return fit_out, yfit_corr_down, xfit_chunk, None
+ def fjc_fit(self,clicked_points,xvector,yvector, pl_value, T=293, return_errors=False):
+ '''
+ Freely-jointed chain function
+ ref: C.Ray and B.B. Akhremitchev;h ttp://www.chem.duke.edu/~boris/research/force_spectroscopy/fit_efjc.pdf
+ '''
+ '''clicked_points[0] = contact point (calculated or hand-clicked)
+ clicked_points[1] and [2] are edges of chunk'''
+ #STEP 1: Prepare the vectors to apply the fit.
+ if pl_value is not None:
+ pl_value=pl_value/(10**9)
+ #indexes of the selected chunk
+ first_index=min(clicked_points[1].index, clicked_points[2].index)
+ last_index=max(clicked_points[1].index, clicked_points[2].index)
+ #getting the chunk and reverting it
+ xchunk,ychunk=xvector[first_index:last_index],yvector[first_index:last_index]
+ xchunk.reverse()
+ ychunk.reverse()
+ #put contact point at zero and flip around the contact point (the fit wants a positive growth for extension and force)
+ xchunk_corr_up=[-(x-clicked_points[0].graph_coords[0]) for x in xchunk]
+ ychunk_corr_up=[-(y-clicked_points[0].graph_coords[1]) for y in ychunk]
+ #make them arrays
+ xchunk_corr_up=scipy.array(xchunk_corr_up)
+ ychunk_corr_up=scipy.array(ychunk_corr_up)
+ #STEP 2: actually do the fit
+ #Find furthest point of chunk and add it a bit; the fit must converge
+ #from an excess!
+ xchunk_high=max(xchunk_corr_up)
+ xchunk_high+=(xchunk_high/10)
+ #Here are the linearized start parameters for the WLC.
+ #[lambd=1/Lo , pii=1/P]
+ p0=[(1/xchunk_high),(1/(3.5e-10))]
+ p0_plfix=[(1/xchunk_high)]
+ '''
+ fixme: remove these comments after testing
+ '''
+ def coth(z):
+ '''
+ hyperbolic cotangent
+ '''
+ return (np.exp(2*z)+1)/(np.exp(2*z)-1)
+ def x_fjc(params,f,T=T):
+ '''
+ fjc function for ODR fitting
+ '''
+ lambd,pii=params
+ Kb=(1.38065e-23)
+ therm=Kb*T
+ #x=(therm*pii/4.0) * (((1-(x*lambd))**-2) - 1 + (4*x*lambd))
+ x=(1/lambd)*(coth(f*(1/pii)/therm) - (therm*pii)/f)
+ return x
+ def x_fjc_plfix(params,f,pl_value=pl_value,T=T):
+ '''
+ fjc function for ODR fitting
+ '''
+ lambd=params
+ pii=1/pl_value
+ Kb=(1.38065e-23)
+ therm=Kb*T
+ #y=(therm*pii/4.0) * (((1-(x*lambd))**-2) - 1 + (4*x*lambd))
+ x=(1/lambd)*(coth(f*(1/pii)/therm) - (therm*pii)/f)
+ return x
+ #make the ODR fit
+ realdata=scipy.odr.RealData(ychunk_corr_up,xchunk_corr_up)
+ if pl_value:
+ model=scipy.odr.Model(x_fjc_plfix)
+ o = scipy.odr.ODR(realdata, model, p0_plfix)
+ else:
+ model=scipy.odr.Model(x_fjc)
+ o = scipy.odr.ODR(realdata, model, p0)
+ o.set_job(fit_type=2)
+ out=o.run()
+ fit_out=[(1/i) for i in out.beta]
+ #Calculate fit errors from output standard deviations.
+ #We must propagate the error because we fit the *inverse* parameters!
