'" title="'.encode_entities($title).
"\" type=\"text/css\" />", $page, $destpage);
+ elsif ($key eq 'script') {
+ my $defer=exists $params{defer} ? ' defer="defer"' : '';
+ my $async=exists $params{async} ? ' async="async"' : '';
+ my $js=bestlink($page, $value.".js");
+ if (! length $js) {
+ error gettext("script not found");
+ }
+ push @{$metaheaders{$page}}, scrub('<script src="'.urlto($js, $page).
+ '"' . $defer . $async . ' type="text/javascript" />',
+ $page, $destpage);
+ }
elsif ($key eq 'openid') {
my $delegate=0; # both by default
if (exists $params{delegate}) {
[[!iki plugins/htmlscrubber desc=htmlscrubber]] plugin is enabled,
since it can be used to insert unsafe content.
+* script
+ Adds a script to a page. The script is treated as a wiki link to
+ a `.js` file in the wiki, so it cannot be used to add links to external
+ scripts. The optional `defer` and `async` keywords can be used to set
+ the corresponding HTML4 and HTML5 script options. Example:
+ \[[!meta script=somescript defer async]]
+ The tag is subject to scrubbing as with the stylesheet and link fields.
* openid
Adds html <link> tags to perform OpenID delegation to an external