except ValueError:
- revmaskdict=self.mysettings.prevmaskdict
- if revmaskdict.has_key(mycp):
- for x in revmaskdict[mycp]:
+ profile_atoms = self.mysettings.prevmaskdict.get(mycp)
+ if profile_atoms:
+ for x in profile_atoms:
#important: only match against the still-unmasked entries...
#notice how we pass "newlist" to the xmatch() call below....
#Without this, ~ deps in the packages files are broken.
#error in packages file; print warning and continue:
print "emerge: visible(): profile packages entry \""+x+"\" is invalid, ignoring..."
- pos=0
- while pos<len(newlist):
- if newlist[pos] not in mymatches:
- del newlist[pos]
- else:
- pos += 1
+ newlist = [cpv for cpv in newlist if cpv in mymatches]
return newlist
def gvisible(self,mylist):