"""Defines :class:`GUI` providing a wxWidgets interface to Hooke.
+We only define the :class:`UserInterface` here, to minimize required
+dependencies for users who may not wish to use this interface. The
+bulk of the interface is defined in :mod:`interface`.
-import wxversion
-import copy
-import logging
-import os
-import os.path
-import platform
-import shutil
-import time
-import wx.html
-import wx.aui as aui
-import wx.lib.evtmgr as evtmgr
-# wxPropertyGrid is included in wxPython >= 2.9.1, see
-# http://wxpropgrid.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/index?page=download
-# until then, we'll avoid it because of the *nix build problems.
-#import wx.propgrid as wxpg
-from ...command import CommandExit, Exit, Success, Failure, Command, Argument
-from ...config import Setting
-from ...engine import CommandMessage
-from ...interaction import Request, BooleanRequest, ReloadUserInterfaceConfig
-from ...ui import UserInterface
-from .dialog.selection import Selection as SelectionDialog
-from .dialog.save_file import select_save_file
-from . import menu as menu
-from . import navbar as navbar
-from . import panel as panel
-from .panel.propertyeditor import props_from_argument, props_from_setting
-from . import statusbar as statusbar
-class HookeFrame (wx.Frame):
- """The main Hooke-interface window.
- """
- def __init__(self, gui, commands, inqueue, outqueue, *args, **kwargs):
- super(HookeFrame, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.log = logging.getLogger('hooke')
- self.gui = gui
- self.commands = commands
- self.inqueue = inqueue
- self.outqueue = outqueue
- self._perspectives = {} # {name: perspective_str}
- self._c = {}
- self.SetIcon(wx.Icon(
- os.path.expanduser(self.gui.config['icon image']),
- # setup frame manager
- self._c['manager'] = aui.AuiManager()
- self._c['manager'].SetManagedWindow(self)
- # set the gradient and drag styles
- self._c['manager'].GetArtProvider().SetMetric(
- self._c['manager'].SetFlags(
- self._c['manager'].GetFlags() ^ aui.AUI_MGR_TRANSPARENT_DRAG)
- # Min size for the frame itself isn't completely done. See
- # the end of FrameManager::Update() for the test code. For
- # now, just hard code a frame minimum size.
- #self.SetMinSize(wx.Size(500, 500))
- self._setup_panels()
- self._setup_toolbars()
- self._c['manager'].Update() # commit pending changes
- # Create the menubar after the panes so that the default
- # perspective is created with all panes open
- panels = [p for p in self._c.values() if isinstance(p, panel.Panel)]
- self._c['menu bar'] = menu.HookeMenuBar(
- parent=self,
- panels=panels,
- callbacks={
- 'close': self._on_close,
- 'about': self._on_about,
- 'view_panel': self._on_panel_visibility,
- 'save_perspective': self._on_save_perspective,
- 'delete_perspective': self._on_delete_perspective,
- 'select_perspective': self._on_select_perspective,
- })
- self.SetMenuBar(self._c['menu bar'])
- self._c['status bar'] = statusbar.StatusBar(
- parent=self,
- style=wx.ST_SIZEGRIP)
- self.SetStatusBar(self._c['status bar'])
- self._setup_perspectives()
- self._bind_events()
- return # TODO: cleanup
- self._displayed_plot = None
- #load default list, if possible
- self.do_loadlist(self.GetStringFromConfig('core', 'preferences', 'playlists'))
- # GUI maintenance
- def _setup_panels(self):
- client_size = self.GetClientSize()
- for p,style in [
-# ('folders', wx.GenericDirCtrl(
-# parent=self,
-# dir=self.gui.config['folders-workdir'],
-# size=(200, 250),
-# filter=self.gui.config['folders-filters'],
-# defaultFilter=self.gui.config['folders-filter-index']), 'left'),
- (panel.PANELS['playlist'](
- callbacks={
- 'delete_playlist':self._on_user_delete_playlist,
- '_delete_playlist':self._on_delete_playlist,
- 'delete_curve':self._on_user_delete_curve,
- '_delete_curve':self._on_delete_curve,
- '_on_set_selected_playlist':self._on_set_selected_playlist,
- '_on_set_selected_curve':self._on_set_selected_curve,
- },
- parent=self,
- style=wx.WANTS_CHARS|wx.NO_BORDER,
- # WANTS_CHARS so the panel doesn't eat the Return key.
-# size=(160, 200),
- ), 'left'),
- (panel.PANELS['note'](
- callbacks = {
- '_on_update':self._on_update_note,
- },
- parent=self,
- style=wx.WANTS_CHARS|wx.NO_BORDER,
-# size=(160, 200),
- ), 'left'),
-# ('notebook', Notebook(
-# parent=self,
-# pos=wx.Point(client_size.x, client_size.y),
-# size=wx.Size(430, 200),
-# | aui.AUI_NB_TAB_EXTERNAL_MOVE | wx.NO_BORDER), 'center'),
- (panel.PANELS['commands'](
- commands=self.commands,
- selected=self.gui.config['selected command'],
- callbacks={
- 'execute': self.explicit_execute_command,
- 'select_plugin': self.select_plugin,
- 'select_command': self.select_command,
-# 'selection_changed': self.panelProperties.select(self, method, command), #SelectedTreeItem = selected_item,
- },
- parent=self,
- style=wx.WANTS_CHARS|wx.NO_BORDER,
- # WANTS_CHARS so the panel doesn't eat the Return key.
-# size=(160, 200),
- ), 'right'),
- (panel.PANELS['propertyeditor'](
- callbacks={},
- parent=self,
- style=wx.WANTS_CHARS,
- # WANTS_CHARS so the panel doesn't eat the Return key.
- ), 'center'),
- (panel.PANELS['plot'](
- callbacks={
- '_set_status_text': self._on_plot_status_text,
- },
- parent=self,
- style=wx.WANTS_CHARS|wx.NO_BORDER,
- # WANTS_CHARS so the panel doesn't eat the Return key.
-# size=(160, 200),
- ), 'center'),
- (panel.PANELS['output'](
- parent=self,
- pos=wx.Point(0, 0),
- size=wx.Size(150, 90),
- 'bottom'),
- ]:
- self._add_panel(p, style)
- self.execute_command( # setup already loaded playlists
- command=self._command_by_name('playlists'))
- self.execute_command( # setup already loaded curve
- command=self._command_by_name('get curve'))
- def _add_panel(self, panel, style):
- self._c[panel.name] = panel
- m_name = panel.managed_name
- info = aui.AuiPaneInfo().Name(m_name).Caption(m_name)
- info.PaneBorder(False).CloseButton(True).MaximizeButton(False)
- if style == 'top':
- info.Top()
- elif style == 'center':
- info.CenterPane()
- elif style == 'left':
- info.Left()
- elif style == 'right':
- info.Right()
- else:
- assert style == 'bottom', style
- info.Bottom()
- self._c['manager'].AddPane(panel, info)
- def _setup_toolbars(self):
- self._c['navigation bar'] = navbar.NavBar(
- callbacks={
- 'next': self._next_curve,
- 'previous': self._previous_curve,
- },
- parent=self,
- style=wx.TB_FLAT | wx.TB_NODIVIDER)
- self._c['manager'].AddPane(
- self._c['navigation bar'],
- aui.AuiPaneInfo().Name('Navigation').Caption('Navigation'
- ).ToolbarPane().Top().Layer(1).Row(1).LeftDockable(False
- ).RightDockable(False))
- def _bind_events(self):
- # TODO: figure out if we can use the eventManager for menu
- # ranges and events of 'self' without raising an assertion
- # fail error.
