spring constants, so cantilever stiffness drives the effective spring
constant for the first four domains, after which point I27 stiffness
takes the lead.
% Inspired by Florian Hollandt's RNA codons
\draw[doublebond] (Na) -- (Cc) -- (Nb);
\draw (Nb) -- (Cd.center) -- (Ce.center) -- (Cf.center);
- \caption{EDC (TODO: full name)
- \label{fig:EDC}}
+ \caption{1-Ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide (EDC), a
+ short, stiff linker which has been used to bind proteins to gold
+ surfaces\cite{lee05}.\label{fig:EDC}}
@string{MMartin = "Martin, M. J."}
@string{YMartin = "Martin, Y."}
@string{HMassa = "Massa, H."}
+@string{MIT = "Massachusetts Institute of Technology"}
@string{GAMatei = "Matei, G.~A."}
@string{DMaterassi = "Materassi, Donatello"}
@string{JMathe = "Math\'e, J\'er\^ome"}
the different driving forces in protein folding."
+@mastersthesis{ lee05,
+ author = SLee,
+ title = {Chemical Functionalization of AFM Cantilevers},
+ school = MIT,
+ year = 2005,
+ month = sep,
+ url = {http://dspace.mit.edu/handle/1721.1/34205},
+ abstract = {Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been a powerful
+ instrument that provides nanoscale imaging of surface features,
+ mainly of rigid metal or ceramic surfaces that can be insulators
+ as well as conductors. Since it has been demonstrated that AFM
+ could be used in aqueous environment such as in water or various
+ buffers from which physiological condition can be maintained, the
+ scope of the application of this imaging technique has been
+ expanded to soft biological materials. In addition, the main usage
+ of AFM has been to image the material and provide the shape of
+ surface, which has also been diversified to molecular-recognition
+ imaging - functional force imaging through force spectroscopy and
+ modification of AFM cantilevers. By immobilizing of certain
+ molecules at the end of AFM cantilever, specific molecules or
+ functionalities can be detected by the combination of intrinsic
+ feature of AFM and chemical modification technique of AFM
+ cantilever. The surface molecule that is complementary to the
+ molecule at the end of AFM probe can be investigated via
+ specificity of molecule-molecule interaction.(cont.) Thus, this
+ AFM cantilever chemistry, or chemical functionalization of AFM
+ cantilever for the purpose of chemomechanical surface
+ characterization, can be considered as an infinite source of
+ applications important to understanding biological materials and
+ material interactions. This thesis is mainly focused on three
+ parts: (1) AFM cantilever chemistry that introduces specific
+ protocols in details such as adsorption method, gold chemistry,
+ and silicon nitride cantilever modification; (2) validation of
+ cantilever chemistry such as X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
+ (XPS), AFM blocking experiment, and fluorescence microscopy,
+ through which various AFM cantilever chemistry is verified; and
+ (3) application of cantilever chemistry, especially toward the
+ potential of force spectroscopy and the imaging of biological
+ material surfaces.},
+ language = {eng},
+ note = {Binding proteins to gold-coated cantilevers via EDC (among
+ other things in this thesis.},
@article { walton08,
author = EBWalton #" and "# SLee #" and "# KJVanVliet,
title = "Extending {B}ell's model: How force transducer stiffness alters