source "${PORTAGE_BIN_PATH}/" &>/dev/null
# Set IMAGE for minimal backward compatibility with
# overlays or user's bashrc, but don't export it.
[ "${EBUILD_PHASE}" == "preinst" ] && IMAGE=${D}
chgrp -h "$@"
-# source the existing profile.bashrc's.
-for dir in ${PROFILE_PATHS}; do
- # Must unset it so that it doesn't mess up assumptions in the RCs.
- unset IFS
- if [ -f "${dir}/profile.bashrc" ]; then
- qa_source "${dir}/profile.bashrc"
- fi
-# We assume if people are changing shopts in their bashrc they do so at their
-# own peril. This is the ONLY non-portage bit of code that can change shopts
-# without a QA violation.
-if [ -f "${PORTAGE_BASHRC}" ]; then
- # If $- contains x, then tracing has already enabled elsewhere for some
- # reason. We preserve it's state so as not to interfere.
- if [ "$PORTAGE_DEBUG" != "1" ] || [ "${-/x/}" != "$-" ]; then
- source "${PORTAGE_BASHRC}"
- else
- set -x
- source "${PORTAGE_BASHRC}"
- set +x
- fi
-[ ! -z "$OCC" ] && export CC="$OCC"
-[ ! -z "$OCXX" ] && export CXX="$OCXX"
esyslog() {
# Custom version of esyslog() to take care of the "Red Star" bug.
# MUST follow to override the "" parameter problem.
unset x
+# source the existing profile.bashrc's.
+for x in ${PROFILE_PATHS}; do
+ # Must unset it so that it doesn't mess up assumptions in the RCs.
+ unset IFS
+ [ -f "${x}/profile.bashrc" ] && qa_source "${x}/profile.bashrc"
+# We assume if people are changing shopts in their bashrc they do so at their
+# own peril. This is the ONLY non-portage bit of code that can change shopts
+# without a QA violation.
+if [ -f "${PORTAGE_BASHRC}" ]; then
+ # If $- contains x, then tracing has already enabled elsewhere for some
+ # reason. We preserve it's state so as not to interfere.
+ if [ "$PORTAGE_DEBUG" != "1" ] || [ "${-/x/}" != "$-" ]; then
+ source "${PORTAGE_BASHRC}"
+ else
+ set -x
+ source "${PORTAGE_BASHRC}"
+ set +x
+ fi
+[ ! -z "$OCC" ] && export CC="$OCC"
+[ ! -z "$OCXX" ] && export CXX="$OCXX"
if [ -n "${EBUILD_SH_ARGS}" ] ; then
case ${EBUILD_SH_ARGS} in