for (vuln, update) in myglsa.getAffectionTable(least_change=least_change):
mergedict.setdefault(update, []).append(vuln)
- sys.stdout.write(">>> The following updates will be performed for this GLSA:\n")
- for pkg in mergedict:
- if pkg != "":
- sys.stdout.write(" " + pkg + " (vulnerable: " + ", ".join(mergedict[pkg]) + ")\n")
+ # first, extract the atoms that cannot be upgraded (where key == "")
+ no_upgrades = []
if "" in mergedict:
- sys.stdout.write("\n>>> For the following packages, no upgrade path exists:\n")
- sys.stdout.write(" " + ", ".join(mergedict[""]))
+ no_upgrades = mergedict[""]
+ del mergedict[""]
+ # see if anything is left that can be upgraded
+ if mergedict:
+ sys.stdout.write(">>> Updates that will be performed:\n")
+ for (upd, vuln) in mergedict.iteritems():
+ sys.stdout.write(" " + green(upd) + " (vulnerable: " + red(", ".join(vuln)) + ")\n")
+ if no_upgrades:
+ sys.stdout.write(">>> No upgrade path exists for these packages:\n")
+ sys.stdout.write(" " + red(", ".join(no_upgrades)) + "\n")
+ sys.stdout.write("\n")
elif mode == "inject":
sys.stdout.write("injecting " + myid + "\n")