+.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
``update-copyright`` is an automatic copyright updating tool. I wrote
the original for `Bugs Everywhere`_, but ended up copying it into a
number of my projects. Copying is bad, so here it is, split out as
comment lines, it doesn't work for languages like C that use ``/*…*/``
to mark comments. There blurb-update algorithm also looks for any
lines that begging with ``/* Copyright`` and replaces that line, and
-subsequent lines up to one beginning with `` */``, with a new blurb.
+subsequent lines up to one beginning with `` */``, with a new blurb.
Because I've never seen a file with *both* trigger lines, it shouldn't
be a problem to run both against each of your versioned files. If it
"Automatically update copyright blurbs in versioned source."
+import codecs as _codecs
from distutils.core import setup as _setup
import os.path as _os_path
license = 'GNU General Public License (GPL)',
platforms = ['all'],
description = __doc__,
- long_description=open(_os_path.join(_this_dir, 'README'), 'r').read(),
+ long_description=_codecs.open(
+ _os_path.join(_this_dir, 'README'), 'r', encoding='utf-8').read(),
classifiers = filter(None, classifiers.split('\n')),
scripts = ['bin/update-copyright.py'],
packages = ['update_copyright', 'update_copyright.vcs'],