--- /dev/null
+diff --git a/lib/astunparse/unparser.py b/lib/astunparse/unparser.py
+index edf8c68..0ef6fd8 100644
+--- a/lib/astunparse/unparser.py
++++ b/lib/astunparse/unparser.py
+@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class Unparser:
+ output source code for the abstract syntax; original formatting
+ is disregarded. """
+- def __init__(self, tree, file=sys.stdout):
++ def __init__(self, tree, file = sys.stdout):
+ """Unparser(tree, file=sys.stdout) -> None.
+ Print the source for tree to file."""
+ self.f = file
+@@ -89,6 +89,13 @@ class Unparser:
+ self.fill()
+ self.dispatch(tree.value)
++ def _NamedExpr(self, tree):
++ self.write("(")
++ self.dispatch(tree.target)
++ self.write(" := ")
++ self.dispatch(tree.value)
++ self.write(")")
+ def _Import(self, t):
+ self.fill("import ")
+ interleave(lambda: self.write(", "), self.dispatch, t.names)
+@@ -120,11 +127,11 @@ class Unparser:
+ def _AnnAssign(self, t):
+ self.fill()
+- if not t.simple:
+- self.write("(")
++ if not t.simple and isinstance(t.target, ast.Name):
++ self.write('(')
+ self.dispatch(t.target)
+- if not t.simple:
+- self.write(")")
++ if not t.simple and isinstance(t.target, ast.Name):
++ self.write(')')
+ self.write(": ")
+ self.dispatch(t.annotation)
+ if t.value:
+@@ -189,6 +196,14 @@ class Unparser:
+ self.fill("nonlocal ")
+ interleave(lambda: self.write(", "), self.write, t.names)
++ def _Await(self, t):
++ self.write("(")
++ self.write("await")
++ if t.value:
++ self.write(" ")
++ self.dispatch(t.value)
++ self.write(")")
+ def _Yield(self, t):
+ self.write("(")
+ self.write("yield")
+@@ -328,12 +343,19 @@ class Unparser:
+ self.dispatch(t.body)
+ self.leave()
+- def _generic_FunctionDef(self, t, async_=False):
++ def _FunctionDef(self, t):
++ self.__FunctionDef_helper(t, "def")
++ def _AsyncFunctionDef(self, t):
++ self.__FunctionDef_helper(t, "async def")
++ def __FunctionDef_helper(self, t, fill_suffix):
+ self.write("\n")
+ for deco in t.decorator_list:
+ self.fill("@")
+ self.dispatch(deco)
+- self.fill(("async " if async_ else "") + "def " + t.name + "(")
++ def_str = fill_suffix+" "+t.name + "("
++ self.fill(def_str)
+ self.dispatch(t.args)
+ self.write(")")
+ if getattr(t, "returns", False):
+@@ -343,14 +365,14 @@ class Unparser:
+ self.dispatch(t.body)
+ self.leave()
+- def _FunctionDef(self, t):
+- self._generic_FunctionDef(t)
++ def _For(self, t):
++ self.__For_helper("for ", t)
+- def _AsyncFunctionDef(self, t):
+- self._generic_FunctionDef(t, async_=True)
++ def _AsyncFor(self, t):
++ self.__For_helper("async for ", t)
+- def _generic_For(self, t, async_=False):
+- self.fill("async for " if async_ else "for ")
++ def __For_helper(self, fill, t):
++ self.fill(fill)
+ self.dispatch(t.target)
+ self.write(" in ")
+ self.dispatch(t.iter)
+@@ -363,12 +385,6 @@ class Unparser:
+ self.dispatch(t.orelse)
+ self.leave()
+- def _For(self, t):
+- self._generic_For(t)
+- def _AsyncFor(self, t):
+- self._generic_For(t, async_=True)
+ def _If(self, t):
+ self.fill("if ")
+ self.dispatch(t.test)
+@@ -586,8 +604,9 @@ class Unparser:
+ def _comprehension(self, t):
+ if getattr(t, 'is_async', False):
+- self.write(" async")
+- self.write(" for ")
++ self.write(" async for ")
++ else:
++ self.write(" for ")
+ self.dispatch(t.target)
+ self.write(" in ")
+ self.dispatch(t.iter)
+@@ -612,26 +631,27 @@ class Unparser:
+ def _Dict(self, t):
+ self.write("{")
+- def write_pair(pair):
+- (k, v) = pair
++ def write_key_value_pair(k, v):
++ self.dispatch(k)
++ self.write(": ")
++ self.dispatch(v)
++ def write_item(item):
++ k, v = item
+ if k is None:
+- self.write('**')
