log debug "updating authorized_keys file:"
log debug " $AUTHORIZED_KEYS"
- # check permissions on the authorized_{keys,user_ids} file paths
check_key_file_permissions $(whoami) "$AUTHORIZED_KEYS" || failure
check_key_file_permissions $(whoami) "$AUTHORIZED_USER_IDS" || failure
- # create a lockfile on authorized_keys
lock create "$AUTHORIZED_KEYS"
- # make temp file
- #tmpFile="$(dirname "$keyFile")/.$(basename "$keyFile")."
+ # FIXME: we're discarding any pre-existing EXIT trap; is this bad?
+ trap "lock remove $AUTHORIZED_KEYS" EXIT
tmpFile=$(mktemp "${AUTHORIZED_KEYS}.monkeysphere.XXXXXX")
- # FIXME: we're discarding any pre-existing EXIT trap; is this bad?
trap "lock remove $AUTHORIZED_KEYS; rm -f $tmpFile" EXIT
- # remove any monkeysphere lines from authorized_keys file
+ # remove any monkeysphere lines from authorized_keys file this is
+ # to insure that that all old authorized keys that are no longer
+ # authorized are removed
remove_monkeysphere_lines "$AUTHORIZED_KEYS" > "$tmpFile"
process_authorized_user_ids "$tmpFile" \
- # note if the authorized_keys file was updated
if [ "$(file_hash "$AUTHORIZED_KEYS")" != "$(file_hash "$tmpFile")" ] ; then
- log debug "authorized_keys file updated."
+ mv -f "$tmpFile" "$AUTHORIZED_KEYS"
+ log verbose "authorized_keys file updated."
+ else
+ rm -f "$tmpFile"
- mv -f "$tmpFile" "$AUTHORIZED_KEYS"
- # remove the lockfile and the trap
lock remove "$AUTHORIZED_KEYS"
- # remove the trap
trap - EXIT