+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (C) 2010 W. Trevor King <wking@drexel.edu>
-# This file is part of Hooke.
-# Hooke is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
-# version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# Hooke is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with Hooke. If not, see
-# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import sys
-import time
-import math
-import os.path
-import pdb
-import wx
-import wx.propgrid as wxpg
-import wx.stc
-class Display:
- property_descriptor = []
- def __init__(self):
- pass
-class ValueObject:
- def __init__(self):
- pass
-class IntProperty2(wxpg.PyProperty):
- """\
- This is a simple re-implementation of wxIntProperty.
- """
- def __init__(self, label, name = wxpg.LABEL_AS_NAME, value=0):
- wxpg.PyProperty.__init__(self, label, name)
- self.SetValue(value)
- def GetClassName(self):
- """\
- This is not 100% necessary and in future is probably going to be
- automated to return class name.
- """
- return "IntProperty2"
- def GetEditor(self):
- return "TextCtrl"
- def GetValueAsString(self, flags):
- return str(self.GetValue())
- def PyStringToValue(self, s, flags):
- try:
- v = int(s)
- if self.GetValue() != v:
- return v
- except TypeError:
- if flags & wxpg.PG_REPORT_ERROR:
- wx.MessageBox("Cannot convert '%s' into a number."%s, "Error")
- return False
- def PyIntToValue(self, v, flags):
- if (self.GetValue() != v):
- return v
-class PyFilesProperty(wxpg.PyArrayStringProperty):
- def __init__(self, label, name = wxpg.LABEL_AS_NAME, value=[]):
- wxpg.PyArrayStringProperty.__init__(self, label, name, value)
- self.SetValue(value)
- def OnSetValue(self, v):
- self.value = v
- self.display = ', '.join(self.value)
- def GetValueAsString(self, argFlags):
- return self.display
- def PyStringToValue(self, s, flags):
- return [a.strip() for a in text.split(',')]
- def OnEvent(self, propgrid, ctrl, event):
- if event.GetEventType() == wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED:
- # Show dialog to select a string, call DoSetValue and
- # return True, if value changed.
- return True
- return False
-class PyObjectPropertyValue:
- """\
- Value type of our sample PyObjectProperty. We keep a simple dash-delimited
- list of string given as argument to constructor.
- """
- def __init__(self, s=None):
- try:
- self.ls = [a.strip() for a in s.split('-')]
- except:
- self.ls = []
- def __repr__(self):
- return ' - '.join(self.ls)
-class PyObjectProperty(wxpg.PyProperty):
- """\
- Another simple example. This time our value is a PyObject (NOTE: we can't
- return an arbitrary python object in DoGetValue. It cannot be a simple
- type such as int, bool, double, or string, nor an array or wxObject based.
- Dictionary, None, or any user-specified Python object is allowed).
- """
- def __init__(self, label, name = wxpg.LABEL_AS_NAME, value=None):
- wxpg.PyProperty.__init__(self, label, name)
- self.SetValue(value)
- def GetClassName(self):
- return self.__class__.__name__
- def GetEditor(self):
- return "TextCtrl"
- def GetValueAsString(self, flags):
- return repr(self.GetValue())
- def PyStringToValue(self, s, flags):
- return PyObjectPropertyValue(s)
-class ShapeProperty(wxpg.PyEnumProperty):
- """\
- Demonstrates use of OnCustomPaint method.
- """
- def __init__(self, label, name = wxpg.LABEL_AS_NAME, value=-1):
- wxpg.PyEnumProperty.__init__(self, label, name, ['Line','Circle','Rectangle'], [0,1,2], value)
- def OnMeasureImage(self, index):
- return wxpg.DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE
- def OnCustomPaint(self, dc, rect, paint_data):
- """\
- paint_data.m_choiceItem is -1 if we are painting the control,
- in which case we need to get the drawn item using DoGetValue.
- """
- item = paint_data.m_choiceItem
- if item == -1:
- item = self.DoGetValue()
- dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.BLACK))
- dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(wx.BLACK))
- if item == 0:
- dc.DrawLine(rect.x,rect.y,rect.x+rect.width,rect.y+rect.height)
- elif item == 1:
- half_width = rect.width / 2
- dc.DrawCircle(rect.x+half_width,rect.y+half_width,half_width-3)
- elif item == 2:
- dc.DrawRectangle(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height)
-class LargeImagePickerCtrl(wx.Window):
- """\
- Control created and used by LargeImageEditor.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- pre = wx.PreWindow()
- self.PostCreate(pre)
- def Create(self, parent, id_, pos, size, style = 0):
- wx.Window.Create(self, parent, id_, pos, size, style | wx.BORDER_SIMPLE)
- img_spc = size[1]
- self.tc = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "", (img_spc,0), (2048,size[1]), wx.BORDER_NONE)
- self.SetBackgroundColour(wx.WHITE)
- self.SetBackgroundStyle(wx.BG_STYLE_CUSTOM)
- self.property = None
- self.bmp = None
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
- def OnPaint(self, event):
- dc = wx.BufferedPaintDC(self)
- whiteBrush = wx.Brush(wx.WHITE)
- dc.SetBackground(whiteBrush)
- dc.Clear()
- bmp = self.bmp
- if bmp:
- dc.DrawBitmap(bmp, 2, 2)
- else:
- dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.BLACK))
- dc.SetBrush(whiteBrush)
- dc.DrawRectangle(2, 2, 64, 64)
- def RefreshThumbnail(self):
- """\
- We use here very simple image scaling code.
- """
- if not self.property:
- self.bmp = None
- return
- path = self.property.DoGetValue()
- if not os.path.isfile(path):
- self.bmp = None
- return
- image = wx.Image(path)
- image.Rescale(64, 64)
- self.bmp = wx.BitmapFromImage(image)
- def SetProperty(self, property):
- self.property = property
- self.tc.SetValue(property.GetDisplayedString())
- self.RefreshThumbnail()
- def SetValue(self, s):
- self.RefreshThumbnail()
- self.tc.SetValue(s)
- def GetLastPosition(self):
- return self.tc.GetLastPosition()
-class LargeImageEditor(wxpg.PyEditor):
- """\
- Double-height text-editor with image in front.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- wxpg.PyEditor.__init__(self)
- def CreateControls(self, propgrid, property, pos, sz):
- try:
- h = 64 + 6
- x = propgrid.GetSplitterPosition()
- x2 = propgrid.GetClientSize().x
- bw = propgrid.GetRowHeight()
- lipc = LargeImagePickerCtrl()
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- lipc.Hide()
- lipc.Create(propgrid, wxpg.PG_SUBID1, (x,pos[1]), (x2-x-bw,h))
- lipc.SetProperty(property)
- # Hmmm.. how to have two-stage creation without subclassing?
- #btn = wx.PreButton()
- #pre = wx.PreWindow()
- #self.PostCreate(pre)
- #if sys.platform == 'win32':
- # btn.Hide()
- #btn.Create(propgrid, wxpg.PG_SUBID2, '...', (x2-bw,pos[1]), (bw,h), wx.WANTS_CHARS)
- btn = wx.Button(propgrid, wxpg.PG_SUBID2, '...', (x2-bw,pos[1]), (bw,h), wx.WANTS_CHARS)
- return (lipc, btn)
- except:
- import traceback
- print traceback.print_exc()
- def UpdateControl(self, property, ctrl):
- ctrl.SetValue(property.GetDisplayedString())
- def DrawValue(self, dc, property, rect):
- if not (property.GetFlags() & wxpg.PG_PROP_UNSPECIFIED):
- dc.DrawText( property.GetDisplayedString(), rect.x+5, rect.y );
- def OnEvent(self, propgrid, ctrl, event):
- if not ctrl:
- return False
- evtType = event.GetEventType()
- if evtType == wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_ENTER:
- if propgrid.IsEditorsValueModified():
- return True
- elif evtType == wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED:
- if not property.HasFlag(wxpg.PG_PROP_UNSPECIFIED) or not ctrl or \
- ctrl.GetLastPosition() > 0:
- # We must check this since an 'empty' text event
- # may be triggered when creating the property.
- if not (propgrid.GetInternalFlags() & PG_FL_IN_SELECT_PROPERTY):
- event.Skip();
- event.SetId(propGrid.GetId());
- propgrid.EditorsValueWasModified();
- return False
- def CopyValueFromControl(self, property, ctrl):
- tc = ctrl.tc
- res = property.SetValueFromString(tc.GetValue(),0)
- # Changing unspecified always causes event (returning
- # true here should be enough to trigger it).
- if not res and property.IsFlagSet(wxpg.PG_PROP_UNSPECIFIED):
- res = true
- return res
- def SetValueToUnspecified(self, ctrl):
- ctrl.tc.Remove(0,len(ctrl.tc.GetValue()));
- def SetControlStringValue(self, ctrl, txt):
- ctrl.SetValue(txt)
- def OnFocus(self, property, ctrl):
- ctrl.tc.SetSelection(-1,-1)
- ctrl.tc.SetFocus()
-class PropertyEditor(wx.Panel):
- def __init__(self, parent):
- # Use the WANTS_CHARS style so the panel doesn't eat the Return key.
- wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, -1, style=wx.WANTS_CHARS, size=(160, 200))
- sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
- self.pg = wxpg.PropertyGrid(self, style=wxpg.PG_SPLITTER_AUTO_CENTER|wxpg.PG_AUTO_SORT)
- # Show help as tooltips
- self.pg.SetExtraStyle(wxpg.PG_EX_HELP_AS_TOOLTIPS)
- #pg.Bind(wxpg.EVT_PG_CHANGED, self.OnPropGridChange)
- #pg.Bind(wxpg.EVT_PG_SELECTED, self.OnPropGridSelect)
- #self.pg.Bind(wxpg.EVT_PG_RIGHT_CLICK, self.OnPropGridRightClick)
- # Needed by custom image editor
- wx.InitAllImageHandlers()
- #
- # Let's create a simple custom editor
- #
- # NOTE: Editor must be registered *before* adding a property that uses it.
- self.pg.RegisterEditor(LargeImageEditor)
- '''
- #
- # Add properties
- #
- pg.Append( wxpg.PropertyCategory("1 - Basic Properties") )
- pg.Append( wxpg.StringProperty("String",value="Some Text") )
- pg.Append( wxpg.IntProperty("Int",value=100) )
- pg.Append( wxpg.FloatProperty("Float",value=100.0) )
- pg.Append( wxpg.BoolProperty("Bool",value=True) )
- pg.Append( wxpg.BoolProperty("Bool_with_Checkbox",value=True) )
- pg.SetPropertyAttribute("Bool_with_Checkbox", "UseCheckbox", True)
- pg.Append( wxpg.PropertyCategory("2 - More Properties") )
- pg.Append( wxpg.LongStringProperty("LongString",value="This is a\\nmulti-line string\\nwith\\ttabs\\nmixed\\tin.") )
- pg.Append( wxpg.DirProperty("Dir",value="C:\\Windows") )
- pg.Append( wxpg.FileProperty("File",value="C:\\Windows\\system.ini") )
- pg.Append( wxpg.ArrayStringProperty("ArrayString",value=['A','B','C']) )
- pg.Append( wxpg.EnumProperty("Enum","Enum",
- ['wxPython Rules','wxPython Rocks','wxPython Is The Best'],
- [10,11,12],0) )
- pg.Append( wxpg.EditEnumProperty("EditEnum","EditEnumProperty",['A','B','C'],[0,1,2],"Text Not in List") )
- pg.Append( wxpg.PropertyCategory("3 - Advanced Properties") )
- pg.Append( wxpg.DateProperty("Date",value=wx.DateTime_Now()) )
- pg.Append( wxpg.FontProperty("Font",value=self.GetFont()) )
- pg.Append( wxpg.ColourProperty("Colour",value=self.GetBackgroundColour()) )
- pg.Append( wxpg.SystemColourProperty("SystemColour") )
- pg.Append( wxpg.ImageFileProperty("ImageFile") )
- pg.Append( wxpg.MultiChoiceProperty("MultiChoice",choices=['wxWidgets','QT','GTK+']) )
- pg.Append( wxpg.PropertyCategory("4 - Additional Properties") )
- pg.Append( wxpg.PointProperty("Point",value=self.GetPosition()) )
- pg.Append( wxpg.SizeProperty("Size",value=self.GetSize()) )
- pg.Append( wxpg.FontDataProperty("FontData") )
- pg.Append( wxpg.IntProperty("IntWithSpin",value=256) )
- pg.SetPropertyEditor("IntWithSpin","SpinCtrl")
- pg.Append( wxpg.DirsProperty("Dirs",value=['C:/Lib','C:/Bin']) )
- pg.SetPropertyHelpString( "String", "String Property help string!" )
- pg.SetPropertyHelpString( "Dirs", "Dirs Property help string!" )
- pg.SetPropertyAttribute( "File", wxpg.PG_FILE_SHOW_FULL_PATH, 0 )
- pg.SetPropertyAttribute( "File", wxpg.PG_FILE_INITIAL_PATH, "C:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer" )
- pg.SetPropertyAttribute( "Date", wxpg.PG_DATE_PICKER_STYLE, wx.DP_DROPDOWN|wx.DP_SHOWCENTURY )
- pg.Append( wxpg.PropertyCategory("5 - Custom Properties") )
- pg.Append( IntProperty2("IntProperty2", value=1024) )
- pg.Append( ShapeProperty("ShapeProperty", value=0) )
- pg.Append( PyObjectProperty("PyObjectProperty") )
- pg.Append( wxpg.ImageFileProperty("ImageFileWithLargeEditor") )
- pg.SetPropertyEditor("ImageFileWithLargeEditor", "LargeImageEditor")
- pg.SetPropertyClientData( "Point", 1234 )
- if pg.GetPropertyClientData( "Point" ) != 1234:
- raise ValueError("Set/GetPropertyClientData() failed")
- # Test setting unicode string
- pg.GetPropertyByName("String").SetValue(u"Some Unicode Text")
- #
- # Test some code that *should* fail (but not crash)
- #try:
- #a_ = pg.GetPropertyValue( "NotARealProperty" )
- #pg.EnableProperty( "NotAtAllRealProperty", False )
- #pg.SetPropertyHelpString( "AgaintNotARealProperty", "Dummy Help String" )
- #except:
- #pass
- #raise
- '''
- sizer.Add(self.pg, 1, wx.EXPAND)
- self.SetSizer(sizer)
- sizer.SetSizeHints(self)
- self.SelectedTreeItem = None
- def GetPropertyValues(self):
- #return self.pg.GetPropertyValues(as_strings=True)
- return self.pg.GetPropertyValues()
- def Initialize(self, properties):
- pg = self.pg
- pg.Clear()
- if properties:
- for element in properties:
- if element[1]['type'] == 'integer':
- if 'value' in element[1]:
- property_value = element[1].as_int('value')
- else:
- property_value = element[1].as_int('default')
- property_control = wxpg.IntProperty(element[0], value=property_value)
- if 'maximum' in element[1]:
- property_control.SetAttribute('Max', element[1].as_int('maximum'))
- if 'minimum' in element[1]:
- property_control.SetAttribute('Min', element[1].as_int('minimum'))
- property_control.SetAttribute('Wrap', True)
- pg.Append(property_control)
- pg.SetPropertyEditor(element[0], 'SpinCtrl')
- if element[1]['type'] == 'float':
- if 'value' in element[1]:
- property_value = element[1].as_float('value')
- else:
- property_value = element[1].as_float('default')
- property_control = wxpg.FloatProperty(element[0], value=property_value)
- if 'maximum' in element[1]:
- property_control.SetAttribute('Max', element[1].as_float('maximum'))
- if 'minimum' in element[1]:
- property_control.SetAttribute('Min', element[1].as_float('minimum'))
- property_control.SetAttribute('Wrap', True)
- pg.Append(property_control)
- pg.SetPropertyEditor(element[0], 'SpinCtrl')
- if element[1]['type'] == 'boolean':
- if 'value' in element[1]:
- property_value = element[1].as_bool('value')
- else:
- property_value = element[1].as_bool('default')
- property_control = wxpg.BoolProperty(element[0], value=property_value)
- pg.Append(property_control)
- pg.SetPropertyAttribute(element[0], 'UseCheckbox', True)
- if element[1]['type'] == 'string':
- if 'value' in element[1]:
- property_value = element[1]['value']
- else:
- property_value = element[1]['default']
- pg.Append(wxpg.StringProperty(element[0], value=property_value))
- if element[1]['type'] == 'folder':
- if 'value' in element[1]:
- property_value = element[1]['value']
- else:
- property_value = element[1]['default']
- pg.Append(wxpg.DirProperty(element[0], value=property_value))
- if element[1]['type'] == 'filename':
- if 'value' in element[1]:
- property_value = element[1]['value']
- else:
- property_value = element[1]['default']
- pg.Append(wxpg.FileProperty(element[0], value=property_value))
- #if element[0] == 'category':
- #pg.Append(wxpg.PropertyCategory(element[1]))
- #if element[0] == 'folder':
- #pg.Append(wxpg.DirProperty(element[1], value=element[2]))
- #if element[0] == 'string':
- #pg.Append(wxpg.StringProperty(element[1], value=element[2]))
- pg.Refresh()
- def OnReserved(self, event):
- pass
-class MemoDialog(wx.Dialog):
- """\
- Dialog for multi-line text editing.
- """
- def __init__(self, parent=None, title='', text='', pos=None, size=(500,500)):
- wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, -1, title, style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.RESIZE_BORDER)
- sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
- tc = wx.TextCtrl(self, 11, text, style=wx.TE_MULTILINE)
- self.tc = tc
- topsizer.Add(tc,1,wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL,8)
- rowsizer = wx.BoxSizer( wx.HORIZONTAL )
- rowsizer.Add(wx.Button(self,wx.ID_OK,'Ok'),0,wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.ALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL,8)
- rowsizer.Add((0,0),1,wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.ALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL,8)
- rowsizer.Add(wx.Button(self,wx.ID_CANCEL,'Cancel'),0,wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.ALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL,8)
- topsizer.Add(rowsizer,0,wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL,8)
- self.SetSizer( topsizer )
- topsizer.Layout()
- self.SetSize( size )
- if not pos:
- self.CenterOnScreen()
- else:
- self.Move(pos)