+ #The error = (error of the inverse)*(value**2)
+ fit_errors=[]
+ for sd,value in zip(out.sd_beta, fit_out):
+ err_real=sd*(value**2)
+ fit_errors.append(err_real)
+ def fjc_eval(y,params,pl_value,T):
+ '''
+ Evaluates the WLC function
+ '''
+ if not pl_value:
+ lambd, pii = params
+ else:
+ lambd = params
+ if pl_value:
+ pii=1/pl_value
+ Kb=(1.38065e-23) #boltzmann constant
+ therm=Kb*T #so we have thermal energy
+ #return ( (therm*pii/4.0) * (((1-(x*lambd))**-2.0) - 1 + (4.0*x*lambd)) )
+ return (1/lambd)*(coth(y*(1/pii)/therm) - (therm*pii)/y)
+ #STEP 3: plotting the fit
+ #obtain domain to plot the fit - from contact point to last_index plus 20 points
+ thule_index=last_index+10
+ if thule_index > len(xvector): #for rare cases in which we fit something at the END of whole curve.
+ thule_index = len(xvector)
+ #reverse etc. the domain
+ '''
+ xfit_chunk=xvector[clicked_points[0].index:thule_index]
+ xfit_chunk.reverse()
+ xfit_chunk_corr_up=[-(x-clicked_points[0].graph_coords[0]) for x in xfit_chunk]
+ xfit_chunk_corr_up=scipy.array(xfit_chunk_corr_up)
+ #the fitted curve: reflip, re-uncorrect
+ yfit=wlc_eval(xfit_chunk_corr_up, out.beta, pl_value,T)
+ yfit_down=[-y for y in yfit]
+ yfit_corr_down=[y+clicked_points[0].graph_coords[1] for y in yfit_down]
+ '''
+ #xfit_chunk=xvector[clicked_points[0].index:thule_index]
+ #yfit=wlc_eval(xfit_chunk_corr_up, out.beta, pl_value,T)
+ ychunk=yvector[clicked_points[0].index:thule_index]
+ yfit_down=[-y for y in ychunk]
+ yfit_corr_down=[y+clicked_points[0].graph_coords[1] for y in yfit_down]
+ yfit_corr_down=scipy.array(yfit_corr_down)
+ #the fitted curve: reflip, re-uncorrect
+ xfit=fjc_eval(yfit_corr_down, out.beta, pl_value,T)
+ xfit=list(xfit)
+ xfit.reverse()
+ xfit_chunk_corr_up=[-(x-clicked_points[0].graph_coords[0]) for x in xfit]
+ #xfit_chunk_corr_up=scipy.array(xfit_chunk_corr_up)
+ #print yfit_chunk_corr_up
+ #print xfit_corr_down
+ if return_errors:
+ return fit_out, yfit_corr_down, xfit_chunk_corr_up, fit_errors
+ else:
+ return fit_out, yfit_corr_down, xfit_chunk_corr_up, None
def do_wlc(self,args):
points=self._measure_N_points(N=2, whatset=1)
- params, yfit, xfit, fit_errors = self.wlc_fit(points, displayed_plot.vectors[1][0], displayed_plot.vectors[1][1],pl_value,T, return_errors=True )
+ if self.config['fit_function']=='wlc':
+ params, yfit, xfit, fit_errors = self.wlc_fit(points, displayed_plot.vectors[1][0], displayed_plot.vectors[1][1],pl_value,T, return_errors=True )
+ elif self.config['fit_function']=='fjc':
+ params, yfit, xfit, fit_errors = self.fjc_fit(points, displayed_plot.vectors[1][0], displayed_plot.vectors[1][1],pl_value,T, return_errors=True )
+ else:
+ print 'No recognized fit function defined!'
+ print 'Set your fit function to wlc or fjc.'
+ return
print 'Fit not possible. Probably wrong interval -did you click two *different* points?'
+ #FIXME: print "Kuhn length" for FJC
+ print 'Fit function:',self.config['fit_function']
print 'Contour length: ',params[0]*(1.0e+9),' nm'
to_dump='contour '+self.current.path+' '+str(params[0]*(1.0e+9))+' nm'
+ #----------
def find_contact_point(self,plot=False):
Finds the contact point on the curve.