# ChangeLog for media-tv/ivtv
# Copyright 2000-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-tv/ivtv/ChangeLog,v 1.77 2007/04/16 14:04:08 cardoe Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-tv/ivtv/ChangeLog,v 1.78 2007/04/27 01:40:44 beandog Exp $
+ 27 Apr 2007; Steve Dibb <beandog@gentoo.org> ivtv-0.10.0-r1.ebuild,
+ ivtv-0.10.1-r1.ebuild:
+ Move the fbcon notes before the kernel module check
16 Apr 2007; Doug Goldstein <cardoe@gentoo.org> ivtv-0.4.5.ebuild,
ivtv-0.4.7.ebuild, ivtv-0.4.8.ebuild, ivtv-0.4.9.ebuild,
DIST ivtv-0.9.1.tar.gz 404714 RMD160 cf52471375bdda4199d3415c857288f97a4c30f0 SHA1 b277ecc49e6a222c9774b13d59c37ca9b61badff SHA256 3bef36e1792112e03483d39cf1318a86608dbec1b93c9084dfd7e75ce137f8d1
DIST pvr_1.18.21.22254_inf.zip 593441 RMD160 9549dddfddacf6bee3c73def508a2c347c5e25f2 SHA1 9eaceaca5341cb6771777281459f36b8450b922e SHA256 156c0cfaa2cb3f482b48f95b94a9247690e4ed2d0cb8962a52db8846c683bff1
DIST pvr_2.0.24.23035.zip 281620 RMD160 fbd439efa5793e9a65fd6fac2093c523cd458027 SHA1 8c0bd923be52064c5149f78213cdaa1aaced0cb5 SHA256 2387e7a042342f7b401222aac7f99a19b733fded8118339edd402a58279e5f95
-EBUILD ivtv-0.10.0-r1.ebuild 5040 RMD160 0b483c76d445b041d6426fe2ac09dce7f3809a06 SHA1 09229f5604ccf592dc9aa5894a80005dc5409db8 SHA256 8b6f013d349f98d0d44e6d6bca307902efadb0d3ef5f1fffc33fb26d79483d59
-MD5 e3bddc19f81ef58ef0ad00a056adc23f ivtv-0.10.0-r1.ebuild 5040
-RMD160 0b483c76d445b041d6426fe2ac09dce7f3809a06 ivtv-0.10.0-r1.ebuild 5040
-SHA256 8b6f013d349f98d0d44e6d6bca307902efadb0d3ef5f1fffc33fb26d79483d59 ivtv-0.10.0-r1.ebuild 5040
-EBUILD ivtv-0.10.1-r1.ebuild 5040 RMD160 479b3fd62ec7ff3fc0d338162668c846dab0c1aa SHA1 ed7cbfc34945f65a5053f8fc42396e811d2ddaec SHA256 37a8e6f868749dc2bf737ae64d8c613cc004d436916ef1db44d1cb9916e5aea2
-MD5 6cf549fd8a766d3d84c67368de38561e ivtv-0.10.1-r1.ebuild 5040
-RMD160 479b3fd62ec7ff3fc0d338162668c846dab0c1aa ivtv-0.10.1-r1.ebuild 5040
-SHA256 37a8e6f868749dc2bf737ae64d8c613cc004d436916ef1db44d1cb9916e5aea2 ivtv-0.10.1-r1.ebuild 5040
+EBUILD ivtv-0.10.0-r1.ebuild 5041 RMD160 e65406786cc8931ea6aafa57b2a62e4e0951d894 SHA1 9b814e7c9f272c988b8c092769231d4fc8eb244d SHA256 9fe89ad3d131abc0ac3866829ccd2e3ae8c056957d8e886217ce1cc61c18a573
+MD5 67a765644b692077afc0ee54d19e2400 ivtv-0.10.0-r1.ebuild 5041
+RMD160 e65406786cc8931ea6aafa57b2a62e4e0951d894 ivtv-0.10.0-r1.ebuild 5041
+SHA256 9fe89ad3d131abc0ac3866829ccd2e3ae8c056957d8e886217ce1cc61c18a573 ivtv-0.10.0-r1.ebuild 5041
+EBUILD ivtv-0.10.1-r1.ebuild 5041 RMD160 7c4284a18d533e879158b6db720d41e3a1860e58 SHA1 8d5cb568a59af64574366ce0109826d415cc8193 SHA256 646f6322740d733a284134e216cb92b9bb89f02d4caa3e76e4170f60d25fc9fc
