VERBOSITY = 1 #verbosity level; 0-quiet, 1-norm., 2-verbose
IS_DEV = True #True for dev. version, False for stable
-NO_PRETEND = False #used when IS_DEV is True, forces to call emerge from script
+#used when IS_DEV is True, False forces to call emerge with --pretend
+# can be set True from the cli with the --no-pretend option
def exithandler(signum, frame):
- print 'Signal catched!'
+ print 'Signal caught!'
print 'Bye!'
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_IGN)
slot = portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.aux_get(cpv, ["SLOT"])
- print_v(1, yellow('Warn: ebuild ' + cpv + ' not found.'))
+ print_v(1, yellow('Warning: ebuild "' + cpv + '" not found.'))
print_v(1, 'Looking for %s:%s' %(cp, slot))
m = portdb.match('%s:%s' %(cp, slot))
if libraries and la_libraries and libraries_links and binaries:
- output(1, blue(' * ') + bold('Found cache, skipping collecting phase'))
+ output(1, blue(' * ') + bold('Found a valid cache, skipping collecting phase'))
#TODO: add partial cache (for ex. only libraries) when found for some reason
print_v(1, blue(' * ') + yellow('You are not root, adding --pretend to portage options'))
elif not PRETEND and IS_DEV and not NO_PRETEND:
- print_v(1, blue(' * ') + yellow('This is dev. version, so it could not work correctly'))
+ print_v(1, blue(' * ') + yellow('This is a development version, so it may not work correctly'))
print_v(1, blue(' * ') + yellow('Adding --pretend to portage options anyway'))
print_v(1, blue(' * ') + 'If you\'re sure, you can add --no-pretend to revdep options')