return bool(missing_repo_names)
+def repo_name_duplicate_check(trees):
+ ignored_repos = {}
+ for root, root_trees in trees.iteritems():
+ if 'porttree' in root_trees:
+ portdb = root_trees['porttree'].dbapi
+ if portdb.mysettings.get('PORTAGE_REPO_DUPLICATE_WARN') != '0':
+ for repo_name, paths in portdb._ignored_repos:
+ k = (root, repo_name, portdb.getRepositoryPath(repo_name))
+ ignored_repos.setdefault(k, []).extend(paths)
+ if ignored_repos:
+ msg = []
+ msg.append('WARNING: One or more repositories ' + \
+ 'have been ignored due to duplicate')
+ msg.append(' profiles/repo_name entries:')
+ msg.append('')
+ for k in sorted(ignored_repos):
+ msg.append(' %s overrides' % (k,))
+ for path in ignored_repos[k]:
+ msg.append(' %s' % (path,))
+ msg.append('')
+ msg.extend(' ' + x for x in textwrap.wrap(
+ "All profiles/repo_name entries must be unique in order " + \
+ "to avoid having duplicates ignored. " + \
+ "/etc/make.conf if you would like to disable this warning."))
+ writemsg_level(''.join('%s\n' % l for l in msg),
+ level=logging.WARNING, noiselevel=-1)
+ return bool(ignored_repos)
def config_protect_check(trees):
for root, root_trees in trees.iteritems():
if not root_trees["root_config"].settings.get("CONFIG_PROTECT"):
if "--quiet" not in myopts:
+ repo_name_duplicate_check(trees)
for mytrees in trees.itervalues():
repository_map = {}
self.treemap = treemap
self._repository_map = repository_map
- identically_named_paths = set()
+ identically_named_paths = {}
for path in porttrees:
if path in repository_map:
if identically_named_path is not None:
# The earlier one is discarded.
del repository_map[identically_named_path]
- identically_named_paths.add(identically_named_path)
+ identically_named_paths[identically_named_path] = repo_name
if identically_named_path == porttrees[0]:
# Found another repo with the same name as
# $PORTDIR, so update porttrees[0] to match.
# Ensure that each repo_name is unique. Later paths override
# earlier ones that correspond to the same name.
porttrees = [x for x in porttrees if x not in identically_named_paths]
+ ignored_map = {}
+ for path, repo_name in identically_named_paths.iteritems():
+ ignored_map.setdefault(repo_name, []).append(path)
+ self._ignored_repos = tuple((repo_name, tuple(paths)) \
+ for repo_name, paths in ignored_map.iteritems())
self.porttrees = porttrees
porttree_root = porttrees[0]