+MD5 8a4cc177646d3351ff6f739de7615861 ivtv-0.10.1-r1.ebuild 5041
+RMD160 7c4284a18d533e879158b6db720d41e3a1860e58 ivtv-0.10.1-r1.ebuild 5041
+SHA256 646f6322740d733a284134e216cb92b9bb89f02d4caa3e76e4170f60d25fc9fc ivtv-0.10.1-r1.ebuild 5041
EBUILD ivtv-0.4.5.ebuild 4650 RMD160 ddcb56aa79bdcfa3c72d33bacbb7b994d0be597b SHA1 ac6a7c7e85f951a05f4b517e1d579f8250afc097 SHA256 ef5115a285d2c10eb946508b57e24e99043b4a0ee61ae5dfeb4d93650b8c7c97
MD5 e1022eedd2a7f6cb116e0e1c649f81ed ivtv-0.4.5.ebuild 4650
RMD160 ddcb56aa79bdcfa3c72d33bacbb7b994d0be597b ivtv-0.4.5.ebuild 4650
MD5 33936f18695cbd4d98f1eeca736fb546 ivtv-0.9.1.ebuild 2170
RMD160 0ee1fd50af289111b742e44b108b9516ebcb3c08 ivtv-0.9.1.ebuild 2170
SHA256 9bc1b2525c0bf5f1e5ef24bc578072312a7987972b6517d19a0fb32b09e3f920 ivtv-0.9.1.ebuild 2170
-MISC ChangeLog 13672 RMD160 08ceccb5a5ff9ea89045c4374da489c68470c98c SHA1 40375ac7239c65f21c37b6d92f7834b74fa5d03c SHA256 3b9f087e1bde42b82efee528a791b76616b39e93153e296d4b6b74ffc8c930a1
-MD5 4fc07b4d1dc1ddf71c1b391a1467468c ChangeLog 13672
-RMD160 08ceccb5a5ff9ea89045c4374da489c68470c98c ChangeLog 13672
-SHA256 3b9f087e1bde42b82efee528a791b76616b39e93153e296d4b6b74ffc8c930a1 ChangeLog 13672
+MISC ChangeLog 13823 RMD160 12387f9a44fc1d729140601470b4eaf59a635914 SHA1 5e19217f4cecec1b93df8584706bc61e16dc484b SHA256 4aec909c4481e3c9389408d18c179627e1c672309a008ec288bc4426e4da766a
+MD5 e2a160f495a97dbe4d7a9ad1937c0ecd ChangeLog 13823
+RMD160 12387f9a44fc1d729140601470b4eaf59a635914 ChangeLog 13823
+SHA256 4aec909c4481e3c9389408d18c179627e1c672309a008ec288bc4426e4da766a ChangeLog 13823
MISC metadata.xml 536 RMD160 c658c44d45eda7ff6d9cbba16ba32ee3ef04ba39 SHA1 5cf59ae01ea4856b944bc6232a552b7b73f8fc4d SHA256 7392f1a3d76bbdfb5f6055d32350056a0938dca3cad1740e6f2b7c06174524fe
MD5 14e1348314310e424994601b8ce83cb7 metadata.xml 536
RMD160 c658c44d45eda7ff6d9cbba16ba32ee3ef04ba39 metadata.xml 536
# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-tv/ivtv/ivtv-0.10.0-r1.ebuild,v 1.1 2007/03/10 23:13:52 beandog Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-tv/ivtv/ivtv-0.10.0-r1.ebuild,v 1.2 2007/04/27 01:40:44 beandog Exp $
inherit eutils linux-mod
epause 5
+ if use fbcon; then
+ ewarn ""
+ ewarn "From the README regarding framebuffer support:"
+ ewarn ""
+ ewarn "ivtv-fb now requires that you enable the following kernel config"
+ ewarn "options: Go to 'Device drivers -> Graphics support'. Enable"
+ ewarn "'Support for frame buffer devices'. Enable 'Trident support'"
+ ewarn "(the Trident module itself is not required)."
+ ewarn ""
+ ewarn "To get working console output, keep going to 'Console display"
+ ewarn "driver support', and enable 'Framebuffer Console support'."
