The sed statement was looking for the useflag as part of the regular
expression. Since the input to the statement had already grepped for
the relevant entries from use.local.desc, this is unneccessary. Changed
the sed statement to look for '(.*) *' instead of '(${1}) *'.
# Fetch all the packages data using this flag
infos=$( grep -h ":${1} *-" ${ALL_PORTDIRS[@]/%//profiles/use.local.desc} 2> /dev/null \
- | sed -re "s/^([^:]+):(${1}) *- *(.+)/\1|\2|\3/g")
+ | sed -re "s/^([^:]+):(.*) *- *(.+)/\1|\2|\3/g")
OIFS=$IFS; IFS=$'\n'; infos=($infos); IFS=$OIFS;
for line in "${infos[@]}"; do
OIFS=$IFS; IFS="|"; line=($line); IFS=$OIFS