atom, parent, priority = remaining_atoms.pop()
pkgs = vardb.match(atom)
if not pkgs:
- if not atom.startswith("!") and priority > UnmergeDepPriority.SOFT:
+ if priority > UnmergeDepPriority.SOFT:
unresolveable.setdefault(atom, []).append(parent)
if action == "depclean" and parent == "world" and myfiles:
print "Candidates:", atoms
for atom in atoms:
+ if atom.startswith("!"):
+ continue
remaining_atoms.append((atom, pkg, priority))
if "--quiet" not in myopts:
priority = priority_map[dep_type]
for atom in atoms:
+ if atom.startswith("!"):
+ continue
matches = vardb.match(atom)
if not matches: