The numbers were meaningless, and they made it hard to find a file of interest.
Instead, we get the ordering we want by adding an explicit list of
tests to run to the notmuch-test script.
14 files changed:
cd $(dirname "$0")
+TESTS="basic new search json thread-naming reply dump-restore uuencode threading-out-of-order author-reordering from-line-heuristics long-msgid encoding-issues"
# Clean up any results from a previous run
rm -r test-results >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
# Run the tests
-for test in t[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]*.sh; do
- ./"$test"
+for test in $TESTS; do
+ ./$test
# Report results
-./ test-results/t*-*
+./ test-results/*
# Clean up
-#rm -r test-results
+rm -r test-results