--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Driver for MFP-3D files.
+Copyright 2010 by Dr. Rolf Schmidt (Concordia University, Canada)
+This driver is based on the work of R. Naud and A. Seeholzer (see below)
+to read Igor binary waves. Code used with permission.
+Modified for usage with Hooke CLI by Alberto Gomez-Casado (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
+This program is released under the GNU General Public License version 2.
+# Reads Igor's (Wavemetric) binary wave format, .ibw, files.
+# Parsing proper to version 2, 3, or version 5 (see Technical notes TN003.ifn:
+# http://mirror.optus.net.au/pub/wavemetrics/IgorPro/Technical_Notes/) and data
+# type 2 or 4 (non complex, single or double precision vector, real values).
+# Matlab version: R. Naud August 2008 (http://lcn.epfl.ch/~naud/Home.html)
+# Python port: A. Seeholzer October 2008
+# VERSION: 0.1
+# Only tested for version 2 Igor files for now, testing for 3 and 5 remains to be done.
+# More header data could be passed back if wished. For significance of ignored bytes see
+# the technical notes linked above.
+import numpy
+import os.path
+import struct
+import libhookecurve as lhc
+class DataChunk(list):
+ #Dummy class to provide ext and ret methods to the data list.
+ def ext(self):
+ halflen=(len(self)/2)
+ return self[0:halflen]
+ def ret(self):
+ halflen=(len(self)/2)
+ return self[halflen:]
+class mfp3dDriver(lhc.Driver):
+ #Construction and other special methods
+ def __init__(self,filename):
+ '''
+ constructor method
+ '''
+ self.textfile =file(filename)
+ self.binfile=file(filename,'rb')
+ #unnecesary, but some other part of the program expects these to be open
+ self.forcechunk=0
+ self.distancechunk=1
+ #TODO eliminate the need to set chunk numbers
+ self.filepath=filename
+ self.debug=True
+ self.data = []
+ self.note = []
+ self.retract_velocity = None
+ self.spring_constant = None
+ self.filename = filename
+ self.filedata = open(filename,'rU')
+ self.lines = list(self.filedata.readlines())
+ self.filedata.close()
+ self.filetype = 'mfp3d'
+ self.experiment = 'smfs'
+ def _get_data_chunk(self,whichchunk):
+ data = None
+ f = open(self.filename, 'rb')
+ ####################### ORDERING
+ # machine format for IEEE floating point with big-endian
+ # byte ordering
+ # MacIgor use the Motorola big-endian 'b'
+ # WinIgor use Intel little-endian 'l'
+ # If the first byte in the file is non-zero, then the file is a WinIgor
+ firstbyte = struct.unpack('b', f.read(1))[0]
+ if firstbyte == 0:
+ format = '>'
+ else:
+ format = '<'
+ ####################### CHECK VERSION
+ f.seek(0)
+ version = struct.unpack(format+'h', f.read(2))[0]
+ ####################### READ DATA AND ACCOMPANYING INFO
+ if version == 2 or version == 3:
+ # pre header
+ wfmSize = struct.unpack(format+'i', f.read(4))[0] # The size of the WaveHeader2 data structure plus the wave data plus 16 bytes of padding.
+ noteSize = struct.unpack(format+'i', f.read(4))[0] # The size of the note text.
+ if version==3:
+ formulaSize = struct.unpack(format+'i', f.read(4))[0]
+ pictSize = struct.unpack(format+'i', f.read(4))[0] # Reserved. Write zero. Ignore on read.
+ checksum = struct.unpack(format+'H', f.read(2))[0] # Checksum over this header and the wave header.
+ # wave header
+ dtype = struct.unpack(format+'h', f.read(2))[0]
+ if dtype == 2:
+ dtype = numpy.float32(.0).dtype
+ elif dtype == 4:
+ dtype = numpy.double(.0).dtype
+ else:
+ assert False, "Wave is of type '%i', not supported" % dtype
+ dtype = dtype.newbyteorder(format)
+ ignore = f.read(4) # 1 uint32
+ bname = self._flatten(struct.unpack(format+'20c', f.read(20)))
+ ignore = f.read(4) # 2 int16
+ ignore = f.read(4) # 1 uint32
+ dUnits = self._flatten(struct.unpack(format+'4c', f.read(4)))
+ xUnits = self._flatten(struct.unpack(format+'4c', f.read(4)))
+ npnts = struct.unpack(format+'i', f.read(4))[0]
+ amod = struct.unpack(format+'h', f.read(2))[0]
+ dx = struct.unpack(format+'d', f.read(8))[0]
+ x0 = struct.unpack(format+'d', f.read(8))[0]
+ ignore = f.read(4) # 2 int16
+ fsValid = struct.unpack(format+'h', f.read(2))[0]
+ topFullScale = struct.unpack(format+'d', f.read(8))[0]
+ botFullScale = struct.unpack(format+'d', f.read(8))[0]
+ ignore = f.read(16) # 16 int8
+ modDate = struct.unpack(format+'I', f.read(4))[0]
+ ignore = f.read(4) # 1 uint32
+ # Numpy algorithm works a lot faster than struct.unpack
+ data = numpy.fromfile(f, dtype, npnts)
+ elif version == 5:
+ # pre header
+ checksum = struct.unpack(format+'H', f.read(2))[0] # Checksum over this header and the wave header.
+ wfmSize = struct.unpack(format+'i', f.read(4))[0] # The size of the WaveHeader2 data structure plus the wave data plus 16 bytes of padding.
