# Copyright 2002-2006 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo/src/catalyst/ChangeLog,v 1.603 2006/04/19 14:45:00 wolf31o2 Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo/src/catalyst/ChangeLog,v 1.604 2006/04/19 15:34:08 wolf31o2 Exp $
+ 19 Apr 2006; Chris Gianelloni <wolf31o2@gentoo.org> catalyst,
+ targets/support/livecdfs-update.sh:
+ Fixing my own bug in livecdfs-update.sh and rolling 2.0_rc43.
19 Apr 2006; Chris Gianelloni <wolf31o2@gentoo.org>
#!/usr/bin/python -OO
# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo/src/catalyst/catalyst,v 1.150 2006/04/18 20:59:12 wolf31o2 Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo/src/catalyst/catalyst,v 1.151 2006/04/19 15:34:08 wolf31o2 Exp $
# Maintained in full by:
# Eric Edgar <rocket@gentoo.org>
import pdb
__maintainer__="Chris Gianelloni <wolf31o2@gentoo.org>"
# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo/src/catalyst/targets/support/livecdfs-update.sh,v 1.44 2006/04/17 19:01:02 wolf31o2 Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo/src/catalyst/targets/support/livecdfs-update.sh,v 1.45 2006/04/19 15:34:08 wolf31o2 Exp $
. /tmp/chroot-functions.sh
if [ -n "${clst_livecd_users}" ]
# Here we check to see if games exists for bug #125498
- if [ "$(getent group games | cut -d: -f1`)" != "games" ]
+ if [ "$(getent group games | cut -d: -f1)" != "games" ]
echo "Adding games group"
groupadd -g 35 games