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, self._on_erase_background)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self._on_size)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self._on_close)
- self.Bind(aui.EVT_AUI_PANE_CLOSE, self._on_pane_close)
- return # TODO: cleanup
- treeCtrl = self._c['folders'].GetTreeCtrl()
- treeCtrl.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK, self._on_dir_ctrl_left_double_click)
- def _on_about(self, *args):
- dialog = wx.MessageDialog(
- parent=self,
- message=self.gui._splash_text(extra_info={
- 'get-details':'click "Help -> License"'},
- wrap=False),
- caption='About Hooke',
- style=wx.OK|wx.ICON_INFORMATION)
- dialog.ShowModal()
- dialog.Destroy()
- def _on_size(self, event):
- event.Skip()
- def _on_close(self, *args):
- self.log.info('closing GUI framework')
- # apply changes
- self._set_config('main height', self.GetSize().GetHeight())
- self._set_config('main left', self.GetPosition()[0])
- self._set_config('main top', self.GetPosition()[1])
- self._set_config('main width', self.GetSize().GetWidth())
- self._c['manager'].UnInit()
- del self._c['manager']
- self.Destroy()
- def _on_erase_background(self, event):
- event.Skip()
- # Panel utility functions
- def _file_name(self, name):
- """Cleanup names according to configured preferences.
- """
- if self.gui.config['hide extensions'] == True:
- name,ext = os.path.splitext(name)
- return name
- # Command handling
- def _command_by_name(self, name):
- cs = [c for c in self.commands if c.name == name]
- if len(cs) == 0:
- raise KeyError(name)
- elif len(cs) > 1:
- raise Exception('Multiple commands named "%s"' % name)
- return cs[0]
- def explicit_execute_command(self, _class=None, method=None,
- command=None, args=None):
- return self.execute_command(
- _class=_class, method=method, command=command, args=args,
- explicit_user_call=True)
- def execute_command(self, _class=None, method=None,
- command=None, args=None, explicit_user_call=False):
- if args == None:
- args = {}
- if ('property editor' in self._c
- and self.gui.config['selected command'] == command.name):
- for name,value in self._c['property editor'].get_values().items():
- arg = self._c['property editor']._argument_from_label.get(
- name, None)
- if arg == None:
- continue
- elif arg.count == 1:
- args[arg.name] = value
- continue
- # deal with counted arguments
- if arg.name not in args:
- args[arg.name] = {}
- index = int(name[len(arg.name):])
- args[arg.name][index] = value
- for arg in command.arguments:
- if arg.name not in args:
- continue # undisplayed argument, e.g. 'driver' types.
- count = arg.count
- if hasattr(arg, '_display_count'): # support HACK in props_from_argument()
- count = arg._display_count
- if count != 1 and arg.name in args:
- keys = sorted(args[arg.name].keys())
- assert keys == range(count), keys
- args[arg.name] = [args[arg.name][i]
- for i in range(count)]
- if arg.count == -1:
- while (len(args[arg.name]) > 0
- and args[arg.name][-1] == None):
- args[arg.name].pop()
- if len(args[arg.name]) == 0:
- args[arg.name] = arg.default
- cm = CommandMessage(command.name, args)
- self.gui._submit_command(
- cm, self.inqueue, explicit_user_call=explicit_user_call)
- # TODO: skip responses for commands that were captured by the
- # command stack. We'd need to poll on each request, remember
- # capture state, or add a flag to the response...
- return self._handle_response(command_message=cm)
- def _handle_response(self, command_message):
- results = []
- while True:
- msg = self.outqueue.get()
- results.append(msg)
- if isinstance(msg, Exit):
- self._on_close()
- break
- elif isinstance(msg, CommandExit):
- # TODO: display command complete
- break
- elif isinstance(msg, ReloadUserInterfaceConfig):
- self.gui.reload_config(msg.config)
- continue
- elif isinstance(msg, Request):
- h = handler.HANDLERS[msg.type]
- h.run(self, msg) # TODO: pause for response?
- continue
- pp = getattr(
- self, '_postprocess_%s' % command_message.command.replace(' ', '_'),
- self._postprocess_text)
- pp(command=command_message.command,
- args=command_message.arguments,
- results=results)
- return results
- def _handle_request(self, msg):
- """Repeatedly try to get a response to `msg`.
- """
- if prompt == None:
- raise NotImplementedError('_%s_request_prompt' % msg.type)
- prompt_string = prompt(msg)
- parser = getattr(self, '_%s_request_parser' % msg.type, None)
- if parser == None:
- raise NotImplementedError('_%s_request_parser' % msg.type)
- error = None
- while True:
- if error != None:
- self.cmd.stdout.write(''.join([
- error.__class__.__name__, ': ', str(error), '\n']))
- self.cmd.stdout.write(prompt_string)
- value = parser(msg, self.cmd.stdin.readline())
- try:
- response = msg.response(value)
- break
- except ValueError, error:
- continue
- self.inqueue.put(response)
- def _set_config(self, option, value, section=None):
- self.gui._set_config(section=section, option=option, value=value,
- ui_to_command_queue=self.inqueue,
- response_handler=self._handle_response)
- # Command-specific postprocessing
- def _postprocess_text(self, command, args={}, results=[]):
- """Print the string representation of the results to the Results window.
- This is similar to :class:`~hooke.ui.commandline.DoCommand`'s
- approach, except that :class:`~hooke.ui.commandline.DoCommand`
- doesn't print some internally handled messages
- (e.g. :class:`~hooke.interaction.ReloadUserInterfaceConfig`).
- """
- for result in results:
- if isinstance(result, CommandExit):
- self._c['output'].write(result.__class__.__name__+'\n')
- self._c['output'].write(str(result).rstrip()+'\n')
- def _postprocess_playlists(self, command, args={}, results=None):
- """Update `self` to show the playlists.
- """
- if not isinstance(results[-1], Success):
- self._postprocess_text(command, results=results)
- return
- assert len(results) == 2, results
- playlists = results[0]
- if 'playlist' in self._c:
- for playlist in playlists:
- if self._c['playlist'].is_playlist_loaded(playlist):
- self._c['playlist'].update_playlist(playlist)
- else:
- self._c['playlist'].add_playlist(playlist)
- def _postprocess_new_playlist(self, command, args={}, results=None):
- """Update `self` to show the new playlist.
- """
- if not isinstance(results[-1], Success):
- self._postprocess_text(command, results=results)
- return
- assert len(results) == 2, results
- playlist = results[0]
- if 'playlist' in self._c:
- loaded = self._c['playlist'].is_playlist_loaded(playlist)
- assert loaded == False, loaded
- self._c['playlist'].add_playlist(playlist)
- def _postprocess_load_playlist(self, command, args={}, results=None):
- """Update `self` to show the playlist.
- """
- if not isinstance(results[-1], Success):
- self._postprocess_text(command, results=results)
- return
- assert len(results) == 2, results
- playlist = results[0]
- self._c['playlist'].add_playlist(playlist)
- def _postprocess_get_playlist(self, command, args={}, results=[]):
- if not isinstance(results[-1], Success):
- self._postprocess_text(command, results=results)
- return
- assert len(results) == 2, results
- playlist = results[0]
- if 'playlist' in self._c:
- loaded = self._c['playlist'].is_playlist_loaded(playlist)
- assert loaded == True, loaded
- self._c['playlist'].update_playlist(playlist)
- def _postprocess_name_playlist(self, command, args={}, results=None):
- """Update `self` to show the new playlist.
- """
- return self._postprocess_new_playlist(command, args, results)
- def _postprocess_get_curve(self, command, args={}, results=[]):
- """Update `self` to show the curve.
- """
- if not isinstance(results[-1], Success):
- self._postprocess_text(command, results=results)
- return
- assert len(results) == 2, results
- curve = results[0]
- if args.get('curve', None) == None:
- # the command defaults to the current curve of the current playlist
- results = self.execute_command(
- command=self._command_by_name('get playlist'))
- playlist = results[0]
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError()
- if 'note' in self._c:
- self._c['note'].set_text(curve.info.get('note', ''))
- if 'playlist' in self._c:
- self._c['playlist'].set_selected_curve(
- playlist, curve)
- if 'plot' in self._c:
- self._c['plot'].set_curve(curve, config=self.gui.config)
- def _postprocess_next_curve(self, command, args={}, results=[]):
- """No-op. Only call 'next curve' via `self._next_curve()`.
