# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-source "${PORTAGE_BIN_PATH:-/usr/lib/portage/bin}"/isolated-functions.sh
+source "${PORTAGE_BIN_PATH:-/usr/lib/portage/bin}"/helper-functions.sh
if [[ -z $1 ]] ; then
helpers_die "${0##*/}: at least one argument needed"
rm -rf "${T}"/ecompress-skip
+ ".Z" "gunzip -f"
+ ".gz" "gunzip -f"
+ ".bz2" "bunzip2 -f"
+ ".xz" "unxz -f"
+ ".lzma" "unxz -f"
for dir in "$@" ; do
find "${dir}" -type f -name '*.ecompress.file' -print0 | ${XARGS} -0 rm -f
# not uncommon for packages to compress doc files themselves
- funk_up_dir "decompress" ".Z" "gunzip -f"
- funk_up_dir "decompress" ".gz" "gunzip -f"
- funk_up_dir "decompress" ".bz2" "bunzip2 -f"
+ for (( d = 0; d < ${#decompressors[@]}; d += 2 )) ; do
+ # It's faster to parallelize at this stage than to try to
+ # parallelize the compressors. This is because the find|xargs
+ # ends up launching less compressors overall, so the overhead
+ # of forking children ends up dominating.
+ (
+ multijob_child_init
+ funk_up_dir "decompress" "${decompressors[i]}" "${decompressors[i+1]}"
+ ) &
+ multijob_post_fork
+ : $(( ret |= $? ))
+ done
# forcibly break all hard links as some compressors whine about it
find "${dir}" -type f -links +1 -exec env file="{}" sh -c \
'cp -p "${file}" "${file}.ecompress.break" ; mv -f "${file}.ecompress.break" "${file}"' \;
+ multijob_finish
+ : $(( ret |= $? ))
# now lets do our work
if [[ -n ${suffix} ]] ; then
vecho "${0##*/}: $(ecompress --bin) /${actual_dir#${ED}}"
-# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
+# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-source "${PORTAGE_BIN_PATH:-/usr/lib/portage/bin}"/isolated-functions.sh
+source "${PORTAGE_BIN_PATH:-/usr/lib/portage/bin}"/helper-functions.sh
# avoid multiple calls to `has`. this creates things like:
# FEATURES_foo=false
type -P debugedit >/dev/null && debugedit_found=true || debugedit_found=false
unset ${!INODE_*}
inode_var_name() {
# We want to log already stripped binaries, as this may be a QA violation.
# They prevent us from getting the splitdebug data.
if ! ${RESTRICT_binchecks} && ! ${RESTRICT_strip} ; then
+ (
+ multijob_child_init
[[ -n ${!qa_var} ]] && QA_PRESTRIPPED="${!qa_var}"
rm -f "$log"
+ ) &
+ multijob_post_fork
# Now we look for unstripped binaries.
- f=$(file "${x}") || continue
- [[ -z ${f} ]] && continue
+ (
+ multijob_child_init
+ f=$(file "${x}") || exit 0
+ [[ -z ${f} ]] && exit 0
if ! ${SKIP_STRIP} ; then
# The noglob funk is to support STRIP_MASK="/*/booga" and to keep
if ${was_not_writable} ; then
chmod u-w "${x}"
+ ) &
+ multijob_post_fork
if [[ -s ${T}/debug.sources ]] && \
>> "$emptydir"/.keepdir
done < <(find "${D}${prepstrip_sources_dir}/" -type d -empty -print0)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# For routines we want to use in ebuild-helpers/ but don't want to
+# expose to the general ebuild environment.
+source "${PORTAGE_BIN_PATH:-/usr/lib/portage/bin}"/isolated-functions.sh
+# API functions for doing parallel processing
+numjobs() {
+ # Copied from eutils.eclass:makeopts_jobs()
+ local jobs=$(echo " ${MAKEOPTS} " | \
+ sed -r -n 's:.*[[:space:]](-j|--jobs[=[:space:]])[[:space:]]*([0-9]+).*:\2:p')
+ echo ${jobs:-1}
+multijob_init() {
+ # Setup a pipe for children to write their pids to when they finish.
+ mj_control_pipe=$(mktemp -t multijob.XXXXXX)
+ rm "${mj_control_pipe}"
+ mkfifo "${mj_control_pipe}"
+ exec {mj_control_fd}<>${mj_control_pipe}
+ rm -f "${mj_control_pipe}"
+ # See how many children we can fork based on the user's settings.
+ mj_max_jobs=$(numjobs)
+ mj_num_jobs=0
+multijob_child_init() {
+ trap 'echo ${BASHPID} $? >&'${mj_control_fd} EXIT
+ trap 'exit 1' INT TERM
+multijob_finish_one() {
+ local pid ret
+ read -r -u ${mj_control_fd} pid ret
+ : $(( --mj_num_jobs ))
+ return ${ret}
+multijob_finish() {
+ local ret=0
+ while [[ ${mj_num_jobs} -gt 0 ]] ; do
+ multijob_finish_one
+ : $(( ret |= $? ))
+ done
+ # Let bash clean up its internal child tracking state.
+ wait
+ return ${ret}
+multijob_post_fork() {
+ : $(( ++mj_num_jobs ))
+ if [[ ${mj_num_jobs} -ge ${mj_max_jobs} ]] ; then
+ multijob_finish_one
+ fi
+ return 0