if column_name == None:
column_name = self._column_arguments[0].name
column_name = params[column_name]
+ if column_name is None:
+ return None
block = self._block(hooke, params, block_name)
columns = block.info['columns']
GetCommand(self), InfoCommand(self), BlockInfoCommand(self),
DeltaCommand(self), ExportCommand(self), DifferenceCommand(self),
DerivativeCommand(self), PowerSpectrumCommand(self),
- ClearStackCommand(self)]
+ ScaledColumnAdditionCommand(self), ClearStackCommand(self)]
# Define commands
return params
+class ScaledColumnAdditionCommand (ColumnAddingCommand):
+ """Add one affine transformed column to another: `o=A*i1+B*i2+C`.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, plugin):
+ super(ScaledColumnAdditionCommand, self).__init__(
+ name='scaled column addition',
+ columns=[
+ ('input column 1', 'input column (m)', """
+Name of the first column to use as the transform input.
+ ('input column 2', None, """
+Name of the second column to use as the transform input.
+ ],
+ new_columns=[
+ ('output column', 'output column (m)', """
+Name of the column to use as the transform output.
+ ],
+ arguments=[
+ Argument(name='scale 1', type='float', default=None,
+ help="""
+A float value for the first scale constant.
+ Argument(name='scale 1 name', type='string', default=None,
+ help="""
+The name of the first scale constant in the `.info` dictionary.
+ Argument(name='scale 2', type='float', default=None,
+ help="""
+A float value for the second scale constant.
+ Argument(name='scale 2 name', type='string', default=None,
+ help="""
+The name of the second scale constant in the `.info` dictionary.
+ Argument(name='constant', type='float', default=None,
+ help="""
+A float value for the offset constant.
+ Argument(name='constant name', type='string', default=None,
+ help="""
+The name of the offset constant in the `.info` dictionary.
+ ],
+ help=self.__doc__, plugin=plugin)
+ def _run(self, hooke, inqueue, outqueue, params):
+ self._add_to_command_stack(params)
+ i1 = self._get_column(hooke=hooke, params=params,
+ column_name='input column 1')
+ i2 = self._get_column(hooke=hooke, params=params,
+ column_name='input column 2')
+ if i1 is None:
+ i1 = 0
+ if i2 is None:
+ i2 = 0
+ # what if both i1 and i2 are None?
+ a = self._get_constant(params, i1.info, 'scale 1')
+ b = self._get_constant(params, i2.info, 'scale 2')
+ c = self._get_constant(params, i1.info, 'constant')
+ out = a*i1 + b*i2 + c
+ i1.tofile('1.dat', sep='\n', format='%r')
+ i2.tofile('2.dat', sep='\n', format='%r')
+ out.tofile('3.dat', sep='\n', format='%r')
+ self._set_column(hooke=hooke, params=params,
+ column_name='output column', values=out)
+ def _get_constant(self, params, info, name):
+ a = params[name]
+ pname = params[name + ' name']
+ b = None
+ if pname is not None:
+ pname_entries = pname.split('|')
+ b = info
+ for entry in pname_entries:
+ b = b[entry]
+ if a is None and b is None:
+ return 0
+ if a is None:
+ a = 1
+ if b is None:
+ b = 1
+ return a*b
class ClearStackCommand (CurveCommand):
"""Empty a curve's command stack.
p = params # convenient alias
rNC_ignore = self.info['ignore non-contact before index']
- if self.info['force zero non-contact slope'] == True:
+ if self.info['force zero non-contact slope'] is True:
p = list(p)
p.append(0.) # restore the non-contact slope parameter
r2 = numpy.round(abs(p[2]))
As an alternative to 'ignore index', ignore after the last peak in the
peak list stored in the `.info` dictionary.
+ Argument(name='force zero non-contact slope', type='bool',
+ default=False, count=1,
+ help="""
+Fix the fitted non-contact slope at zero.
Argument(name='distance info name', type='string',
default='surface distance offset',
if reverse == True: # approaching, contact region on the right
d_data = d_data[::-1]
s = SurfacePositionModel(d_data, info={
- 'force zero non-contact slope':True},
+ 'force zero non-contact slope':
+ params['force zero non-contact slope']},
for argument in self._wtk_fit_check_arguments:
s.info[argument.name] = params[argument.name]
s.info['ignore non-contact before index'] = ignore_index
offset,contact_slope,surface_index,non_contact_slope = s.fit(
+ deflection_offset = offset + contact_slope*surface_index
+ delta_pos_per_point = z_data[1] - z_data[0]
+ contact_slope /= delta_pos_per_point # ddef/point -> ddev/dpos
+ non_contact_slope /= delta_pos_per_point
info = {
'offset': offset,
'contact slope': contact_slope,
'non-contact slope': non_contact_slope,
'reversed': reverse,
- deflection_offset = offset + contact_slope*surface_index,
if reverse == True:
surface_index = len(d_data)-1-surface_index
return (numpy.round(surface_index), deflection_offset, info)
def _run(self, hooke, inqueue, outqueue, params):
params = self._setup_params(hooke=hooke, params=params)
+ # TODO: call .curve.ScaledColumnAdditionCommand
def_data = self._get_column(hooke=hooke, params=params,
column_name='deflection column')
out = def_data * def_data.info[params['spring constant info name']]