++ # for dictionary unpacking operator in dicts {**{'y': 2}}
++ # see PEP 448 for details
++ self.write("**")
+ self.dispatch(v)
+ else:
+- self.dispatch(k)
+- self.write(": ")
+- self.dispatch(v)
+- self.write(",")
+- self._indent +=1
+- self.fill("")
+- interleave(lambda: self.fill(""), write_pair, zip(t.keys, t.values))
+- self._indent -=1
+- self.fill("}")
++ write_key_value_pair(k, v)
++ interleave(lambda: self.write(", "), write_item, zip(t.keys, t.values))
++ self.write("}")
+ def _Tuple(self, t):
+ self.write("(")
+ if len(t.elts) == 1:
+- (elt,) = t.elts
++ elt = t.elts[0]
+ self.dispatch(elt)
+ self.write(",")
+ else:
+@@ -656,10 +676,9 @@ class Unparser:
+ self.dispatch(t.operand)
+ self.write(")")
+- binop = { "Add":"+", "Sub":"-", "Mult":"*", "Div":"/", "Mod":"%",
++ binop = { "Add":"+", "Sub":"-", "Mult":"*", "MatMult":"@", "Div":"/", "Mod":"%",
+ "LShift":"<<", "RShift":">>", "BitOr":"|", "BitXor":"^", "BitAnd":"&",
+- "FloorDiv":"//", "Pow": "**",
+- "MatMult":"@"}
++ "FloorDiv":"//", "Pow": "**"}
+ def _BinOp(self, t):
+ self.write("(")
+ self.dispatch(t.left)
+@@ -689,7 +708,7 @@ class Unparser:
+ # Special case: 3.__abs__() is a syntax error, so if t.value
+ # is an integer literal then we need to either parenthesize
+ # it or add an extra space to get 3 .__abs__().
+- if isinstance(t.value, ast.Num) and isinstance(t.value.n, int):
++ if isinstance(t.value, getattr(ast, 'Constant', getattr(ast, 'Num', None))) and isinstance(t.value.n, int):
+ self.write(" ")
+ self.write(".")
+ self.write(t.attr)
+@@ -760,18 +779,22 @@ class Unparser:
+ def _arguments(self, t):
+ first = True
+ # normal arguments
+- defaults = [None] * (len(t.args) - len(t.defaults)) + t.defaults
+- for a,d in zip(t.args, defaults):
++ all_args = getattr(t, 'posonlyargs', []) + t.args
++ defaults = [None] * (len(all_args) - len(t.defaults)) + t.defaults
++ for index, elements in enumerate(zip(all_args, defaults), 1):
++ a, d = elements
+ if first:first = False
+ else: self.write(", ")
+ self.dispatch(a)
+ if d:
+ self.write("=")
+ self.dispatch(d)
++ if index == len(getattr(t, 'posonlyargs', ())):
++ self.write(", /")
+ # varargs, or bare '*' if no varargs but keyword-only arguments present
+ if t.vararg or getattr(t, "kwonlyargs", False):
+- if first: first = False
++ if first:first = False
+ else: self.write(", ")
+ self.write("*")
+ if t.vararg:
+@@ -839,14 +862,6 @@ class Unparser:
+ self.write(" as ")
+ self.dispatch(t.optional_vars)
+- def _Await(self, t):
+- self.write("(")
+- self.write("await")
+- if t.value:
+- self.write(" ")
+- self.dispatch(t.value)
+- self.write(")")
+ def roundtrip(filename, output=sys.stdout):
+ if six.PY3:
+ with open(filename, "rb") as pyfile:
+diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
+index 6f62fd9..e5a277a 100755
+--- a/setup.py
++++ b/setup.py
+@@ -48,11 +48,10 @@ setup(
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 2",
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3',
+- 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3',
+- 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7',
++ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8',
+ 'Topic :: Software Development :: Code Generators',
+ ],
+ test_suite='tests',
+diff --git a/tests/common.py b/tests/common.py
+index c8db903..95b9755 100644
+--- a/tests/common.py
++++ b/tests/common.py
+@@ -215,6 +215,7 @@ class AstunparseCommonTestCase:
+ self.check_roundtrip("not True or False")
+ self.check_roundtrip("True or not False")
++ @unittest.skipUnless(sys.version_info < (3, 6), "Only works for Python < 3.6")
+ def test_integer_parens(self):
+ self.check_roundtrip("3 .__abs__()")