+ ewarn "Enable 'Select compiled-in fonts' & once that's done, you should"
+ ewarn "have a list of fonts. Choose one. With the default OSD size,"
+ ewarn "'VGA 8x16' gives 80x30(PAL) 80x25(NTSC)."
+ ewarn ""
+ ewarn "This ebuild checks for all the correct kernel config options for"
+ ewarn "framebuffer use with the exception of choosing a font. Be sure"
+ ewarn "to pick one yourself!"
+ ewarn ""
+ fi
elog "Gotview PCI DVD2 Deluxe"
elog "Yuan MPC622"
elog ""
- if use fbcon; then
- ewarn ""
- ewarn "From the README regarding framebuffer support:"
- ewarn ""
- ewarn "ivtv-fb now requires that you enable the following kernel config"
- ewarn "options: Go to 'Device drivers -> Graphics support'. Enable"
- ewarn "'Support for frame buffer devices'. Enable 'Trident support'"
- ewarn "(the Trident module itself is not required)."
- ewarn ""
- ewarn "To get working console output, keep going to 'Console display"
- ewarn "driver support', and enable 'Framebuffer Console support'."
- ewarn "Enable 'Select compiled-in fonts' & once that's done, you should"
- ewarn "have a list of fonts. Choose one. With the default OSD size,"
- ewarn "'VGA 8x16' gives 80x30(PAL) 80x25(NTSC)."
- ewarn ""
- ewarn "This ebuild checks for all the correct kernel config options for"
- ewarn "framebuffer use with the exception of choosing a font. Be sure"
- ewarn "to pick one yourself!"
- ewarn ""
- fi
ewarn ""
ewarn "IMPORTANT: In case of problems first read this page:"
ewarn "http://www.ivtvdriver.org/index.php/Troubleshooting"
# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-tv/ivtv/ivtv-0.10.1-r1.ebuild,v 1.1 2007/03/10 23:13:52 beandog Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-tv/ivtv/ivtv-0.10.1-r1.ebuild,v 1.2 2007/04/27 01:40:44 beandog Exp $
inherit eutils linux-mod
epause 5
+ if use fbcon; then
+ ewarn ""
+ ewarn "From the README regarding framebuffer support:"
+ ewarn ""
+ ewarn "ivtv-fb now requires that you enable the following kernel config"
+ ewarn "options: Go to 'Device drivers -> Graphics support'. Enable"
+ ewarn "'Support for frame buffer devices'. Enable 'Trident support'"
+ ewarn "(the Trident module itself is not required)."
+ ewarn ""
+ ewarn "To get working console output, keep going to 'Console display"
+ ewarn "driver support', and enable 'Framebuffer Console support'."
+ ewarn "Enable 'Select compiled-in fonts' & once that's done, you should"
+ ewarn "have a list of fonts. Choose one. With the default OSD size,"
+ ewarn "'VGA 8x16' gives 80x30(PAL) 80x25(NTSC)."
+ ewarn ""
+ ewarn "This ebuild checks for all the correct kernel config options for"
+ ewarn "framebuffer use with the exception of choosing a font. Be sure"
+ ewarn "to pick one yourself!"
+ ewarn ""
+ fi
elog "Gotview PCI DVD2 Deluxe"
elog "Yuan MPC622"
elog ""
- if use fbcon; then
- ewarn ""
- ewarn "From the README regarding framebuffer support:"
- ewarn ""
- ewarn "ivtv-fb now requires that you enable the following kernel config"
- ewarn "options: Go to 'Device drivers -> Graphics support'. Enable"
- ewarn "'Support for frame buffer devices'. Enable 'Trident support'"
- ewarn "(the Trident module itself is not required)."
- ewarn ""
- ewarn "To get working console output, keep going to 'Console display"
- ewarn "driver support', and enable 'Framebuffer Console support'."
- ewarn "Enable 'Select compiled-in fonts' & once that's done, you should"
- ewarn "have a list of fonts. Choose one. With the default OSD size,"
- ewarn "'VGA 8x16' gives 80x30(PAL) 80x25(NTSC)."
- ewarn ""
- ewarn "This ebuild checks for all the correct kernel config options for"
- ewarn "framebuffer use with the exception of choosing a font. Be sure"
- ewarn "to pick one yourself!"
- ewarn ""
- fi
ewarn ""
ewarn "IMPORTANT: In case of problems first read this page:"
ewarn "http://www.ivtvdriver.org/index.php/Troubleshooting"