- """
- pass
- def _postprocess_previous_curve(self, command, args={}, results=[]):
- """No-op. Only call 'previous curve' via `self._previous_curve()`.
- """
- pass
- def _postprocess_glob_curves_to_playlist(
- self, command, args={}, results=[]):
- """Update `self` to show new curves.
- """
- if not isinstance(results[-1], Success):
- self._postprocess_text(command, results=results)
- return
- if 'playlist' in self._c:
- if args.get('playlist', None) != None:
- playlist = args['playlist']
- pname = playlist.name
- loaded = self._c['playlist'].is_playlist_name_loaded(pname)
- assert loaded == True, loaded
- for curve in results[:-1]:
- self._c['playlist']._add_curve(pname, curve)
- else:
- self.execute_command(
- command=self._command_by_name('get playlist'))
- def _update_curve(self, command, args={}, results=[]):
- """Update the curve, since the available columns may have changed.
- """
- if isinstance(results[-1], Success):
- self.execute_command(
- command=self._command_by_name('get curve'))
- # Command panel interface
- def select_command(self, _class, method, command):
- #self.select_plugin(plugin=command.plugin)
- self._c['property editor'].clear()
- self._c['property editor']._argument_from_label = {}
- for argument in command.arguments:
- if argument.name == 'help':
- continue
- results = self.execute_command(
- command=self._command_by_name('playlists'))
- if not isinstance(results[-1], Success):
- self._postprocess_text(command, results=results)
- playlists = []
- else:
- playlists = results[0]
- results = self.execute_command(
- command=self._command_by_name('playlist curves'))
- if not isinstance(results[-1], Success):
- self._postprocess_text(command, results=results)
- curves = []
- else:
- curves = results[0]
- ret = props_from_argument(
- argument, curves=curves, playlists=playlists)
- if ret == None:
- continue # property intentionally not handled (yet)
- for label,p in ret:
- self._c['property editor'].append_property(p)
- self._c['property editor']._argument_from_label[label] = (
- argument)
- self._set_config('selected command', command.name)
- def select_plugin(self, _class=None, method=None, plugin=None):
- pass
- # Folders panel interface
- def _on_dir_ctrl_left_double_click(self, event):
- file_path = self.panelFolders.GetPath()
- if os.path.isfile(file_path):
- if file_path.endswith('.hkp'):
- self.do_loadlist(file_path)
- event.Skip()
- # Note panel interface
- def _on_update_note(self, _class, method, text):
- """Sets the note for the active curve.
- """
- self.execute_command(
- command=self._command_by_name('set note'),
- args={'note':text})
- # Playlist panel interface
- def _on_user_delete_playlist(self, _class, method, playlist):
- pass
- def _on_delete_playlist(self, _class, method, playlist):
- if hasattr(playlist, 'path') and playlist.path != None:
- os.remove(playlist.path)
- def _on_user_delete_curve(self, _class, method, playlist, curve):
- pass
- def _on_delete_curve(self, _class, method, playlist, curve):
- index = playlist.index(curve)
- results = self.execute_command(
- command=self._command_by_name('remove curve from playlist'),
- args={'index': index})
- #os.remove(curve.path)
- pass
- def _on_set_selected_playlist(self, _class, method, playlist):
- """Call the `jump to playlist` command.
- """
- results = self.execute_command(
- command=self._command_by_name('playlists'))
- if not isinstance(results[-1], Success):
- return
- assert len(results) == 2, results
- playlists = results[0]
- matching = [p for p in playlists if p.name == playlist.name]
- assert len(matching) == 1, matching
- index = playlists.index(matching[0])
- results = self.execute_command(
- command=self._command_by_name('jump to playlist'),
- args={'index':index})
- def _on_set_selected_curve(self, _class, method, playlist, curve):
- """Call the `jump to curve` command.
- """
- self._on_set_selected_playlist(_class, method, playlist)
- index = playlist.index(curve)
- results = self.execute_command(
- command=self._command_by_name('jump to curve'),
- args={'index':index})
- if not isinstance(results[-1], Success):
- return
- #results = self.execute_command(
- # command=self._command_by_name('get playlist'))
- #if not isinstance(results[-1], Success):
- # return
- self.execute_command(
- command=self._command_by_name('get curve'))
- # Plot panel interface
- def _on_plot_status_text(self, _class, method, text):
- if 'status bar' in self._c:
- self._c['status bar'].set_plot_text(text)
- # Navbar interface
- def _next_curve(self, *args):
- """Call the `next curve` command.
- """
- results = self.execute_command(
- command=self._command_by_name('next curve'))
- if isinstance(results[-1], Success):
- self.execute_command(
- command=self._command_by_name('get curve'))
- def _previous_curve(self, *args):
- """Call the `previous curve` command.
- """
- results = self.execute_command(
- command=self._command_by_name('previous curve'))
- if isinstance(results[-1], Success):
- self.execute_command(
- command=self._command_by_name('get curve'))
- # Panel display handling
- def _on_pane_close(self, event):
- pane = event.pane
- view = self._c['menu bar']._c['view']
- if pane.name in view._c.keys():
- view._c[pane.name].Check(False)
- event.Skip()
- def _on_panel_visibility(self, _class, method, panel_name, visible):
- pane = self._c['manager'].GetPane(panel_name)
- pane.Show(visible)
- #if we don't do the following, the Folders pane does not resize properly on hide/show
- if pane.caption == 'Folders' and pane.IsShown() and pane.IsDocked():
- #folders_size = pane.GetSize()
- self.panelFolders.Fit()
- self._c['manager'].Update()
- def _setup_perspectives(self):
- """Add perspectives to menubar and _perspectives.
- """
- self._perspectives = {
- 'Default': self._c['manager'].SavePerspective(),
- }
- path = os.path.expanduser(self.gui.config['perspective path'])
- if os.path.isdir(path):
- files = sorted(os.listdir(path))
- for fname in files:
- name, extension = os.path.splitext(fname)
- if extension != self.gui.config['perspective extension']:
- continue
- fpath = os.path.join(path, fname)
- if not os.path.isfile(fpath):
- continue
- perspective = None
- with open(fpath, 'rU') as f:
- perspective = f.readline()
- if perspective:
- self._perspectives[name] = perspective
- selected_perspective = self.gui.config['active perspective']
- if not self._perspectives.has_key(selected_perspective):
- self._set_config('active perspective', 'Default')
- self._restore_perspective(selected_perspective, force=True)
- self._update_perspective_menu()
- def _update_perspective_menu(self):
- self._c['menu bar']._c['perspective'].update(
- sorted(self._perspectives.keys()),
- self.gui.config['active perspective'])
- def _save_perspective(self, perspective, perspective_dir, name,
- extension=None):
- path = os.path.join(perspective_dir, name)
- if extension != None:
- path += extension
- if not os.path.isdir(perspective_dir):
- os.makedirs(perspective_dir)
- with open(path, 'w') as f:
- f.write(perspective)
- self._perspectives[name] = perspective
- self._restore_perspective(name)
- self._update_perspective_menu()
- def _delete_perspectives(self, perspective_dir, names,
- extension=None):
- self.log.debug('remove perspectives %s from %s'
- % (names, perspective_dir))
- for name in names:
- path = os.path.join(perspective_dir, name)
- if extension != None:
- path += extension
- os.remove(path)
- del(self._perspectives[name])
- self._update_perspective_menu()
- if self.gui.config['active perspective'] in names:
- self._restore_perspective('Default')
- # TODO: does this bug still apply?
- # Unfortunately, there is a bug in wxWidgets for win32 (Ticket #3258
- # http://trac.wxwidgets.org/ticket/3258
- # ) that makes the radio item indicator in the menu disappear.
- # The code should be fine once this issue is fixed.
- def _restore_perspective(self, name, force=False):
- if name != self.gui.config['active perspective'] or force == True:
- self.log.debug('restore perspective %s' % name)
- self._set_config('active perspective', name)
- self._c['manager'].LoadPerspective(self._perspectives[name])
- self._c['manager'].Update()
- for pane in self._c['manager'].GetAllPanes():
- view = self._c['menu bar']._c['view']
- if pane.name in view._c.keys():
- view._c[pane.name].Check(pane.window.IsShown())
- def _on_save_perspective(self, *args):
- perspective = self._c['manager'].SavePerspective()
- name = self.gui.config['active perspective']
- if name == 'Default':
- name = 'New perspective'
- name = select_save_file(
- directory=os.path.expanduser(self.gui.config['perspective path']),
- name=name,
- extension=self.gui.config['perspective extension'],
- parent=self,
- message='Enter a name for the new perspective:',
- caption='Save perspective')
- if name == None:
- return
- self._save_perspective(
- perspective,
- os.path.expanduser(self.gui.config['perspective path']), name=name,
- extension=self.gui.config['perspective extension'])
- def _on_delete_perspective(self, *args, **kwargs):
- options = sorted([p for p in self._perspectives.keys()
- if p != 'Default'])
- dialog = SelectionDialog(
- options=options,
- message="\nPlease check the perspectives\n\nyou want to delete and click 'Delete'.\n",
- button_id=wx.ID_DELETE,
- selection_style='multiple',
- parent=self,
- title='Delete perspective(s)',
- dialog.CenterOnScreen()
- dialog.ShowModal()
- if dialog.canceled == True:
- return
- names = [options[i] for i in dialog.selected]
- dialog.Destroy()
- self._delete_perspectives(
- os.path.expanduser(self.gui.config['perspective path']),
- names=names, extension=self.gui.config['perspective extension'])
- def _on_select_perspective(self, _class, method, name):
- self._restore_perspective(name)
-# setup per-command versions of HookeFrame._update_curve
-for _command in ['convert_distance_to_force',
- 'polymer_fit_peaks',
- 'remove_cantilever_from_extension',
- 'zero_surface_contact_point',
- ]:
- setattr(HookeFrame, '_postprocess_%s' % _command, HookeFrame._update_curve)
-del _command
-class HookeApp (wx.App):
- """A :class:`wx.App` wrapper around :class:`HookeFrame`.
- Tosses up a splash screen and then loads :class:`HookeFrame` in
- its own window.
- """
- def __init__(self, gui, commands, inqueue, outqueue, *args, **kwargs):
- self.gui = gui
- self.commands = commands
- self.inqueue = inqueue
- self.outqueue = outqueue
- super(HookeApp, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- def OnInit(self):
- self.SetAppName('Hooke')
- self.SetVendorName('')
- self._setup_splash_screen()
- height = self.gui.config['main height']
- width = self.gui.config['main width']
- top = self.gui.config['main top']
- left = self.gui.config['main left']
- # Sometimes, the ini file gets confused and sets 'left' and
- # 'top' to large negative numbers. Here we catch and fix
- # this. Keep small negative numbers, the user might want
- # those.
- if left < -width:
- left = 0
- if top < -height:
- top = 0
- self._c = {
- 'frame': HookeFrame(
- self.gui, self.commands, self.inqueue, self.outqueue,
- parent=None, title='Hooke',
- pos=(left, top), size=(width, height),
- }
- self._c['frame'].Show(True)
- self.SetTopWindow(self._c['frame'])
- return True
- def _setup_splash_screen(self):
- if self.gui.config['show splash screen'] == True:
- path = os.path.expanduser(self.gui.config['splash screen image'])
- if os.path.isfile(path):
- duration = self.gui.config['splash screen duration']
- wx.SplashScreen(
- bitmap=wx.Image(path).ConvertToBitmap(),
- milliseconds=duration,
- parent=None)
- wx.Yield()
- # For some reason splashDuration and sleep do not
- # correspond to each other at least not on Windows.
- # Maybe it's because duration is in milliseconds and
- # sleep in seconds. Thus we need to increase the
- # sleep time a bit. A factor of 1.2 seems to work.
- sleepFactor = 1.2
- time.sleep(sleepFactor * duration / 1000)
-class GUI (UserInterface):
+import os.path as _os_path
+from ...ui import UserInterface as _UserInterface
+from ...config import Setting as _Setting
+ import wxversion as _wxversion
+except ImportError, e:
+ _wxversion = None
+ _wxversion_error = e
+ try:
+ from .interface import HookeApp as _HookeApp
+ except _wxversion.VersionError, e:
+ _wxversion = None
+ _wxversion_error = e
+class GUI (_UserInterface):
"""wxWindows graphical user interface.
def __init__(self):
Setting(section=self.setting_section, help=self.__doc__)
return [
- Setting(section=self.setting_section, help=self.__doc__),
- Setting(section=self.setting_section, option='icon image',
- value=os.path.join('doc', 'img', 'microscope.ico'),
- type='file',
- help='Path to the hooke icon image.'),
- Setting(section=self.setting_section, option='show splash screen',
- value=True, type='bool',
- help='Enable/disable the splash screen'),
- Setting(section=self.setting_section, option='splash screen image',
- value=os.path.join('doc', 'img', 'hooke.jpg'),
- type='file',
- help='Path to the Hooke splash screen image.'),
- Setting(section=self.setting_section,
- option='splash screen duration',
- value=1000, type='int',
- help='Duration of the splash screen in milliseconds.'),
- Setting(section=self.setting_section, option='perspective path',
- value=os.path.join('resources', 'gui', 'perspective'),
- help='Directory containing perspective files.'), # TODO: allow colon separated list, like $PATH.
- Setting(section=self.setting_section, option='perspective extension',
- value='.txt',
- help='Extension for perspective files.'),
- Setting(section=self.setting_section, option='hide extensions',
- value=False, type='bool',
- help='Hide file extensions when displaying names.'),
- Setting(section=self.setting_section, option='plot legend',
- value=True, type='bool',
- help='Enable/disable the plot legend.'),
- Setting(section=self.setting_section, option='plot SI format',
- value='True', type='bool',
- help='Enable/disable SI plot axes numbering.'),
- Setting(section=self.setting_section, option='plot decimals',
- value=2, type='int',
- help='Number of decimal places to show if "plot SI format" is enabled.'),
- Setting(section=self.setting_section, option='folders-workdir',
- value='.', type='path',
- help='This should probably go...'),
- Setting(section=self.setting_section, option='folders-filters',
- value='.', type='path',
- help='This should probably go...'),
- Setting(section=self.setting_section, option='active perspective',
- value='Default',
- help='Name of active perspective file (or "Default").'),
- Setting(section=self.setting_section,
- option='folders-filter-index',
- value=0, type='int',
- help='This should probably go...'),
- Setting(section=self.setting_section, option='main height',
- value=450, type='int',
- help='Height of main window in pixels.'),
- Setting(section=self.setting_section, option='main width',
- value=800, type='int',
- help='Width of main window in pixels.'),
- Setting(section=self.setting_section, option='main top',
- value=0, type='int',
- help='Pixels from screen top to top of main window.'),
- Setting(section=self.setting_section, option='main left',
- value=0, type='int',
- help='Pixels from screen left to left of main window.'),
- Setting(section=self.setting_section, option='selected command',
- value='load playlist',
- help='Name of the initially selected command.'),
+ _Setting(section=self.setting_section, help=self.__doc__),
+ _Setting(section=self.setting_section, option='icon image',
+ value=_os_path.join('doc', 'img', 'microscope.ico'),
+ type='file',
+ help='Path to the hooke icon image.'),
+ _Setting(section=self.setting_section, option='show splash screen',
+ value=True, type='bool',
+ help='Enable/disable the splash screen'),
+ _Setting(section=self.setting_section, option='splash screen image',
+ value=_os_path.join('doc', 'img', 'hooke.jpg'),
+ type='file',
+ help='Path to the Hooke splash screen image.'),
+ _Setting(section=self.setting_section,
+ option='splash screen duration',
+ value=1000, type='int',
+ help='Duration of the splash screen in milliseconds.'),
+ _Setting(section=self.setting_section, option='perspective path',
+ value=_os_path.join('resources', 'gui', 'perspective'),
+ help='Directory containing perspective files.'), # TODO: allow colon separated list, like $PATH.
+ _Setting(section=self.setting_section, option='perspective extension',
+ value='.txt',
+ help='Extension for perspective files.'),
+ _Setting(section=self.setting_section, option='hide extensions',
+ value=False, type='bool',
+ help='Hide file extensions when displaying names.'),
+ _Setting(section=self.setting_section, option='plot legend',
+ value=True, type='bool',
+ help='Enable/disable the plot legend.'),
+ _Setting(section=self.setting_section, option='plot SI format',
+ value='True', type='bool',
+ help='Enable/disable SI plot axes numbering.'),
+ _Setting(section=self.setting_section, option='plot decimals',
+ value=2, type='int',
+ help=('Number of decimal places to show if "plot SI '
+ 'format" is enabled.')),
+ _Setting(section=self.setting_section, option='folders-workdir',
+ value='.', type='path',
+ help='This should probably go...'),
+ _Setting(section=self.setting_section, option='folders-filters',
+ value='.', type='path',
+ help='This should probably go...'),
+ _Setting(section=self.setting_section, option='active perspective',
+ value='Default',
+ help='Name of active perspective file (or "Default").'),
+ _Setting(section=self.setting_section,
+ option='folders-filter-index',
+ value=0, type='int',
+ help='This should probably go...'),
+ _Setting(section=self.setting_section, option='main height',
+ value=450, type='int',
+ help='Height of main window in pixels.'),
+ _Setting(section=self.setting_section, option='main width',
+ value=800, type='int',
+ help='Width of main window in pixels.'),
+ _Setting(section=self.setting_section, option='main top',
+ value=0, type='int',
+ help='Pixels from screen top to top of main window.'),
+ _Setting(section=self.setting_section, option='main left',
+ value=0, type='int',
+ help='Pixels from screen left to left of main window.'),
+ _Setting(section=self.setting_section, option='selected command',
+ value='load playlist',
+ help='Name of the initially selected command.'),
def _app(self, commands, ui_to_command_queue, command_to_ui_queue):
+ if _wxversion is None:
+ raise _wxversion_error
redirect = True
if __debug__:
- app = HookeApp(gui=self,
+ app = _HookeApp(gui=self,
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2010-2011 W. Trevor King <wking@drexel.edu>
+# This file is part of Hooke.
+# Hooke is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+# License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# Hooke is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+# Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with Hooke. If not, see
+# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+"""Define :class:`HookeApp` and related, central application classes.
+import wxversion
+import copy
+import logging
+import os
+import os.path
+import platform
+import shutil
+import time
+import wx.html
+import wx.aui as aui
+import wx.lib.evtmgr as evtmgr
+# wxPropertyGrid is included in wxPython >= 2.9.1, see
+# http://wxpropgrid.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/index?page=download
+# until then, we'll avoid it because of the *nix build problems.
+#import wx.propgrid as wxpg
+from ...command import CommandExit, Exit, Success, Failure, Command, Argument
+from ...engine import CommandMessage
+from ...interaction import Request, BooleanRequest, ReloadUserInterfaceConfig
+from .dialog.selection import Selection as SelectionDialog
+from .dialog.save_file import select_save_file
+from . import menu as menu
+from . import navbar as navbar
+from . import panel as panel
+from .panel.propertyeditor import props_from_argument, props_from_setting
+from . import statusbar as statusbar
+class HookeFrame (wx.Frame):
+ """The main Hooke-interface window.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, gui, commands, inqueue, outqueue, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(HookeFrame, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.log = logging.getLogger('hooke')
+ self.gui = gui
+ self.commands = commands
+ self.inqueue = inqueue
+ self.outqueue = outqueue
+ self._perspectives = {} # {name: perspective_str}
+ self._c = {}
+ self.SetIcon(wx.Icon(
+ os.path.expanduser(self.gui.config['icon image']),
+ # setup frame manager
+ self._c['manager'] = aui.AuiManager()
+ self._c['manager'].SetManagedWindow(self)
+ # set the gradient and drag styles
+ self._c['manager'].GetArtProvider().SetMetric(
+ self._c['manager'].SetFlags(
+ self._c['manager'].GetFlags() ^ aui.AUI_MGR_TRANSPARENT_DRAG)
+ # Min size for the frame itself isn't completely done. See
+ # the end of FrameManager::Update() for the test code. For
+ # now, just hard code a frame minimum size.
+ #self.SetMinSize(wx.Size(500, 500))
+ self._setup_panels()
+ self._setup_toolbars()
+ self._c['manager'].Update() # commit pending changes
+ # Create the menubar after the panes so that the default
+ # perspective is created with all panes open
+ panels = [p for p in self._c.values() if isinstance(p, panel.Panel)]
+ self._c['menu bar'] = menu.HookeMenuBar(
+ parent=self,
+ panels=panels,
+ callbacks={
+ 'close': self._on_close,
+ 'about': self._on_about,
+ 'view_panel': self._on_panel_visibility,
+ 'save_perspective': self._on_save_perspective,
+ 'delete_perspective': self._on_delete_perspective,
+ 'select_perspective': self._on_select_perspective,
+ })
+ self.SetMenuBar(self._c['menu bar'])
+ self._c['status bar'] = statusbar.StatusBar(
+ parent=self,
+ style=wx.ST_SIZEGRIP)
+ self.SetStatusBar(self._c['status bar'])
+ self._setup_perspectives()
+ self._bind_events()
+ return # TODO: cleanup
+ self._displayed_plot = None
+ #load default list, if possible
+ self.do_loadlist(self.GetStringFromConfig('core', 'preferences', 'playlists'))
+ # GUI maintenance
+ def _setup_panels(self):
+ client_size = self.GetClientSize()
+ for p,style in [
+# ('folders', wx.GenericDirCtrl(
+# parent=self,
+# dir=self.gui.config['folders-workdir'],
+# size=(200, 250),
+# filter=self.gui.config['folders-filters'],
+# defaultFilter=self.gui.config['folders-filter-index']), 'left'),
+ (panel.PANELS['playlist'](
+ callbacks={
+ 'delete_playlist':self._on_user_delete_playlist,
+ '_delete_playlist':self._on_delete_playlist,
+ 'delete_curve':self._on_user_delete_curve,
+ '_delete_curve':self._on_delete_curve,
+ '_on_set_selected_playlist':self._on_set_selected_playlist,
+ '_on_set_selected_curve':self._on_set_selected_curve,
+ },
+ parent=self,
+ style=wx.WANTS_CHARS|wx.NO_BORDER,
+ # WANTS_CHARS so the panel doesn't eat the Return key.
+# size=(160, 200),
+ ), 'left'),
+ (panel.PANELS['note'](
+ callbacks = {
+ '_on_update':self._on_update_note,
+ },
+ parent=self,
+ style=wx.WANTS_CHARS|wx.NO_BORDER,
+# size=(160, 200),
+ ), 'left'),
+# ('notebook', Notebook(
+# parent=self,
+# pos=wx.Point(client_size.x, client_size.y),
+# size=wx.Size(430, 200),
+# | aui.AUI_NB_TAB_EXTERNAL_MOVE | wx.NO_BORDER), 'center'),
+ (panel.PANELS['commands'](
+ commands=self.commands,
+ selected=self.gui.config['selected command'],
+ callbacks={
+ 'execute': self.explicit_execute_command,
+ 'select_plugin': self.select_plugin,
+ 'select_command': self.select_command,
+# 'selection_changed': self.panelProperties.select(self, method, command), #SelectedTreeItem = selected_item,
+ },
+ parent=self,
+ style=wx.WANTS_CHARS|wx.NO_BORDER,
+ # WANTS_CHARS so the panel doesn't eat the Return key.
