On some system the output from the new lddtree does not match with what
genkernel expects, however lddtree have insted gained a new option that
essentially gives what we want with less code.
Signed-off-by: Peter Hjalmarsson <xake@rymdraket.net>
# This must be OUTSIDE the for loop, we only want to run lddtree etc ONCE.
- lddtree "$@" \
+ # lddtree does not have the -V (version) nor the -l (list) options prior to version 1.18
+ if lddtree -V > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
+ lddtree -l "$@" \
+ | sort \
+ | uniq \
+ | cpio -p --make-directories --dereference --quiet "${destdir}" \
+ || gen_die "Binary ${f} or some of its library dependencies could not be copied"
+ else
+ lddtree "$@" \
| tr ')(' '\n' \
| awk '/=>/{ if($3 ~ /^\//){print $3}}' \
| sort \
| uniq \
| cpio -p --make-directories --dereference --quiet "${destdir}" \
|| gen_die "Binary ${f} or some of its library dependencies could not be copied"
+ fi
log_future_cpio_content() {