
+ vdb = kwargs['vardb']
+ if vdb.match( self.cpv ):
+ return True
+ return False