--- /dev/null
+"""Define ``Processor`` classes for aggregating data across log files.
+class Processor (object):
+ def process(self, data):
+ pass
+def process(stream, parser, processors):
+ r"""Process a log with a list of processors.
+ For each line in the log located at ``filename``, parse the line
+ using ``parser`` and analyze it with each of the ``Processor``
+ instances in the list ``processors``.
+ >>> import StringIO
+ >>> from apachelog.parser import Parser, FORMATS
+ >>> class PrinthostProcessor (Processor):
+ ... def __init__(self, name):
+ ... self.name = name
+ ... def process(self, data):
+ ... print('{}: {}'.format(self.name, data['%h']))
+ >>> stream = StringIO.StringIO('\n'.join([
+ ... ' - - [18/Feb/2012:10:25:43 -0500] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 561 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (...)"',
+ ... ' - - [18/Feb/2012:10:25:58 -0500] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 561 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (...)"',
+ ... ]))
+ >>> parser = Parser(FORMATS['extended'])
+ >>> processors = [PrinthostProcessor('a'), PrinthostProcessor('b')]
+ >>> process(stream, parser, processors)
+ a:
+ b:
+ a:
+ b:
+ """
+ for line in stream:
+ data = parser.parse(line)
+ for processor in processors:
+ processor.process(data)