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+[[!template id=gitrepo repo=intro-physics]]
+Over a few years as a TA for assorted introductory physics classes,
+I've assembled a nice website framework with lots of problems using my
+[[LaTeX]] [[problempack]] package, along with some handy `Makefiles`,
+a bit of [[php]], and [[SSI]].
+The result is the `intro-physics` package, which should make it very
+easy to whip up a course website, homeworks, etc. for an introductory
+mechanics or E&M class (321 problems implemented as of October 2010).
+With a bit of work to write up problems, the framework could easily be
+extended to other subjects.
+The idea is that a course website consists of a small, static HTML
+framework, and a bunch of content that is gradually filled in as the
+semester/quarter progresses. I've put the HTML framework in the
+`html/` directory, along with some of the write-once-per-course
+content (e.g. Prof & TA info). See `html/README` for more information
+on the layout of the HTML.
+The rest of the directories contain the code for compiling material
+that is deployed as the course progresses. The `announcements/`
+directory contains the atom feed for the course, and possibly a list
+of email addresses of people who would like to (or should) be notified
+when new announcements are posted. The `latex/` directory contains
+LaTeX source for the course documents for which it is available, and
+the `pdf/` directory contains PDFs for which no other source is
+available (e.g. scans, or PDFs sent in by Profs or TAs who neglected
+to include their source code).
+Note that because this framework assumes the HTML content will be
+relatively static, it may not be appropriate for courses with large
+amounts of textbook-style content, which will undergo more frequent
+revision. It mayq also be excessive for courses that need less
+compiled content. For an example of another framework, see my
+[[branch|Parallel Computing]] of [Prof. Vallières'][MV] [Parallel
+Computing][phys405] website.
+[MV]: http://www.physics.drexel.edu/directory/faculty/homepage/?lname=Valli%C3%A8res&fname=Michel
+[phys405]: http://www.physics.drexel.edu/~valliere/PHYS405/
+[[!tag tags/code]]
+[[!tag tags/web]]
+[[!tag tags/teaching]]