Following the [GnuTLS manual][gnutls-manual], create a certificate
authority with [certtool][], adjusting the `cn` as you see fit:
- $ certtool --generate-privkey > x509-ca-key.pem
+ $ certtool --generate-privkey --outfile x509-ca-key.pem
$ echo 'cn = GnuTLS test CA' > ca.tmpl
$ echo 'ca' >> ca.tmpl
$ echo 'cert_signing_key' >> ca.tmpl
Now generate the *unencrypted* server key.
- $ certtool --generate-privkey > x509-server-key.pem
+ $ certtool --generate-privkey --outfile x509-server-key.pem
And sign the key with your CA, adjusting the `cn` as you see fit, and
changing `dns_name` to match your fully qualified host name.