+ formulaSize = struct.unpack(format+'i', f.read(4))[0]
+ noteSize = struct.unpack(format+'i', f.read(4))[0] # The size of the note text.
+ dataEUnitsSize = struct.unpack(format+'i', f.read(4))[0]
+ dimEUnitsSize = struct.unpack(format+'4i', f.read(16))
+ dimLabelsSize = struct.unpack(format+'4i', f.read(16))
+ sIndicesSize = struct.unpack(format+'i', f.read(4))[0]
+ optionSize1 = struct.unpack(format+'i', f.read(4))[0]
+ optionSize2 = struct.unpack(format+'i', f.read(4))[0]
+ # header
+ ignore = f.read(4)
+ CreationDate = struct.unpack(format+'I',f.read(4))[0]
+ modData = struct.unpack(format+'I',f.read(4))[0]
+ npnts = struct.unpack(format+'i',f.read(4))[0]
+ # wave header
+ dtype = struct.unpack(format+'h',f.read(2))[0]
+ if dtype == 2:
+ dtype = numpy.float32(.0).dtype
+ elif dtype == 4:
+ dtype = numpy.double(.0).dtype
+ else:
+ assert False, "Wave is of type '%i', not supported" % dtype
+ dtype = dtype.newbyteorder(format)
+ ignore = f.read(2) # 1 int16
+ ignore = f.read(6) # 6 schar, SCHAR = SIGNED CHAR? ignore = fread(fid,6,'schar'); #
+ ignore = f.read(2) # 1 int16
+ bname = self._flatten(struct.unpack(format+'32c',f.read(32)))
+ ignore = f.read(4) # 1 int32
+ ignore = f.read(4) # 1 int32
+ ndims = struct.unpack(format+'4i',f.read(16)) # Number of of items in a dimension -- 0 means no data.
+ sfA = struct.unpack(format+'4d',f.read(32))
+ sfB = struct.unpack(format+'4d',f.read(32))
+ dUnits = self._flatten(struct.unpack(format+'4c',f.read(4)))
+ xUnits = self._flatten(struct.unpack(format+'16c',f.read(16)))
+ fsValid = struct.unpack(format+'h',f.read(2))
+ whpad3 = struct.unpack(format+'h',f.read(2))
+ ignore = f.read(16) # 2 double
+ ignore = f.read(40) # 10 int32
+ ignore = f.read(64) # 16 int32
+ ignore = f.read(6) # 3 int16
+ ignore = f.read(2) # 2 char
+ ignore = f.read(4) # 1 int32
+ ignore = f.read(4) # 2 int16
+ ignore = f.read(4) # 1 int32
+ ignore = f.read(8) # 2 int32
+ data = numpy.fromfile(f, dtype, npnts)
+ note_str = f.read(noteSize)
+ note_lines = note_str.split('\r')
+ self.note = {}
+ for line in note_lines:
+ if ':' in line:
+ key, value = line.split(':', 1)
+ self.note[key] = value
+ self.retract_velocity = float(self.note['RetractVelocity'])
+ self.spring_constant = float(self.note['SpringConstant'])
+ else:
+ assert False, "Fileversion is of type '%i', not supported" % dtype
+ data = []
+ f.close()
+ if len(data) > 0:
+ #we have 3 columns: deflection, LVDT, raw
+ #TODO detect which is each one
+ count = npnts / 3
+ lvdt = data[:count]
+ deflection = data[count:2 * count]
+ #every column contains data for extension and retraction
+ #we assume the same number of points for each
+ #we could possibly extract this info from the note
+ count = npnts / 6
+ forcechunk=deflection*self.spring_constant
+ distancechunk=lvdt
+ if whichchunk==self.forcechunk:
+ return forcechunk
+ if whichchunk==self.distancechunk:
+ return distancechunk
+ else:
+ return None
+ def _force(self):
+ #returns force vector
+ Kspring=self.spring_constant
+ return DataChunk([(meter*Kspring) for meter in self._deflection()])
+ def _deflection(self):
+ #for internal use (feeds _force)
+ deflect=self.data_chunks[self.forcechunk]/self.spring_constant
+ return deflect
+ def _flatten(self, tup):
+ out = ''
+ for ch in tup:
+ out += ch
+ return out
+ def _Z(self):
+ return DataChunk(self.data_chunks[self.distancechunk])
+ def is_me(self):
+ if len(self.lines) < 34:
+ return False
+ name, extension = os.path.splitext(self.filename)
+ if extension == '.ibw':
+ for line in self.lines:
+ if line.startswith('ForceNote:'):
+ self.data_chunks=[self._get_data_chunk(num) for num in [0,1,2]]
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return False
+ def close_all(self):
+ '''
+ Explicitly closes all files
+ '''
+ self.textfile.close()
+ self.binfile.close()
+ def default_plots(self):
+ '''
+ creates the default PlotObject
+ '''
+ force=self._force()
+ zdomain=self._Z()
+ main_plot=lhc.PlotObject()
+ main_plot.vectors=[[zdomain.ext(), force.ext()],[zdomain.ret(), force.ret()]]
+ main_plot.normalize_vectors()
+ main_plot.units=['meters','newton']
+ main_plot.destination=0
+ main_plot.title=self.filepath
+ return [main_plot]
+ def deflection(self):
+ #interface for correct plotmanip and others
+ deflectionchunk=DataChunk(self._deflection())
+ return deflectionchunk.ext(),deflectionchunk.ret()