# system with an install MIDL and run the command
# midl /nocpp gpgcom.idl
# Sorry, there is no other way yet.
-EXTRA_DIST = gpgcom.idl gpgcom.tlb gpgcom.rc
+EXTRA_DIST = gpgcom.idl gpgcom.tlb gpgcom.rc vbtest.html vbtest.vbs
# No need to install this because we are cross-compiling anyway.
noinst_PROGRAMS = gpgcom tgpgcom
--- /dev/null
+<head><title>g10 code - GPGCOM test</title>
+<object id="gpg"
+ classid="CLSID:3811fd40-7f72-11d5-8c9e-0080ad190cd5">
+<script language="VBScript">
+Sub encrypt_text
+ On error resume next
+ Dim TheForm, plain
+ set TheForm = Document.forms ("MyForm")
+ gpg.armor = True
+ gpg.plaintext = TheForm.clear.value
+ gpg.ClearRecipients
+ gpg.AddRecipient TheForm.recp.value
+ Err.Clear
+ gpg.Encrypt
+ if Err <> 0 then
+ TheForm.encoded.value = "Error: " & CStr(Err.Number)
+ else
+ TheForm.encoded.value = gpg.ciphertext
+ end if
+end sub
+<h1>Silly Gpgcom test page</h1>
+<form id="MyForm">
+<textarea name="clear" rows = 3 cols=40>Please enter the text here</textarea>
+Encrypt for <input name="recp" value="alice">
+<input type="button" name="MyAction" value="Encrypt"
+ language="VBScript" onclick="encrypt_text()">
+<textarea name="encoded" rows=10 cols=75></textarea>
--- /dev/null
+' Demo script to generate a RFC2015 compliant message using Gpgcom
+Dim gpg, body, crlf
+crlf = chr(10) & chr(13)
+' Create out Gpgcom object
+set gpg = CreateObject("Gpgcom.Gpgme")
+' We must use the ASCII armor and switch to textmode
+gpg.armor = true
+gpg.textmode = true
+' Set the secret message
+gpg.plaintext = "This is the secret message." 'or: InputBox('Enter message:")
+' Set the Recipient. You may also use a keyID or an fingerprint
+gpg.addrecipient "alice"
+' And encrypt the stuff
+' Build the MIME message
+body = "Content-Type: multipart/encrypted; boundary="
+body = body & Chr(34) & "=-=-=-=" & Chr(34) & crlf & " protocol=" & Chr(34)
+body = body & "application/pgp-encrypted" & Chr(34) & crlf & crlf
+body = body & "--=-=-=-=" & crlf
+body = body & "Content-Type: application/pgp-encrypted" & crlf & crlf
+body = body & "Version: 1" & crlf & crlf
+body = body & "--=-=-=-=" & crlf
+body = body & "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" & crlf & crlf
+body = body & gpg.ciphertext
+body = body & "--=-=-=-=--" & crlf
+' And display it
+Print body
+' output function for the windows scripting host
+sub Print(x)
+ WScript.Echo x
+end sub