--- /dev/null
+I've been streamlining my procedure for burning audio CDs, and I like
+what I've come up with. Unfortunately, I'll never remember it on my
+own, so here's a note to myself (any whoever else cares) on what to
+First, build your playlist in [[MPD]], using [[my
+one-liner|MPD_playlist_duration]] to calculate the playlist duration
+(my CD-Rs hold 80 minutes). When you've got your playlist arranged to
+your satisfaction, convert the files to [WAV][]s using:
+ $ i=1; for x in $(mpc -f '%file%' playlist); do j=$(seq -f '%02g' $i $i); let "i += 1"; flac -d --apply-replaygain-which-is-not-lossless=t -o $j.$(basename ${x/.flac/.wav}) /var/lib/mpd/music/$x; done
+This assumes that all the files in your playlist are [FLAC][] files,
+which is a good idea (disk space is cheap, FLAC is lossless with good
+open source support). It also assumes you've already stored
+ReplayGain settings in your FLAC files. If you haven't, you'll get
+warnings like:
+ WARNING: can't get track (or even album) ReplayGain tags
+If that happens, go back and read about [[replay gain]], add the tags,
+and try again ;).
+See my [[replay gain]] post for more details on the
+`--apply-replaygain-which-is-not-lossless` option. After the decoding
+step, you'll have a directory full of WAVs that have been normalized
+to a standard track-level loudness. The bit about `i` and `j` ensures
+that `*.wav` will list the tracks in the order in which they appear in
+your playlist. Then burn the tracks to a CD using
+ $ cdrecord -v speed=1 dev=/dev/cdrom -eject -dao -audio -pad *.wav
+If you don't care about the order, use `$(ls *.wav | shuf)` instead of
+That's it! Audio CDs from MPD playlists in two lines.
+[WAV]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WAV
+[FLAC]: http://flac.sourceforge.net/
+[[!tag tags/linux]]
+[[!tag tags/tools]]