+# size=(160, 200),
+ ), 'right'),
+ (panel.PANELS['propertyeditor'](
+ callbacks={},
+ parent=self,
+ style=wx.WANTS_CHARS,
+ # WANTS_CHARS so the panel doesn't eat the Return key.
+ ), 'center'),
+ (panel.PANELS['plot'](
+ callbacks={
+ '_set_status_text': self._on_plot_status_text,
+ },
+ parent=self,
+ style=wx.WANTS_CHARS|wx.NO_BORDER,
+ # WANTS_CHARS so the panel doesn't eat the Return key.
+# size=(160, 200),
+ ), 'center'),
+ (panel.PANELS['output'](
+ parent=self,
+ pos=wx.Point(0, 0),
+ size=wx.Size(150, 90),
+ 'bottom'),
+ ]:
+ self._add_panel(p, style)
+ self.execute_command( # setup already loaded playlists
+ command=self._command_by_name('playlists'))
+ self.execute_command( # setup already loaded curve
+ command=self._command_by_name('get curve'))
+ def _add_panel(self, panel, style):
+ self._c[panel.name] = panel
+ m_name = panel.managed_name
+ info = aui.AuiPaneInfo().Name(m_name).Caption(m_name)
+ info.PaneBorder(False).CloseButton(True).MaximizeButton(False)
+ if style == 'top':
+ info.Top()
+ elif style == 'center':
+ info.CenterPane()
+ elif style == 'left':
+ info.Left()
+ elif style == 'right':
+ info.Right()
+ else:
+ assert style == 'bottom', style
+ info.Bottom()
+ self._c['manager'].AddPane(panel, info)
+ def _setup_toolbars(self):
+ self._c['navigation bar'] = navbar.NavBar(
+ callbacks={
+ 'next': self._next_curve,
+ 'previous': self._previous_curve,
+ },
+ parent=self,
+ style=wx.TB_FLAT | wx.TB_NODIVIDER)
+ self._c['manager'].AddPane(
+ self._c['navigation bar'],
+ aui.AuiPaneInfo().Name('Navigation').Caption('Navigation'
+ ).ToolbarPane().Top().Layer(1).Row(1).LeftDockable(False
+ ).RightDockable(False))
+ def _bind_events(self):
+ # TODO: figure out if we can use the eventManager for menu
+ # ranges and events of 'self' without raising an assertion
+ # fail error.
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, self._on_erase_background)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self._on_size)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self._on_close)
+ self.Bind(aui.EVT_AUI_PANE_CLOSE, self._on_pane_close)
+ return # TODO: cleanup
+ treeCtrl = self._c['folders'].GetTreeCtrl()
+ treeCtrl.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK, self._on_dir_ctrl_left_double_click)
+ def _on_about(self, *args):
+ dialog = wx.MessageDialog(
+ parent=self,
+ message=self.gui._splash_text(extra_info={
+ 'get-details':'click "Help -> License"'},
+ wrap=False),
+ caption='About Hooke',
+ style=wx.OK|wx.ICON_INFORMATION)
+ dialog.ShowModal()
+ dialog.Destroy()
+ def _on_size(self, event):
+ event.Skip()
+ def _on_close(self, *args):
+ self.log.info('closing GUI framework')
+ # apply changes
+ self._set_config('main height', self.GetSize().GetHeight())
+ self._set_config('main left', self.GetPosition()[0])
+ self._set_config('main top', self.GetPosition()[1])
+ self._set_config('main width', self.GetSize().GetWidth())
+ self._c['manager'].UnInit()
+ del self._c['manager']
+ self.Destroy()
+ def _on_erase_background(self, event):
+ event.Skip()
+ # Panel utility functions
+ def _file_name(self, name):
+ """Cleanup names according to configured preferences.
+ """
+ if self.gui.config['hide extensions'] == True:
+ name,ext = os.path.splitext(name)
+ return name
+ # Command handling
+ def _command_by_name(self, name):
+ cs = [c for c in self.commands if c.name == name]
+ if len(cs) == 0:
+ raise KeyError(name)
+ elif len(cs) > 1:
+ raise Exception('Multiple commands named "%s"' % name)
+ return cs[0]
+ def explicit_execute_command(self, _class=None, method=None,
+ command=None, args=None):
+ return self.execute_command(
+ _class=_class, method=method, command=command, args=args,
+ explicit_user_call=True)
+ def execute_command(self, _class=None, method=None,
+ command=None, args=None, explicit_user_call=False):
+ if args == None:
+ args = {}
+ if ('property editor' in self._c
+ and self.gui.config['selected command'] == command.name):
+ for name,value in self._c['property editor'].get_values().items():
+ arg = self._c['property editor']._argument_from_label.get(
+ name, None)
+ if arg == None:
+ continue
+ elif arg.count == 1:
+ args[arg.name] = value
+ continue
+ # deal with counted arguments
+ if arg.name not in args:
+ args[arg.name] = {}
+ index = int(name[len(arg.name):])
+ args[arg.name][index] = value
+ for arg in command.arguments:
+ if arg.name not in args:
+ continue # undisplayed argument, e.g. 'driver' types.
+ count = arg.count
+ if hasattr(arg, '_display_count'): # support HACK in props_from_argument()
+ count = arg._display_count
+ if count != 1 and arg.name in args:
+ keys = sorted(args[arg.name].keys())
+ assert keys == range(count), keys
+ args[arg.name] = [args[arg.name][i]
+ for i in range(count)]
+ if arg.count == -1:
+ while (len(args[arg.name]) > 0
+ and args[arg.name][-1] == None):
+ args[arg.name].pop()
+ if len(args[arg.name]) == 0:
+ args[arg.name] = arg.default
+ cm = CommandMessage(command.name, args)
+ self.gui._submit_command(
+ cm, self.inqueue, explicit_user_call=explicit_user_call)
+ # TODO: skip responses for commands that were captured by the
+ # command stack. We'd need to poll on each request, remember
+ # capture state, or add a flag to the response...
+ return self._handle_response(command_message=cm)
+ def _handle_response(self, command_message):
+ results = []
+ while True:
+ msg = self.outqueue.get()
+ results.append(msg)
+ if isinstance(msg, Exit):
+ self._on_close()
+ break
+ elif isinstance(msg, CommandExit):
+ # TODO: display command complete
+ break
+ elif isinstance(msg, ReloadUserInterfaceConfig):
+ self.gui.reload_config(msg.config)
+ continue
+ elif isinstance(msg, Request):
+ h = handler.HANDLERS[msg.type]
+ h.run(self, msg) # TODO: pause for response?
+ continue
+ pp = getattr(
+ self, '_postprocess_%s' % command_message.command.replace(' ', '_'),
+ self._postprocess_text)
+ pp(command=command_message.command,
+ args=command_message.arguments,
+ results=results)
+ return results
+ def _handle_request(self, msg):
+ """Repeatedly try to get a response to `msg`.
+ """
+ if prompt == None:
+ raise NotImplementedError('_%s_request_prompt' % msg.type)
+ prompt_string = prompt(msg)
+ parser = getattr(self, '_%s_request_parser' % msg.type, None)
+ if parser == None:
+ raise NotImplementedError('_%s_request_parser' % msg.type)
+ error = None
+ while True:
+ if error != None:
+ self.cmd.stdout.write(''.join([
+ error.__class__.__name__, ': ', str(error), '\n']))
+ self.cmd.stdout.write(prompt_string)
+ value = parser(msg, self.cmd.stdin.readline())
+ try:
+ response = msg.response(value)
+ break
+ except ValueError, error:
+ continue
+ self.inqueue.put(response)
+ def _set_config(self, option, value, section=None):
+ self.gui._set_config(section=section, option=option, value=value,
+ ui_to_command_queue=self.inqueue,
+ response_handler=self._handle_response)
+ # Command-specific postprocessing
+ def _postprocess_text(self, command, args={}, results=[]):
+ """Print the string representation of the results to the Results window.
