+++ /dev/null
-diff -Naur borgbackup-1.1.11.orig/setup.cfg borgbackup-1.1.11/setup.cfg
---- borgbackup-1.1.11.orig/setup.cfg 2020-03-07 18:44:15.000000000 -0500
-+++ borgbackup-1.1.11/setup.cfg 2020-03-11 10:28:25.168481822 -0400
-@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
- F401,F405,F811,
- W504
- max-line-length = 255
--exclude = build,dist,.git,.idea,.cache,.tox,docs/conf.py,src/borg/algorithms/msgpack
-+exclude = build,dist,.git,.idea,.cache,.tox,docs/conf.py
- [egg_info]
- tag_build =
-diff -Naur borgbackup-1.1.11.orig/setup.py borgbackup-1.1.11/setup.py
---- borgbackup-1.1.11.orig/setup.py 2020-03-07 18:32:06.000000000 -0500
-+++ borgbackup-1.1.11/setup.py 2020-03-11 10:28:15.568759338 -0400
-@@ -25,8 +25,6 @@
- # True: use the shared libb2 from the system, False: use the bundled blake2 code
- prefer_system_libb2 = True
--# prefer_system_msgpack is another option, but you need to set it in src/borg/helpers.py.
- min_python = (3, 4)
- my_python = sys.version_info
-@@ -79,8 +77,6 @@
- platform_syncfilerange_source = 'src/borg/platform/syncfilerange.pyx'
- platform_darwin_source = 'src/borg/platform/darwin.pyx'
- platform_freebsd_source = 'src/borg/platform/freebsd.pyx'
--msgpack_packer_source = 'src/borg/algorithms/msgpack/_packer.pyx'
--msgpack_unpacker_source = 'src/borg/algorithms/msgpack/_unpacker.pyx'
- cython_c_sources = [
- # these .pyx will get compiled to .c
-@@ -98,12 +94,6 @@
- platform_darwin_source,
- ]
--cython_cpp_sources = [
-- # these .pyx will get compiled to .cpp
-- msgpack_packer_source,
-- msgpack_unpacker_source,
- try:
- from Cython.Distutils import build_ext
- import Cython.Compiler.Main as cython_compiler
-@@ -133,8 +123,6 @@
- 'src/borg/platform/syncfilerange.c',
- 'src/borg/platform/freebsd.c',
- 'src/borg/platform/darwin.c',
-- 'src/borg/algorithms/msgpack/_packer.cpp',
-- 'src/borg/algorithms/msgpack/_unpacker.cpp',
- ])
- super().make_distribution()
-@@ -155,14 +143,12 @@
- platform_freebsd_source = platform_freebsd_source.replace('.pyx', '.c')
- platform_darwin_source = platform_darwin_source.replace('.pyx', '.c')
-- msgpack_packer_source = msgpack_packer_source.replace('.pyx', '.cpp')
-- msgpack_unpacker_source = msgpack_unpacker_source.replace('.pyx', '.cpp')
- from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext
- if not on_rtd and not all(os.path.exists(path) for path in [
- compress_source, crypto_ll_source, chunker_source, hashindex_source, item_source, checksums_source,
- platform_posix_source, platform_linux_source, platform_syncfilerange_source, platform_freebsd_source, platform_darwin_source,
-- msgpack_packer_source, msgpack_unpacker_source]):
-+ ]):
- raise ImportError('The GIT version of Borg needs Cython. Install Cython or use a released version.')
-@@ -805,26 +791,7 @@
- system_prefix=libb2_prefix, system=libb2_system,
- **crypto_ext_kwargs)
-- msgpack_endian = '__BIG_ENDIAN__' if (sys.byteorder == 'big') else '__LITTLE_ENDIAN__'
-- msgpack_macros = [(msgpack_endian, '1')]
-- msgpack_packer_ext_kwargs = dict(
-- sources=[msgpack_packer_source],
-- include_dirs=include_dirs,
-- library_dirs=library_dirs,
-- define_macros=msgpack_macros,
-- language='c++',
-- )
-- msgpack_unpacker_ext_kwargs = dict(
-- sources=[msgpack_unpacker_source],
-- include_dirs=include_dirs,
-- library_dirs=library_dirs,
-- define_macros=msgpack_macros,
-- language='c++',
-- )
- ext_modules += [
-- Extension('borg.algorithms.msgpack._packer', **msgpack_packer_ext_kwargs),
-- Extension('borg.algorithms.msgpack._unpacker', **msgpack_unpacker_ext_kwargs),
- Extension('borg.compress', **compress_ext_kwargs),
- Extension('borg.crypto.low_level', **crypto_ext_kwargs),
- Extension('borg.hashindex', [hashindex_source]),
-diff -Naur borgbackup-1.1.11.orig/src/borg/helpers.py borgbackup-1.1.11/src/borg/helpers.py
---- borgbackup-1.1.11.orig/src/borg/helpers.py 2020-03-07 18:32:06.000000000 -0500
-+++ borgbackup-1.1.11/src/borg/helpers.py 2020-03-11 10:28:42.519980213 -0400
-@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
- # any feedback related to issues caused by this will be ignored.
- # - especially, it is known that msgpack 0.6.x does NOT work for borg 1.1.x.
--prefer_system_msgpack = False
-+prefer_system_msgpack = True
- try:
- if prefer_system_msgpack: