import sys
import time
+ import os
+ import sys
+ import select
+ from threading import Thread
- 'project': 'Bugs Everywhere',
- 'vcs': 'Git',
- }
- # Break "copyright" into "copy" and "right" to avoid matching the
- This file is part of %(project)s.
- %(project)s is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
- Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your
- option) any later version.
- %(project)s is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with %(project)s. If not, see <>.
- """.strip()
- COPY_RIGHT_TAG='-xyz-COPY' + '-RIGHT-zyx-' # unlikely to occur in the wild :p
- # Convert author names to canonical forms.
- # ALIASES[<canonical name>] = <list of aliases>
- # for example,
- # ALIASES = {
- # 'John Doe <>':
- # ['John Doe', 'jdoe', 'J. Doe <>'],
- # }
- # Git-based projects are encouraged to use .mailmap instead of
- # ALIASES. See git-shortlog(1) for details.
- 'Aaron Bentley <>':
- ['Aaron Bentley <>'],
- 'Panometrics, Inc.':
- ['Aaron Bentley and Panometrics, Inc.'],
- 'Ben Finney <>':
- ['Ben Finney <>',
- 'John Doe <>'],
- 'Chris Ball <>':
- ['Chris Ball <>'],
- 'Gianluca Montecchi <>':
- ['gian <gian@li82-39>',
- 'gianluca <gian@galactica>'],
- 'W. Trevor King <>':
- ['wking <wking@mjolnir>',
- 'wking <wking@thialfi>'],
- None:
- ['j^ <>'],
- }
- # List of paths that should not be scanned for copyright updates.
- # IGNORED_PATHS = ['./.git/']
- IGNORED_PATHS = ['./.be/', './.git/', './build/', './doc/.build/']
- # List of files that should not be scanned for copyright updates.
- IGNORED_FILES = ['COPYING', 'catmutt']
- # Work around missing author holes in the VCS history.
- # AUTHOR_HACKS[<path tuple>] = [<missing authors]
- # for example, if John Doe contributed to but wasn't listed
- # in the VCS history of that file:
- # ('path', 'to', ''):['John Doe'],
- # }
- # Work around missing year holes in the VCS history.
- # YEAR_HACKS[<path tuple>] = <original year>
- # for example, if was published in 2008 but the VCS history
- # only goes back to 2010:
- # YEAR_HACKS = {
- # ('path', 'to', ''):2008,
- # }
- # Helpers for VCS-specific commands
- def splitpath(path):
- """Recursively split a path into elements.
- Examples
- --------
- >>> splitpath(os.path.join('a', 'b', 'c'))
- ('a', 'b', 'c')
- >>> splitpath(os.path.join('.', 'a', 'b', 'c'))
- ('a', 'b', 'c')
- """
- path = os.path.normpath(path)
- elements = []
- while True:
- dirname,basename = os.path.split(path)
- elements.insert(0,basename)
- if dirname in ['', '.']:
- break
- path = dirname
- return tuple(elements)
- # VCS-specific commands
- if PROJECT_INFO['vcs'] == 'Git':
- import subprocess
- _MSWINDOWS = sys.platform == 'win32'
- def invoke(args, stdin=None, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, expect=(0,)):
- """
- expect should be a tuple of allowed exit codes.
- """
- try :
- if _POSIX:
- q = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
- stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
- else:
- assert _MSWINDOWS == True, 'invalid platform'
- # win32 don't have os.execvp() so run the command in a shell
- q = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
- stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, shell=True)
- except OSError, e:
- raise ValueError([args, e])
- stdout,stderr = q.communicate(input=stdin)
- status = q.wait()
- if status not in expect:
- raise ValueError([args, status, stdout, stderr])
- return status, stdout, stderr
- def git_cmd(*args):
- status,stdout,stderr = invoke(['git'] + list(args))
- return stdout.rstrip('\n')
- version = git_cmd('--version').split(' ')[-1]
- if version.startswith('1.5.'):
- # Author name <author email>
- author_format = '--pretty=format:%an <%ae>'
- year_format = ['--pretty=format:%ai'] # Author date
- # Earlier versions of Git don't seem to recognize --date=short
- else:
- author_format = '--pretty=format:%aN <%aE>'
- year_format = ['--pretty=format:%ad', # Author date
- '--date=short'] # YYYY-MM-DD
- def original_year(filename, year_hacks=YEAR_HACKS):
- output = git_cmd(*(['log', '--follow']
- + year_format
- + [filename]))
- if version.startswith('1.5.'):
- output = '\n'.join([x.split()[0] for x in output.splitlines()])
- years = [int(line.split('-', 1)[0]) for line in output.splitlines()]
- if splitpath(filename) in year_hacks:
- years.append(year_hacks[splitpath(filename)])
- years.sort()
- return years[0]
- def authors(filename, author_hacks=AUTHOR_HACKS):
- output = git_cmd('log', '--follow', author_format,
- filename)
- ret = list(set(output.splitlines()))
- if splitpath(filename) in author_hacks:
- ret.extend(author_hacks[splitpath(filename)])
- return ret
- def authors_list(author_hacks=AUTHOR_HACKS):
- output = git_cmd('log', author_format)
- ret = list(set(output.splitlines()))
- for path,authors in author_hacks.items():
- ret.extend(authors)
- return ret
- def is_versioned(filename):
- output = git_cmd('log', '--follow', filename)
- if len(output) == 0:
- return False
- return True
- elif PROJECT_INFO['vcs'] == 'Mercurial':
- import StringIO
- import mercurial
- import mercurial.dispatch
- def mercurial_cmd(*args):
- cwd = os.getcwd()
- stdout = sys.stdout
- stderr = sys.stderr
- tmp_stdout = StringIO.StringIO()
- tmp_stderr = StringIO.StringIO()
- sys.stdout = tmp_stdout
- sys.stderr = tmp_stderr
- try:
- mercurial.dispatch.dispatch(list(args))
- finally:
- os.chdir(cwd)
- sys.stdout = stdout
- sys.stderr = stderr
- return (tmp_stdout.getvalue().rstrip('\n'),
- tmp_stderr.getvalue().rstrip('\n'))
- def original_year(filename, year_hacks=YEAR_HACKS):
- # shortdate filter: YEAR-MONTH-DAY
- output,error = mercurial_cmd('log', '--follow',
- '--template', '{date|shortdate}\n',
- filename)
- years = [int(line.split('-', 1)[0]) for line in output.splitlines()]
- if splitpath(filename) in year_hacks:
- years.append(year_hacks[splitpath(filename)])
- years.sort()
- return years[0]
- def authors(filename, author_hacks=AUTHOR_HACKS):
- output,error = mercurial_cmd('log', '--follow',
- '--template', '{author}\n',
- filename)
- ret = list(set(output.splitlines()))
- if splitpath(filename) in author_hacks:
- ret.extend(author_hacks[splitpath(filename)])
- return ret
- def authors_list(author_hacks=AUTHOR_HACKS):
- output,error = mercurial_cmd('log', '--template', '{author}\n')
- ret = list(set(output.splitlines()))
- for path,authors in author_hacks.items():
- ret.extend(authors)
- return ret
- def is_versioned(filename):
- output,error = mercurial_cmd('log', '--follow', filename)
- if len(error) > 0:
- return False
- return True
- elif PROJECT_INFO['vcs'] == 'Bazaar':
- import StringIO
- import bzrlib
- import bzrlib.builtins
- import bzrlib.log
- class LogFormatter (bzrlib.log.LogFormatter):
- supports_merge_revisions = True
- preferred_levels = 0
- supports_deta = False
- supports_tags = False
- supports_diff = False
- def log_revision(self, revision):
- raise NotImplementedError
- class YearLogFormatter (LogFormatter):
- def log_revision(self, revision):
- self.to_file.write(
- time.strftime('%Y', time.gmtime(revision.rev.timestamp))
- +'\n')
- class AuthorLogFormatter (LogFormatter):
- def log_revision(self, revision):
- authors = revision.rev.get_apparent_authors()
- self.to_file.write('\n'.join(authors)+'\n')
- def original_year(filename, year_hacks=YEAR_HACKS):
- cmd = bzrlib.builtins.cmd_log()
- cmd.outf = StringIO.StringIO()
-[filename], log_format=YearLogFormatter, levels=0)
- years = [int(year) for year in set(cmd.outf.getvalue().splitlines())]
- if splitpath(filename) in year_hacks:
- years.append(year_hacks[splitpath(filename)])
- years.sort()
- return years[0]
- def authors(filename, author_hacks=AUTHOR_HACKS):
- cmd = bzrlib.builtins.cmd_log()
- cmd.outf = StringIO.StringIO()
-[filename], log_format=AuthorLogFormatter, levels=0)
- ret = list(set(cmd.outf.getvalue().splitlines()))
- if splitpath(filename) in author_hacks:
- ret.extend(author_hacks[splitpath(filename)])
- return ret
- def authors_list(author_hacks=AUTHOR_HACKS):
- cmd = bzrlib.builtins.cmd_log()
- cmd.outf = StringIO.StringIO()
-, levels=0)
- output = cmd.outf.getvalue()
- ret = list(set(cmd.outf.getvalue().splitlines()))
- for path,authors in author_hacks.items():
- ret.extend(authors)
- return ret
- def is_versioned(filename):
- cmd = bzrlib.builtins.cmd_log()
- cmd.outf = StringIO.StringIO()
- return True
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError('Unrecognized VCS: %(vcs)s' % PROJECT_INFO)
+ from libbe.util.subproc import Pipe
- # General utility commands
+ # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ # (at your option) any later version.
+ #
+ # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ # GNU General Public License for more details.
+ #
+ # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA."""
+ COPYRIGHT_TAG='-xyz-COPYRIGHT-zyx-' # unlikely to occur in the wild :p
+ ['Ben Finney <>',
+ 'Ben Finney <>',
+ 'John Doe <>'],
+ ['Chris Ball <>',
- 'Chris Ball <cjb@t60>',
+ 'Chris Ball <>'],
+ ['Gianluca Montecchi <>',
+ 'gian <gian@li82-39>',
+ 'gianluca <gian@galactica>'],
+ ['W. Trevor King <>',
- 'wking <wking@mjolnir>',
- 'wking <wking@thialfi>'],
++ 'wking <wking@mjolnir>'],
+ [None,
+ 'j^ <>'],
+ ]
+ ['Aaron Bentley and Panometrics, Inc.',
+ 'Aaron Bentley <>'],
+ ]
+ ['Aaron Bentley and Panometrics, Inc.',
+ 'Aaron Bentley <>',]
+ ]
+ IGNORED_PATHS = ['./.be/', './.bzr/', './build/']
+ IGNORED_FILES = ['COPYING', '', 'catmutt']
def _strip_email(*args):
- """Remove email addresses from a series of names.
- Examples
- --------
+ """
>>> _strip_email('J Doe <>')
['J Doe']
>>> _strip_email('J Doe <>', 'JJJ Smith <>')