+ This is similar to :class:`~hooke.ui.commandline.DoCommand`'s
+ approach, except that :class:`~hooke.ui.commandline.DoCommand`
+ doesn't print some internally handled messages
+ (e.g. :class:`~hooke.interaction.ReloadUserInterfaceConfig`).
+ """
+ for result in results:
+ if isinstance(result, CommandExit):
+ self._c['output'].write(result.__class__.__name__+'\n')
+ self._c['output'].write(str(result).rstrip()+'\n')
+ def _postprocess_playlists(self, command, args={}, results=None):
+ """Update `self` to show the playlists.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(results[-1], Success):
+ self._postprocess_text(command, results=results)
+ return
+ assert len(results) == 2, results
+ playlists = results[0]
+ if 'playlist' in self._c:
+ for playlist in playlists:
+ if self._c['playlist'].is_playlist_loaded(playlist):
+ self._c['playlist'].update_playlist(playlist)
+ else:
+ self._c['playlist'].add_playlist(playlist)
+ def _postprocess_new_playlist(self, command, args={}, results=None):
+ """Update `self` to show the new playlist.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(results[-1], Success):
+ self._postprocess_text(command, results=results)
+ return
+ assert len(results) == 2, results
+ playlist = results[0]
+ if 'playlist' in self._c:
+ loaded = self._c['playlist'].is_playlist_loaded(playlist)
+ assert loaded == False, loaded
+ self._c['playlist'].add_playlist(playlist)
+ def _postprocess_load_playlist(self, command, args={}, results=None):
+ """Update `self` to show the playlist.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(results[-1], Success):
+ self._postprocess_text(command, results=results)
+ return
+ assert len(results) == 2, results
+ playlist = results[0]
+ self._c['playlist'].add_playlist(playlist)
+ def _postprocess_get_playlist(self, command, args={}, results=[]):
+ if not isinstance(results[-1], Success):
+ self._postprocess_text(command, results=results)
+ return
+ assert len(results) == 2, results
+ playlist = results[0]
+ if 'playlist' in self._c:
+ loaded = self._c['playlist'].is_playlist_loaded(playlist)
+ assert loaded == True, loaded
+ self._c['playlist'].update_playlist(playlist)
+ def _postprocess_name_playlist(self, command, args={}, results=None):
+ """Update `self` to show the new playlist.
+ """
+ return self._postprocess_new_playlist(command, args, results)
+ def _postprocess_get_curve(self, command, args={}, results=[]):
+ """Update `self` to show the curve.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(results[-1], Success):
+ self._postprocess_text(command, results=results)
+ return
+ assert len(results) == 2, results
+ curve = results[0]
+ if args.get('curve', None) == None:
+ # the command defaults to the current curve of the current playlist
+ results = self.execute_command(
+ command=self._command_by_name('get playlist'))
+ playlist = results[0]
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ if 'note' in self._c:
+ self._c['note'].set_text(curve.info.get('note', ''))
+ if 'playlist' in self._c:
+ self._c['playlist'].set_selected_curve(
+ playlist, curve)
+ if 'plot' in self._c:
+ self._c['plot'].set_curve(curve, config=self.gui.config)
+ def _postprocess_next_curve(self, command, args={}, results=[]):
+ """No-op. Only call 'next curve' via `self._next_curve()`.
+ """
+ pass
+ def _postprocess_previous_curve(self, command, args={}, results=[]):
+ """No-op. Only call 'previous curve' via `self._previous_curve()`.
+ """
+ pass
+ def _postprocess_glob_curves_to_playlist(
+ self, command, args={}, results=[]):
+ """Update `self` to show new curves.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(results[-1], Success):
+ self._postprocess_text(command, results=results)
+ return
+ if 'playlist' in self._c:
+ if args.get('playlist', None) != None:
+ playlist = args['playlist']
+ pname = playlist.name
+ loaded = self._c['playlist'].is_playlist_name_loaded(pname)
+ assert loaded == True, loaded
+ for curve in results[:-1]:
+ self._c['playlist']._add_curve(pname, curve)
+ else:
+ self.execute_command(
+ command=self._command_by_name('get playlist'))
+ def _update_curve(self, command, args={}, results=[]):
+ """Update the curve, since the available columns may have changed.
+ """
+ if isinstance(results[-1], Success):
+ self.execute_command(
+ command=self._command_by_name('get curve'))
+ # Command panel interface
+ def select_command(self, _class, method, command):
+ #self.select_plugin(plugin=command.plugin)
+ self._c['property editor'].clear()
+ self._c['property editor']._argument_from_label = {}
+ for argument in command.arguments:
+ if argument.name == 'help':
+ continue
+ results = self.execute_command(
+ command=self._command_by_name('playlists'))
+ if not isinstance(results[-1], Success):
+ self._postprocess_text(command, results=results)
+ playlists = []
+ else:
+ playlists = results[0]
+ results = self.execute_command(
+ command=self._command_by_name('playlist curves'))
+ if not isinstance(results[-1], Success):
+ self._postprocess_text(command, results=results)
+ curves = []
+ else:
+ curves = results[0]
+ ret = props_from_argument(
+ argument, curves=curves, playlists=playlists)
+ if ret == None:
+ continue # property intentionally not handled (yet)
+ for label,p in ret:
+ self._c['property editor'].append_property(p)
+ self._c['property editor']._argument_from_label[label] = (
+ argument)
+ self._set_config('selected command', command.name)
+ def select_plugin(self, _class=None, method=None, plugin=None):
+ pass
+ # Folders panel interface
+ def _on_dir_ctrl_left_double_click(self, event):
+ file_path = self.panelFolders.GetPath()
+ if os.path.isfile(file_path):
+ if file_path.endswith('.hkp'):
+ self.do_loadlist(file_path)
+ event.Skip()
+ # Note panel interface
+ def _on_update_note(self, _class, method, text):
+ """Sets the note for the active curve.
+ """
+ self.execute_command(
+ command=self._command_by_name('set note'),
+ args={'note':text})
+ # Playlist panel interface
+ def _on_user_delete_playlist(self, _class, method, playlist):
+ pass
+ def _on_delete_playlist(self, _class, method, playlist):
+ if hasattr(playlist, 'path') and playlist.path != None:
+ os.remove(playlist.path)
+ def _on_user_delete_curve(self, _class, method, playlist, curve):
+ pass
+ def _on_delete_curve(self, _class, method, playlist, curve):
+ index = playlist.index(curve)
+ results = self.execute_command(
+ command=self._command_by_name('remove curve from playlist'),
+ args={'index': index})
+ #os.remove(curve.path)
+ pass
+ def _on_set_selected_playlist(self, _class, method, playlist):
+ """Call the `jump to playlist` command.
+ """
+ results = self.execute_command(
+ command=self._command_by_name('playlists'))
+ if not isinstance(results[-1], Success):
+ return
+ assert len(results) == 2, results
+ playlists = results[0]
+ matching = [p for p in playlists if p.name == playlist.name]
+ assert len(matching) == 1, matching
+ index = playlists.index(matching[0])
+ results = self.execute_command(
+ command=self._command_by_name('jump to playlist'),
+ args={'index':index})
+ def _on_set_selected_curve(self, _class, method, playlist, curve):
+ """Call the `jump to curve` command.
+ """
+ self._on_set_selected_playlist(_class, method, playlist)
+ index = playlist.index(curve)
+ results = self.execute_command(
+ command=self._command_by_name('jump to curve'),
+ args={'index':index})
+ if not isinstance(results[-1], Success):
+ return
+ #results = self.execute_command(
+ # command=self._command_by_name('get playlist'))
+ #if not isinstance(results[-1], Success):
+ # return
+ self.execute_command(
+ command=self._command_by_name('get curve'))
+ # Plot panel interface
+ def _on_plot_status_text(self, _class, method, text):
+ if 'status bar' in self._c:
+ self._c['status bar'].set_plot_text(text)
+ # Navbar interface
+ def _next_curve(self, *args):
+ """Call the `next curve` command.
+ """
+ results = self.execute_command(
+ command=self._command_by_name('next curve'))
+ if isinstance(results[-1], Success):
+ self.execute_command(
+ command=self._command_by_name('get curve'))
+ def _previous_curve(self, *args):
+ """Call the `previous curve` command.
+ """
+ results = self.execute_command(
+ command=self._command_by_name('previous curve'))
+ if isinstance(results[-1], Success):
+ self.execute_command(
+ command=self._command_by_name('get curve'))
+ # Panel display handling
+ def _on_pane_close(self, event):
+ pane = event.pane
+ view = self._c['menu bar']._c['view']
+ if pane.name in view._c.keys():
+ view._c[pane.name].Check(False)
+ event.Skip()
+ def _on_panel_visibility(self, _class, method, panel_name, visible):
+ pane = self._c['manager'].GetPane(panel_name)
+ pane.Show(visible)
+ #if we don't do the following, the Folders pane does not resize properly on hide/show
+ if pane.caption == 'Folders' and pane.IsShown() and pane.IsDocked():
+ #folders_size = pane.GetSize()
+ self.panelFolders.Fit()
+ self._c['manager'].Update()
+ def _setup_perspectives(self):
+ """Add perspectives to menubar and _perspectives.
+ """
+ self._perspectives = {
+ 'Default': self._c['manager'].SavePerspective(),
+ }
+ path = os.path.expanduser(self.gui.config['perspective path'])
+ if os.path.isdir(path):
+ files = sorted(os.listdir(path))
+ for fname in files:
+ name, extension = os.path.splitext(fname)
+ if extension != self.gui.config['perspective extension']:
+ continue
+ fpath = os.path.join(path, fname)
+ if not os.path.isfile(fpath):
+ continue
+ perspective = None
+ with open(fpath, 'rU') as f:
+ perspective = f.readline()
+ if perspective:
+ self._perspectives[name] = perspective
+ selected_perspective = self.gui.config['active perspective']
+ if not self._perspectives.has_key(selected_perspective):
+ self._set_config('active perspective', 'Default')
+ self._restore_perspective(selected_perspective, force=True)
+ self._update_perspective_menu()
+ def _update_perspective_menu(self):
+ self._c['menu bar']._c['perspective'].update(
+ sorted(self._perspectives.keys()),
+ self.gui.config['active perspective'])
+ def _save_perspective(self, perspective, perspective_dir, name,
+ extension=None):
+ path = os.path.join(perspective_dir, name)
+ if extension != None:
+ path += extension
+ if not os.path.isdir(perspective_dir):
+ os.makedirs(perspective_dir)
+ with open(path, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(perspective)
+ self._perspectives[name] = perspective
+ self._restore_perspective(name)
+ self._update_perspective_menu()
+ def _delete_perspectives(self, perspective_dir, names,
+ extension=None):
+ self.log.debug('remove perspectives %s from %s'
+ % (names, perspective_dir))
+ for name in names:
+ path = os.path.join(perspective_dir, name)
+ if extension != None:
+ path += extension
+ os.remove(path)
+ del(self._perspectives[name])
+ self._update_perspective_menu()
+ if self.gui.config['active perspective'] in names:
+ self._restore_perspective('Default')
+ # TODO: does this bug still apply?
+ # Unfortunately, there is a bug in wxWidgets for win32 (Ticket #3258
+ # http://trac.wxwidgets.org/ticket/3258
+ # ) that makes the radio item indicator in the menu disappear.
+ # The code should be fine once this issue is fixed.
+ def _restore_perspective(self, name, force=False):
+ if name != self.gui.config['active perspective'] or force == True:
+ self.log.debug('restore perspective %s' % name)
+ self._set_config('active perspective', name)
+ self._c['manager'].LoadPerspective(self._perspectives[name])
+ self._c['manager'].Update()
+ for pane in self._c['manager'].GetAllPanes():
+ view = self._c['menu bar']._c['view']
+ if pane.name in view._c.keys():
+ view._c[pane.name].Check(pane.window.IsShown())
+ def _on_save_perspective(self, *args):
+ perspective = self._c['manager'].SavePerspective()
+ name = self.gui.config['active perspective']
+ if name == 'Default':
+ name = 'New perspective'
+ name = select_save_file(
+ directory=os.path.expanduser(self.gui.config['perspective path']),
+ name=name,
+ extension=self.gui.config['perspective extension'],
+ parent=self,
+ message='Enter a name for the new perspective:',
+ caption='Save perspective')
+ if name == None:
+ return
+ self._save_perspective(
+ perspective,
+ os.path.expanduser(self.gui.config['perspective path']), name=name,
+ extension=self.gui.config['perspective extension'])
+ def _on_delete_perspective(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ options = sorted([p for p in self._perspectives.keys()
+ if p != 'Default'])
+ dialog = SelectionDialog(
+ options=options,
+ message="\nPlease check the perspectives\n\nyou want to delete and click 'Delete'.\n",
+ button_id=wx.ID_DELETE,
+ selection_style='multiple',
+ parent=self,
+ title='Delete perspective(s)',
+ dialog.CenterOnScreen()
+ dialog.ShowModal()
+ if dialog.canceled == True:
+ return
+ names = [options[i] for i in dialog.selected]
+ dialog.Destroy()
+ self._delete_perspectives(
+ os.path.expanduser(self.gui.config['perspective path']),
+ names=names, extension=self.gui.config['perspective extension'])
+ def _on_select_perspective(self, _class, method, name):
+ self._restore_perspective(name)
+# setup per-command versions of HookeFrame._update_curve
+for _command in ['convert_distance_to_force',
+ 'polymer_fit_peaks',
+ 'remove_cantilever_from_extension',
+ 'zero_surface_contact_point',
+ ]:
+ setattr(HookeFrame, '_postprocess_%s' % _command, HookeFrame._update_curve)
+del _command
+class HookeApp (wx.App):
+ """A :class:`wx.App` wrapper around :class:`HookeFrame`.
+ Tosses up a splash screen and then loads :class:`HookeFrame` in
+ its own window.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, gui, commands, inqueue, outqueue, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.gui = gui
+ self.commands = commands
+ self.inqueue = inqueue
+ self.outqueue = outqueue
+ super(HookeApp, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ def OnInit(self):
+ self.SetAppName('Hooke')
+ self.SetVendorName('')
+ self._setup_splash_screen()
+ height = self.gui.config['main height']
+ width = self.gui.config['main width']
+ top = self.gui.config['main top']
+ left = self.gui.config['main left']
+ # Sometimes, the ini file gets confused and sets 'left' and
+ # 'top' to large negative numbers. Here we catch and fix
+ # this. Keep small negative numbers, the user might want
+ # those.
+ if left < -width:
+ left = 0
+ if top < -height:
+ top = 0
+ self._c = {
+ 'frame': HookeFrame(
+ self.gui, self.commands, self.inqueue, self.outqueue,
+ parent=None, title='Hooke',
+ pos=(left, top), size=(width, height),
+ }
+ self._c['frame'].Show(True)
+ self.SetTopWindow(self._c['frame'])
+ return True
+ def _setup_splash_screen(self):
+ if self.gui.config['show splash screen'] == True:
+ path = os.path.expanduser(self.gui.config['splash screen image'])
+ if os.path.isfile(path):
+ duration = self.gui.config['splash screen duration']
+ wx.SplashScreen(
+ bitmap=wx.Image(path).ConvertToBitmap(),
+ milliseconds=duration,
+ parent=None)
+ wx.Yield()
+ # For some reason splashDuration and sleep do not
+ # correspond to each other at least not on Windows.
+ # Maybe it's because duration is in milliseconds and
+ # sleep in seconds. Thus we need to increase the
+ # sleep time a bit. A factor of 1.2 seems to work.
+ sleepFactor = 1.2
+ time.sleep(sleepFactor * duration / 1000)