and S.Smith (Science. 1994 Sep 9;265(5178):1599-600.)
- '''clicked_points[0] = contact point (calculated or hand-clicked)
- clicked_points[1] and [2] are edges of chunk'''
+ '''
+ clicked_points[0] = contact point (calculated or hand-clicked)
+ clicked_points[1] and [2] are edges of chunk
+ '''
#STEP 1: Prepare the vectors to apply the fit.
if pl_value is not None:
Freely-jointed chain function
ref: C.Ray and B.B. Akhremitchev;
- '''clicked_points[0] = contact point (calculated or hand-clicked)
- clicked_points[1] and [2] are edges of chunk'''
+ '''
+ clicked_points[0] is the contact point (calculated or hand-clicked)
+ clicked_points[1] and [2] are edges of chunk
+ '''
#STEP 1: Prepare the vectors to apply the fit.
if pl_value is not None:
#indexes of the selected chunk
first_index=min(clicked_points[1].index, clicked_points[2].index)
last_index=max(clicked_points[1].index, clicked_points[2].index)
#getting the chunk and reverting it
xchunk_corr_up=[-(x-clicked_points[0].graph_coords[0]) for x in xchunk]
ychunk_corr_up=[-(y-clicked_points[0].graph_coords[1]) for y in ychunk]
#make them arrays
#STEP 3: plotting the fit
#obtain domain to plot the fit - from contact point to last_index plus 20 points
if thule_index > len(xvector): #for rare cases in which we fit something at the END of whole curve.
thule_index = len(xvector)
#reverse etc. the domain
- '''
- xfit_chunk=xvector[clicked_points[0].index:thule_index]
- xfit_chunk.reverse()
- xfit_chunk_corr_up=[-(x-clicked_points[0].graph_coords[0]) for x in xfit_chunk]
- xfit_chunk_corr_up=scipy.array(xfit_chunk_corr_up)
- #the fitted curve: reflip, re-uncorrect
- yfit=wlc_eval(xfit_chunk_corr_up, out.beta, pl_value,T)
- yfit_down=[-y for y in yfit]
- yfit_corr_down=[y+clicked_points[0].graph_coords[1] for y in yfit_down]
- '''
- #xfit_chunk=xvector[clicked_points[0].index:thule_index]
- #yfit=wlc_eval(xfit_chunk_corr_up, out.beta, pl_value,T)
#print clicked_points[0].graph_coords[1]
yfit_down=[-y for y in y_evalchunk]
yfit_corr_down=[y+clicked_points[0].graph_coords[1] for y in yfit_down]
xfit_chunk_corr_up=[-(x-clicked_points[0].graph_coords[0]) for x in xfit]
- deltay=yfit_down[0]-yvector[clicked_points[0].index]
- yfit_corr_down=[y-deltay for y in yfit_down]
+ #deltay=yfit_down[0]-yvector[clicked_points[0].index]
+ #This is a terrible, terrible kludge to find the point where it should normalize (and from where it should plot)
+ xxxdists=[]
+ for index in scipy.arange(1,len(xfit_chunk_corr_up),1):
+ xxxdists.append((clicked_points[0].graph_coords[0]-xfit_chunk_corr_up[index])**2)
+ normalize_index=xxxdists.index(min(xxxdists))
+ #End of kludge
- #print yfit_chunk_corr_up
- #print xfit_corr_down
+ deltay=yfit_down[normalize_index]-clicked_points[0].graph_coords[1]
+ yfit_corr_down=[y-deltay for y in yfit_down]
if return_errors:
- return fit_out, yfit_corr_down, xfit_chunk_corr_up, fit_errors
+ return fit_out, yfit_corr_down[normalize_index+1:], xfit_chunk_corr_up[normalize_index+1:], fit_errors
- return fit_out, yfit_corr_down, xfit_chunk_corr_up, None
+ return fit_out, yfit_corr_down[normalize_index+1:], xfit_chunk_corr_up[normalize_index+1:], None
def do_wlc(self,args):